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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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What do you mean points "Expire" ? I have 9k, I sure as hell would like to know if I should just splurge on a Rune set or a champion or two.


SamVimes said:
Tomorrow the points expire and i have almost 6300 (one game away from getting there), right now i'm having lots of fun with Malzahar but i'm thinking of getting a tank or a support*, advices?

*except Soraka, i know she's good but she only costs 450 and i'm trying to spends some points here! :D

there is no way points expire. that would be the dumbest thing Riot could ever do.


Dominion announcement made me feel like not playing old SR again.
It's more exciting than shirtless Firefighter Tryndamere.
I want it now. :(


Owlowiscious said:
points... expire? uh

Maybe it's referring to something else (like the ELO, but why would it appaear when the cursor is over the icon besides the points?)
And yes, as you can guess from the lever i only started playing recently.

Then again, i would still like to play a tank or a support so my request for advices is still valid! :D


SamVimes said:
Maybe it's referring to something else (like the ELO, but why would it appaear when the cursor is over the icon besides the points?)
And yes, as you can guess from the lever i only started playing recently.

Then again, i would still like to play a tank or a support so my request for advices is still valid! :D

That's an IP boost, I think.
I decided to try jungling again tonight and it was considerably more enjoyable after I changed my route.

Jungled in two games as Trundle and went 4/0/12 and 2/0/14 respectively.

It's a nice change of pace from laning.


PoorFate said:
I decided to try jungling again tonight and it was considerably more enjoyable after I changed my route.

Jungled in two games as Trundle and went 4/0/12 and 2/0/14 respectively.

It's a nice change of pace from laning.

because jungling is basically pve with a sprinkle of pvp. :p


today wasn't tiamat tuesday.

how dare you do this on a thursday!

next you'll try doing warmog wednesdays tomorrow!


formerly sane
EviLore said:
Most powerful item in the game!

That's just wrong!

Jax is so op now and it doesn't look like they will tone down leapstrike again.


Best game of my day we wrecked them so quick they didn't really have much time to counter. Poor mundo my starks and GA made sure they never killed me.
SamVimes said:
Oh, thanks. That must be why i'm not having any problem gaining IPs despite what everyone says.
oh yeah that's your ip boost that tiny icon. you should be playing instead of typing because I think that's the ip boost is huge (at least that's what every end game scoreboard advertises: 'this is how much ip to DIDN'T get because you didn't use a ip boost! buy one today!')

edit: man I love tiamat. health regen and tons of attack. then the passive makes it great on mobs. I wish i could use it in real games :x


I unlocked Master Yi, Annie, and Ashe. I figured for 450 each Master Yi and Annie seem like good all-around champions for 450 each, even if I haven't tried them. I might have tried one or both during a free week, but not much if so. I figure Ashe can be good, even though I was really bad when I tried her.


Started playing about a week ago, mostly melee. Sometimes healerish as well depending on mood/party layout. Won about half my games, seem to be doing well except surviving 1v2 situations and escaping :(

Just curious, is it common for 1-2 members a match to leave/go afk? Most of my matches this has happened and it's a huge bummer to struggle 3v5 and almost win but get outgunned in the end.

Also is the recommended gear usually a decent place to start? There's so much gear to buy I usually just start with that.
LuchaShaq said:
Started playing about a week ago, mostly melee. Sometimes healerish as well depending on mood/party layout. Won about half my games, seem to be doing well except surviving 1v2 situations and escaping :(

Just curious, is it common for 1-2 members a match to leave/go afk? Most of my matches this has happened and it's a huge bummer to struggle 3v5 and almost win but get outgunned in the end.

Also is the recommended gear usually a decent place to start? There's so much gear to buy I usually just start with that.

When you get to the higher levels AFK/leavers become very rare. You can always play with GAF.

And the recommended items are a crap shoot. Some of them are dead on, some are terrible. Look up guides... or ask GAF. GAF is pretty knowledgeable.

Download Mumble to voice chat with us and join the NeoGAF chat channel.


FlightOfHeaven said:
When you get to the higher levels AFK/leavers become very rare. You can always play with GAF.

And the recommended items are a crap shoot. Some of them are dead on, some are terrible. Look up guides... or ask GAF. GAF is pretty knowledgeable.

Download Mumble to voice chat with us and join the NeoGAF chat channel.

Total noob at the game but frustrating to see people afk or somehow manage to go 1/10 and somehow kill less minions than the guy playing a support champion.

Ah not a fan of voice chat so I won't intrude, thanks for the info though.


LuchaShaq said:
Total noob at the game but frustrating to see people afk or somehow manage to go 1/10 and somehow kill less minions than the guy playing a support champion.

Ah not a fan of voice chat so I won't intrude, thanks for the info though.
I think I had my worst game ever as singed today.

I also had another game where master yi had 172 minion kills on my team, but like 1/14 k/d. >___>
LuchaShaq said:
Total noob at the game but frustrating to see people afk or somehow manage to go 1/10 and somehow kill less minions than the guy playing a support champion.

Ah not a fan of voice chat so I won't intrude, thanks for the info though.

Eh, at the lower levels it's not necessary, but you'll find it superior even if you don't talk. Being able to communicate instantaneously, without relying on text, is one of the greatest advantages you can get.

Also, join the channel or find out who the lower level GAFfers are so you can play. Blizzard is currently working his way up through the ranks.


formerly sane
Legato.Reborn- said:
This is incredibly wrong.

.... Damn

They are going to nerf jax again is what you mean to imply. Christ since I joined in august they have gutted him big time. Phantom dancers no longer dodge so he can't dodge as much as he needs too. Then leapstrike gets outright gutted of any real damage potential.

I play vayne and they didn't take the nerf dildo to her as hard as Jax.

Get that lube ready playing him is gonna extra painful again.

Seriously how can you put up with the nerfs to him?


formerly sane
synchronicity is the way of the warrior.


Come back of the day. We were down 22-10 by mid game but their team didn't want to push and we kept feeding on them. Janna was mid and gave kennen huge problems then again having a jungling xin does that.


PoorFate said:
I decided to try jungling again tonight and it was considerably more enjoyable after I changed my route.

Jungled in two games as Trundle and went 4/0/12 and 2/0/14 respectively.

It's a nice change of pace from laning.

Jungle Trundle is really solid on an organized team. If they really take the slow from red buff, I could seem him becoming one of the best gankers in the game with his pillar.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Mister Wilhelm said:
What item progression would you guys recommend for Ashe?

All of the guides I've found online seem to suggest some shitty paths.
1. Regrowth Pendant/Doran's Blade depending on situation
2. Boots
3a. If farming well: BFS
3b. If not farming well: One or two more Doran's Blade
4a. Boots 3
4b. Berserker
5. Finish IE
6a. Zeal if survivability is not a problem
6b. Catalyst if survivability is a problem
7. Finish Phantom Dancer or Banshees, go for whichever item you didn't get next

Game should be over by this point, if it's not just keep building whatever you need. Last Whisper/Black Cleaver against tanky teams, Bloodrazor if there's a lot of back and forth.
Halycon said:
1. Regrowth Pendant/Doran's Blade depending on situation
2. Boots
3a. If farming well: BFS
3b. If not farming well: One or two more Doran's Blade
4a. Boots 3
4b. Berserker
5. Finish IE
6a. Zeal if survivability is not a problem
6b. Catalyst if survivability is a problem
7. Finish Phantom Dancer or Banshees, go for whichever item you didn't get next

Game should be over by this point, if it's not just keep building whatever you need. Last Whisper/Black Cleaver against tanky teams, Bloodrazor if there's a lot of back and forth.

Thanks, I'll give that a shot.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
I prefer the boots + 3 potions start.
Works too. Good for early aggression/ganking.

Also the hard part about playing Ashe is not building her, but finding a team that knows her weaknesses and how to prevent the other team from exploding you immediately.


I'm working on getting better with Annie. So far I am mediocre, trying to find the best combination of items and so forth.

The most amusing moment was when I was alone at the top, later in the game, defending against some minions. Master Yi decided to port in on the enemy minions. He got a stun-Tibbers popped right on top of him once he came through. If I recall correctly, it was painful, but I managed to kill him right there with the rest of my abilities/attacks. XD


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blizzard said:
I'm working on getting better with Annie. So far I am mediocre, trying to find the best combination of items and so forth.

The most amusing moment was when I was alone at the top, later in the game, defending against some minions. Master Yi decided to port in on the enemy minions. He got a stun-Tibbers popped right on top of him once he came through. If I recall correctly, it was painful, but I managed to kill him right there with the rest of my abilities/attacks. XD
That's how every fight should be when you're using Annie. Just remember to not be too aggressive when your ult is on cooldown, but when it's up, make sure you're going to get a kill with it.
Played my first PVP game tonight as opposed to bots. I did better than I expected considering we lost. The Poppy on our team was awesome, though. We got so many kills together.

I'm level 10 now. Not looking forward to buying all those runes.

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