JWong said:
You're being very speculative of LoL players. I really haven't seen this reluctance to leave the lane. I leave my lane several times before the 10 minute mark. You don't need a scroll of TP to do that. I still see TP as to stop BD or to start BD. Really no reason why you would teleport somewhere without opportunity.
I'm not speculative of LoL players. All this is from my experience with the game.
Do you ever mix items? I find it hard to believe you don't hit the 6+ mark. Building my 4th item, I'm usually out of space or waiting to get all the items to mix.
Rarely? The only time I need that 6th slot is if the game is 50 minutes long and I finished all my other core items.
Being able to get anywhere instantly in a game where movement is strategy is extremely powerful like Twisted Fate gankfest except that's his ulti.
TF's problem was that he had stun on top of his global teleport. The teleport itself isn't a big problem, since he's squishy. But since he can disable you right after using Destiny, there was little you could do to guard against it. The same goes for Pantheon.
Anyway TF would've much more manageable your team had some kind of tool that allowed you to counter his porting around. Like something that allows people to teleport globally with reasonable constraints and cost.
Allowing early game diving doesn't sound fun at all. I don't dive in DotA or LoL, so I can't really comment on this. I really don't get how a player can dive, kill an enemy, and get out at level 1-4.
Obviously, it's just one of the things incomprehensible to LoL players who think towers = safety. Whether it's good or bad is up to you. I enjoy early game aggression.
Ganking is pretty easy for me. I play Jungle Amumu, but Ganking with Annie is such a cinch even when they ward the brush.
Annie is your argument that ganking is easy? Really?
One of, if not
the, best level 6 gankers in the game has an easy time ganking and ganking in LoL is easy? Besides I mentioned damage/cc advantage, which Annie has in spades.
Don't need deny to do what you're saying. Force the player back to the base to heal by outplaying him. I do it all the time, especially with Kat. There are many ways to achieve what you want without deny.
Yeah... Okay. Talking to you is like looking through a time machine. Mid Kat isn't viable (competitively) anymore, hasn't been for a long time.
Hatchet/Quelling Blade is just a patch job "must have" item.
Any any hero skills shouldn't be about denying. They should be about fighting the other player. In LoL, I use my melee hero skills to chase the other player out of XP-gain range. That's interesting gameplay, not sitting back and killing your own dudes with ranged.
If you didn't want the creep aspect in your game why play LoL at all? Why not just play Bloodline champions where you can start killing people immediately? This is a ridiculous argument, one I see thrown around way too often. Denying gives you an extra dimension of conflict (on top of harassing, farming, ganking) when it comes to fighting your opponent. If ganking and harassing are impossible, then you can still farm and deny. A good example of this is the support + AD strat that's popular in ranked. Ever tried to outharass a healing Soraka? It's impossible, so the only thing left for you to do is farm. Zzzzzzzzzz.
Everyone gets summoner spells. Same amount of spells while limiting having to buy the items. DotA, you can stack all sorts of CC items over someone who's getting stat buffing item.
That's the point. The way a game plays out should depend on what players do
during the game. That's what items enable. Too many aspects of LoL games are decided before the game actually starts. Pick/banning is where I draw my line. Everything else, runes, masteries, summoner spells is excess.
If we're talking about ranked game, team comp isn't an issue. Blind pick is more of an issue, but if the team works things out, they will cover all bases. Don't need to spend 5 mintues of farming to buy an item to compensate.
What you say, if true, would imply that LoL champions are perfectly balanced. In reality, no team will cover all bases and every team will have weaknesses in some areas over others.
And I think I spoke about this in another thread. Flash isn't end all be all. I don't get it for certain characters and I still win.
FnaticMSI vs aAa Championship: All Flash + 1
aAa vs TSM 3rd Place: All Flash + 1
TSM vs EG 4th place: All Flash + 1
aAa vs TSM Semi-Final 1: All Flash + 1
EG vs FnaticMSI Semi-Final 2: All Flash + 1
TSM vs EG Semi-Final: All Flash + 1
CLG vs FnaticMSI Relegation Match 2: All Flash + 1
I wasn't able to list all the matches from Dreamhack because of video problems. But if this isn't evidence enough that Flash is overwhelmingly stronger than the other summoner spells I don't know what is.
I played two years of DotA and haven't seen a game end earlier than 30. They mostly always go 45, but again, this is a while back.
I've played four years of DotA, and both HoN and LoL from beta until now. I've had games that went anywhere from 20 minutes to 90 in DotA, 15 to 60 in HoN and 25 to 60 in LoL. Anecdotal evidence ftw.
I've lost a LoL game against an all mid tank + 5x fortify team in less than 10, so whatever's fast in DotA is just faster in LoL if people want to put in huge risk.
I'm not really talking about low level games where people try silly things for the heck of it. When someone sweeps a championship with 5-man Fortify, let me know.
Ummm you're level 30 playing level 30. If they never bought runes, probably should just start a new account. Everyone should have runes at that point, so there is no advantages except over stupidity of not buying runes.
By the time you get to 30 you'll have enough IP saved for... half a rune page. Maybe a full one at most. Why are players forced to grind to be on the same level as other players? Do SC2 ladder players have to grind to get their units to full strength? Do Quake players have to grind so their weapons are as strong as those of their opponents?
No, the only reason runes exist is to convince players to buy champions with money so they can save IP for runes. As a business move it's great, from a game balancing standpoint it's shit. Balance and fairness, under no circumstances, should be sacrificed for profit if you want your game to be taken seriously.
I've been in a couple of games recently when the other team stacked 3 on a lane for a moment and lanes started shifting from the get go. It's not always stuck at 1-1-2 + Jungle. There are heroes that are good at something, and that's where they lane.
So, basically, sometimes people try to mix up their lanes like people do in Dota, but most of the time they don't. Are you for or against static lane structures then?
(Also I don't think a single Dreamhack game lacked a jungle. I may be wrong, I didn't pay attention to who was jungling or not.)
Top Sentinal = Bot Scourge
Bot Sentinal = Top Scourge
Rotational Symmetry. Symmetry isn't different and neither is DotA's map.
Top Sentinel != Bot Sentinel, is the point I was trying to get across. And I don't mean the placement of a single brush as with Top Blue vs Bot Blue. The lanes are substantially different.
Haly, I really, really like your posts.
Thank you, I tryhard.
ITT: DotA2 lurkers troll whilst LoL players feel the need to defend what is a uniquely different game experience for some reason. Sighs & groans ensue.
I'm fine with people enjoying LoL. I do too. But to say it's better than Dota despite some of its apparent flaws is something I can't just sit back and watch.
The only argument any LoL player employs against Dota is "I don't like x, and LoL removed x, therefore LoL is better."
@Jwong: The impression I'm getting from your posts is that:
1) You don't like denying
2) You don't like early tower diving
3) You don't like early ganking
4) You don't like high levels of mobility
5) You don't like dynamic lanes
6) You like harassing
Am I wrong on any of these accounts?