Just a tip to those who may need it if they see themselves dying too much in 5v5:
Buy your necessary AP/AD item, buy your boots, then go all defensive. I've seen people recommend 5 or so damage items when 1 or 2 will suffice. There is no point having 600 AP if you only have 1.8k hp and get grizzle graped in team fights.
Always be aware of your opponents. Playing against a full team of magic users? Build a banshee's veil ASAP!
Karthas is on the opponent team? Build a banshee's veil ASAP!
Auto-attack retards like Master Yi and Tryndamere on the opponent team? Build a Thornmail!
The past 3 games I played I just bought a Mejai's Soulstealer, Rylai's Scepter for damage items. With just these 2 damage items and some defensive items I went from squishy anti-carry (Akali) to beast carry champion, capable of acing their entire team with 4.2k hp. I recommend people to focus on survivability as it is crucial.
Buy your necessary AP/AD item, buy your boots, then go all defensive. I've seen people recommend 5 or so damage items when 1 or 2 will suffice. There is no point having 600 AP if you only have 1.8k hp and get grizzle graped in team fights.
Always be aware of your opponents. Playing against a full team of magic users? Build a banshee's veil ASAP!
Karthas is on the opponent team? Build a banshee's veil ASAP!
Auto-attack retards like Master Yi and Tryndamere on the opponent team? Build a Thornmail!
The past 3 games I played I just bought a Mejai's Soulstealer, Rylai's Scepter for damage items. With just these 2 damage items and some defensive items I went from squishy anti-carry (Akali) to beast carry champion, capable of acing their entire team with 4.2k hp. I recommend people to focus on survivability as it is crucial.