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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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CrazedProfessional said:
New Soraka is hilariously OP. Her early game just rapes you no matter what you build.
I assume it's even worse with bot Soraka and her "enhanced" bot cooldown times and/or stats. >_>


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
JWong said:
In all the games I played this week, there is always lane movement in 5 minutes. I don't know what experience you had if no one is moving to other lanes.
I said it discourages movement. Also, movement in 5 minutes? You mean movement after the jungle finishes red, and mid is almost 6? Yeah, I guess that's when the lanes start moving because everyone is nice and ready and feel like they can actually get a gank going.
25 min in I'm already past the 6th slot. Doesn't take 50 minutes unless you never deal killing blows, no kills, no tower kills. What kind of character do you play to not get anything done?
Irelia Build:
Sapphire + 2 Pots
First trip back:
Build Sheen + Boots + as many components of Brutalizer as possible
Second trip back:
Merc treads, finish Brutalizer, make Avarice if possible
Third trip back:
Finish Youmuu's ghostblade. If I need more damage I start on phage, if I need health I start on catalyst.
Fourth trip back:
Zeal/Negatron Cloak
Fifth trip back:
Triforce/Banshees, start building which ever one I didn't build earlier

30-40 minutes in:
Merc Treads, Youmuu's, Triforce, Banshees

The only time I hit 5 items is when building Triforce, and that's only because it has so many constituent items.
So counter a heroes ulti with scrolls?
Not direct counter, but global ults wouldn't have been nerfed with the existence of scrolls.
So explain to me why are they even in the game if they're that useless? If towers can't stop a level 4 or lower, that's just pretty sad. Might as well self destruct when the other team reaches a certain level.
Towers provide pacing to the game, serve as a resource and an early deterrent but not a perfect one.
Practically anyone can gank from mid unless the player lacks skills or took the wrong summoner spell.
Not even close to true. Unless by anyone you mean "all viable mid heroes". You know what qualifies a champ as vianle mid? Good ganking ability!
No, I still did it with Kat this week against Urgot, who is supposedly king of lane pushing. Not sure who told you what's not viable. Obviously BS.
I said competitively. As in, 1800-2000 ELO or higher.
f you're denying, you're not harassing, farming, or ganking. I'd rather have the game about those 3 than with deny. Even farming has PVP implications because it forces the players closer to the enemy to get killing blows. Deny is the truly boring mechanic where you sit back and kill your own minions.
What? They are mechanically the same. Move closer to a weak creep in order to kill them. Do you know of some magical way for a hero to deny without moving closer to the target?
Wow, so you're ready to quit before you even play the game. I'm sure skill has nothing to do with it.
Whether or not I'm ready to quit before the game starts is not the point here. Players should start out on an even footing. Masteries/Runes/Summoner spells work counter to this.
I'm talking about having a carry, having a tank, or a hero who can solo mid when choosing team composition.
There is no such thing as the perfect team. A well rounded team will lack as much pushing power as a dedicated pushing team, less aoe than an aoe one, less harass than a poke team.
If you have a team of all mages, it'll be tougher to win, but a bunch of items shouldn't change how a mage hero plays.
I disagree then. Part of the fun of Dota is finding out ways to bring out a hero's full potential with items.
Still doesn't mean Flash is all that. I got 12 kills as Jungle Amumu with ghost ganking tonight. No flash. Never needed it.
Sorry, unless I'm missing on something you're not on any of the top competitive rosters for LoL. Your personal experience is inconsequential when it comes to judging overall trends in the meta game.
I doubt you played LoL that much if you never had a 20 minute win.
I've had <20 minute games. They were either: Smurfstomps, someone on the other team left, clear imbalance in player skill. Whenever I have one of those games I don't really consider them a win.

Not as much as someone like 2th but I've been playing other stuff in the meantime.
Wasn't low level when that happened. And it's just as silly as not staying in your lane like that Navi Scythe final. Completely dominated most of the game but lost because of levels.
If it's not 1800-2000+ or some kind of large scale tournament, it's low level. I'm a competent LoL player, I understand the game and most of the champions. But I have no illusions that whatever I'm doing can be considered anything but low-level. In SC2, a Silver player can understand what goes on in Masters, even if they're not necessarily able to duplicate it.

I had a full rune page with 4 heroes purchased. SC2 and Quake don't have a meta game, so try to find a competitive PVP game with a meta game.

Oh wait! Like EVE, WoW, CoD (crappy). All these games with leveling!
Ranked games can only be played at level 30, so there's really no reason to complain about not having what you need for competitive play.
First, the term metagame is very nebulous when talking about videogames. Rarely do people use the formal definition and metagame becomes a broad term for "anything that's not necessarily part of the game".

The definition you're using, as far as I can tell is: "Stuff that happens before the actual game"

The definition I'm using is: "Strategies, tactics and techniques developed by the playerbase in order to bettre understand and play the game."

Also if you went into the SC2 thread and said "SC2 has no metagame" you'd get laughed out.

Second, don't compare EVE PvP to something arena-based like LoL/Dota. They are too vastly different to draw any reasonable conclusions. One is completely persistent, far more dpendant on position in local and node space, unlimited in potential number of players, has an economy and is ongoing 24/7. The other is limited to 10 or less players a side, has only a smidgen of persistence and only takes place in bursts of 20-60 minutes. Comparing EVE to LoL is like comparing real life warfare to chess.

Third, WoW is a better comparison. But in a list of highly competitive games, no one would put WoW (Arena or Battlegrounds) at the top except fanboys. Why? Because of the effect of gear on PvP. It is not enough to be good at the game in order to do well, but you also have to play it very often. Playtime = power goes against the purity of competitive play.

My last game, we had 1-2-2 no jungle. Stopped their jungler and broke through mid extremely fast. That's what won us the game.

Maybe you should try mixing up your game if you think nothing but 1-1-2 + jungle works.
Congrats, you won a game with a different strategy. Now, try this in high level ranked and tell me how it goes. (Besides you never answered my question, are you for or against static lane structures?)
Maybe you should tell yourself why 2 goes bot again. LoL is as different as DotA if you're matching heroes to a lane.
2 goes bot because of dragon. The lanes themselves aren't any different at all. If Baron was viable before 30 minutes, then 2 top would also be a viable strategy. It isn't, so people are pigeonholed into 2 bot.
LoL is faster paced, the game finishes quicker
it's more pvp oriented
Illusion, spamming skills at the opponent is only possible because of low/no mana cost spells and high regen. Throwing a 40 damage nuke 4 times is no different than throwing a 160 damage nuke once.
it encourages fighting between the lanes
I'm confused. You DON'T like mobility that's available to everyone, and you DON'T like early (pre 6) tower dives or early aggression, but you LIKE fighting between the lanes. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that you want to farm until 6/red before you do anything of importance.
and I actually have a reason to play because I want to earn IP to unlock stuff.
This is precisely why the F2P model is evil. Your primary motivation for playing any game should be because it's fun, not out of some kind of obligation to unlock stuff.

And that is my point precisely. You’re biased towards Dota.
It's impossible not to be biased in a genre like this. If someone started with LoL, they'd feel some my criticisms were invalid because "OMG TOWERS SHOULD KEEP YOU SAFE". But even then there are things you can't deny like:

Riot's molasses slow balance cycle.
The impact of their business model on game design choices.
Lack of creativity when it comes to hero design.
Limitations of the engine.
Any Doran’s stacker will easily hit 6 slots if he wanted to. There are also times where buying components is better than completing one item (e.g. double negatron)
If I went double Ring and double Negatron on Warwick, yeah sometimes I do. But it's not common. Inventory management is also a strategic aspect in DOTA, one that exists in LoL as well albeit to a lesser extent. After all, you should be buying wards whenever possible.

I'll reply to the rest of your post later. On my kindle at the moment.

Simply because some things are decided earlier on, doesn’t make the game worse. I could argue that this makes tactics and plays more important (because remember, they start off on even footing)
I disagree but I recognize that personal preference is a key factor here. As someone who started LoL from Dota, not having everything unlocked from the start is incomprehensible. The idea is too WoW-like for me, I just want to compete. I don't want to grind to be on the same level as other players. In fact, the only reason I bought runes is because other people have runes. It's neither an engaging nor interesting aspect of the game for me. I have three rune pages at the moment, one is generic caster/tank, the other two are ad/jungle pages I made based off of Stonewall's rune layouts. That's it, that's about the extent runes factor into my enjoyment of the game.

Those are independent factors. Even if champions weren’t perfectly balanced, it is possible to have a balanced team.
Let me clarify. When I say "balanced" in terms of hero comp, I meant well-rounded. As in, has pushing, harass, sustain, poking, stuns etc. But no team can excel in all these factors simultaneously. Thus a balanced team sacrifices proficiency in any given strat. it's more adaptable, but it's also not as strong as a dedicated push team. Therefore, it's impossible to create a team without some kind of weaknesses. And having no specialties isactually a weakness.

It takes top purple two wards to cover both gank paths and the same is true for bottom blue. By ‘river ganking’ I mean ganks from the river by the jungler who could easily just go through your jungle to avoid your ward.
Okay, I wasn't thinking about going through jungle actually. I guess I don't see it often enough that it slipped my mind. But if I recall correctly, you can't get to top red or bottom blue without taking a hit from the tower, or am I mistaken?

I believe Riot has shown the genre that F2P is the way to go.
Business wise? Yeah. But you didn't need Riot to tell you this, the F2P models overwhelming popularity in the East is evidence enough that it's sustainable and versatile.

However, Riot has also shown us how harmful monetization of features can impact a competitive game. Let's just take a look at the rune and champion system. Runes have to be bought with IP, champions can be bought with IP and RP, skins can only be bought with RP. The current system offers players 4 options on how they want to progress.

1) Don't buy RP, get no skins, buy everything with IP. This is the cheapest choice and also the longest. Unless you play 5 or 6 games a day you won't have enough to buy everything, considering the speed at which they release champions and how many of them are 6300IP.

2) Buy RP, spend it on skins. The reason for this is because champions can be bought with IP, but skins cannot. In the eyes of these players, it makes skins a more valuable commodity because champions are "free". Of course, these same players rarely take into account the time they spend grinding IP, so it makes sense in their mind. However by taking this route they will be unable to buy as many runes as group 1, and so they have to spend just as much time grinding on top of what they're already paying for the skins.

3 ) Buy RP, spend it on skins and champions. For players who are like those in 2, but have more money to spend, they can buy both champions and RP. The system actively encourages this route, through two main factors:

a) You can only buy runes with IP. Runes are balanced so that they are desirable, but not so strong that they are necessary to be competitively viable. This influences players into believing that they should buy champions with RP so they can fight one ven footing with others.

b) Buying champions with RP is far more efficient than buying champions with IP. Nearly all 3150-6300 champions cost 975 RP, or about $10. This creates a psychological equivelancy that says $10 = 6300IP. Thus, they are less inclined to buy 3150 champions with RP than 6300 champs.

c) Skin bundles are cost effective but still expensive. The money that goes into a single bundle can be used to buy two champions instead. People who spend money on skins have less to spend on champions. If they want access to more champions, they will have to spend more money or buy less skins. Either way, Riot profits.

4) Buy RP, spend it all on champions, buy no skins. This is the preferable route for people who only care about gameplay. These players are also able to buy runes with their IP, providing them the maximum benefit at mininmal cost compared to grooup 2 and 3.

In all these scenarios, the existence of Runes twists players' mentality in order to influence them into spending money.

Sorry, ignore all this. This was a rush job and I went off track. When I can, I will edt it. Just keeping it here for reference.


Second-rate Anihawk

Janna es number 1 heueueue


JWong said:
I had a full rune page with 4 heroes purchased. SC2 and Quake don't have a meta game, so try to find a competitive PVP game with a meta game.

Oh wait! Like EVE, WoW, CoD (crappy). All these games with leveling!
Ranked games can only be played at level 30, so there's really no reason to complain about not having what you need for competitive play.

This pretty much sums up what is wrong with most of your arguments. SC2 totally does have a metagame, and then you call out EVE, which isn't competitive in the same sense (AT ALL), WoW which doesn't have leveling in it's terrible competitive PvP that Blizzard have left to die, and CoD where in competition the leveling is removed and doesn't have a metagame anyway.
Unless you play at a way higher level than I'm imagining, your personal experiences aren't indicative of a game in a real competitive environment.

I actually have a reason to play because I want to earn IP to unlock stuff.
How about your reason to play is to compete against people at a good game.


Neo Member
Me and my friend haven't been able to get into a match the entire day, we're both in the EU and it doesn't seem anyone else is having problems. Anyone know what might be up?


After much reading and debate with myself and 50 well trained professionals. I have come to the conclusion that Jwong for the most part doesn't know wtf he is talking about most of the time.

Oh and Talon is pretty godly with coordination :3


So anyone noticing the AOE bug thing? I'm upset I can't play cass, but a lot people are saying it's effecting all heros with aoes.



Pro Orianna is pro.

Game lasted 1 hour long. We got baron 3 times, most of the time we were stop by Brand's crazy AoE damage. But at the end I just went suicidal to kill him, basically wrecking him in 3-4 hits. However, I just get focused on and die. But then Orianna just comes in and rapes everyone :D

Best Lee Sin player ever. or the worst. Save us so many times. I tower dive, he use his ult to kick me out of the tower while he is stuck in my ult getting killed by Orianna (not that I would die from the tower). Orianna was getting chased by him and garen, he use his ult to kick her further into the towers. Seriously, if i didn't know better, I thought he was on my team!


formerly sane
Ferrio said:
So anyone noticing the AOE bug thing? I'm upset I can't play cass, but a lot people are saying it's effecting all heros with aoes.

Yep it's making morde have more range than he should. I noticed with a lot of rings they hit just outside of them as well.

Anyone know why karthus is disabled at times?


LCGeek said:
Yep it's making morde have more range than he should. I noticed with a lot of rings they hit just outside of them as well.

Anyone know why karthus is disabled at times?

Same reason. Both Cass and Karth disabled due to the aoe bug. People are befuddled why only those two chars even though it effects way more than just them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ultimoo said:
how much health did that orianna have? like 1500? lol.
1500 and three Demacian meatshields!



sparkle this bitch
I really never understood stacking the Deathcap. It has the most AP, but wouldn't it be better to get a Mejai's or more of the ArchAngels? It just seems like a way. I mean your 8/0/25. After the first few kills and assists, with zero deaths. Pick up the Mejai's!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Your chances of dying actually increases with Mejai's. It's player psychology! AP carry with Mejai's getting fed?



shintoki said:
I really never understood stacking the Deathcap. It has the most AP, but wouldn't it be better to get a Mejai's or more of the ArchAngels? It just seems like a way. I mean your 8/0/25. After the first few kills and assists, with zero deaths. Pick up the Mejai's!
but if you got zero kills/assists, mejai's is useless. it's a snowball item, which is unreliable. maybe he got 5 kills because he built a death cap, so if you replace the death cap with a mejais, he might have not got those kills.
shintoki said:
I really never understood stacking the Deathcap. It has the most AP, but wouldn't it be better to get a Mejai's or more of the ArchAngels? It just seems like a way. I mean your 8/0/25. After the first few kills and assists, with zero deaths. Pick up the Mejai's!

You need to secure with GA.

GA is good on anyone, and a real morale killer for the other team.

Like Anivia. With GA.


shintoki said:
I really never understood stacking the Deathcap. It has the most AP, but wouldn't it be better to get a Mejai's or more of the ArchAngels? It just seems like a way. I mean your 8/0/25. After the first few kills and assists, with zero deaths. Pick up the Mejai's!
I thought that stacking all archangel's and one deathcap was supposed to get you max AP, but then again some wiki says that you need like 4500+ mana for that archangel's to be better than deathcap for pure AP. Who knows. Of course something useful defensively is probably better than pure AP but pure AP is fun. :p


goober said:
Is Jarvan considered a tank? or a beefy dps?
Jarvan is a Tanky DPS Support Jungler Initiator Hybrid Carry.

He basically functions most like a tank these days. Good initiation, tankiness and persistent teamfight power.


Unconfirmed Member
Ferrio said:
Same reason. Both Cass and Karth disabled due to the aoe bug. People are befuddled why only those two chars even though it effects way more than just them.

It was their small aoe pop spells

The hitbox on them was ridiculously huge for some reason

I solo'd vs a karth prior and was wondering why I couldn't avoid his dots.(I've played vs Karth before so I had a feel for the range)


I don't know if this has been brought up here yet, but you guys know you can safely uninstall Pando Media Booster and still be able to play League of Legends, right? In fact you SHOULD uninstall it, because it is a proprietary download client that is ALWAYS SEEDING whether you like it or not.
Hylian7 said:
I don't know if this has been brought up here yet, but you guys know you can safely uninstall Pando Media Booster and still be able to play League of Legends, right? In fact you SHOULD uninstall it, because it is a proprietary download client that is ALWAYS SEEDING whether you like it or not.

Seeders > Leachers


Ultimoo said:
boken will say that brand's w aoe range is broken too, LOL.
I've noticed his W does extend slightly beyond the red indicator line. But I've noticed that I've hit things I shouldn't have with my Q on Cassie.


Ultimoo said:
how much health did that orianna have? like 1500? lol.

I had an RoA earlier in the game, but after their team failed to kill me / didn't focus me ever I decided to sell it and go all out ap
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