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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Can't wait for Dominion, seems like an interesting diversion whenever you get bored of Summoner's Rift or TT.

Speaking of Twisted Treeline, I tried a 3vs3 for the first time in a while as Teemo. Teemo is probably one of the few champions I'm somewhat okay with, so putting mushrooms all over the map on a small map like that is great for map control. My team ended up winning the game after a strong push in the end.

I usually build AD/AS for Teemo. Anyone recommend anything differently?

Doran Sword
Berserker's Greaves
Wriggles Lantern
Wit's End
Madred's Bloodrazor
Frozen Mallet...

Provies pretty good AS for the little guy, it goes over 2 after Wit's End which is great since I try my best to poke and run away.

Since I play normals I still focus on CS so I end up getting quite a bit... usually I try my best to get the most CS in the game since the focus for me is on CS and towers. But the thing is most of my team mates are like AD and AP people and hardly tanks or supports or junglers, you know? So I have to compete for CS in the start of the game... and since I really like the build listed above I have to wait a while to get wriggles. So I let my lane partner get all the CS he can while I just poke from the bushes. Then when laning phase ends I try to travel all the lanes and kill any creeps and maybe get blue or red buff or both... I wonder how I'd do in ranked? Sorry for the rambling. =p


So I tried this out last night and got brutally sodomized in the second training mission (the 5v5 one). I should probably quit while I'm ahead, right?


Neverfade said:
So I tried this out last night and got brutally sodomized in the second training mission (the 5v5 one). I should probably quit while I'm ahead, right?
It depends. You can play bots and have fun, or you can play with humans, and lose everyone who was friends with you as you get crushed game after game. Even when you win, you will all rage at each other, and your blood pressure will shoot through the roof as each game takes 50 minutes.

It's a tough game, man. I've covered wars, you know.
Neverfade said:
So I tried this out last night and got brutally sodomized in the second training mission (the 5v5 one). I should probably quit while I'm ahead, right?
naaa, you prolly just need to learn the ropes from something more human than that tutorial...
are you on eu?


Neverfade said:
So I tried this out last night and got brutally sodomized in the second training mission (the 5v5 one). I should probably quit while I'm ahead, right?
It's rough at first, but really rewarding and fun if you keep at it.

Best way to learn I think is to play with some friends who are already pretty good and can carry you/don't mind possibly losing because you're new.


I have to say, one nice thing about the skins is that they actually seem pretty well designed (some of them) with sounds and whatnot. I was cracking up on encountering Gentleman Cho in a bot game, with him yelling QUIIIET on his silence.


Agreed. There's a lot of skins that I think are pretty cool. Corporate Mundo, Space Teemo, Brolaf, the surfer one for Singed, etc.

I've only bought one skin, though. The fiery Warwick one. Was on sale and couldn't resist for some reason.


Drunky McMurder
I wake up and turn on the stream, only to see Regi on AP Janna.

Trolling the finals when they actually matter. Take that Hotshot. Where's your Karma now?


Blizzard said:
It depends. You can play bots and have fun, or you can play with humans, and lose everyone who was friends with you as you get crushed game after game. Even when you win, you will all rage at each other, and your blood pressure will shoot through the roof as each game takes 50 minutes.

It's a tough game, man. I've covered wars, you know.

I rage occasionally but that's a tad overboard :|


Wow what an awful time for lag to occur there, as the series is about to be decided. We've been pretty lucky in SC2 that shit lag hasn't affected the matches as bad as this. Feel bad for both teams t.t.

edit: yay clg.


Drunky McMurder
Archie said:
What happened? I was too busy watching some other game.

They came back suddenly to a teamfight right in the middle of the map. CLG got two or three kills and immediately pushed into the nexus. End game like 45 seconds after they picked it up again.


Blackface said:
normal has had a HUGE influx of awful players.

Unless you got your record way way way above .500 months ago. Chances are if you solo que normal you will eventually be .500 again.

This is why you que up for normal with a group now.

Yeah, I've been above .500 for a while now, hovering around +30 or so.

I really have to either play an AP carry for a jungler in normal queue - ganks and burst win lanes early, which, in solo queue, is pretty much winning in 90% of games.

EDIT: Nocturne happens to be one of my best champions, so it works, but I can't play him every game ><


just looked at the recap of GamesCom... very nice to see the finals being CLG vs TSM. always nice to see american domination!


2th said:
just looked at the recap of GamesCom... very nice to see the finals being CLG vs TSM. always nice to see american domination!

European teams don't give a shit about minor tournaments :p


VaLiancY said:
It's getting nerfed soon. :D
Wow, I suspect that will throw a monkey wrench in a lot of junglers' plans.

Side note, I saw like three jungle fiddlesticks last night, which is rare for me. I don't recall it ever working out too well for them, however.


Blizzard said:
Wow, I suspect that will throw a monkey wrench in a lot of junglers' plans.

Side note, I saw like three jungle fiddlesticks last night, which is rare for me. I don't recall it ever working out too well for them, however.

Fiddle is an incredible jungler - super secure, great duelist, great control on dragon and baron due to drain heal and his CC, and awesome ganks that only get better after level 6.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Side note, I saw like three jungle fiddlesticks last night, which is rare for me. I don't recall it ever working out too well for them, however.
All it takes to jungle Fiddle is to know how to press the "W" key. Low barrier for entry, so not too uncommon to find worse players doing it.


Wow someone watched the Dominion Stream?

Dominion is sooo awesome! I was sleeping through the finals Dota 2 match, but Dominion was really engaging.


JWong said:
Wow someone watched the Dominion Stream?

Dominion is sooo awesome! I was sleeping through the finals Dota 2 match, but Dominion was really engaging.

dota 2 finals weren't even farm fests, so that's just lol.


I started trying Caitlyn yesterday. I like her, but I really need to get better. Last game I was mid against Ashe. I kept about even with her all game in minion kills, and ended up with like 260 vs 250 by the maybe 47-minute loss point for us.

She had more kills though, and we NEVER EVER got the mid turret even after getting it down to perhaps 40% health. It seemed like they had maokai, jax, and mordekaiser in front of ashe and kennen most of the game, so we kept having more kills than them but getting all our turrets crunched and rarely being able to kill the back people through three tanks.

I've been trying to go doran's blade, doran's blade, berserker's shoes, infinity edge, phantom dancer, black cleaver per a guide. Since someone suggested it, I have been more recently going for bloodthirster instead of black cleaver. Any other tips?

My one death could have been avoided. :( I was running back to spawn, saw Ashe's ult arrow go past me like 6 feet to my left as I was recalling, and then let the recall finish...and promptly got killed in spawn by the arrow. So dumb of me. x(
Blizzard said:
My one death could have been avoided. :( I was running back to spawn, saw Ashe's ult arrow go past me like 6 feet to my left as I was recalling, and then let the recall finish...and promptly got killed in spawn by the arrow. So dumb of me. x(

That's hilarious


ShadyMilkman said:
That's hilarious
Ashe certainly though so. I felt like such an idiot, even though I'm not sure if Ashe was being that smart, or if it was just an accident. "OH HAHA UR ARROW MISSED *pow*"


2th said:
just looked at the recap of GamesCom... very nice to see the finals being CLG vs TSM. always nice to see american domination!

The League of Legends tournament was huge. Just as big as the SC2 tourney, and the commentators were both cross promoting (IEM and all).

So many fucking spectators, and apparently the pro players were getting mugged.

I was wondering if LOL was going to die after DOTA 2 came out, and after gamescon it's pretty much a definite no. It's way to popular, and is ahead of WoW for hours played weekly on various services (such as Xfire).

I will be playing both, can't wait for DOTA 2, but I doubt anything is slowing LOL down at this point beside huge development mistakes.


My old amumu build doesn't work anymore, and attempts to fix it doesn't work. Can't sunfire stack. 8(
So now I'm 8 wins in a row with Annie.

Anyone plan to specialize a champion for Dominion? I'm planning for Kassadin.
Seems like you need someone who's good at moving around and dishing out huge damage in solo.


JWong said:
My old amumu build doesn't work anymore, and attempts to fix it doesn't work. Can't sunfire stack. 8(
So now I'm 8 wins in a row with Annie.

Anyone plan to specialize a champion for Dominion? I'm planning for Kassadin.
Seems like you need someone who's good at moving around and dishing out huge damage in solo.

Probably lee sin or Nocturne.


JWong said:
My old amumu build doesn't work anymore, and attempts to fix it doesn't work. Can't sunfire stack. 8(
So now I'm 8 wins in a row with Annie.

Anyone plan to specialize a champion for Dominion? I'm planning for Kassadin.
Seems like you need someone who's good at moving around and dishing out huge damage in solo.

sunfire, veil,abysall scepter, zhonyas ring. enjoy being tanky as fuck and doing some hilarious damage along with reducing the enemies MR and having stasis should shit get real.
JWong said:
My old amumu build doesn't work anymore, and attempts to fix it doesn't work. Can't sunfire stack. 8(
So now I'm 8 wins in a row with Annie.

Anyone plan to specialize a champion for Dominion? I'm planning for Kassadin.
Seems like you need someone who's good at moving around and dishing out huge damage in solo.

Haven't really though about it, but maybe Jarvan. His DPS isn't too hot, though.
Blizzard said:
I started trying Caitlyn yesterday. I like her, but I really need to get better. Last game I was mid against Ashe. I kept about even with her all game in minion kills, and ended up with like 260 vs 250 by the maybe 47-minute loss point for us.

She had more kills though, and we NEVER EVER got the mid turret even after getting it down to perhaps 40% health. It seemed like they had maokai, jax, and mordekaiser in front of ashe and kennen most of the game, so we kept having more kills than them but getting all our turrets crunched and rarely being able to kill the back people through three tanks.

I've been trying to go doran's blade, doran's blade, berserker's shoes, infinity edge, phantom dancer, black cleaver per a guide. Since someone suggested it, I have been more recently going for bloodthirster instead of black cleaver. Any other tips?

My one death could have been avoided. :( I was running back to spawn, saw Ashe's ult arrow go past me like 6 feet to my left as I was recalling, and then let the recall finish...and promptly got killed in spawn by the arrow. So dumb of me. x(

Get up to 3 Doran's Blades, then get Boots, B.F. Sword, and Zeal. Upgrade to Bloodthirster and Phantom Edge.

After this, it's really situational. Get Banshee's Veil if they are targeting you. Get Infinity Edge or Last Whisper if you are rolling them.

Skills should go Piltover (Max to 5 fast) then level Traps to 4, then Net to 4. Finish leveling them at end game, and of course level your ult as fast as you can.

Runes should be Armor Penetration Reds and Quintessences, and Mana Regen Blues and Yellows.

Random tip: The difference between a good Cait and a bad Cait are how often they land their Piltovers in early game. The difference between a good Cait and a great Cait is how they position their traps throughout the game. Excellent trap usage and placement are what define the best Caitlyns.


Most annoying game ever



It took me ages to get those items bought. With 30 magic resist I was running like crazy (I didn't want banshee's veil as opposed to another offensive item), but at least I got a few kills.

5 tanks all with revive and fortify. At least we killed 3 towers. The game took 77 minutes I think.


The annoying thing was we could never really push because when we did take down one or two they just hit revive and POOF back again.
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