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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Did someone use Flash?

Yes: Ult them
No: Wait for them to use Flash.


Halycon said:
Did someone use Flash?

Yes: Ult them
No: Wait for them to use Flash.
I've been playing in some games with Jarvan, and the problem I've seen lately is jarvan amumu. Jarvan can trap one or two guys, but then amumu traps like 4/5 of our entire team (and his trap radius is bigger than jarvan's ult radius I believe).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Merc Treads

Then you go either tank or damage.

I've been playing in some games with Jarvan, and the problem I've seen lately is jarvan amumu. Jarvan can trap one or two guys, but then amumu traps like 4/5 of our entire team (and his trap radius is bigger than jarvan's ult radius I believe).
Jarven's base skills are much better than Amumu's, which is why his ult is weaker to compensate. Also if the radius is too big, it will be difficult to avoid trapping your teammates inside as well, which is very bad news.


By the way, that Penny Arcade comic is accurate. I usually seem to finish first, and some people's computers are made of wood, I'm convinced.
Halycon said:
Merc Treads

Then you go either tank or damage.

Jarven's base skills are much better than Amumu's, which is why his ult is weaker to compensate. Also if the radius is too big, it will be difficult to avoid trapping your teammates inside as well, which is very bad news.

Hmmm I've been going

regrowth- Philo - Heart of gold- Phage- merc treads- trin force - Randuins- atmas.

I think personally the tanky Jarvan is best Jarvan with dragon strike and his passive making up for the attack items.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dubbedinenglish said:
Hmmm I've been going

regrowth- Philo - Heart of gold- Phage- merc treads- trin force - Randuins- atmas.

I think personally the tanky Jarvan is best Jarvan with dragon strike and his passive making up for the attack items.
That works too, I dislike gp5 items so I avoid those kind of builds.


About the heart of gold/phil stone. How worth it are they? They seem like you'd only get a very minimal amount of gold with them.... (specially when factoring in their cost) why bother unless you're building toward something?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
After you get them, they reach efficiency at about 3-4 minutes and pay for themselves at around 25-30 minutes.

Although they provide nice early game stats, they are limited in what they can be built into so you usually wind up selling them toward late game or compromising the "purity" of your build by upgrading them.

They also delay your core items, since only tanks have Randuin's as core (and that depends on enemy team comp) and no one has Shurelya's as core.

If I recall correctly, High ELO players favor the GP5 builds. But they're as susceptible to FOTM strategies as Low/Non-ELO players so it's really up to you to decide whether it's worth it.

Also I'm only taking about HoG and Philo stone here. Avarice Blade is usually a good item because Youmuu's is awesome. DFG is less versatile but it's still good on the right heroes (poppy especially) so by extension, Kage's Pick is also a good item.
Ferrio said:
About the heart of gold/phil stone. How worth it are they? They seem like you'd only get a very minimal amount of gold with them.... (specially when factoring in their cost) why bother unless you're building toward something?

It really depends on how you play, what champ you play, and how well your laning phase is going.

GP5 items take 25 minutes to return their value or roughly 13 minutes if you sell them. On malph i get both the philo and the heart, because I'm usually letting my lane partner last hit and find that by the time I fill my remaining slots I'm 20-25 minutes into the game and they've paid for themselves by then.

I've used all gp5 items on master yi then transitioned into an ap-yi build.
Boken said:
Q has a 2s cd. 0.85 TOTAL AD ratio. That's so much more DPS than any champion can muster over the first few levels.
Urgot's Q at level one does a whopping 10 damage +.85 AD. If his AD is 50 then that's 52 total damage for 40 points of mana. 2 more damage than a normal attack. Again, the nice thing about him is that I can triple that if the player let's me while in a safe place, but a xin just striking his foe at level 1 at 1 hit per second is doubling my DPS and not using a lick of mana. He's up close and personal and I'm not, that's the only difference, not an advantage on DPS. Not even close.

Urgot's DPS is weak, especially considering the mana cost, which means you are not buying an AD item to boost that stat. Other characters can, however, tilting this discussion even further against you. Urgot will be spamming from beginning to end, trying desperately to do damage. That's why laning against a tank as urgot = urgot loses, because you don't have the dps to budge Promu or Cho or whatever. They'll laugh off your combo and laugh at your mana pool draining. He's pure anti-carry and that's it. He needs enemies with little health to go after and make them scurry away.
What makes matters worse for poor old Urgot is that he best benefits from keeping away from the offensive tree.


Mr. B Natural said:
Urgot's Q at level one does a whopping 10 damage +.85 AD. If his AD is 50 then that's 52 total damage for 40 points of mana. 2 more damage than a normal attack. Again, the nice thing about him is that I can triple that if the player let's me while in a safe place, but a xin just striking his foe at level 1 at 1 hit per second is doubling my DPS .
That's my point. In a straight up fight where all you're doing is trying to DPS as hard as you can, Urgot is way up the top with his auto attack and Q spam.

GP5 items take 25 minutes to return their value or roughly 13 minutes if you sell them.
First part is a bit misleading. If you keep the item, the stats themselves have value and become efficient on average about 7 minutes. The one exception is the philosophers stone who's stats are worth 185g more than what you paid for. The problem is that HP5 and MP5 drop off in value quickly after the laning phase so if you can't make use of HP5 or MP5 then it's worthless.

Also I'm only taking about HoG and Philo stone here. Avarice Blade is usually a good item because Youmuu's is awesome. DFG is less versatile but it's still good on the right heroes (poppy especially) so by extension, Kage's Pick is also a good item.
The difference is that HoG and Philo stone are amazing early game items. It only takes 14.2 minutes to sell a HoG for a profit and 13.4 minutes to sell a Philo stone for a profit. A HoG can be useful all game so there's no hurry to sell it. A philostone becomes pretty useless after having it for 10 minutes however, theres still no hurry to sell it for a loss.

Avarice blade is weak early game. It adds 12% crit which is a % based increase in damage output. However early game your damage kinda sucks so it's not that great. (And I also think Youmuu's is a noob trap.)

On topic:
Gold per 10 items are good on Jarvan because he has such a strong kit already without any real items. He has the potential to just stay in lane for most of the early game - meaning that he doesn't need real items. The mentality you need if you get Gp10 items on Jarvan is to stay in lane as long as possible farming. This way you can generate a huge gold lead and be really strong when team fights start.

On Gold per 10 items:
Except for HoG which I always get on any bruiser or tank type champion (because they need the HP), I think Gold per 10 items are best left to non farming support champions. All gold per 10 items are gold inefficient (which means you're weaker than if you bought other items) which means you should be more passive in lane and just farm. If you had bought normal items with that same gold and you were already winning your lane, then you win your lane even further, zoning out your opponent and possibly killing them. If you were losing your lane then with smart counter buys you have more of a chance of coming back than compared to buying weak gold per 5 items.

tl;dr - if you buy gold per 10 items, you just made yourself weaker by buying them.


imo Jarvan isn't very effective unless he's tanky. I mean if he's going to cage himself inside a granite with potentially the whole opposing team, he better be. I never worry about building AD on him early because of his passive.

Philo, Mercs, HoG, Giant's Belt, Atmas, Warmog, (armor or mres depending on opposing composition)

Purpose of this is to be a massive tank and at the same time use your HP as an attack supplement (from Atmas) without having to invest in a 3k+ gold AD item that doesn't fit his role early.


sparkle this bitch
Ferrio said:
About the heart of gold/phil stone. How worth it are they? They seem like you'd only get a very minimal amount of gold with them.... (specially when factoring in their cost) why bother unless you're building toward something?
Everything you build, depends completely on how you play, who you are playing, and how the game is going.

The GPS items are a pass down from high ELO games. Watch them. Very little actually happens in them. They basically sit in a lane and farm for the first 20 minutes, till the jungles are powerful enough to cause easy turret dives and solo dragon alone. They work well. Also note, Riot is specifically targeting that sort of play too. The healer nerfs was directly due to that.

Most normal games don't work like that. Everything from mid to low is just a poor imitation of that. To be blunt, I think all mages are far better off with the Catalyst than the Philosopher stone. You are less squishy, have a large pool, and every level regens 1.5 potion of HP and Mana. But if the game is looking to annoyingly drag out. I'll probably get the Philosophers instead.


Boken said:
I don't understand your point lol.

You said some teams used him as an anti-carry and dominated.

I'm saying FN used him as an anti-carry laner and he did not anti any carry (and then they lost painfully).

For some reason I read it as CLG Vs TSM.


witchedwiz said:
no offense, but a good morde can eat shit on urgot as a anti-carry laner...
plus he's fucking solid late game..
morde with
boots (possibly mres/slow res) + sunfire + fon + banshee/thronmail (depending on the team one or them or both) + ryley scepter
or change one of the items with hextech gunblade, guardian angel depening on the setup...
and you're THE MAN, sporting around 220ish armor and 180 mres, dealing aoe dmg with sunfire, W, siphon and Q.. slowing everybody with ryleigh for easy containment of runner, and throwing your weight with ult+ ignite on low life ad carry/squishy hoping for a strong token...
heck no offense but morde is one hell of a pub-stomper, with possibly the strongest lane-pushing capabilties in EVERY stage, and provided you can play decently and have a ward always up, you can push your solo top tower FUCKING early and start roaming to support team and steal a few kills...
morde lover btw :X

A good Urgot would just kite the shit out of Morde. That said, Morde is awesome, and a better overall champion right now then Urgot. CLG was saying everyone knows he is awesome, but nobody has had the balls to pick him in competitive play yet.


Just started playing LoL this weekend with some friends. Purchased my first champion, Akali, the other day and really enjoying the mechanics. The invisible cloud skill has made a lot of luls and saved both my friends and I multiple times. Quite a few people have raged on the other team too when I manage to get away with a sliver of health. Are most of the gaffers that play already 30? I'm only 10 or so but wouldn't mind playing with some other people. Right now there's just 3-4 of us playing as we level up and try out different heros. Not sure who I want to play since Akali is so much fun but i'm eyeing Swain.


Sorry SouthernDragon and others. :( Fire alarm went off, I lost what was left of my high frequency hearing, everyone stood outside near midnight in the apartment complex with our building complex alarm going off for like 10-15 minutes, fire truck finally came, firemen got out, talked to people, wrote things on paper, got back in truck, and FINALLY the maintenance guy actually came to turn off the building alarm. Guess someone just pulled it, and I sure hope they don't do it again tonight.

The soulking person did a great job as Annie trying to save our team.


Dmorr07 said:
Just started playing LoL this weekend with some friends. Purchased my first champion, Akali, the other day and really enjoying the mechanics. The invisible cloud skill has made a lot of luls and saved both my friends and I multiple times. Quite a few people have raged on the other team too when I manage to get away with a sliver of health. Are most of the gaffers that play already 30? I'm only 10 or so but wouldn't mind playing with some other people. Right now there's just 3-4 of us playing as we level up and try out different heros. Not sure who I want to play since Akali is so much fun but i'm eyeing Swain.

watch some westrice videos. He is the best Akali player in the world.
Dmorr07 said:
Just started playing LoL this weekend with some friends. Purchased my first champion, Akali, the other day and really enjoying the mechanics. The invisible cloud skill has made a lot of luls and saved both my friends and I multiple times. Quite a few people have raged on the other team too when I manage to get away with a sliver of health. Are most of the gaffers that play already 30? I'm only 10 or so but wouldn't mind playing with some other people. Right now there's just 3-4 of us playing as we level up and try out different heros. Not sure who I want to play since Akali is so much fun but i'm eyeing Swain.

I'm also level 10 and would love to have a consistent group of people to play with. My name on LoL is TurnipKnight. Send me a friend request!


Halycon said:
May I ask why?
"I have Youmuu's passive up I better keep trying to chase this one target."
"I have this brutalizer, I better build it into a ghostblade"
"enemy team still has their cc, I better use ghostblade"

Ghostblade is a pretty gold inefficient item and works best on people with multiple steroids like Master Yi, Nocturne, Olaf because steroids are multiplicative. Err yeah champions like Renekton who are really good with brutalizer get tricked into buying ghostblade, which isn't that good for them.

Card Boy

managed to get 6 codes so far, i combined 2 of the speed runes for a free quint HP regen rune (was random)

I am working on getting more!

Gmail trick FTW!

Edit: 7 so far now, got a stupid Potenency Mark rune

Card Boy

Looks like they are all gone, i managed to get 8 but i think i accidently registered a 9th one for EU, haven't got an email for that one though.


Exhausted at 3 a.m., I figured the best course of action was to try Veigar for the first time. Man his voice is annoying. Anyway, fortunately my team carried me since I had mostly no clue what I was doing (they told me to last-hit with Q and stuff), but I did manage to almost finish the purchase guide I was following, and it was so weird to have a champion that could do damage for once. Of course I doubt I got to 4 kills, which would be like my limit with any champion, but my ult was supposed to do some 600-700 damage plus bonus AP damage, which is nice. The quick cooldown stun was nice too when people besides EZ would get caught in it.


Starting to get the hang of cass. What a beast.

So I just played with the most vile people.
I could not believe what I was reading.
It was a four pre-made and I actually had to mute them all.
Of course we lost, because all they did was troll the whole game.
Rush mid and what-not.
I was the only one who reported them as well.
The other team just said "sorry man, didn't do anything to us."
Makes me not want to play this game again (even though I will, I love it).
I really just hope that the Tribunal works, and that the reports are read.

Just remember one of their names was subwoof3r, so if you manage to see that name.
I don't even know what to say...
Neutrality said:
So I just played with the most vile people.
I could not believe what I was reading.
It was a four pre-made and I actually had to mute them all.
Of course we lost, because all they did was troll the whole game.
Rush mid and what-not.
I was the only one who reported them as well.
The other team just said "sorry man, didn't do anything to us."
Makes me not want to play this game again (even though I will, I love it).
I really just hope that the Tribunal works, and that the reports are read.

Just remember one of their names was subwoof3r, so if you manage to see that name.
I don't even know what to say...

Why not play with GAF? I am so baffled.

Also, after Irelia playing as Jarvan IV just feels GOOD

Also, that last game was just so epic. We were on the verge of losing, hard, when we turned it around. We won teamfight after teamfight and were very cohesive. Our Veigar was crucial in shutting down their Karthas. We aced them in a team fight and took it all. Also, my Jarvan is getting better. Wriggles is so damn important on him, I'm skipping HoG and using that as my second item. Much better.
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