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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The new free champion rotation seems really bad next week. Five 1350 IP champs and four 3150 IP champs, really Riot?


karma is just terrible, so that's not really a good argument. doesn't matter if she has an ult, she's the worst hero in the game.


Dance In My Blood said:
The new free champion rotation seems really bad next week. Five 1350 IP champs and four 3150 IP champs, really Riot?
Oh Yes Ryze!......

I was hoping for Kassadin. ;_;


2th said:
you know... im still waiting on you to give me a reason why keeping udyr off creeps isnt easy. or prove why Udyr is better than every single champion in the game. In fact ill be nice and list you a few champs who, if played smart, will beat udyr in a lane.

Caitlyn, Ashe, Vayne, Trist, Teemo, Brand, Nasus, Morganna

That should get you going.

Also something i havent seen mentioned, and honestly i should have before, is that for Udyr to use turtle effectively he has to keep auto attacking. He cannot just last hit otherwise he wont be getting shit for health or mana back.

how does one keep udyr off a lane? by attacking him.

attack him with auto attack -> get attack by minions. this pretty much stops any long range dps or melee dps that can't auto-heal.

attack him with magic -> you will go into cooldowns/lose mana before u can burst stun kill him


2th said:
1) comparing sustain mechanisms shows the difference between udyr and other champions and what the trade off for having better sustain is vs high damage is. Apparently you are dumb.

2) A ranged carry like ashe, cait, or vayne and and will beat Udyr top. Udyr wants to run at an shahe, you volley and laugh as he is slow and you keep hurting him. Vayne, you tumble or knock him back. Cait, you use your net to slow him while you are knocked back nicely and laugh as you keep hitting him. So yeah... you are wrong.
1) and apparently looking at numbers is all you can do. Thats what smart people do right?This discussion is about how powerful udyr is in lane. That's why it makes no sense to even bring olaf into it.

2) beating somebody in lane doesn't mean killing them. I'm sorry you choose to continue to chase them while they're kiting you 2th. Maybe you're out of practice. Turn around and turtle and hit minions while you zone thrm because their defensive cooldowns are down while bear has a 6s cooldown. If you're smart, which I'm not sure if you are, a ranged carry can't harass you enough to keep you off the minions and whenever their defensive spells are on cd you're threatening enough to zone them. Tada, udyr just won lane.

Nerfs to other supports are a buff to karma right guys? Soraka probably does more damage now though


Diprosalic said:
can anyone explain how i can notice if an item i'm about to buy will replace an item i already have?

Well you'll be buy an item that requires the previous item.


If you buy the item at the top of the tree, if you had any of the lower items it will replace them.


Tideas said:
how does one keep udyr off a lane? by attacking him.

attack him with auto attack -> get attack by minions. this pretty much stops any long range dps or melee dps that can't auto-heal.

attack him with magic -> you will go into cooldowns/lose mana before u can burst stun kill him

You do realize that Udyr has to auto attack a person to hurt them right? And as Ashe, last hit, wait for there to be fewer creeps, volley, or auto attach yourself because you can hurt udyr too!!!! You may take a little damage but if you are soloing you have some sort of sustain be it lifesteal in a dorans blade or regen in a dorans shield or even health pots. if you are worried about the minions being your downfall then you have other issues to sort out before you think about fighting anyone let alone udyr.

Same goes for casters. You dont have to kill him to drive him off. You can time your burst to when turtle shield wear off and hurt him. I guess harassment must be a new thing to some people :/

Boken said:
1) and apparently looking at numbers is all you can do. Thats what smart people do right?This discussion is about how powerful udyr is in lane. That's why it makes no sense to even bring olaf into it.

2) beating somebody in lane doesn't mean killing them. I'm sorry you choose to continue to chase them while they're kiting you 2th. Maybe you're out of practice. Turn around and turtle and hit minions while you zone thrm because their defensive cooldowns are down while bear has a 6s cooldown. If you're smart, which I'm not sure if you are, a ranged carry can't harass you enough to keep you off the minions and whenever their defensive spells are on cd you're threatening enough to zone them. Tada, udyr just won lane.

Nerfs to other supports are a buff to karma right guys? Soraka probably does more damage now though

1) you really are dumb if you cannot look at a comparison of different sustain abilities on different champions. And since you missed the point im not bothering with you.

2) Did i ever say i chase in situations like that? nope. And if an udyr is zoning you then you really are bad and deserve to lose. As for bear having 6 second cooldown...um what point of it being a melee attack dont you comprehend? If you are letting udyr get that close then Bear stunning you ever 6 seconds is the least of your worries because you are bad.

Fjord said:
2th on tilt. I'd hate to see him if he had to lane against an udyr.
Been there, done that. Never lost to a lane udyr. You know why? Cause i know how to counter him.


Posted previously
2th previously said:
Gragas: Sustain from Passive and Drunken Rage. sounds kind of imba to me!!!! lol

Shen: low cooldown ranged nuke that lets you heal too if you get a hit? Wow!!!

Fiddlesticks: a ranged lifesteal? must be broken!!!

2th said:
1) you really are dumb if you cannot look at a comparison of different sustain abilities on different champions. And since you missed the point im not bothering with you.
Yep that sure sounds like a comparison between different champions. Fair analysis I must say. 2th you should apply for the balance position at RioT games. They’ll be enlightened by your thorough and insightful consideration of each champion.

2th said:
2) Did i ever say i chase in situations like that? nope. And if an udyr is zoning you then you really are bad and deserve to lose. As for bear having 6 second cooldown...um what point of it being a melee attack dont you comprehend? If you are letting udyr get that close then Bear stunning you ever 6 seconds is the least of your worries because you are bad.
No, you don’t say anything other than stupid ass facetious statements and make poorly constructed scenarios. What part of bear stance giving you a movement speed buff don’t you understand? How does a ranged carry just walk away from bear stance? He doesn’t even have to hit you. Once he activates bear, you run away to avoid the stun and he goes back to farming.

I just saw this quality 2th gem:
2th said:
High elo play: yeah im saying they are idiots. You know why? Cause, as i have said before, they do the same fucking thing over and over again.
Hey do you want to know why they’re high elo? Because they do what works.
Hey do you know why they do the same thing over and over again? Because that thing works.
Herp derp 2th is the idiot here.

Basically 2th thinks he’s right and everybody else is wrong. LOL
Even Haly thinks you’re wrong.
Halycon said:
Udyr's main weakness is his kiteability. But that is his ONLY [emphasis mine] weakness and champs need at least one or two weak points. He has everything else: a stun, a shield, build in life steal, built in attack speed (from tiger and his passive), built in movement buff (bear and passive). He can carry, he can tank, he can lane, he can jungle and he does well in all these areas.

I don’t even know what we’re arguing about because 2th has already admitted it:
2th said:
Never said he wasnt one of the strongest sustain laners in the game.
Gasp! Kinda like Vlad was!


As long as you guys are talking about pro strategies, I played attack speed cho last night. We rawked.
OK I died once and it was versus bots and it turns out attack speed/crits/damage cho doesn't do a lot of damage, but still.
Came in here to bitch about the length of tryn's ult and his buff and his no brainer escapability and the op and silly gangplank q both early and late game...but backs off slowly. Very very slowly.
Mr. B Natural said:
Came in here to bitch about the length of tryn's ult and his buff and his no brainer escapability and the op and silly gangplank q both early and late game...but backs off slowly. Very very slowly.

Fuck Tryde, Jax and Gangplank.

Axis of Evil.


Mr. B Natural said:
Came in here to bitch about the length of tryn's ult and his buff and his no brainer escapability and the op and silly gangplank q both early and late game...but backs off slowly. Very very slowly.

The only reason you hate GP is that some people use his Q wrong. The gold advantage is so much better than the damage it outputs.

edit: and trynd is crap if you're team is at least decent.
Kozak said:
The only reason you hate GP is that some people use his Q wrong. The gold advantage is so much better than the damage it outputs.

edit: and trynd is crap if you're team is at least decent.
Gp's Q

1. Extremely low mana cost
2. Extreme damage early game. Can 2 shot at level 1.
3. Extreme damage mid game. Can still 2 shot.
4. Extreme damage late game.
5. Crits (really riot? REALLY?)
6. As you stated, also dolls out money for a minion kill.
7. Poisons thanks to his passive
8. Not even a skill shot. Click and kill.
9. Has range. Not a lot but still not a melee attack by any means and an easy hit and run.
9. Actually has range.
10. Extremely low CD
11. Goes past minions and champions. Again, not a skill shot.

And now you got me bitching about GP's Q. You pulled me back in.


formerly sane
Mr. B Natural said:
Came in here to bitch about the length of tryn's ult and his buff and his no brainer escapability and the op and silly gangplank q both early and late game...but backs off slowly. Very very slowly.

I'm with most others saying this but lmao on tryn being hard. Tyrndamere if freebie kill and until whoever you're playing with learns not to all their skills on him but just auto attacks and like one stun at most you won't beat him. GG not getting frozenheart or thornmail which on the carry will tear him apart let alone your tanks. There are so many ways ap or ad based with certain champs you own tryn I'm surprised you would say this.

Same applies to GP when it comes to thornmail this item and life steal or hp regen will utterly wreck their setups.

Jax is another matter but the key to jax is no farm and get some form of burst ap on your team he can't deal with one of these problems let alone both. Also even if he's farmed he's nothing against a bd'ing yi. Next patch early game he gets nerfed next patch and like vayne won't have enough damage to deal with a team that harasses him back. Basically early game leapstrike with certain stunning laners means gg free farm and feed.

Go ahead and complain at least you're more civil than some of the peeps on the official forums or certain streams commenting.


Mr. B Natural said:
Gp's Q

1. Extremely low mana cost
2. Extreme damage early game. Can 2 shot at level 1.
3. Extreme damage mid game. Can still 2 shot.

4. Extreme damage late game.
5. Crits (really riot? REALLY?)
6. As you stated, also dolls out money for a minion kill.
7. Poisons thanks to his passive
8. Not even a skill shot. Click and kill.
9. Has range. Not a lot but still not a melee attack by any means and an easy hit and run.
9. Actually has range.
10. Extremely low CD
11. Goes past minions and champions. Again, not a skill shot.

And now you got me bitching about GP's Q. You pulled me back in.
o_O Is this with runes or something? I must revisit gangplank. I thought hey, he only has one non-ult, non-melee damaging ability...do people stack attack speed on him? I sure didn't do well, so I guess I need to spam Q more.


Blizzard said:
o_O Is this with runes or something? I must revisit gangplank. I thought hey, he only has one non-ult, non-melee damaging ability...do people stack attack speed on him? I sure didn't do well, so I guess I need to spam Q more.

runes + greaves first item. Its completely luck based at level 1 though. Its one of those situations where once you get hit by it once its apparently happened ALL the time.

Spamming your Q isn't so great early game. Use it to farm and rush a philo, CD boots and IE before 20 minutes.

After that decide if its a good idea to get a PD or defensive items.
LCGeek said:
I'm with most others saying this but lmao on tryn being hard. Tyrndamere if freebie kill and until whoever you're playing with learns not to all their skills on him but just auto attacks and like one stun at most you won't beat him. GG not getting frozenheart or thornmail which on the carry will tear him apart let alone your tanks. There are so many ways ap or ad based with certain champs you own tryn I'm surprised you would say this.
The issue with Tryn is that his ult combined with his group slow and free low cd flash allows him to spin to win and get the carry and MAYBE die. Again, maybe. It takes way too much effort to get rid of him and unless his team is shit, that's plenty for 1 character to accomplish in a late game teamfight. His ult and free flash says "screw you" to positioning. Turret? Meh. Jungle fight, good. In Lane? Fine. I'll just spin into my tank/into jungle and run away. You got flash? Ok, I got 2 of em if i'm smart... and a slow. Bye bye. Oh, and the other 4 people on my team are wrecking now that your carry is dead and if your carry ran away, that's just as well.

Maybe in high elo games is tryn easy to counter, but in normal games, he and gp ruins the balance. And, worst of all, he doesn't have to try. I guess possibly the issue is that there's a major difference between the experience of someone playing a rated high elo match and a normal, but if that's the case, then Riot should have two different categories of balance. There is no other choice in the matter. Two different experiences means two different experiences.

Imo, he's perfectly fine but his ult lasts too long or he needs to be slowed down quite a bit. Or maybe give his spin move have a much higher cd so he can't do a renekton but 3 times as far and through all jungle paths. Either way, he'll still be the prick he is now, but not a broken one that turns 5 v 5 fights into 6 v 5 because he magically doubles his life expectancy time while doing massive damage because there is no need to build tanky at all.

But Gp's q is dumb no matter how you look at it. Too many benefits and again a skill free ability that just wrecks regardless of the player's talent.


So if GP's q is imba what about Ryze's free snare? I have to pain over a skill shot with Lux and others with Morgana while Ryze gets it for free? Bullshit right there.

How about that Nunu iceball? OP fucking slow or what.

You all complain too much.
Blizzard said:
o_O Is this with runes or something? I must revisit gangplank. I thought hey, he only has one non-ult, non-melee damaging ability...do people stack attack speed on him? I sure didn't do well, so I guess I need to spam Q more.
maybe not technically, but with crit and crit damage ruins I saw him drop nearly half of nocturne's health with 1 shot at level 2 or 3. It might have been a case of a level 30 maxed out versus a level 10 or whatever nocturne, but I couldn't help to call bs when I saw it. Again, not a skill shot. If you see him coming you had no choice but to get out of there and he was doing that every 5 seconds and using very little mana and doing all those things I already listed with no abandon because the game gives you no reason not to.
Archie said:
The obvious answer is more nerfs.
The solution is to make a skill with more benefits than most skill shots a skill shot. It can't shoot past minions and other champions, it may take a quarter of a second for GP to make the shot, etc. Make the skill more about denying and +6 gold if need be or make it about burst fire, but why both?

Oh right, i forgot about that on my 11 things Gp's Q can do. Denying. Make that 12. Oh, and thanks to the passive, it has a slow. 13.
Boken said:
Skillshots are about range/aoe and not "benefits"...
skillshots are skillshots because it's a skillshot. Not having to make a skillshot is a benefit. Click and kill means 100% hit rate. Gangplank's Q can not miss, can not be blocked, can not be dodged or quickly moved out of range, can not hit minions unless desired to. That's a benefit.


I've been doing some cathartic Tribunal lately. Hilarious how often a Trynd gets reported. I'm generally punishing anyone who uses the word 'noob'.


Boken said:
lots of stupid shit not worth quoting!

Yes high elo players are idiots. They do the same strategies over and over again and dont want to risk changing things so they sit up top with two sustaining champions and just farm and on occasion poke each other. guess you dont get that.
yo stop that. let's talk about how great skarner is.

rush shurelia's and boots 2. (with my nuts rune/masteries that's 35% cdr).

now proceed to use shurelia's and ult every 60 seconds. laugh as any pokers are dragged halfway across the screen
I'm done for now guys. It's been fun, but I'm off at college now and I'm having a hard time fitting any gaming into my schedule and if I ever do game, I sort of feel like I should be out socializing instead. It's been great playing and talking with you guys, and I may jump back in during vacations.
yeah i took a year long break from the game. you get to come back and dont know what any new players can do and oh god i'm trapped in a circle of earth, augh why is this seed chasing me, and [i still don't get what rumble does oh god he's doing things and i'm dying]
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