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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Does the new endgame scoreboard not show tower kills? Why? :(

Also did they remove the DOUBLEKILL etc. voices?

Also, apparently the latest AMD driver screws up LoL graphics. =( There are rectangles and flickery things on the terrain, ugh.
Blizzard said:
Does the new endgame scoreboard not show tower kills? Why? :(

Also did they remove the DOUBLEKILL etc. voices?

Also, apparently the latest AMD driver screws up LoL graphics. =( There are rectangles and flickery things on the terrain, ugh.

That would be most unfortunate about the AMD drivers.


Champion AP Score

Check out this spreadsheet evaluating the benefit of AP on a few characters (I've done most of them already out of curiosity). I wanted to do a more thorough analysis as before the justification for going AP was simply the AP ratio of a skill or the number of skills a character has that benefit from AP. But with Soraka's starfall having such a low cooldown I was curious if it might actually be the best AP/sec skill in the game. I've bolded some of the interesting scores I've arrived at so far, basically >1 is a good AP champion.

Orianna 1.32
Cho'gath 1.22
Malzahar 1.18
Anivia 1.17
Annie 1.17
Karma 1.11
Morgana 1.08
MordeKaiser 1.06
Amumu 1.02

Vladimir 1.01
Akali 0.97
Brand 0.95
Maokai 0.92
Skarnar 0.88
Lux 0.86
Singed 0.85
Nidalee 0.85
Veigar 0.84
Soraka 0.81
Kog'maw 0.80
Sion 0.74
Heimerdinger 0.73
Tristana 0.72
Sona 0.69
Teemo 0.62
Warwick 0.55
Blitzcrank 0.48

For some of the characters there were quite a few assumptions but two of the major ones is that an AE spell will hit two people and if an ability gets a lower cooldown with more ranks then it is considered max rank. To properly value burst and ults I've adjusted the cooldowns by basically taking their square root (^.6) then just summed up the ratio per second for each champion.

Let me know what you guys think, i'd like to evolve this a bit more.


Fjord said:
Champion AP Score

Check out this spreadsheet evaluating the benefit of AP on a few characters (I've done most of them already out of curiosity). I wanted to do a more thorough analysis as before the justification for going AP was simply the AP ratio of a skill or the number of skills a character has that benefit from AP. But with Soraka's starfall having such a low cooldown I was curious if it might actually be the best AP/sec skill in the game. I've bolded some of the interesting scores I've arrived at so far, basically >1 is a good AP champion.

Orianna 1.32
Cho'gath 1.22
Malzahar 1.18
Anivia 1.17
Annie 1.17
Karma 1.11
Morgana 1.08
MordeKaiser 1.06
Amumu 1.02

Vladimir 1.01
Akali 0.97
Brand 0.95
Maokai 0.92
Skarnar 0.88
Lux 0.86
Singed 0.85
Nidalee 0.85
Veigar 0.84
Soraka 0.81
Kog'maw 0.80
Sion 0.74
Heimerdinger 0.73
Tristana 0.72
Sona 0.69
Teemo 0.62
Warwick 0.55
Blitzcrank 0.48

For some of the characters there were quite a few assumptions but two of the major ones is that an AE spell will hit two people. To properly value burst and ults I've adjusted the cooldowns by basically taking their square root (^.6) then just summed up the ratio per second for each champion.

Let me know what you guys think, i'd like to evolve this a bit more.



sparkle this bitch
Jazzy Network said:
Nocturne's pretty badass. Always do well early but the game drags out longer, I get wrecked. What should I do? I get Banshees and shit, but still get murdered.
You mean squishy melee characters don't get wreck like that?


Corporate Apologist
Fjord said:
Champion AP Score

For some of the characters there were quite a few assumptions but two of the major ones is that an AE spell will hit two people and if an ability gets a lower cooldown with more ranks then it is considered max rank. To properly value burst and ults I've adjusted the cooldowns by basically taking their square root (^.6) then just summed up the ratio per second for each champion.

Let me know what you guys think, i'd like to evolve this a bit more.
Wouldn't the Square Root be ^.5? Or is there a reason you picked .6?


Drkirby said:
Wouldn't the Square Root be ^.5? Or is there a reason you picked .6?

Yeah just said square route so it would be easy to understand. I'm thinking about changing that .6, let me know what you guys think. It's just to establish a ratio of spells used in your average team fight for example at .6 the assumption is that:

Amumu uses 8 tantrums (4sec) for every ult (150sec) he uses.
Karthus uses 17.7 lay (1sec) wastes for each ult (120sec) he uses.
tried a fun talon build using.

brutalizer, manamune, cdr boots, bthirster, frozen heart, and frozen mallet.

then just spam q on as many targets as possible and let your bleed do the rest.


Just in case anyone here is going to PAX: If you can get me a PAX Sivir skin code, I will gift you a $5-10 Steam game of your choice.


Neutrality said:
Talon is...

(I don't have Printscreen on my macbook, hence the on-screen keyboard)

and the only person with any armor on the other team was sivir with the madreds razor. no fucking wonder he was eating those squishy fucks alive.


les papillons sexuels said:
tried a fun talon build using.

brutalizer, manamune, cdr boots, bthirster, frozen heart, and frozen mallet.

then just spam q on as many targets as possible and let your bleed do the rest.

Why manamune? Talon has no mana problems at all in my experience.
Kozak said:
Why manamune? Talon has no mana problems at all in my experience.

because he has a decent sized base mana pool so the manamune does a decent job of giving ad, plus when you start spamming all his skills he starts having mana issues.

in the end you get around a 5.75sec cutthroat and rake and a 2 second talon strike.
2th said:
and the only person with any armor on the other team was sivir with the madreds razor. no fucking wonder he was eating those squishy fucks alive.

Hey man it was hard to wait around in them bushes all day...


Neutrality said:
Hey man it was hard to wait around in them bushes all day...

you werent Garen or allowed to yell DEMACIA as Talon is from Noxus... you shouldnt have been in the brush :p


Blackface said:
Don't think a team with Urgot lost competitively at IEM. Some teams used him as an anti-carry and he did well and dominated.
Skarner is the new anti-carry. I witnessed it.

Wth Urgot doesn't even have any sort of stun to contain a carry.


les papillons sexuels said:
because he has a decent sized base mana pool so the manamune does a decent job of giving ad, plus when you start spamming all his skills he starts having mana issues.

in the end you get around a 5.75sec cutthroat and rake and a 2 second talon strike.

why are you spamming so much? :|

hope you aren't pushing the lanes unnecessarily by spamming his cone on minions.

I harass fine with talon with no mana issues.

I usually lane until i'm 6 or 7 while keeping people zoned


I've been dominating on Soraka, Ezrael is the only character I've found that I can't outlane so far. I think I'll write a guide for the new style tomorrow.


Been playing Talon furiously since he was released. I think he's pretty good if you get his skillset down. His W ability Rake is absolutely brutal. Great cone radius and it's quick and you can farm the shit out of a lane in a few seconds. The E ability Cutthroat is really useful against everyone. A 1 second silence on a melee assassin is devastating. Q ability Noxian Diplomacy is fairly okay. But really his Ultimate is ridiculous. Yeah, it only lasts a few seconds but unless your target is high armored or severely outleveled you, you can bring them down pretty quick.

He's super squishy though so you do have to be cautious and pick your fights. I have found that once you level up to 3 or 4 you should go and help other lanes and gank their champions. I do think his base speed should be increased, even with Movement Speed 2 boots I feel he's a little slow.

Right now my item build order with him is Doran Blade, Doran Blade, 35 Tenacity Boots, B.F. Sword, Infinity Edge. Then from there it's flexible depending on how well you're doing or what you're facing. Frozen Mallet pretty much is a permanent 10% dps increase on him.


Well I finally saw some skarners win tonight. I still feel like most of the time, he's bad or not useful though (kind of like me lolol).


Jumped on Zilean for a couple more wins tonight. Got grouped with the best Talon I have seen thus far(outside of a couple streams). He picked up a Bloodrazer/Bloodthirster/BF sword/defensive items. He was absolutely carving up the tanky dps.


JWong said:
Skarner is the new anti-carry. I witnessed it.

Wth Urgot doesn't even have any sort of stun to contain a carry.

The games are on Own3d and youtube. Lots of teams picked him to counter other AD carries.



tankwick is best wick.


Opposing team had Skarner and Talon. Your team also had 85% magical damage and they still built a bunch of armour. I have no words neki.

Blackface said:
Don't think a team with Urgot lost competitively at IEM. Some teams used him as an anti-carry and he did well and dominated.
FN v TSM deciding match. Urgot was pretty useless compared to TSM's carry.

@JWong: Urgot isn't an anti-carry in the Irelia or Xin Zhao sense, he's an anti carry laner - like Morde is. He's meant to dominate them in lane to prevent them carrying and he does this by having insane early game DPS.


Boken said:
Opposing team had Skarner and Talon. Your team also had 85% magical damage and they still built a bunch of armour. I have no words neki.

FN v TSM deciding match. Urgot was pretty useless compared to TSM's carry.

@JWong: Urgot isn't an anti-carry in the Irelia or Xin Zhao sense, he's an anti carry laner - like Morde is. He's meant to dominate them in lane to prevent them carrying and he does this by having insane early game DPS.

Elementz said on stream (literally just a few hours ago when he was recording his new tier list), that he was used by them as a counter to Udyr. Euro's used him as an AD carry counter.


Blackface said:
Elementz said on stream (literally just a few hours ago when he was recording his new tier list), that he was used by them as a counter to Udyr. Euro's used him as an AD carry counter.
I don't understand your point lol.

You said some teams used him as an anti-carry and dominated.

I'm saying FN used him as an anti-carry laner and he did not anti any carry (and then they lost painfully).


From what I read, Urgot is an anti-carry because of his passive.

IMO 15% damage reduction isn't as good as 100% (aka stun, contained, or dead). I still don't get why Urgot is of any use with his mediocre health, low damage, and terribad skills.
JWong said:
From what I read, Urgot is an anti-carry because of his passive.

IMO 15% damage reduction isn't as good as 100% (aka stun, contained, or dead). I still don't get why Urgot is of any use with his mediocre health, low damage, and terribad skills.
% damage decrease, % armor decrease, a 1000 range semi-targeted slow, a shield, and a combination suppressor/position-switcher. Not a bad toolkit when combined with how easily he dominates his lane.
JWong said:
From what I read, Urgot is an anti-carry because of his passive.

IMO 15% damage reduction isn't as good as 100% (aka stun, contained, or dead). I still don't get why Urgot is of any use with his mediocre health, low damage, and terribad skills.
Urgot is a great, maybe the best anti-carry in the game because he's actually a sniper if you know how to play him, which means he'll out range a carry. And he has a slow with tremendous range if you combo his W with E-Q combo. But his late game is too weak and needs a buff. The game needs to end before the 30 minute mark even if he's fed. I already ranted about this so I'll stop now lol. He needs a late game buff without question though and all the enemy team has to do is put a tank in lane with him and he's gotta just sit there and not do damage or farm.
Boken said:
@JWong: Urgot isn't an anti-carry in the Irelia or Xin Zhao sense, he's an anti carry laner - like Morde is. He's meant to dominate them in lane to prevent them carrying and he does this by having insane early game DPS.
He doesn't have insane early game DPS at all, he's weak early game but he CAN hit you with 4 abilities E-Q-Q-Q over...i dunno 10 seconds or so. Each of those attacks aren't anything special. Never will be. That's the issue, he can only concentrate on 1 enemy at a time and yet doesn't have carry DPS damage. Not saying he should dish out as much as a tristana late game, but if he plays well and feeds he should be doing more than he does. Urgots got plenty of weaknesses/vulnerability without having such a weak late game.


I picked up Talon last night. He was great provided I could get a decent lane partner. I was solo queuing so a lot of times I got stuck at top solo or with another squishy melee where we got poked back to the tower from the start.

I was having a tough time coming up with a build that I liked. I went Doran's Blade -> Boots of Speed -> Phage -> Berserker's Greaves -> Frozen Mallet, then I played around with Infinity Edge, Ghostblade, etc. I'm not convinced of Frozen Mallet's usefulness that early in the game. When I could effectively farm without towers taking a lot of my last hits, I would be ok. But if I got behind on gold, I could never catch up and essentially turned into a snare bot for the other carries. I've never been a fan of buying multiple Doran's but I'm thinking I may have to go that route.
Boken said:
@JWong: Urgot isn't an anti-carry in the Irelia or Xin Zhao sense, he's an anti carry laner - like Morde is. He's meant to dominate them in lane to prevent them carrying and he does this by having insane early game DPS.
no offense, but a good morde can eat shit on urgot as a anti-carry laner...
plus he's fucking solid late game..
morde with
boots (possibly mres/slow res) + sunfire + fon + banshee/thronmail (depending on the team one or them or both) + ryley scepter
or change one of the items with hextech gunblade, guardian angel depening on the setup...
and you're THE MAN, sporting around 220ish armor and 180 mres, dealing aoe dmg with sunfire, W, siphon and Q.. slowing everybody with ryleigh for easy containment of runner, and throwing your weight with ult+ ignite on low life ad carry/squishy hoping for a strong token...
heck no offense but morde is one hell of a pub-stomper, with possibly the strongest lane-pushing capabilties in EVERY stage, and provided you can play decently and have a ward always up, you can push your solo top tower FUCKING early and start roaming to support team and steal a few kills...
morde lover btw :X



That hits very close to home. I have yet to have anyone load the game faster than me. I don't even have a fast harddrive, so it's not that. Maybe it's loading based on the fps like deus ex human revolution was.... that'd make sense. Either way.. damn people get better computers!


KO Traveling Hobo said:
% damage decrease, % armor decrease, a 1000 range semi-targeted slow, a shield, and a combination suppressor/position-switcher. Not a bad toolkit when combined with how easily he dominates his lane.
Missile relies on Shield for slow, but Shield only lasts for 3 missiles.
Missile relies on Corrosive for homing, but Corrisive needs to hit, doesn't have 1000 range, and the affect only lasts for 2 missiles.
And everyone just needs to stay out of range for his ulti.

His usefulness is too dependent on his other skills hitting or activating, and all for just a slow effect for 3 shots (1 that can miss).


Mr. B Natural said:
He doesn't have insane early game DPS at all, he's weak early game but he CAN hit you with 4 abilities E-Q-Q-Q over...i dunno 10 seconds or so.
Q has a 2s cd. 0.85 TOTAL AD ratio. That's so much more DPS than any champion can muster over the first few levels.

witchedwiz said:
no offense, but a good morde can eat shit on urgot as a anti-carry laner...
No offense taken. That's just his role. Whether or not Morde is better at it is a different point all together. Morde however has to push his lane to keep up his lane dominance and Urgot synergises better with support/carry bot. Plus if Morde is bot against the opposing carry, that means the carry on your team is soloing in some other lane... which generally doesn't work in the metagame.

Of course we're just talking about the tournament level ELO and why they'd pick Urgot as an anti carry laner. In solo queue sure, Morde is a crazy good anti carry pick.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
JWong said:
Missile relies on Shield for slow, but Shield only lasts for 3 missiles.
Missile relies on Corrosive for homing, but Corrisive needs to hit, doesn't have 1000 range, and the affect only lasts for 2 missiles.
And everyone just needs to stay out of range for his ulti.

His usefulness is too dependent on his other skills hitting or activating, and all for just a slow effect for 3 shots (1 that can miss).
You can missile without the homing. Just gotta go hyperpro.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
KlockreN said:
Anyone playing Nocturne and would like to share their build?
AD Carry:
Berserkers or Merc Treads
Infinite Edge
Phantom Dancer

Berserkers or Merc Treads


FlightOfHeaven said:
How the hell do I play as Irelia?
1. Has the fight been initiated?
Yes - go to 2.
No - go to 1.
2. Charge at the enemy carry. Most likely you'll have taken damage getting there... so you...
3. Stun/slow the carry.
4. Ult and chuck that shit everywhere. Chuck it at the carry if you don't need the lifesteal, chuck it at the big clump of people if you do.
5. Has major CC been used?
Yes - go to 6.
No - go to 5.
6. Turn on Hiten style and stick to the carry like glue.
7. Is Q off cooldown?
Yes - go to 8.
No - go to 7.
8. Is the carry dead?
No - Q the carry and go to 3.
Yes - go to 9.
9. Are you the focus of enemy damage?
Yes - go to 10.
No - laugh and start all over again with another squishy target.
10. Is the incoming DPS REALLY BIG (2x your sustain)?
Yes - go to 11 [if the carry is dead, their DPS should'nt be too high - unless their AP carries are massively fed].
No - laugh and start all over again with another squishy target.
11. get to a safe place!!!
12. Have your opponents gotten low/changed targets?
Yes - laugh and start all over again with another squishy target.
No - let them chase you while your team kills them. Go to 12.
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