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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Blizzard said:
Well I decided to try something new by splurging some of 13000 IP on Sona. I guess I should have tried her before the nerf. =( I didn't really ever build AP on her since with such a low ratio, she can't even heal or do damage, basically, right? If I understand correctly a .25 ratio means that you'd have to build 1000 AP to just get 250 extra healing points? That seems like it would make her almost completely useless.

Anyway, I made the people in the GAF chatroom hate me after I tried to follow their build advice but was still a terrible Sona. On the plus side, she's very relaxing to play versus bots, so it wasn't a total loss of 3000 IP. :p

Its okay, the rest of us were doing horrible too.

There are no way you can heal 400 every cast in normal game, Flight is usually high when he was playing sona. Most carry only have like 2k health, so refilling their health so they can get back to battle after 3 or 4 cast instead of running back to base is a lot more useful than people think.

Sona's healing is only useful during the poking phase, you have to cast it for the aura anyway, so the healing is kind of a "free bonus".

I think Sona also have to be aggressive with her ult, usually when I see a carry/mage by himself without any teammate nearby, and I have 1 or 2 guys near me. I just flash to their face and ult them, hopefully the dps behind you will have some kind of cc to finish their carry. It is also great when you can catch their carry overextending, just ult in their face, as long as you did not ult a tank or tanky dps, your team will reapply another cc and finish him off quickly.

I think you underestimate the 1.5s aoe ult. Enemy carry usually stand all the way in the back behind the tank and melee with tons of slow/stun/root, by the time you rush to their carry you already got kite and cc to death. A well timed aoe ult let your team run straight pass the tank and finish off their carry.

It is also a good tool to save your carry from champion like xin, let them get some distant, reheal and join back the battle. Carry may look tough, but I doubt anyone of them can last more than 1.5s if being focus in team fight.

Think of it as Ashe's ult, usually sona is the one that initial a team fight. She should have no problem running behind after ult, unless you completely miss most of them.

You also have to win laning face as sona, only champion that can out lane her are the one with self heal. Her Q also does high damage, auto target(so you can just focus on positioning instead of targeting), and out range most champion. If your laning against soraka (or anything with crazy self heal), you should just request a lane change.

If you have mana problem, you can always buy a tear later on. She can max the mana gain within 15min easily, so you don't have to rush it in early build. You should just learn to manage mana better, and save your mana for spamming qwe qwe aura in team fight. Tear imo is too expensive, with that money you could buy more aura/defense item. So you can do some off tanking, luring enemy champion to chase you during team fight.


Blizzard said:
I did, and I can do the heal every 3-4 seconds, but I sure couldn't tell it healing 400 health. I'll have to watch the numbers next time. It sure doesn't seem to make much difference, sometimes the health bars barely move.

the tool tips tells u XD
les papillons sexuels said:
in what way exactly? the fact that if you stun him he's completely useless? Or maybe if you just exhaust + ignite he can't do anything.

In a way that in 80% of games you will stomp 2-3 noobs on the opposite team per match. There's always someone to feed him. Also the fact that it's a flash + ignite metagame now kinda favours characters like Tryde, Jax and GP in which they just get away; sometimes despite an exhaust.


sparkle this bitch
In for a Teemo!

As long as they keep the price drops up for older charatcers, I'm happy. Get some sort of rotation in where maybe 2-3 drop down a month.
ShadyMilkman said:
I dig him. Timing his E -> Q can be weird, but its not too bad. His ulti can be a good initiator. He doesn't put out a ton of DPS, but enough to be a decent threat. Getting a good E -> Q in a team fight is pretty helpful.
I usually go for TF, Merc Boots, and Atmas for core, and then from there just depends what's going on.

You initiate with E and Q, and finish off stragglers with R.

I usually get Stone, HoG, and Wriggles for core.


In for Jax not a bad price at all. Already have all the champs in the bundles so no need for them. Good see to Riot bringing down some of these older champs.


Mister Wilhelm said:
Pretty fun game.

Also, their team comp for the next game is weird to me. Isn't Urgot supposed to be bad?

Shushei played a really passive and weak anivia last game.

Picking Urgot and having only Nocturne who can initiate is the riskiest shit ever. FN so crazy.
Yeah Urgot is such a huge risk to take. It's extremely hard to deny caitlyn with her Q and her massive range. So far this game he's failing at preventing her farm... noooo.
FlightOfHeaven said:
You initiate with E and Q, and finish off stragglers with R.

I usually get Stone, HoG, and Wriggles for core.

True on HoG and Stone. I think I misused the term core. I start with Rejuv -> Philo -> Boots 1 -> HoG -> Merc -> TF -> Yadda yadda


Rayven said:
what a weird game. i love seeing jax in tourny play.

jax is such a weird champion these days. given how easy he is to counter with mages he is almost worthless.

though having not watched the game i am sure jax was probably the carry and i have inserted foot into mouth.

Boken said:
Hi im urgot and im a terrible carry late game
Edit: Wow very nicely played by FN. Respekt.

actually he isnt. just have to build him tank. Tear of the goddess to manamune, veil, frozen heart, sheen to triforce, then something like starks or black cleaver.


2th said:
jax is such a weird champion these days. given how easy he is to counter with mages he is almost worthless.

though having not watched the game i am sure jax was probably the carry and i have inserted foot into mouth.

A lot of heroes are easy to counter. Just because they are easy to counter doesn't mean it can be easily done though. I mean look at Kat, her ult can easily be countered but how many fucking times have you gone into a team fight and all the stuns get used on someone that isn't Kat?


2th said:
actually he isnt. just have to build him tank. Tear of the goddess to manamune, veil, frozen heart, sheen to triforce, then something like starks or black cleaver.
Any carry that "builds tank" will be less of a carry. Not only that, he has stodge range.
2th is going to 2th I guess.

Anyway, FN are just flat this game. Poor plays and get smashed by TSM.

Urgot ¯\(°_o)/¯


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Urgot isn't a carry though. Going tanky with him is definitely the way to go and makes him a great initiator/disruptor.


Even though we had like 10+ more kills than the other team, I just lost a game against an incredibly annoying team. Morgana and Taric in the same lane for constant double stuns and healing. Tristana and Tryndamere to destroy any towers really quickly. Tryndamere + Taric could tower dive all day, and Tryndamere did like 2000 damage to me under a tower and was healing so fast his health basically didn't go down from 25-30%. Only one of us even had ignite but I think we still killed him a couple of times.

They also had Mordekaiser and someone else I don't even remember, but the first three were the most annoying. The other team also tried to surrender a couple of times and one of them was complaining their team sucked. =P


Jazzy Network said:
Damn they had 6 players. No wonder you lost.
XD That would explain it.

I just lost another game! This one had a jungle warwick (always a pleasure) combined with a solo-lane skarner. As far as I can remember, I have literally never seen a team with skarner win a game, and this one was certainly no exception. We were like 7 kills, 20-30 deaths until we even convinced one person to stop abstaining from surrender votes. I had no deaths and oracles all game but died once near the end. :(


formerly sane
2th said:
jax is such a weird champion these days. given how easy he is to counter with mages he is almost worthless.

though having not watched the game i am sure jax was probably the carry and i have inserted foot into mouth.

Jax without getting certain defensive tools useless but if you play him right and get the right items mages aren't doing jack to him. Mages are the easiest way to counter him because he can't dodge their burst damage, yet if his team is starting fights and isolating your damage before they can start they have no chance.


Alright GAF I've been playing this game for about 2 weeks now. I play as Gangplank and I've been mostly following this build. Now I can easily dominate beginner level bots but I'm still having some trouble with intermediate difficulty. How can I get better? I play 2v2 with some friends but we all started at the same time and they're either the same level or worse than me. Are there any really good youtube vids for some what begginers? I also kind of want to start playing PvP but I want to get better before I jump into it.

Teach me GAF
Man, I pretty much stopped playing this game, but the price drops are really welcome news. Even the champion bundles offer good value.

Might throw IP at Teemo or something.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Man, I pretty much stopped playing this game, but the price drops are really welcome news. Even the champion bundles offer good value.

Might throw IP at Teemo or something.

did the salt finally seep into your blood veins?
Beta has almost all the champions I remember, which means getting back in won't be astoundingly hard, just hard. Items and champions available are interesting anyways.

That, and an amazingly long losing streak in LoL isn't helping things. It doesn't help that I can't pick any champ in "Training Mode" and try them out. 10 at a time doesn't help things, either. : /

I'm at a loss as to what champ to use. Even Jarvan and Caitlyn aren't cutting it anymore, I keep losing horrifically.


We all go hit those losing streaks just takes some luck to get out at times. If you want to try out a champ just do a custom game 1v1 vs a comp and mess around with the champ. Works better than a bot game in some ways.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Beta has almost all the champions I remember, which means getting back in won't be astoundingly hard, just hard. Items and champions available are interesting anyways.

That, and an amazingly long losing streak in LoL isn't helping things. It doesn't help that I can't pick any champ in "Training Mode" and try them out. 10 at a time doesn't help things, either. : /

I'm at a loss as to what champ to use. Even Jarvan and Caitlyn aren't cutting it anymore, I keep losing horrifically.
Yeah, I've lost like 18 games in a row too (well, maybe 2-3 in a row but same difference). I was about 5 games behind 50% wins, and now I'm about 12 games behind, no matter which champion.

My one comfort is that I usually die less than my team. If nothing else, playing bots or trying funny things with friends can make the game actually fun instead of an exercise in frustration as you discover two of your teammates speak a foreign language, or two of them are like 1/8 or 2/7.


Second-rate Anihawk
FlightOfHeaven said:
Bleh. Who knows when I'll log on again.

When Dominion comes out.....

...so soon.


Argh! Was +42 and after a bad losing streak I'm like +33 in normal. -___-

Think I'll just start solo queueing ranked so I can at least play a carry and have the team try and protect me. ><


unifin said:
Argh! Was +42 and after a bad losing streak I'm like +33 in normal. -___-

Think I'll just start solo queueing ranked so I can at least play a carry and have the team try and protect me. ><

normal has had a HUGE influx of awful players.

Unless you got your record way way way above .500 months ago. Chances are if you solo que normal you will eventually be .500 again.

This is why you que up for normal with a group now.


Blizzard said:
XD That would explain it.

I just lost another game! This one had a jungle warwick (always a pleasure) combined with a solo-lane skarner. As far as I can remember, I have literally never seen a team with skarner win a game, and this one was certainly no exception. We were like 7 kills, 20-30 deaths until we even convinced one person to stop abstaining from surrender votes. I had no deaths and oracles all game but died once near the end. :(

How dare you! I build skarner as a constant burst tank (if that makes any sense) who initiates by dragging the squishy carry to the team for them to drop.

Skarner is strong. That is all.


so our gaf game just ended, we were waiting at the "waiting for stats" page for forever. The weird thing is none of us got our ip nor was the match recorded in the history.

and now i am trying to relog into LoL but it is telling me that I need to reconnect to the game that we supposedly won. wtf. And since the game is over, i cannot join. so it say fail to connect.

edit: nevermind, after numerous attempt to reconnect and failing to connect, I got back in and got the ip


Ferga said:
How dare you! I build skarner as a constant burst tank (if that makes any sense) who initiates by dragging the squishy carry to the team for them to drop.

Skarner is strong. That is all.
I don't doubt you CAN do well with skarner, I was just saying it doesn't happen often, much like [insert champion you think is crappy here].


Achtius said:
so our gaf game just ended, we were waiting at the "waiting for stats" page for forever. The weird thing is none of us got our ip nor was the match recorded in the history.

and now i am trying to relog into LoL but it is telling me that I need to reconnect to the game that we supposedly won. wtf. And since the game is over, i cannot join. so it say fail to connect.

edit: nevermind, after numerous attempt to reconnect and failing to connect, I got back in and got the ip

This happened for me, and I got nothing. I send in a petition with riot via their site.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Beta has almost all the champions I remember, which means getting back in won't be astoundingly hard, just hard. Items and champions available are interesting anyways.

That, and an amazingly long losing streak in LoL isn't helping things. It doesn't help that I can't pick any champ in "Training Mode" and try them out. 10 at a time doesn't help things, either. : /

I'm at a loss as to what champ to use. Even Jarvan and Caitlyn aren't cutting it anymore, I keep losing horrifically.
If you're quitting LoL because you keep losing... I don't think it'd be much different in DotA2 lol.
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