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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Corporate Apologist
Dance In My Blood said:
I buy an Oracle's. Now what?
Hide the shrooms in bushes. Odds are you will step on it before you can have sight of it, especially some like the small bush near dragon.
Uchip said:
but you hate denying?

I'm not an moveable ass.

I thought that denying completely removed XP gain, in addition to gold. It doesn't, so my rage is gone. I just remember that early in DotA's history it FELT like I gained no XP, so it was incredibly frustrating.

A lot of the new features will make up for what neutered denying there is anyways. I think DotA's champions are much more creative and varied, too. Only thing I wish DotA 2 had was a universal recall button, brush, and skillshot markers. If they have these, I can't ask for much more in addition to their current feature set.

I'm going to learn how to jungle. What's a good guide?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Recall would have a large impact on the pacing of the early game.

If you need to get back quick then always keep a teleport on you.


Uchip said:

lol said the same thing. The whole denying bit isn't a turn off as much as something else to do. Being able to jump in a game when someone leaves and all that good stuff don't matter all that much if the gameplay is sucky. If it's good, then it will be played.


So for my starting item for Leona I've been going Warmog's Armor, which I'm finding very nice. Some fellow gaf player said it was a bad choice since it was so expensive for a staritng item. Yet all it's pieces are priced well, and the extra hp early in the game is damn nice as a tank.

What would people suggest going first (though I'm sticking with Warmogs most likely!)


Halycon said:
Recall would have a large impact on the pacing of the early game.

If you need to get back quick then always keep a teleport on you.

recall button would ruin dota2
im not even joking

Ferrio said:
So for my starting item for Leona I've been going Warmog's Armor, which I'm finding very nice. Some fellow gaf player said it was a bad choice since it was so expensive for a staritng item. Yet all it's pieces are priced well, and the extra hp early in the game is damn nice as a tank.

What would people suggest going first (though I'm sticking with Warmogs most likely!)

I usually get Shurelya's Reverie first
but my style is pretty crazy so its not for everyone
I have runes and masteries at 20% CDR.

Edit: I also start with regrowth pendant + health pot

So I go Philo Stone, Heart of Gold, Red ball thingy, Merc treads, Shurelia, Randuins Omen, Sunfire's Cape or Rylai's Scepter or Banshee's Veil, final slot always filled with 5 wards.


Ferrio said:
So for my starting item for Leona I've been going Warmog's Armor, which I'm finding very nice. Some fellow gaf player said it was a bad choice since it was so expensive for a staritng item. Yet all it's pieces are priced well, and the extra hp early in the game is damn nice as a tank.

What would people suggest going first (though I'm sticking with Warmogs most likely!)

Start) Regrowth Pendant + Health Potion
Core) Philosopher Stone + Heart of Gold + Cooldown Reduction Boots

From there you can branch out although you can see Elementz grabs a Trinity Force. http://www.rog.clgaming.net/blogs/reign-of-elementz/2953-leona-champion-spotlight-video


Just started this game last night, only playing bots right now, but holy shit im addicted. Bought Ryze as my first char, kinda sucks after I'd gotten so used to Dr. Mundo. But whatever I'm learning with Ryze.

Also fuck Miss Fortune. No matter how hard I try I always seemed to get matched against her.
kai3345 said:
Just started this game last night, only playing bots right now, but holy shit im addicted. Bought Ryze as my first char, kinda sucks after I'd gotten so used to Dr. Mundo. But whatever I'm learning with Ryze.

Also fuck Miss Fortune. No matter how hard I try I always seemed to get matched against her.

Her Q is highly annoying if she knows how to use it effectively and her passive is also annoying but I really like her character design. I really like it when she says "You have dangerous eyes, I like that!". Very sensual character, I don't like women or cartoons >_>.


Did something happen to the servers? My entire friends list was offline basically all evening, and the GAF chatroom apparently had 1-4 people.

*edit* After logging out and back in, everyone is online. =_= I should have tried that earlier when I had time to play.


FlightOfHeaven said:
yay -10

I'd like it for free, on me, and not taking up an item slot.
I know it's not happening, but I'm saying what I'd like.

that would break the entire mechanics of the game
carrying a tp scroll lets you escape certain death, being able to do that for free is bugged
and would also make the courier system into a joke


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
* Starcall
** Cooldown reduced to 2.5 from 3
** Base damage reduced to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/90/120/150/180
** AP ratio increased to .4 from .25
** Mana cost reduced to 35/40/45/50/55 from 40/50/60/70/80
** Shred increased to 8/9/10/11/12 from 8/8/8/8/8
** Maximum stacks reduced to 10 from 20

* Astral Blessing
** AP Ratio reduced to 0.45 from 0.9
** Cooldown increased to 20 from 10
** Base Heal increased to 65/130/195/260/325 from 60/120/180/240/300
** Armor Buff increased to 25/50/75/100/125 from 20/35/50/65/80
** Armor buff duration increased to 5 from 4
** Cast range increased to 750 from 650

* Infuse
** AP ratio increased to .75 from .6
** Cooldown reduced to 10 from 15
** Silence duration compressed to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3
** No longer grants double mana to soraka on selfcast.

* Wish
** Wish AP ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.3
** Base heal reduced to 200/300/400 from 200/320/440
** Mana cost reduced to 100/175/250 from 200/275/350

* Aria of Perseverance
** Base heal reduced to 25/50/75/100/125 from 35/70/105/140/175
** AP Ratio reduced to .25 from .35
** Now grants double her passive aura bonus to her heal target and herself for 3 seconds.
* Fixed a bug where Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance caused her to deal 20% reduced damage
* Reduced the lockout time while casting Sona's songs to make them more responsive.
So good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought that denying completely removed XP gain, in addition to gold. It doesn't, so my rage is gone. I just remember that early in DotA's history it FELT like I gained no XP, so it was incredibly frustrating.
At one point, denying did completely remove XP gain. This was problematic so Icefrog introduced reduced XP gain.
I'm going to learn how to jungle. What's a good guide?

All the jungling knowledge you could ever need.



.25 AP RATIO?!?!

Must be riot sign for me to rebuild AD Sona. I am sorry for not believing in you, random AD Sona guide.


Well, that sounds like Soraka will...not be very good in the future. Her heal was already weak unless you had a bunch of AP, and now you can only heal once every 20 seconds huh. >_>

I ended my 5-game winning streak by losing 3/4 tonight. I still like Sivir but it sure seems almost impossible to do anything with her without a bunch of items or a helpful team. My favorite time, even though we lost (had a leaver and people were dying) was when I was mid Sivir against Teemo. He and Twitch nearly ganked me, so I finally bought oracles since I wasn't dying. After that point it was awesome. Oh hi mushroom, free mana boost. Sometimes I'd even time the shield to block his blind attack. I only ever killed him once though, after he went toe to toe with me for some reason and I exhausted him.


"I still like Sivir but it sure seems almost impossible to do anything with her without a bunch of items"

Like a carry. *puts glasses on*

and I totally didn't notice Uchip with his freaky new avatar.


Boken said:
"I still like Sivir but it sure seems almost impossible to do anything with her without a bunch of items"

Like a carry. *puts glasses on*

and I totally didn't notice Uchip with his freaky new avatar.

like a ninja


Dance In My Blood said:
I buy an Oracle's. Now what?

tbh everyone in a team has to buy oracle to avoid those shrooms when they're not in a team fight.

and you can't really avoid the shrooms in small brushes even if you have oracle


sparkle this bitch
Soraka needed it. Far too strong of a battery for carries on the bottom lane. Don't understand Sona nerf too much though. She doesn't have good mana gen, and to be useful normally means putting herself at risk. It seems kind of like the supposed Xin nerfs. They seem relatively balanced as it is.


Ferrio said:
So for my starting item for Leona I've been going Warmog's Armor, which I'm finding very nice. Some fellow gaf player said it was a bad choice since it was so expensive for a staritng item. Yet all it's pieces are priced well, and the extra hp early in the game is damn nice as a tank.

What would people suggest going first (though I'm sticking with Warmogs most likely!)

Essential items for leona for me are philo,hog and sunfire


Yeah LOL.

Last Sunday I tried playing Tristana, went solo top against Irelia.
I couldn't harass her or 1. she would heal herself by hitting minions, 2. if I ever got down, she would Bladesturge to last hit minions then Bladesurge me and stun me.
Either I got zoned out or I died.
Even if I moved in only to last hit, she would... Bladesurge to last hit minions, then Bladesurge to me, and stun/slow me.
I love how Bladesurge costs like 5 Mana and has a 2 seconds cooldown and Rocket Jump costs three fucking thousand mana with a ten minute cooldown.

Fuck Irelia. That's why I play only tanky DPS. :p


irelia's bladesurge is only cheap if she kills something with it. if she's autoattacking for life, that's good for you, you're closer to your tower to farm and less ganks on you. irelia is very starved for mana early game.


Soraka just went from a good/great support champion to just bad. No way they introduce that as is or no one will use her.


Boken said:
"I still like Sivir but it sure seems almost impossible to do anything with her without a bunch of items"

Like a carry. *puts glasses on*

and I totally didn't notice Uchip with his freaky new avatar.
That's fair enough, but Sivir only has two ways to do any damage to people at all, barring ignite or items later on. She has no stun or slow, though I have been trying to build the full hextech revolver/blade thing. By the time I get that it is usually pretty late for slow to be useful versus lone people. I also run with exhaust to act as an expensive slow. She cannot do a lot of damage without being close enough to autoattack, and early on she has weak armor and magic resist. Unlike Ashe she does not have the long range damage, slow, and stun capabilities. Unlike Annie, she does not have stun or sheer AP damage options. Unlike Master Yi, she does not have a heal move and minion damage bonus chance to help with jungling, and the shield is useless in the jungle unless someone comes to gank you. Unlike Veigar she does not have the stun + nuke options.

I am not meaning to complain about this or say she is underpowered, since she is great against turrets, I just feel that she is really not much of a carry compared to the others mentioned above and lacks burst damage options. Oh, and she seems pretty slow with level 2 shoes so it's not like you will be ganking from mid unless you're patient or using teleport.

Advice is welcome. Lately I have been trying to do a core build of teleport + exhaust, buying doran's blade, attack speed shoes, bloodthirster, hextech, black cleaver (I'm not sure I've ever actually had a game go long enough to get this for her, maybe once). One build suggested infinity edge but I think I read that crits don't affect the bounces and presumably don't affect the boomerange so it doesn't seem very worth it to me.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
I am not meaning to complain about this or say she is underpowered...
Then let me; Sivir is the most useless champion in the game and should never be picked by anyone who actually wants to contribute to their team.

You want my advice on what you should do with Sivir? Stop playing her. You could be getting better at champions that will actually have an impact on games instead.


She will need major buffs if they double the CD on her heal (most stupid change of them all IMO).

Ultimoo said:
irelia's bladesurge is only cheap if she kills something with it. if she's autoattacking for life, that's good for you, you're closer to your tower to farm and less ganks on you. irelia is very starved for mana early game.

Eh, she was lasthitting for life so it doesn't push the lane that hard (especially in comparison to Tristana), and she started with HP5 pendant and got a Philo first item, making harass almost irrelevant even without Hiten passive anyway.
Regarding mana issues. She has 265 mana at level 1. 335 mana at level 3 is around where she can harass relatively safely and with no escape unless you zone out (or Flash, I suppose). Bladesurge lv.1 (little need to level it higher than that during the laning phase) costs 60 and refunds 35 on a kill. Hiten passive doesn't cost mana, Equilibrium Strike costs 50 at rank 1.
Her natural mana regen at level 3 is around 9 mp/5 (pre-Philo), meaning she gets a free Bladesurge without the refund every 30 seconds.


It depends, Garen, Nasus and Yorick aren't that bad in my experience (currently maining Yorick so there might be some bias there).
Irelia is stupid, Xin kinda is, Jarvan I haven't seen in a while but he was the worst offender for a while. Trundle... depends. Morde is retarded, Nunu isn't that bad after nerfs.

The worst, worst, worst worst worst WORST of them all is Udyr.
I cringe whenever I see Udyr on the opposing team.
Tiger Stance is balanced.

EDIT: to make it clear that's all my opinion, not facts.
kiunchbb said:

.25 AP RATIO?!?!

Must be riot sign for me to rebuild AD Sona. I am sorry for not believing in you, random AD Sona guide.

Today, 08:00 AM

We are fixing a bug on Sona that caused her to deal 20% less damage than stated on her tooltips.

The net result will be an increase to her damage from what you have been experiencing on live.



Dance In My Blood said:
Then let me; Sivir is the most useless champion in the game and should never be picked by anyone who actually wants to contribute to their team.

You want my advice on what you should do with Sivir? Stop playing her. You could be getting better at champions that will actually have an impact on games instead.
Haha, thanks. She was fun but I really feel she is primarily good at farming a middle lane and/or backdooring turrets (which yi can probably do better).

I will move on and try some new champions this week in my neverending quest to do awesome. Perhaps kogmaw! I hear he can be cheesy and annoying.

*edit* I agree that the -doubled- cooldown on Soraka's heal seems pretty crazy. Healing was her main focus and now it heals less damage and can be used far less often, if I understand correctly.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Achtius said:
Any good item build for WW? Do I get Bloodrazor or Wriggle?
Tankwick: Razor -> Boots -> Wriggles -> Berserker/Merc -> Sunfire or Banshees -> Items as the situation demands

Lanewick: Doran's Ring -> Boots -> Doran's Ring or skip for Sorc Boots -> Sunfire or Banshees -> Same as above

Kogwick: Razor -> Berserker -> Bloodrazor -> Malady -> Wits End

I don't actually know how to play him as an AD carry, he always feels better as an offtank.
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