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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If Valve supports regional tournaments with their their financial might, you can bet your ass Riot should be scared. The competitive LoL scene is already filled to the brim with people grumbling and complaining about Riot's policies, hero design, sluggish development cycles and so forth. If Valve can lure them away with promises of greater reward, support, and fame (while keeping them safe from the Asian DOTA scene), then they'll take a lot of their fans with them.


I hope Riot gets on the ball with the features, because I honestly don't want to go back to the old DOTA style. I want my scaling casters and meta game that doesn't revolve around getting your agi carries fed so he can take on half of the fucking team by himself.

And where the fuck is that graphic overhaul? The year is almost over with zero news on that front.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Riot are never going to add anything new, they need to drop the Adobe Air shit already, the game still needs voting and so much more. All they care about is raking in the cash and not the quality of the product.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Riot, you're on notice. You'd better hope your feature set competes with DotA 2s... I'm talkin' clan support, in-game voice chat, game modes (arem, apem, mm, cd, ect.), multiple maps, champion swap, couriers, replays, and on and on and on. Because you can bet your bottom dollar Valve is going to have that.
Why would you want 'em' in LoL? Champion swap is already in, play a draft mode game if you haven't already. -cd is basically draft mode anyway. Couriers are just plain unnecessary in LoL due to no gold loss on death and the recall button.
The rest of the list though, I agree with. Even though I quit the game for now I would like to see it better once (if) I revisit it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ugh, I just want to like delete new Kayle from my account or something.

Incredibly weak early game, underwhelming mid game, worthless late game.


Rayven said:
original and ultimate troll. so fun.

i miss when the rylais slow stacked. singed with 2 and 3 rylais just running around you in circles while you are pretty much stunned cause you are moving so damn slow. all the going TROLLololololololololololololololol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I miss sunfire garen.

And sunfire shaco.

And sunfire teams.

Good times.



Just finished a game, it was a blast!

Their team was crazy heavy on AoE. Blitz, Articuno and Kat rapes alot. We only won cuz kat afk for a bit in the middle when we were able to break their inhibitor, and that we got baron twice. They tried ganking us (they pulled signed BOTH times) but we still got baron and slaughter them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
Why Sunfire Shaco? Sunfire Eve.

"Why is my health just decaying anywhere I go?"
Cause your illusion used to get sunfire too I believe.


shintoki said:
Why Sunfire Shaco? Sunfire Eve.

"Why is my health just decaying anywhere I go?"

that was more sunfire eve and sunfire twitch. sunfire shaco would just pop in on you with deceive, ult and procede to wail on you doing 80 damage a second cause his clone got a sunfire cape too.


formerly sane
Dance In My Blood said:
Ugh, I just want to like delete new Kayle from my account or something.

Incredibly weak early game, underwhelming mid game, worthless late game.

What you smokin?


Took that just a few minutes ago with a friend I queue. He's one kill under me equal to fiddles. She isn't weak you just got take a little more risk and put damage in to her. People can do nothing on a team where she is the second slow and has good organization. All of her kit is still good for being a support. Just counter build hybrid support she is still really good. Had captain been able to get a mallet that team would've been severely wrecked.


LCGeek said:
What you smokin?


Took that just a few minutes ago with a friend I queue. He's one kill under me equal to fiddles. She isn't weak you just got take a little more risk and put damage in to her. People can do nothing on a team where she is the second slow and has good organization. All of her kit is still good for being a support. Just counter build hybrid support she is still really good. Had captain been able to get a mallet that team would've been severely wrecked.

5-3-5 is a train of pain? yeah i dont think so


formerly sane
2th said:
5-3-5 is a train of pain? yeah i dont think so

For support character yeah it is. I'm nutty not captain as my other pictures have been showing. Considering kayle isn't a carry or assisnt charcter and she was averaging a kill or assist each fight she got in to yeah that's good considering most support go heavy on assist with few kills. 25 minutes for that is lot higher than averages which you easily check at stat sites. Not only that one person on the other team had more kills and another equal to kayle. The assist were garbage for the other team and basically out matched or equaled by all on our team except blud who was tanking.

If you want to carry like me, fiddles, or annie did then don't use kayle. Considering her recent changes and the like expecting a lot more for a short game is insane an unlikely.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't understand. Her support is worse than before because her heal was nerfed, and the movement speed covers far less distance (which she needed to pursue/escape because of her low movement base movement speed). Her damage is worse than before. The proposed idea of "taking risks" with her is additionally absurd. She has nothing to bail her out and she's very vulnerable.

Any other character can fill her role and be more useful without the constant risk of exploding when an enemy touches you.


formerly sane
Dance In My Blood said:
I don't understand. Her support is worse than before because her heal was nerfed, and the movement speed covers far less distance (which she needed to pursue/escape because of her low movement base movement speed). Her damage is worse than before. The proposed idea of "taking risks" with her is additionally absurd. She has nothing to bail her out and she's very vulnerable.

Any other character can fill her role and be more useful without the constant risk of exploding when an enemy touches you.

Absurd because you can't still do things relatively well with given the nerfs. I play with 3 people routinely who can still use and carry/support with her well. You should know runes well enough to build around the nerfs. You're Kayle clearly isn't my friend style as before or after nerfs they are still able to contribue a lot to the team.

You say something that's untrue that (the picture) just goes to show you're wrong. The game was about 25 minutes of play time and even less team fights and she is one reason why. She solo'd and that's what her and fiddles took for early game. How is not feeding top lane and jungle early game that she has the goods to do something you feel she isn't capable of.

What you say is aburd considering what the photo and basics stats show alone. Early and mid game support wise she just out classed some of the best supports you are hinting by the mention of better choices. They couldn't run at all with her and fiddles in every fight. We survived some huge bs because of her ult or that slow. Not only that why escape when you ace the team or kill the bulk most fights as the stats show. Her and fiddles alone controlled, mid, and top for themselves.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
27 kills, of which Kayle has 5 and took part in another 5 fights? Is she supposed to be carry or damage or support? Because it doesn't look like she's filling any of those roles well at all. And Heimer clearly fed Annie and Fiddles in mid. This is not compelling evidence.


formerly sane
Halycon said:
27 kills, of which Kayle has 5 and took part in another 5 fights? Is she supposed to be carry or damage or support? Because it doesn't looks like she's filling any of those roles well at all. And Heimer clearly fed Annie and Fiddles in mid. This is not compelling evidence.

that's 10 out of 27 so do the math as it's more than 1/3 third of everything that took place. Utility is the word for what you mentioned and no shame in the game if you can do so. Heimer fed all but blud their team got caught scattering in the river 5 times. Again you're arguing for a short game that getting 10 kills or assists is somehow bad and that kayle isn't viable for the situation kayle supposedly has no real early or mid game ability to do.


Legato.Reborn- said:

I know this sounds dickish (because it is) but if you're in fact "good" you will carry yourself out of low elo.

So, yeah............


Play and get good at a tanky carry such as irelia/wukong/xinzhao/jarvan

You can pretty much beat an entire team alone if you know what your doing


Man, healing is stressful. I hadn't played Soraka in a week or two, basically, and I tried using her to play with some people on Mumble. I ended up making all kinds of dumb mistakes like forgetting the ether recharge move does silence, forgetting to memorize the order of the team icons on the left, and not being close enough to the team.

Usually when I play Soraka with people on Mumble, they tend to yell at me if I kill any minions, so I get hardly any gold as a result. I feel like Soraka would be far more useful with 200-400 AP, since her heals don't do much otherwise, but it's hard to get that much AP without getting some gold along the way. Any advice, besides heart of gold/philosopher's stone while building items?

At one point a Katarina on my team was going against two enemies and I did not feel safe chasing to try to help at close range. I probably should have, but instead I stayed back, watched, and used the ult when Katarina got low. She still got killed, and in all-chat was like "our Soraka is so bad" "and gay". Good times.

I should probably try Singed this week. Of all the champions I have seen in my few weeks playing, he is one that has actually made me crack up laughing just watching him running around like a madman while enemies die.


Blizzard said:
Usually when I play Soraka with people on Mumble, they tend to yell at me if I kill any minions, so I get hardly any gold as a result. I feel like Soraka would be far more useful with 200-400 AP, since her heals don't do much otherwise, but it's hard to get that much AP without getting some gold along the way. Any advice, besides heart of gold/philosopher's stone while building items?.
Well, your people on Mumble are pretty much correct. You shouldn't farm in lane as Soraka, as it is way more important for your carries to get their items. Apart from HoG/Philo/Kages you can get 'gold per 10'-quints.


Leezard said:
Well, your people on Mumble are pretty much correct. You shouldn't farm in lane as Soraka, as it is way more important for your carries to get their items. Apart from HoG/Philo/Kages you can get 'gold per 10'-quints.
Yeah, that's what I tried to do, basically not kill anything and throw heals, unless I'm alone in a lane for some reason. I just feel bad being useless once my heals do nothing later on, but I guess I need to keep HoG and Philo instead of upgrading to their final versions?

(I'm only like level 17 so I only have one quint so far)


Owlowiscious said:
I'm addicted to Leona. It's quite annoying. Any game whre I'm not Leona I think to myself that we would be doing much better if I was Leona.
I definitely feel the same way. Also, I just picked up Jarvan in the sale and I'm addicted to him like crack lol


sparkle this bitch
Blizzard said:
Man, healing is stressful. I hadn't played Soraka in a week or two, basically, and I tried using her to play with some people on Mumble. I ended up making all kinds of dumb mistakes like forgetting the ether recharge move does silence, forgetting to memorize the order of the team icons on the left, and not being close enough to the team.

Usually when I play Soraka with people on Mumble, they tend to yell at me if I kill any minions, so I get hardly any gold as a result. I feel like Soraka would be far more useful with 200-400 AP, since her heals don't do much otherwise, but it's hard to get that much AP without getting some gold along the way. Any advice, besides heart of gold/philosopher's stone while building items?

At one point a Katarina on my team was going against two enemies and I did not feel safe chasing to try to help at close range. I probably should have, but instead I stayed back, watched, and used the ult when Katarina got low. She still got killed, and in all-chat was like "our Soraka is so bad" "and gay". Good times.

I should probably try Singed this week. Of all the champions I have seen in my few weeks playing, he is one that has actually made me crack up laughing just watching him running around like a madman while enemies die.

Personal opinion, I absolutely hate Soraka. She is the character that people play, who want to have as little of responsibility on the team as possible(At least in the current method of play).

Idea of play for her is to be the bitch boy for the bottom carry. If you don't do this, you will be bitch at. Your purpose is to heal them and occasionally harass the other team. Its really about all she can do. So it attracts the typical healer mentality. Its your fault if they do something stupid and die. But at the same time, many players hide behind her and expect to be carried, "Well I did my job, so its your fault we didn't win". Of course it applies to all support now. It attracts players who want to be carried, at the same time carries will blame you either way.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Good players recognize that Soraka wins games though. It's the idiots that won't admit the impact Soraka has on the game and blames her for not warding or not healing them enough.


shintoki said:
Idea of play for her is to be the bitch boy for the bottom carry. If you don't do this, you will be bitch at. Your purpose is to heal them and occasionally harass the other team. Its really about all she can do. So it attracts the typical healer mentality. Its your fault if they do something stupid and die. But at the same time, many players hide behind her and expect to be carried, "Well I did my job, so its your fault we didn't win". Of course it applies to all support now. It attracts players who want to be carried, at the same time carries will blame you either way.
That makes sense, but I'm also not great. I'm only level 17 or so, and maybe 400-800 games behind other people in experience. I try to have fun and not stress out too much, but I try not to expect to be carried and at least help when I can. I learned, for instance, not to trust the sidebar when trying to know when to heal someone. I used the heal ult when the bar was still green, but apparently that champion had actually died shortly before. =P

I find it tough to play say, 10 games with one champion, and then suddenly switch to another champion. I imagine it gets easier with time like most things. From last week, I might buy Teemo and/or Katarina. I like the look of champions from this week, but I'm not excited about being humped by Jax. >_> I'll have to look into that (dodge-negating?) weapon someone suggested.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Good players recognize that Soraka wins games though. It's the idiots that won't admit the impact Soraka has on the game and blames her for not warding or not healing them enough.
No different than Janna or Sona(though Soraka is a Mana+Health Battery, making her much better at the role), but its depend on your carries as much as it is you. She can save so many people from burst damage like Annie, which the carry who would of been left at 1/10 HP, suddenly has 3/4 again. Or let the tank push effortless through turrets at the 15-20 minute mark. She lets them push right away, etc. Name it when you need Health, she'll get it to you. She is beastly at letting your team push past the burst and will turn many even, or down fights, into wins.

As I mentioned though, you are reliant on your carries to properly carry and make correct decisions. I don't trust them. Which is why I don't like Soraka. I can only really heal and silence with her. I much prefer Lux or Janna, who have much more damage and utility. I feel like I have greater control over the lane with them. Basically, my last game with Lux. I notice right away my Ashe was weak, so I stepped up to control the lane. Got bitched at for it, but it was the correct decision in the end. I can't do this well with Soraka.

The other annoying thing about her are the players who play her. They watched the streams and read forums. I can't play a carry, jungle, or tank, but Soraka isn't terribly demanding. So I'll play her instead and push everything else onto the team. Their play is a cheap imitation of high elo, team play. Not random pub/low elo. It does work in some games when the players are good enough, but it also fails miserably in others.

I also find her boring to play and hate the bitch-boy support bottom :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I agree with all of that. Wannabe support players :D


Karma > all other support (maybe tie with lux). Karma can heal, shield and do shit load of burst damage, she does lacks in CC tho


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
I agree with all of that. Wannabe support players :D
Its just my experience. Many of the players who play her, seem to be poor players that expect to be carried. They can't play anything well, leave it up to the luck of the draw, and proceed to blame the team if they didn't carry properly though they are an instant lock fool.

Blizzard said:
That makes sense, but I'm also not great. I'm only level 17 or so, and maybe 400-800 games behind other people in experience. I try to have fun and not stress out too much, but I try not to expect to be carried and at least help when I can. I learned, for instance, not to trust the sidebar when trying to know when to heal someone. I used the heal ult when the bar was still green, but apparently that champion had actually died shortly before. =P

I find it tough to play say, 10 games with one champion, and then suddenly switch to another champion. I imagine it gets easier with time like most things. From last week, I might buy Teemo and/or Katarina. I like the look of champions from this week, but I'm not excited about being humped by Jax. >_> I'll have to look into that (dodge-negating?) weapon someone suggested.
Sadly it hasn't for me. I was 3/9/0 with my 2nd game as Kat, vs a Brand.


Blizzard said:
Yeah, that's what I tried to do, basically not kill anything and throw heals, unless I'm alone in a lane for some reason. I just feel bad being useless once my heals do nothing later on, but I guess I need to keep HoG and Philo instead of upgrading to their final versions?

(I'm only like level 17 so I only have one quint so far)
I see. In that case, I think you should take it a bit more easy. I don't think there's a real need to start doing the high-level gameplay when you aren't lvl 30 yet. I can see how it would be harder to perform without the proper runes/masteries.


shintoki said:
Sadly it hasn't for me. I was 3/9/0 with my 2nd game as Kat, vs a Brand.
If it makes you feel any better, I think I had a Brand and Gangplank against me in lane as Katarina. They're both really annoying, both long range, and I think both did 200+ damage by level 2 or 3 with just one or two hits from some ability. Brand has that long range splash for instance, and I'm not sure you can escape if it hits you directly.

I'm not sure if there is a good answer there besides "switch lanes", or maybe just stay behind minions and be really cautious, and hope you have a lane partner who can help.


Blizzard said:
If it makes you feel any better, I think I had a Brand and Gangplank against me in lane as Katarina. They're both really annoying, both long range, and I think both did 200+ damage by level 2 or 3 with just one or two hits from some ability. Brand has that long range splash for instance, and I'm not sure you can escape if it hits you directly.

I'm not sure if there is a good answer there besides "switch lanes", or maybe just stay behind minions and be really cautious, and hope you have a lane partner who can help.

Brand is annoying since once you are burned, he can combo and rape you very fast. The key is keep moving and move in unpredictable manner.


sparkle this bitch
Achtius said:
Brand is annoying since once you are burned, he can combo and rape you very fast. The key is keep moving and move in unpredictable manner.
He just hits so fucking hard though. I haven't been able to think of a good counter in a 1v1 lane as Kat(Or most characters). I'm taking a a guess, Kat may just not be a good lane against him. Heh. Then again, I can't think of any strong lanes against him.


So i've been getting back into the game after taking a 2 week break or w/e due to real life stuff. Fuck, I'm hooked again. Played for like 5 hours yesterday hahaha the girl I'm seeing thought I was so lame :p

Decided to buy Morde.... holy fuck. What a beast :O I'm surprised I don't see more of them running around. After my first 3 losses I've just been completely dominant with him. I didn't even realize how ridiculous he is in a solo lane, it's crazy.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Annie against Brand is like 50-50. Annie has a sure stun, but less burst without her ult. Brand has more burst, but his stun is situational. Once Annie gets her ult though, Brand melts like butter. So he needs to take her down before 6.

Kat is just a bad laner all around. It's been ages since she was really viable.


Dipindots said:
So i've been getting back into the game after taking a 2 week break or w/e due to real life stuff. Fuck, I'm hooked again. Played for like 5 hours yesterday hahaha the girl I'm seeing thought I was so lame :p

Decided to buy Morde.... holy fuck. What a beast :O I'm surprised I don't see more of them running around. After my first 3 losses I've just been completely dominant with him. I didn't even realize how ridiculous he is in a solo lane, it's crazy.

Morde es #1 en world huehuehuehue
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