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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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dragonlife said:
I feel pretty confident with my Kayle. Where do I find GAFfers to play with? I'd like to try a real game once. I hope you don't all get mad at me too much.

Wasn't there a chat room or something in-game?
Yeah, its 'neogaf'


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I also play on EU West, but I'm not on all that much.
markot said:
I dont think talent trees and rune kachiggas are a very good idea in a game like this >.<
They aren't, along with Summoner Skills they're the worst part of LoL.


Archie said:
If he's looking for different gameplay, DotA 2 is practically the same with "better" or worse mechanics that really make no difference in the point of PVP.
Ikuu said:
They aren't, along with Summoner Skills they're the worst part of LoL.
Can't wait for DotA2 so you won't be around this thread. =)
From Tuesday, August 30th, through Friday, September 2nd, the Cottontail Teemo, Barbarian Sion, and Commando Xin Zhao skins will be available for 50% off.


Even though I am a HORRENDOUS Xin Zhao, I will get this. Eventually, a full commando set. Through purchases I found out he was the first champion I purchased.

Also, Singed's Theme is so good. Insanity Mix is great.
Anyone else that can't login?

I just created a new account (couldn't log into old either) and I got a confirmation e-mail but when I try to login it says I have the wrong password or username. When I try to enter my e-mail address on the "forgot password" thingy it says that there is no account for that even though I received a confirmation mail for it.
orznge said:
I forget if the account names are case-sensitive but maybe that is the issue?

I use only lowercase. It's weird, I could play with my old account about two weeks ago but today it didn't work anymore and when I try to recover my pass it says that account doesn't exist. So I try createing a new account with the same name just to see what happens and I get an error saying that username (my old one) is already in use.

Edit: New account worked now, I had the wrong region selected in the launcher.


Second-rate Anihawk
What time is most active for GAF? I want to start playing again, but I don't want to do pubs (nor do I want to jungle with Amumu :piss)


Blackface said:
From a musical perspective this is by far the best one.


just not a parody.

Why does this guy only have 16 subscribers? Fucking insane.

Archie said:
What time is most active for GAF? I want to start playing again, but I don't
want to do pubs (nor do I want to jungle with Amumu :piss)

Well if you're on EU West I'm on pretty much all day until the 12th September, then I'll be on from about 7-8pm to around 11pm BST (GMT+1).

I chill in GAF Mumble as well, when we get 5 people together all is fun.


I'm loving Cass so much, she's so fun to play... constantly doing something. Only thing I hate is when I'm up against a character that has shields or temp health like Mord. Her poison loses so much of it's usefulness in the early game when laning against them.


JWong said:
Bailed? I went to sleep.

I'd love to answer that right now, but that's 3 days old. Wanna take his argument in here? At a glance, I'd shoot it all down because his responses are weak and disregarding game design.

I'd love to take the argument into here if it's appropriate, seeing as you disappeared from the DOTA2 thread. I play some League with my friends since they don't have it in themselves to learn DOTA at this point -- and that isn't a jab at League, by the way -- and I have taken some time to learn about the League metagame. So if you can go in-depth with your response that'd be great. If I'm wrong about some things I'd be happy to admit that.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Artanisix's analysis is accurate though. A lot of LoL features were put in to create a safer environment, in order to make it newbie friendly. The big offenders here are HP growth, tower strength, early game regen, mana costs and recall.

When HoN went on sale for $10 there were a few people who came to HoNGAF from LoL. The immediate problem they all had was thinking they were safe when they weren't, and not being able to stay in a lane long enough because they weren't used to how much damage was flying everywhere.

Being more accessible is usually a good thing but there are always tradeoffs. Because of Riot's initial design choices, the current LoL competitive scene is stale and repetitive.


Would I be wrong or correct in saying that HoN looks more similar to Dota 2 than LoL?

I was re-watching some Dota 2 Gamescom matches earlier today and it does look more 'difficult' than LoL, which is great. It'll take me a while to get used to losing gold upon death though :lol

Sorry if this is off-topic, but it seems to fit with the current conversation.


Ark said:
Would I be wrong or correct in saying that HoN looks more similar to Dota 2 than LoL?

Seeing how HoN is a straight up carbon copy of Dota (few tweaks here and there)... yes. Of course they've started to diverge from it ever since Dota 2's announcement.


Artanisix said:
I'd love to take the argument into here if it's appropriate, seeing as you disappeared from the DOTA2 thread. I play some League with my friends since they don't have it in themselves to learn DOTA at this point -- and that isn't a jab at League, by the way -- and I have taken some time to learn about the League metagame. So if you can go in-depth with your response that'd be great. If I'm wrong about some things I'd be happy to admit that.
Yep, let's do it. LoL critiques should be on LoL threads. There isn't a garbage DotA2 vs LoL thread yet.
Artanisix said:
The free teleports back to base aren't a big deal. But what is a big deal is the complete inability to teleport to any tower on a 30-second cooldown. This encourages sitting in your own lane and makes the laning portion of the game much longer than DotA. It's also one of the most mind-numbing, boring parts of the game. You can't countergank. You can't teleport somewhere to farm. Teleporting out of a tight spot is significantly harder, if not impossible.
Two things. If you leave your tower to an obvious backdoor when there's a dozen enemy minions charging down that tower, that's a strategic mistake by the team. That team doesn't deserve a "buy fail-bail" scroll if that happens. It also moves the game forward. Towers should be dying. No need to allow either side to be super defensive.

Secondly, free recall and summoner spell teleport is meant to increase item space. No money sink spent on scrolls, and no need to buy Flying Courier for extra space. Also, no need to occupy that 6th slot with scrolls.

Mobility is king. Riot knows that. They don't overpower players' mobility with 30 second teleport scrolls, but they do give an itemless Teleport option to make extremely strategic movements. Teleport has done wonders in my games.
Artanisix said:
All heroes gain considerably more hitpoints and regen in LoL. Ludicrously powerful towers, in combination with this, make it very difficult to gang and towerdive without taking a loss. Considering also that you can't teleport down to help someone immediately, these game design choices slow down the action considerably. It doesn't help that crowd control skills - slows, stuns, fears - are no more powerful or longer than their DotA counterparts, lasting only 2 seconds or slowing for only 30-50%. A lot of heroes can simply walk away to their tower and they're safe.
I can't say much about this because I've seen a lot of tower diving in games, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Unless you're talking about early-game tower diving, which does happen and poses huge risk.

I've seen enough early kills happen to say that there's really no concern for this area.
Artanisix said:
The inability to deny to prevent enemy xp and lane pushing, along with the fact that you do not lose gold when you die, means that - almost always, given a competent team - every player will be able to afford expensive items. But these items aren't interesting, for the most part. They're almost all passive stat buffs that make you hit harder or cast faster. What's the fun in that?
First, deny unnecessarily draws out the game. A player kills his own minion and reduces the chance for the enemy to get 20 or something gold. Then the enemy does the same, and so on. The game has now been extended for X seconds because X amount of gold and XP had been prevented throughd deny. Artificial extension of the game. And for what? What logic is there where for you to kill your own minions, towers, and teammates? This is a game about PVP. It also imbalances melee vs range.

About passive stat buffs items, I'm not sure if you've seen the items, but there are quite a few activate items. Definitely less than DotA because Riot refocused a lot of them into Summoner Skills and Champion Skills (like stun shouldn't be an item), but a lot of useful activate. I don't really like the idea of activate items anyways since they're essentially giving the player another spell.
Artanisix said:
The addition of summoner skills makes ganging more difficult and doesn't help ganging as much as it should. Ghost, flash, exhaust, clairvoyance are all incredibly powerful tools that allow you to escape easily or prevent a gank outright. Dota doesn't have this issue. Some heroes have a potent escape mechanism or disable, but most can't just blink away. Vision can also be countered with smoke. Heroes flat out die faster, and the reward for killing someone in Dota far outweighs the reward for killing a hero in League.
Wait, ganks are prevented all the time? Summoner skills are a bail out card on long cooldown, so ganks won't be prevented all the time. Not sure what the problem is here. DotA's game length is significantly longer than LoL, so there's no argument there.
Artanisix said:
Masteries seem shallow to me. "There are all these different possible trees," you might say, but it appears that there is generally one preferred talent tree spec. per hero that you'll want to take, so why not just add these benefits straight to the hero instead of being superficial and making things appear deep and complex? I am not convinced that masteries are an interesting mechanic at all.
Masteries are suppose to be "shallow" in terms of not affecting the game that much. Same with runes. They're suppose to have little affect, but still be a nice bonus that makes a difference. Masteries and runes speed up the game for higher level users by skipping the whole "bracer, band, talisman" time sink (the reason why they get unlocked as you level).

You feel like you need more health? You put on health runes or health masteries.
You want more damage? You put on those runes and masteries.

Don't need to farm for 10 minutes so you can have your basic support stats from bracers or crap.
Artanisix said:
Brush is a poor man's juking and hiding spot. Brush is static. Trees are dynamic. League's map in general lends itself to the very boring laning stage. You HAVE to secure bottom for dragon. You HAVE to have a jungler. You HAVE to solo top and mid because Baron is worthless until late game. Dota is dynamic. 3-1-1? 1-1-3? 2-2-1? 2-1-2? 2-1-1+jungle? 1-1-2+enemy jungle? 3-1+jungle? 4-1? 0-5-0? All are viable given the right hero choices.
I have no idea what you're talking about trees, but brush is a great mechanic especially for ganking (I thought you liked ganking).

Uuuuh, you don't need a jungler. It's not "auto-lose" when you don't have one, as with not having a tank, or a carry. And the lanes are set like that because it gives player's the ability to make choices with the characters they have. LoL doesn't have "scroll of instant switch lane". DotA lanes were all too similar that you are allowed to make up different formations. It doesn't give players any choice, so they can do whatever the hell they want. Btw... 0-5-0? I've seen that in LoL. Huge gamble. Can be easily countered or can be a fast win.
Artanisix said:
Speaking of hero choices, what's with League's stale heroes? The majority of them share very, very similar qualities. Take the ever-so-popular tanky dps archetype. Autoattack buff, defensive skill, gap closer. Seriously. Lee Sin, Leona, Trundle, Nasus, Jarvan IV, Renekton, Wukong, Xin, Jax, Yorick, Udyr... Are they really THAT different from oneanother? Is that good game design to you? All the heroes in DOTA are radically different from one another. The closest two I can think of are Sven/Skeleton King and Lion/Lina, and even then they have quite a bit different from each other.
So you're saying Lion and Lina are different enough, but two magic nukers like Annie and Ryze are the same? I don't get what you're saying in this section because what you're saying is false.
Artanisix said:
People say scaling skills are super cool in league, but scaling skills are a necessary consequence of the increased HP pool and inability to deny players gold (either by the deny system or by killing them). DotA does not have an issue with non-scaling nukes precisely because of this. Unless your team is completely outplayed, your nukes are going to be useful on someone.
Well, I'm thinking DotA also has scaling skills.... what are you talking about? I mean, I could talk about how +attributes is dumb and LoL removed that, but what is this?


Halycon said:
Being more accessible is usually a good thing but there are always tradeoffs. Because of Riot's initial design choices, the current LoL competitive scene is stale and repetitive.
Bring on your analysis too. I'd love to chat.

And I watched the DotA2 Finals vs the LoL Dominion employee battle. How boring the DotA2 Finals were with all the running around in the jungle, setting up wards, all that in the first 10 minutes with nothing happening.

I watch this:


So much movement and counters. So many player choices. This is far more exciting to watch. And within 20 minutes, rather than that hour long drag of a finals.


Oh shit can't you guys just sit down and accept that they're just different games?
Sure you can take one point and turn it into a negative, but every coin has two sides.
I can already see that both of you are wrong on specific issues already.

How about we talk about our dream builds for DOMINION?
Mine will be boots of mobility, shurelia's and phantom dancer Rammus.

P.S. Archie there sure are many Gaffers on NA LOL atm.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Two things. If you leave your tower to an obvious backdoor when there's a dozen enemy minions charging down that tower, that's a strategic mistake by the team. That team doesn't deserve a "buy fail-bail" scroll if that happens. It also moves the game forward. Towers should be dying. No need to allow either side to be super defensive.
This is a very shallow understanding of how TPs affect the game. Contrary to what you might think, Teleport scrolls actually promote aggressive play. They allow players to leave their lanes to gank and roam without giving the opponent free reign to knock down their tower. People are very reluctant to leave their lanes in LoL unless they're doing a five man push, part of the reason is a single hero can push down a tower if left alone for too long. And there isn't any way to quickly go back to the tower outside of the Teleport Summoner Spell.

Secondly, free recall and summoner spell teleport is meant to increase item space. No money sink spent on scrolls, and no need to buy Flying Courier for extra space. Also, no need to occupy that 6th slot with scrolls.
If you need all 6 item slots in a LoL game then you're doing something wrong. There's nothing like GG branch or Circlets that you buy two/three of for that early game advantage. The Doran items are as close as you'll get to a spammable early game item and even then you won't be using more than 3-4 of your item slots until 30 minutes in.

Mobility is king. Riot knows that. They don't overpower players' mobility with 30 second teleport scrolls, but they do give an itemless Teleport option to make extremely strategic movements. Teleport has done wonders in my games.
How is it overpowered when:
Scrolls have a cooldown.
Scrolls have to be bought and 135g a pop is nothing to laugh at.
Scrolls can be bought by both sides without limit.

When both sides have access to the exact same resource then how can it be overpowered?
I can't say much about this because I've seen a lot of tower diving in games, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Unless you're talking about early-game tower diving, which does happen and poses huge risk.
He is, early game diving also poses a risk in DotA but not nearly as large. This makes towers less of a safe zone than they are in LoL.

I've seen enough early kills happen to say that there's really no concern for this area.
Are you a frequent jungle player? Because if you were you'd understand how much effort any team has to go through to get a successful gank. Unless one side is very stupid and overextends all the way to tower, it is nearly impossible to kill someone early game without an overwhelming damage/cc advantage.

First, deny unnecessarily draws out the game. A player kills his own minion and reduces the chance for the enemy to get 20 or something gold. Then the enemy does the same, and so on. The game has now been extended for X seconds because X amount of gold and XP had been prevented throughd deny. Artificial extension of the game. And for what? What logic is there where for you to kill your own minions, towers, and teammates? This is a game about PVP.
Mathematically that makes sense, but in reality it is not true. When you have control over your opponents' level of growth through denying, this gives you a clear advantage in terms of money and experience that translates to more aggressive play. Even if both sides are evenly matched in terms of gold/exp growth, it doesn't mean the game is slower. On the contrary, if both sides are underleveled then they become attractive targets for a gank. Which can quickly turn around the flow of the game.

It also imbalances melee vs range.
This is, again, a conclusion you can only reach if you have a rudimentary experience with the game. Hatchet was introduced for this very reason, and many melee champions can survive very well in lane with it. Melee heroes are also often equipped with skills that enable them to lane on equal terms against range. Just taking an example at random, EHOME vs Na'vi game two had Lucifer top against Mirana until the lanes started shifting.

About passive stat buffs items, I'm not sure if you've seen the items, but there are quite a few activate items. Definitely less than DotA because Riot refocused a lot of them into Summoner Skills and Champion Skills (like stun shouldn't be an item), but a lot of useful activate. I don't really like the idea of activate items anyways since they're essentially giving the player another spell.
I'm not sure I follow your thought process here. You think Summoner Spells compensate for lack of active abilities, yet you dislike activate items because they're giving a player another spell. So where does that leave Summoner Spells?

The point of actives on items is so that you're not confined completely to your champion's built in skills. And that as the game changes, you can get items to compensate for weaknesses that are not covered by your team comp. Unlike Summoner Spells, however, you actually need to work to get those actives, rather than starting the game with them. Which is how they're balanced. The only way to balance Summoner Spells is to increase their cooldown, and even then Flash is still far superior than every other Summoner Spells. At high level games your Summoner Spells aren't an option of two, it's always Flash + something else.

Wait, ganks are prevented all the time? Summoner skills are a bail out card on long cooldown, so ganks won't be prevented all the time. Not sure what the problem is here. DotA's game length is significantly longer than LoL, so there's no argument there.
Untrue. Definitely. I've played enough games in both Dota, HoN and LoL to judge that they are about even in terms of average game length. Although, you can concede at 15 in HoN so an obvious victory won't be dragged out to 25 minutes.

Masteries are suppose to be "shallow" in terms of not affecting the game that much. Same with runes. They're suppose to have little affect, but still be a nice bonus that makes a difference. Masteries and runes speed up the game for higher level users by skipping the whole "bracer, band, talisman" time sink (the reason why they get unlocked as you level)

You feel like you need more health? You put on health runes or health masteries.
You want more damage? You put on those runes and masteries.

Don't need to farm for 10 minutes so you can have your basic support stats from bracers or crap.
I'm against free stats. There is no reason player X should have an advantage over player Y simply because player Y played more. This is my main gripe with the rune system. Competitive games should start everyone out on equal terms. The right runes can mean a 400-600 gold advantage, which is nothing to sneeze at.

Uuuuh, you don't need a jungler. It's not "auto-lose" when you don't have one, as with not having a tank, or a carry. And the lanes are set like that because it gives player's the ability to make choices with the characters they have. LoL doesn't have "scroll of instant switch lane".
No, the lanes are set like that because Baron is useless until 30 minutes in and Dragon is a crucial resource. And because jungling is more or less a staple of most pro strategies. There is little room for variation.

DotA lanes were all too similar that you are allowed to make up different formations. It doesn't give players any choice, so they can do whatever the hell they want. Btw... 0-5-0? I've seen that in LoL. Huge gamble. Can be easily countered or can be a fast win.
What is this I don't even.

And the DotA lanes are actually pretty different on a side. For example, top Sentinel is the risky lane, because it borders the Scourge jungle and it's far away from the tower. It's vulnerable to ganks and aggression. Bot Sentinel is the safe lane, because it borders your own jungle, your teammate/jungler can pull the creeps and it's closer to your tower. The opposite is true for Scourge. Compare that to the LoL lanes, which are all equidistant from their respective towers. The only difference is that a typical blue -> red jungle path will take the Blue jungler to bot lane and the Red jungler to top lane. That is pretty much it.
And I watched the DotA2 Finals vs the LoL Dominion employee battle. How boring the DotA2 Finals were with all the running around in the jungle, setting up wards, all that in the first 10 minutes with nothing happening.
Are you really comparing DotA 2 to Dominion? What?

Please don't take the EHOME vs Na'vi finals as representative of the entire game, that's doing it a serious disservice. When you have $1 million on the line I doubt you'd be itching to play aggressively. Especially in a game that severely punishes misguided aggression.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
JWong said:
Bring on your analysis too. I'd love to chat.

And I watched the DotA2 Finals vs the LoL Dominion employee battle. How boring the DotA2 Finals were with all the running around in the jungle, setting up wards, all that in the first 10 minutes with nothing happening..
Guess you missed all the games that had multiple deaths before the creeps even spawned.


stop naooo.

So basically JWong hasn't played much DotA, Artanisix hasn't played much LoL and Halycon has played a enough of both but is still wrong sometimes.

Oh, and Ikuu is really biased.


Second-rate Anihawk
You know, I had a long ass reply I was typing up (I've spent like 30 minutes on it so far and I'm like two thirds done), but it isn't worth it. I just want to bring up this point:

DotA's game length is significantly longer than LoL, so there's no argument there.

The average game length at The International was 44 minutes (I counted the time length of every match and hate myself for doing it) with the longest game being 94 minutes and the shortest one clocking in at 21 minutes. LoL probably has a similar clock time, but I honestly don't know due to the lack of archival services.

I'm gonna go stomp the AI with Janna.
Dumb conversation is dumb.

A lot of Riot's decisions are excellent for getting players to sink additional time into their game, but it's not great for balance or competition. Runes are very much a mixed bag to me, especially when you take their cost into account. Getting a set of Runes costs 3600 IP, and a full page could go to 12000 IP or more. It's absurd. At least they are addressing champion costs.

This is, again, a conclusion you can only reach if you have a rudimentary experience with the game. Hatchet was introduced for this very reason, and many melee champions can survive very well in lane with it. Melee heroes are also often equipped with skills that enable them to lane on equal terms against range. Just taking an example at random, EHOME vs Na'vi game two had Lucifer top against Mirana until the lanes started shifting.

Not to mention this:

playdota.com said:

Whenever a unit owned by the Sentinel or Scourge is killed by an allied player, it counts as a deny, and normal experience is not granted to nearby enemy heroes.

The amount of experience enemy heroes get for a denied unit is determined by the following:
Each melee enemy hero in 1000 range of the killed unit gets 36/n experience, and each ranged enemy hero gets 18/n experience, where n is the total number of enemy heroes within 1000 range.

Example: A Sentinel player denies a Treant, there are 2 Scourge melee heroes and one Scourge ranged hero within 1000 range of the killed unit.
Each melee hero gets 12 (36/3) experience.
The ranged hero gets 6 (18/3) experience.

That's right, if you are laning against a solo melee, it's actually REALLY BAD to deny at level 1, as it'll give them more experience than them killing the creep outright. They still lose out on crucial early game gold. At level 2 is when they start to lose XP outright.

Jesus, JWong, I love LoL, but you do not need to defend everything about it. LoL definitely has flaws, and I'm starting to see Flash as a summoner ability as one of them.

That said, to the better-minded here:

What do you think of a separate item slot made SPECIFICALLY for wards? Often I want to get wards, but I can't because I have all a slots full. Would it be game breaking? The only scenario I can think of that's ridiculous are champions running around planting wards all the time and the other team running oracles to destroy the wards.

And LoL needs to allow buybacks. What good is 3k gold after a while?


Boken said:
stop naooo.

So basically JWong hasn't played much DotA, Artanisix hasn't played much LoL and Halycon has played a enough of both but is still wrong sometimes.

Oh, and Ikuu is really biased.

so it's time for Ultimoo to chip in amirite?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Well it would make up for the lack of a stash/courier, but then it would allow people to just spam wards all over the place without any drawback.

Also LoL players tend to make a much bigger deal over denying than is necessary, at the average skill level they aren't going to come into play all that much outside of denying towers.
Boken said:
stop naooo.

So basically JWong hasn't played much DotA, Artanisix hasn't played much LoL and Halycon has played a enough of both but is still wrong sometimes.

Oh, and Ikuu is really biased.
Haly's a pretty cool dude.

That said, I kind of enjoy reading these back-and-forths because I'm new to the genre. They're insightful. I like seeing how fans of different games debate, so long as it's not in a rude way (which hasn't been the case so far).

Anyway, I did a 3v3 game on Twisted Treeline. I wasn't ready. I didn't want to do it. I only play with Beginner bots with a friend or two. But two friends wanted to do it, so I figured I'd give it a shot...

I was terrible. It was pretty heartbreaking, actually. In a funny way, of course. We lost badly (only one of us was good. our levels were 30, 10, and 5). And your first PVP experience is incomplete unless you get called a fag, I guess. Got that, too!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
FlightOfHeaven said:
What do you think of a separate item slot made SPECIFICALLY for wards? Often I want to get wards, but I can't because I have all a slots full. Would it be game breaking? The only scenario I can think of that's ridiculous are champions running around planting wards all the time and the other team running oracles to destroy the wards.
I don't think it would be game breaking. One of the reasons people don't like to buy wards is because they aren't very strong in LoL compared to DotA. Another reason is because they only last 3 minutes, which forces people to run back and forth from fountain to where they want to ward, or buy ward in bulk (which is typically a bad move).

Courier would solve this but I don't think the LoL engine can accommodate a separately controlled unit. Hopefully, they're rebuilding the engine from scratch for that rumored Shiny update.

A slot dedicated to wards might help alleviate the matter somewhat, but the underlying problem is still there.
so it's time for Ultimoo to chip in amirite?
ultimoo gonna ultimoo basically.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
I don't think it would be game breaking. One of the reasons people don't like to buy wards is because they aren't very strong in LoL compared to DotA. Another reason is because they only last 3 minutes, which forces people to run back and forth from fountain to where they want to ward, or buy ward in bulk (which is typically a bad move).

Courier would solve this but I don't think the LoL engine can accommodate a separately controlled unit. Hopefully, they're rebuilding the engine from scratch for that rumored Shiny update.

ultimoo gonna ultimoo basically.
Only bad players don't buy wards. WARDS FOREVER! WARDS WIN GAMES!

Coincidentally enough, my last game was one that was won by wards. We had a worse comp, no jungle, and a pretty bad start. They never bought wards while 4 of us were dropping them down like candy.
Ikuu said:
Well it would make up for the lack of a stash/courier, but then it would allow people to just spam wards all over the place without any drawback.

Also LoL players tend to make a much bigger deal over denying than is necessary, at the average skill level they aren't going to come into play all that much outside of denying towers.

I just wish that I had something to do with all the gold I accumulate after a certain point. I have a crazy amount of gold, and pots only make a dent. I suppose I could buy cheap pots for the troll...

Also, the auto-buy feature is something I wish was in LoL. With Jarvan I often get Cleaver, and going through the menus for something I KNOW I'm going to get, but there is no direct access to, is annoying. :(

Also, question: can you buy stuff and put it in your stash while you are in lane? Because that'd pretty much remove the OH NOES LOSE GOLD ON DEATH!!! worry for me.


Boken said:
stop naooo.

So basically JWong hasn't played much DotA, Artanisix hasn't played much LoL and Halycon has played a enough of both but is still wrong sometimes.

Oh, and Ikuu is really biased.
I admit I only played DotA for 2 years about 3 years ago. From what I saw in DotA 2, not much has changed.
Ultimoo said:
so it's time for Ultimoo to chip in amirite?
You said Karma is terrible. You're already wrong. =)
Halycon said:
I don't think it would be game breaking. One of the reasons people don't like to buy wards is because they aren't very strong in LoL compared to DotA. Another reason is because they only last 3 minutes, which forces people to run back and forth from fountain to where they want to ward, or buy ward in bulk (which is typically a bad move).
Courier would solve this but I don't think the LoL engine can accommodate a separately controlled unit. Hopefully, they're rebuilding the engine from scratch for that rumored Shiny update.
A slot dedicated to wards might help alleviate the matter somewhat, but the underlying problem is still there.
ultimoo gonna ultimoo basically.

Thank you very much for the answer. I still think wards are really good, which is why I like Wriggle's on Jarvan so much and will keep it on him forever. I often wish I had somewhere to keep them.

Ikuu said:
Yep, you can buy items in the lane and they get put in your stash.



I plan on purchasing Boots of Travel. sqqquuueeeee My favorite boots by FAR


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
Only bad players don't buy wards. WARDS FOREVER! WARDS WIN GAMES!

Coincidentally enough, my last game was one that was won by wards. We had a worse comp, no jungle, and a pretty bad start. They never bought wards while 4 of us were dropping them down like candy.
Wards win games, but most people don't know that because the benefits of proper warding are subtle. Compare that to the effort and risk of proper warding and it's no surprise people don't want to.

Make them stronger/easier to use = more people use them.
I admit I only played DotA for 2 years about 3 years ago. From what I saw in DotA 2, not much has changed.
That's like saying LoL hasn't changed from beta until now. Of course the game still looks similar but the dominant strategies are completely different.

Unless you really believe the Dota metagame hasn't evolved from since you played?


Halycon said:
That's like saying LoL hasn't changed from beta until now. Of course the game still looks similar but the dominant strategies are completely different.

Unless you really believe the Dota metagame hasn't evolved from since you played?
I think I stopped playing when Icefrog ditched the scene. Maybe a bit before.

It's like saying SC2 is completely different from SC1, but it's not really different from its core mechanics even with immense unit changes.
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