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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ark said:
Is Lux a decent champion? I really enjoy playing Ashe but apparently so does everyone else, so I'm in reasonably dire need of a back-up. I'm about half-way to Lux in IP atm, saw the RiotGames Champion Spotlight video on YouTube and that pretty much had me sold, but I figured I'd ask here just incase there's anything I should know before I get the 3000 odd points I need.
Lux one of the better support champions imo. All her skills are skill shots though, but easy to get use to. I'd recommend her to anyone.


formerly sane
Boken said:
Anti-Fun is something that when happens to you, just feels like complete and utter bullshit.

Like Troll Warlord when his stun used to stack with cranium bashers. Thats what they mean by perma stun. Perma-stun isnt chain cc. It's one champion being able to stunlock a target to death.

Perma stun has been applied for various things when I started playing hence why I gave examples. You're mentioning character examples I mentioning how a team with good coordination can make similar effect with the same result. If someone is basically stunned fucked it's perma stun or the equiv of it why debate the semantic because it takes more people? If so you're wrong considering there were plenty of dota team going around stacking the effect with certain characters or in the case of sheep stick people taking rhasta and lion and stacking two sticks on them. Me and friend use to do warlord and sniper and it wrecked teams when they let us get farm for it. Yes the function can be applied on singular but there are clear examples especially in older dota of how two or more could do the various perma forms of that.

lux is ap based and her ulti lacks the range ashe has. Caitlyn or tristana frozen mallet can you give a similar playstyle and more damage considering their damage stats are better. I rarely buy champions I earn so much ip I bought most of the upper tier of the roster with ease.


The difference is that chain cc uses the cooldowns of multiple champions. A single champion who can perma stun another champion is completely different to that. Imagine if you will if Taric's dazzle stunned you until you died. That sounds retarded right? That's a single champion being able to perma stun. Clearly RioT isn't against chain cc. There are billions of champions with stuns/suppress/roots so I don't know what you're arguing about. Now a single champion being able to apply a total cc of 10s? Will never exist.

I mean sure you can make DotA examples, but who the fuck cares? LoL isn't DotA. LoL doesn't have CC items, LoL has higher damage flying around, LoL doesn't have BKB. LoL is just a different game. There's just no place for a bunch of items that provide hard cc just so one person can apply 4 cc's on a target.


What hero shall i 'upgrade' to from Master Yi?

I also like playing as Gragas. Is Tryndamere good for 1 on 1?

I just started playing but i'm loving it.


markot said:
Are any of those champion packs worth it >.<?

The bundle thingys.
If you have to buy one, the Digital Collectors Pack is the best value. A great variety of 20 strong champions (most of them are - just stay away from Evelynn) + 1380 RP refund + some runes.

Kyaw said:
What hero shall i 'upgrade' to from Master Yi?

I also like playing as Gragas. Is Tryndamere good for 1 on 1?

I just started playing but i'm loving it.
Sounds like you like playing champions with long range but high damage. Champions that fit the bill for this are - Lux, Brand, Orianna (harder to play though)

If getting into their face and owning shit up is your thing, Irelia, Jax, Jarvan and Xin Zhao fit the bill (in that order).

Oh, and to the new kids on the block:
1. Look at the bottom right corner and find the two speech bubbles and click on it.
2. Above that button should now be a +speechbubble button, click it to join a chat room.
3. Enter "NeoGAF"
4. In the chatroom, there is a gear icon in the top right hand corner. Click that and check "auto join on startup"

This way the new LoLers will be able to play with each other easier or just ask for advice in chat. Enjoy!


formerly sane
Boken said:
The difference is that chain cc uses the cooldowns of multiple champions. A single champion who can perma stun another champion is completely different to that. Imagine if you will if Taric's dazzle stunned you until you died. That sounds retarded right? That's a single champion being able to perma stun. Clearly RioT isn't against chain cc. There are billions of champions with stuns/suppress/roots so I don't know what you're arguing about. Now a single champion being able to apply a total cc of 10s? Will never exist.

I mean sure you can make DotA examples, but who the fuck cares? LoL isn't DotA. LoL doesn't have CC items, LoL has higher damage flying around, LoL doesn't have BKB. LoL is just a different game. There's just no place for a bunch of items that provide hard cc just so one person can apply 4 cc's on a target.

I was arguing the terminology which can be applied for two instances. The main you mentioned but in dota one could equally perma sheep and perma stun with two characters. You're limiting my argument to one form of perma disabling an enemy or a team to specific manner of doing it. I never denied that perma stun wasn't doable by one person or it had to be done by on person I was saying it could be singular or plural effect of perma disabling.

Like you mentioning mana burning which I loved. Back when silencer was still in prime form you could easily stack him with one other mana burner and wreck any team over the long course of game by taking advantage of having various people to do instead of one. Sure one person can do it but when two or three are there it utterly wrecks balance in the sense riot want it to be gutted out of the game in general.

Also I can freely bring up how dota influence lol considering how and why LOL was developed, you gotta be kidding me with that garbage line. The whole argument was about anti fun and what riot has done from a game that they formerly worked on to a game that they now back for themselves. My point was that they are selective about what is anti fun to people when it in reality it can be applied for tons of mechanics that have existed in the two games. Funny you use that line of reason considering things sure you don't but that doesn't stop me and others on the official forums or other places reminding riot and certain zealots of their own hypocrisy.

There are plenty of reasons for having hard cc on one character. Yet i will gladly admit for arugment sake and because riot talks about these things your right it has no place. In the scheme of things riot doesn't want a DOTA/HON experience where the few can steamroll the many, despite the fact it still happens quite a bit. How about the instance in normals where no one on my team but me has hard cc or better yet my teammates have no clue how to focus or their cc right. Even worse when you teammates that don't hit their skillshots with any kind of consistency except when it screws you over. So are you clear now why someone like myself who usually duo or solo queue would want such a thing.


sparkle this bitch
Anti fun, when bad shit you do... happens to you!

Did I drown people in WoW with my Mage for anything other than the malicious joy it brought me? Absolutely not.


I'm not even sure what you're arguing about.

I am not pro "anti-fun". I already said that fun is arbitrary and subjective.

Mana-burn isnt "anti-fun". A targetable mana-burn nuke (Nerubian Assassin go to hell bro) just doesn't work in LoL because champions are way too reliant on their skills. That and mana is a stat in itself rather than tied to a damage stat like intelligence.

CC everywhere doesn't work in LoL not because "it's for da casuals" but because damage levels are so high in LoL.

I'm sorry to hear you have such snarfy teams and you meet such snarfy people in queue. But I doubt you having a sheep stick would help you out in the team you described because the enemy team would have equal access to that. And seeing as apparently it's only your teammates that are bad, itll be five sheep sticks vs your one.

Also I can freely bring up how dota influence lol considering how LOL you gotta be kidding me with that garbage line.
I can't be exactly sure what you're saying here but I believe you're responding to
Me said:
I mean sure you can make DotA examples, but who the fuck cares? LoL isn't DotA.
And it's true. LoL isn't DotA. Sure DotA has largely influenced LoL, but the differences are enough to make it a different game in terms of what is possible.


formerly sane
Boken said:
I'm not even sure what you're arguing about.

I am not pro "anti-fun". I already said that fun is arbitrary and subjective.

Mana-burn isnt "anti-fun". A targetable mana-burn nuke (Nerubian Assassin go to hell bro) just doesn't work in LoL because champions are way too reliant on their skills. That and mana is a stat in itself rather than tied to a damage stat like intelligence.

CC everywhere doesn't work in LoL not because "it's for da casuals" but because damage levels are so high in LoL.

I'm sorry to hear you have such snarfy teams and you meet such snarfy people in queue. But I doubt you having a sheep stick would help you out in the team you described because the enemy team would have equal access to that. And seeing as apparently it's only your teammates that are bad, itll be five sheep sticks vs your one.

I can't be exactly sure what you're saying here but I believe you're responding to

And it's true. LoL isn't DotA. Sure DotA has largely influenced LoL, but the differences are enough to make it a different game in terms of what is possible.

I'm arguing about what riot deems anti fun and how hypocritical they are. Also if you don't know then don't come in commenting on something you clearly don't understand the context I put it in. My op you jumped in on was for flight not for you.

Champions are equally relying in their skills in the moba games mentioned. Not only that LOL with masteries and runes gives you more to regenerate something that isn't so easily done in Dota.

The damage bit is funny considering I bet an ad type in lol would gladly trade a divine rapier over a IE or bloodthirster. Unsure about ap side but for physical damage full core builds on some characters are in dota going to be wrecking what you find in LOL no matter how long a game is.

Nor did I say LOL is dota so I'm unsure why you bring up that point in that exact manner. There is some irony too considering you just asked a few posts up for a puck variant so please keep this form of crappy thought to yourself seeing how selective you are about how and when dota can be brung up in the context of lol.

How does any enemy team having access to what I do dictate whether or not they get the items I do. You certainly don't mean to say that just because potential is there that most in normals will do so. If that were true most squishes would build more defense and more tanks would take more risk in doing damage when they can. Except LOL by far of the three games I have played people will gladly stick to the crap knowledge they learned in guides instead of experiementing and knowing the items to know what really works and when.


Honestly LoL is just a better game than DotA, it's an evolution of the genre. What really holds LoL back is Adobe Air being a completely shit thing to build a game on.


Flayer said:
Honestly LoL is just a better game than DotA, it's an evolution of the genre. What really holds LoL back is Adobe Air being a completely shit thing to build a game on.

I don't think LOL is better, I just think they are different games of the same genre. The same way I love World of Warcraft and Eve, or Team Fortress 2 and BF.


formerly sane
Flayer said:
Honestly LoL is just a better game than DotA, it's an evolution of the genre. What really holds LoL back is Adobe Air being a completely shit thing to build a game on.

Evolution yes better no. Blackface already said it and considering I play fps and fighters of various types no need to argue something most people agree on.

Before this topic goes down this road my point wasn't to compare which are better. My point was to compare how a developer which has various people from dota are involved are being hypocritical in regards to mechanics deemed anti fun. I'd say nothing if they were impartial in the manner but they frequently make excuses in some cases for things they remove while letting others get a status they never enjoyed. I'm sure if I mentioned why flash in lol is broke and anti fun I'd get arguments all day.

Adobe Air is complete shit but doesn't help riot isn't serious about moving off of it or actually finishing things that would help the normal player become a lot better.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Flayer said:
Honestly LoL is just a better game than DotA, it's an evolution of the genre. What really holds LoL back is Adobe Air being a completely shit thing to build a game on.
Adobe Air is a piece of shit. Riot should invest some of their money into 'finshing' the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ikuu said:
Adobe Air is a piece of shit. Riot should invest some of their money into 'finshing' the game.
Uh, really? The client works well enough. There is a laundry list of things I would complain about in League of Legends, pretending Adobe Air is actually a relevant issue when there are omnipresent balance and spectator issues is pretty dumb.
Boken said:
Anti-Fun is something that when happens to you, just feels like complete and utter bullshit.
Like Troll Warlord when his stun used to stack with cranium bashers. Thats what they mean by perma stun. Perma-stun isnt chain cc. It's one champion being able to stunlock a target to death.

This is what I was talking about. Permastun could be caused by multiple enemies, but I'm used to the One Man version, which is crazy bullshit. At least multiple people have to coordinate their stuns; with Troll Warlord it was nothing harder than activating your Ult after getting a couple of Bashers. One hit and BAM StunLock!


Boken said:
Sounds like you like playing champions with long range but high damage. Champions that fit the bill for this are - Lux, Brand, Orianna (harder to play though)

If getting into their face and owning shit up is your thing, Irelia, Jax, Jarvan and Xin Zhao fit the bill (in that order).

I'll have a look into Xin Zhao, Jax and Irelia. I prefer getting into their face and owning shit up, so yeah. :)


red_13th said:
I'll just say that laning as Taric, with a Pantheon, against Caitlyn+Soraka with AP runes was painful.

Just killed a Pantheon with Soraka, we were 1v1 in bottom lane during midgame in a ranked game.
I was quite surprised at my damage output, since I have not played Soraka for a loooong time.
Oh well, the rest of my team was as shocked as me.


Kod1ak said:
I just played a few, had no queue at all.
I should clarify that it was a login queue, not a game queue, and I'm now down to 4 minutes.

*edit* Queue timer finishes, and the login doesn't work, just freezes. Awesome.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Blizzard said:
I'm NA server onry. I never see terrible teams anymore, it's sad. I miss the days of winning because the other team was bad.
You must be playing a different game, or you're not good enough to notice the bad teams ;)


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I think server just blew up. I finished a game and couldnt get to stats screen. LoL client crashed and now in 40 minute queue ffffuuuu


SteveO409 said:
I think server just blew up. I finished a game and couldnt get to stats screen. LoL client crashed and now in 40 minute queue ffffuuuu

That's been happening to me all evening.


broz0rs said:
Soraka is so broken right now. Max Q and dump stars all over faces. I wish I was joking.

its funny how true it is yet people still fail miserably with her. had s soraka in a 40 minute game with a reverie and CDR boots. she was babysitting bot and couldnt do shit due to sheer incompetence.

edit: 72 minute queue it says. guess im done for the night.
Eh, I just leave it loading in the background and surf GAF or do work at home.

The Mac client, though... why does Riot pretend we don't exist? It's baffling that they don't offer a Mac version, even though the Mac client has parity with the PC version.


FlightOfHeaven said:
The Mac client, though... why does Riot pretend we don't exist? It's baffling that they don't offer a Mac version, even though the Mac client has parity with the PC version.

It would be nice, but I'm already accustomed with Windows 7 dual booted on my iMac.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
"Hey! It's sunday, so I guess I'll start playing this tonight!"

*Sees queue time*

"On second thought, I think I'll start playing HoN tonight!"
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