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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Only thing I can't stand about LoL is the balance between the different champs. Just seems all over the place.

So dumb that you HAVE to ban certain champs to have a remotely fun game.

What the fuck with the Anivia buffs? So dumb, just dominates so easily now.


Macattk15 said:
Only thing I can't stand about LoL is the balance between the different champs. Just seems all over the place.

So dumb that you HAVE to ban certain champs to have a remotely fun game.

What the fuck with the Anivia buffs? So dumb, just dominates so easily now.
It's actually for competitive play, you don't ban champions because they are broken.

As example, maybe you guys are playing with an aoe team, then you dont want the enemy team to have a janna or soraka, so your team bans them. Then on the second round, the enemy team will want to disrupt your aoe team banning amumu and fiddle, etc.


Tetsuo9 said:
It's actually for competitive play, you don't ban champions because they are broken.

As example, maybe you guys are playing with an aoe team, then you dont want the enemy team to have a janna or soraka, so your team bans them. Then on the second round, the enemy team will want to disrupt your aoe team banning amumu and fiddle, etc.

Are you serious? Every game has the following champions banned:

Heimerdinger, Soraka, Shen, Shaco, Xin Zhao, Twitch (not always) because they are BROKEN. I would pay to see a game where at least Heimer isn't banned. It doesn't have shit to do with team comps. If your team has a Heimer, you're virtually guaranteed to push the middle lane. If your team has Shen, well...you know how Shen can save any ally. Yup. If your team has Soraka, then yeah good luck killing her or her team-mates.


Kyoufu said:
Are you serious? Every game has the following champions banned:

Heimerdinger, Soraka, Shen, Shaco, Xin Zhao, Twitch (not always) because they are BROKEN. I would pay to see a game where at least Heimer isn't banned. It doesn't have shit to do with team comps. If your team has a Heimer, you're virtually guaranteed to push the middle lane. If your team has Shen, well...you know how Shen can save any ally. Yup. If your team has Soraka, then yeah good luck killing her or her team-mates.
Me and my usual team ban especific champios, we play most of the time with aoe team so as I said we ban janna and soraka.

When we play with a more misc team we usually ban soraka and nidalee. We think we can deal with all those other champions. They pick heimer?, we pick nasus with telepot, they pick shaco or twitch?, we buy wards, they pick shen or xin, whatever. At least for us the only champion that we constantly ban is soraka, but its not unkilleable at all, it really need an organized team that can focus fire and a little luck to be at the exact moment and place.


Kyoufu said:
Are you serious? Every game has the following champions banned:

Probably because you're in solo queue like the rest of us.

-Heimer's a great pusher because, for the most part, he's weak in a team fight (slow AOE nade, turret AI, rocket targeting, etc makes his damage kind of random and hard to put where you want it). In situations where the enemy is sitting behind one of their towers, your team is just out of range, and neither of you are actually engaging Heimer is a boss.

-Xin Zhao is just messed up right now (a "carry" DPS that doesn't need all that much farm to carry?), and Riot says they're toning him down next patch. I hear he's more manageable in team games when you can get everyone to keep some distance to avoid him lopping off massive amounts of HP with his ult, but otherwise he's a pubstomper.

-Shaco's one of the best junglers and gankers next to Warwick, and more obnoxious than WW to boot.

-Shen's not strictly overpowered (I don't think he's so much OP as he is Baby's First Tank), but everyone hates him so...

Honestly though, it seems most of the Shen/Xin/Shaco/Heimer banning sprees are done because a lot of people have heard that you need to ban the above champs (also because there's no coherent strategy in pub teams, so you might as well use your bans to cut the tallest blades of grass as it were), but if you ask them why those champs should be banned you're not likely to get a very good answer.

Example: in one game I lost I had someone bitch at me that I "only got two kills with an OP champ."

I was playing Heimerdinger. I had two dead towers in my column.

We destroyed three towers all game (and I did most of the damage to the third one before a minion got it).

In response to customer feedback regarding the ranked games we have decided that summoners must reach level 30 in order to be able to participate in ranked play. While we understand that this will spell disappointment for some, we believe that it is important to ensure that the playing field is level before players do battle in a ladder setting. We made this decision in response to our initial data from ranked play, which has shown that players below level 30 leave up to 4.2% of games while level 30 players leave around 1.1% of games. Additionally, players below summoner level 30 trend towards win rates as low as 35.2%, whereas summoners of level 30 currently have an average win rate of 52%. We have also shown that overall player quality improves drastically as summoners level up to 30. We've attached a few graphs to help illustrate the point.

For those players whom this affects, we apologize for the inconvenience. But don't give up! Your current ranking will not be lost while you finish leveling. You're so close to the finish line! Courage!



Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I just finished a game where I went 15/6/23 as Fiddle. It was awesome. I wanted to take a screenshot to remember it because the comments were funny as well and we made a kind of comeback but apparently print screen doesn't work. If you want to take a screenshot, make sure you use F12.

Legato.Reborn- said:

That's not cool. I'm level 19 and was so close to being able to play in ranked and now I have to go through 10 more levels...

It's not like all level 30s are good either - I played in this match where we were up against 3-4 level 30s and a 26, our highest level was technically my friend (30) but he was playing as a level 14 (the apparent highest was me at level 18).


Shrinnan said:
I just finished a game where I went 15/6/23 as Fiddle. It was awesome. I wanted to take a screenshot to remember it because the comments were funny as well and we made a kind of comeback but apparently print screen doesn't work. If you want to take a screenshot, make sure you use F12.

That's not cool. I'm level 19 and was so close to being able to play in ranked and now I have to go through 10 more levels...

It's not like all level 30s are good either - I played in this match where we were up against 3-4 level 30s and a 26, our highest level was technically my friend (30) but he was playing as a level 14 (the apparent highest was me at level 18).

prnt scrn works for me.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Blackface said:
prnt scrn works for me.

Where did you find it? I heard of people using printscrn but they either tried to post it on paint and it turned into a little black box or, in my case, I can't find it.


Shrinnan said:
Where did you find it? I heard of people using printscrn but they either tried to post it on paint and it turned into a little black box or, in my case, I can't find it.

Print screen doesn't save it as a file. It copies it to your computers clip board. I go into photoshop and just paste it.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Blackface said:
Print screen doesn't save it as a file. It copies it to your computers clip board. I go into photoshop and just paste it.

Wow, I should have realized that. I haven't used print scrn in so long (not since I played my last MMO). Thanks. :D

I won't be able to bring it back, because I had already copied and pasted some stuff though. At least I'll know next time.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
CrazedProfessional said:
Ok, going to muster up some courage and jump in, what's the best character to try as one who has no idea what to do, buy or use when in game? :lol

I find most people tend to start off with Ashe, but it's really going to go down to what you prefer playing as (playstyle wise).
So Nidalee is free this week, thought I'd try to see what makes her so magical, and I can't get her to do anything. She just feels like a giant fucking target while shapeshifted, and can't pump out much damage while normal.
Shrinnan said:
I just finished a game where I went 15/6/23 as Fiddle. It was awesome. I wanted to take a screenshot to remember it because the comments were funny as well and we made a kind of comeback but apparently print screen doesn't work. If you want to take a screenshot, make sure you use F12.

That's not cool. I'm level 19 and was so close to being able to play in ranked and now I have to go through 10 more levels...

It's not like all level 30s are good either - I played in this match where we were up against 3-4 level 30s and a 26, our highest level was technically my friend (30) but he was playing as a level 14 (the apparent highest was me at level 18).

Oh, I agree, there's a lot of level 30's that suck and are just there by grinding.



This is data extracted from Season 1 so far. You can see this is the best call.

Trust me, if you were level 30 (and decent elo) you'd be qq'n as all the other 30's are about all the shitty 20-29 level feeders/leavers. It's destroying Season 1.


I've been trying Olaf out lately and not liking him that much. He just feels so limited and doesn't contribute much in team battles.


I'm so glad they're going to open up practices again after they finish the server maintenance. I wanted to keep practicing with Ezreal without disrupting normal games, but I guess I'll just have to wait until he's free... or maybe just go ahead and spend some IP on him. Haven't decided yet.

I did enjoy my first time using Karthus. I went 9/0/6 in that game before the other team finally gave up. His ult is so OP. :lol


Zhengi said:
I'm so glad they're going to open up practices again after they finish the server maintenance. I wanted to keep practicing with Ezreal without disrupting normal games, but I guess I'll just have to wait until he's free... or maybe just go ahead and spend some IP on him. Haven't decided yet.

I did enjoy my first time using Karthus. I went 9/0/6 in that game before the other team finally gave up. His ult is so OP. :lol

Banshee Veil > Karthus ult ... well as long as it isn't on cooldown.


QisTopTier said:
I was messing with gangplank yesterday, 1k crits to the face from parlley was quite funny :D

I've reached 2k crit parleys before the nerf to crit runes and change to parley. The build that I use averages 1.5k crits however its not very consistent because I forgo Phantom Dancer for another damage item.

On the real though, Tankplank is where its really at. Try it, and you'll see. :p


Pretty much the best game I've ever had. The team surrender right on the 25 min mark. Laning with Fiddle was just dirty! =X

Just played one of the longer games I've ever had at 70 min. Went 16-6-22 as Taric, and pretty much was the only reason why my team won. The end of the game was pretty damn epic, everyone and their mother had both a Guardian Angel and Banshee's Veil along with around 3500 HP a piece.

Basically what won us the game was the fact that we got Baron four times, which prevented them from taking control of the game. I managed to take down one of their inhibitors during a team fight (that we actually lost, besides for me not dying), and from that point on they couldn't push out of their base because of the super creep.

Had a few fun chases all the way across the map with a Blitzcrank, Ezreal, and Kass on my tail. One would blink next to me, I would stun, run away with Ghost, ect.


Blackface said:
AP or AD Katarina?

The eternal debate.

Pro AD:
More use of your abilities besides Shun Po
Ability to actually attack and do something
Better damage out of your ult

Pro AP:
AP items give more health
Rylai's is really useful
More magic penetration

Basically with AD you get more damaged but less utility, AP you get less damage but more utility.


Kat's ult does more damage with AP build, along with a 700 damage or so Shunpo.

Killer Instinct -> Shunpo > Ult = dead people

AD also works with the bouncing blade doing a decent amount and her ult still wrecks faces even as AD, but Shunpo will become a gap closer rather than a gap closer and strong nuke.

I prefer AP because in team fights your ult is usually up due to low cooldown and passive assist CDR.
bluemax said:
The eternal debate.

Pro AD:
More use of your abilities besides Shun Po
Ability to actually attack and do something
Better damage out of your ult

Pro AP:
AP items give more health
Rylai's is really useful
More magic penetration

Basically with AD you get more damaged but less utility, AP you get less damage but more utility.

AP by far from what I've been reading on different LOL sites.. I've been trying it and I get bitched at by everyone for killing em so fast out of no where.


NeoCross said:
So I have enough points for another hero and I'm stumped.......Jax or Kat?

I hear Jax got nerfed but he is still good. I tried Katarina when she was free and dominated with her :D

I say go with the one you liek.

EDIT: Just noticed I am not a junior anymore, yay


NeoCross said:
So I have enough points for another hero and I'm stumped.......Jax or Kat?

How do your runes look? If you have lots of caster/CDR runes, go with Kat. If you have melee runes, go with Jax.

Or, if you're below lvl 20, just go with the one you like more :p Jax is harder to kill and more tankish but Kat is deadly if you get some early kills (like all dps chars).

I've settled with ASPD/AD champs, the ones I play all have an attack speed buff.. Twitch, Blitzcrank, Warwick, Evelynn and of course I had to buy Xin as well. My runes match that perfectly, so it all comes down to that with me these days.
NeoCross said:
So I have enough points for another hero and I'm stumped.......Jax or Kat?
Kat is fun as hell.. just run around the map ganking people in all 3 lanes for lawls. You'll get bitched at a lot by the other team and still be helping your team a lot.. She can use her 1 spell combined with her teleport then rape someone while in a turret barely taking at damage.. can't remember the spellls name but it buffs the next move she uses so she takes like no damage in the teleport.. Did I mention its 4am here? Then you just finish em or destroy em and use the one special you pick on the party screen that lets you run away avoiding collusion and crap then sit back and be all /laugh /taunt... ok bed time <3 kat


When I read the sneak-peak about Vlad I wasn't very interested, but a hero who uses his own HP instead of mana actually looks really cool.


The new champ looks pretty interesting. Looks like his item build will probably be sorceror's boots, rod of ages, rylai's scepter, zhonya's ring, archangel's staff, and void staff. All those give him AP and with his passive gives him extra HP. You can always add Abyssal Scepter and Lich Bane for both AP and MR for extra survivability.

An item like Randuin's Omen will also give HP, Armor, and HP regen. His passive gives him extra AP from the bonus HP the item gives and this is also an excellent item to help survivability, CD reduction, and giving him more magic damage.

He definitely looks very interesting to play.


Well, this game had a good run for me. Everyone takes this way to seriously for me to even enjoy playing at all, regardless of a win or lose.


cwmartin said:
Well, this game had a good run for me. Everyone takes this way to seriously for me to even enjoy playing at all, regardless of a win or lose.

Just chill in practice games. It's more laid back in those types of games. I know I spent hundreds of practice games just messing around and learning the game. It's not as bad in those types of games.
Azar said:
When I read the sneak-peak about Vlad I wasn't very interested, but a hero who uses his own HP instead of mana actually looks really cool.

Tryn and Mundo already do that.

Champion looks kind of fun regardless.


aka surume
cwmartin said:
Well, this game had a good run for me. Everyone takes this way to seriously for me to even enjoy playing at all, regardless of a win or lose.
Sorry you had a bad experience.

If you want to give it another go, add GAFers from the 2nd post in this thread. Much easier to pick up with ppl you know.
Gonna be playing tonight add me (clearacell) I dunno how it's gonna be playing with below level 30s though...how does the elo work out for that ;o
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