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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ark said:
You're on the EU West servers right? I'm sure I saw you in the NeoGAF room sometime yesterday :p

If you add me 'TheConcierge' I'll be happy to play some games with you if you want.

Yeah I popped in briefly and then logged off heh.

I'm still only fighting AI in CO-OP at the moment


Ultimoo said:
just had a game where uchip's friend insisted on going jungle irelia, and proceeded to feed throughout the whole game


you should had known in the pre-game lobby when he said
"brb gotta blaze"


Second-rate Anihawk
Halycon said:
Anyway here's a (in my opinion) damning quote from Marc Merill:

Full Article.

Compare that to...

I can't say Riot is in the wrong for focusing on getting something profitable. They were a new company, trying out a different business strategy in a market unfamiliar with it. They had to minimize risk, for the sake of all their employees. But I still can't forgive them for bending the game to suit the business model.

To be totally fair to Riot, they were probably more concerned about staying in business and feeding their families when LoL was released. Valve can make and charge whatever they want and not have to worry about how to pay the bills.

Granted, I have little tolerance for Riot's shenanigans now and days considering they are now owned by a company who rivals Google in size.

Edit: And I essentially repeated your points. That's what I get for making a post right after waking up.


Orgun said:
Yeah I popped in briefly and then logged off heh.

I'm still only fighting AI in CO-OP at the moment

I do AI games all the time. I haven't quite mustered the confidence to go public normal games unless I'm with at least 1 other person I know is half-decent.

I had some crazy games yesterday, after losing a game against beginner AI (...two guys left and the other two guys were terrible) we went on to win like 6 or 7 games.


I think i'm in love... Vayne <3


On this one, Le Pikachu = Troll


And on this one, Fiddlesticks disconnected.
I'm in love with Lux. She's just so damn awesome and fun to use. I'm glad I took a risk and bought her with all the IP I had.

I was interested because of the rainbow beam...and, oh, is it good. Love it. I used her on Twisted Treeline and I did decently. We still lost, but it wasn't too bad. Everyone seemed nice (as in, no one really talked). I also thought I did pretty decently!

I think I'm going to stick with Co-op vs AI for now. That is, until I play with GAF. I keep forgetting to connect to the chatroom.
gegz not to disappoint you, but you're facing bad guys :X
and i mean terribad..
in both of your match there's just one (if anyone) building any def item, and it's the tank...
noone is using cc reduction boots..
no banshee/thrornmail//anything...


witchedwiz said:
gegz not to disappoint you, but you're facing bad guys :X
and i mean terribad..
in both of your match there's just one (if anyone) building any def item, and it's the tank...
noone is using cc reduction boots..
no banshee/thrornmail//anything...
Ahah yeah you're probably right, maybe it's because i'm only lvl 23... The skill gap was big between your lvl 20 and lvl 30 games ?


Dance In My Blood said:
Wow. Just fuck the game balance. Crushed by this team comp and there was literally nothing that could be done to counter the insane stuns/heals/burst.

Whoever was handling the support changes last patch is completely incompetent.


I don't know what it is about Garen that attracts feeders, but I played 3 games last night and all 3 resulted in losses. All 3 of them caused exclusively by our Garens ending up 5 levels below everyone else, <100 minion kills and 10 deaths for every kill they got.


witchedwiz said:
gegz not to disappoint you, but you're facing bad guys :X
and i mean terribad..
in both of your match there's just one (if anyone) building any def item, and it's the tank...
noone is using cc reduction boots..
no banshee/thrornmail//anything...
Dude he's only level 23 - he's not trying to say he's the best or that vayne is overpowered. Let the guy enjoy himself!



Boken said:
Dude he's only level 23 - he's not trying to say he's the best or that vayne is overpowered. Let the guy enjoy himself!


then you get to level 30 and you have Boken complain all game every game :)
(and then on the boards about your avatar!)
I've returned to Udyr, I just can't quit him.

Tried this build, even without anywhere near the proper runes, once I do I'll be jungling faster and hitting that 2.5 hits per second with tiger that will make the blood razor sing. Regardless, it rules late game. Early game isn't too bad but isn't strong either because I half build two big ticket items and finish them later. With 2 CC eliminating items, I've gone no deaths with 2 of the 4 games I played and I don't have a single speed quint yet. Not yet at least. Working on affording the overpriced dodge items first. :-/

The build is weird to see unfold. I actually finish the boots and Aegis first, then the hammer of the triforce, then take it from there. If they have a ton of CC and AP I go with the cheap and easy to afford quicksilver and then move on. If I'm doing well, I go triforce and then bloodrazor. That way I'm tanky first and then slowly, as the game progresses become very powerful. I sometimes skip on the quicksilver if I feel the aegis, hammer combo is enough survivability or my cleanse is enough CC control to help me push through their defense or escape. I've escaped 5 vs 1 scenarios with this build. Flash got nothing on it as a fast off tank. The tankier I am, the less I die, the longer the game progresses, the better my odds.

Cleanse Smite are my champion abilities. Beginning jungle build is what you'd expect, and I finally gave phoenix a try and I'm not going back. Too superior early game.

I love the fact that even when this build is done, I have 1 more slot for whatever i want. Wards, potions, another item, whatever. Usually, just to be extra tanky and the game hits the 45 minute mark, I go warmog, but if the game lasts that long, so far I've won it before I can finish it.


what do you guys think?


Neo Member
Anybody on EU west want a game soon? Im pretty new to this and therefore bad but i try lol.

In a queue atm though, gonna take 10 mins it says...


Gegz said:
I think i'm in love... Vayne <3
You should be in love with Kog since he still did better! :p

I like Vayne, but she's so weak that I lose like 50% of my health to normal minions since I don't run away from them fast enough. Also dragonlife, I tried playing 3v3 for a while, but then people told me it was terrible, and the games still lasted like 40-60 minutes so it wasn't worth it to me. 5v5 PVP is more normal. Try some queue human vs. bot games also if you want consistent bots.

Of course, back when I tried a few 3v3 was probably when I was almost up to 50% wins so who knows. >_>


formerly sane
Blizzard said:
You should be in love with Kog since he still did better! :p

I like Vayne, but she's so weak that I lose like 50% of my health to normal minions since I don't run away from them fast enough. Also dragonlife, I tried playing 3v3 for a while, but then people told me it was terrible, and the games still lasted like 40-60 minutes so it wasn't worth it to me. 5v5 PVP is more normal. Try some queue human vs. bot games also if you want consistent bots.

Of course, back when I tried a few 3v3 was probably when I was almost up to 50% wins so who knows. >_>

Go tanky vayne which is part of my build at times. Use seals and glyps for defense be it mr or armor, nothing else. Load up you defensive mastery and go back to your regular build. She will still hurt like a truck but most of early and mid game will be a huge pain to deal.

Kog did better because there is no heavy mr defense or any besides default mr. While some on their team had armor as I can spot a thornmails. Had vayne had malady and bloodrazor it would've been equally viscious considering things, usually in a instance like that sword of divine and wits end would've been mandatory.


formerly sane
markot said:
Wish there was a no grind mode in these types of games >.< 90% of the time is just spent pewing creeps...

If there is no grinding you would essentially have to up kill and assist amount to even up the game. That wouldn't be fair because my types who tend to carry fierce would easily be able to dominate more.

I'd say most of games are 50% ganking when I do well. Do most of your creeping during the first 15 minutes and then spend your game helping your team I tend to earn more money this way than creeping. Only few characters need heavy creeps and it's for their abilities the rest benefit more from ganking mechanism which is the easiest way to lvl and earn money mid. Unless you're taking jungle and two lanes the creeps aren't enough just for me to grind them.


I dont mind abit of grinding, but sometimes its just abit much >.<; I think that is my main problem with Hon, it feels like the grinds even worse... maybe its just me.

I dunno, maybe these games arent for me. Its like Starcraft, I cant get into mp rts games cause base building/upgrading is just boring...
markot said:
I dont mind abit of grinding, but sometimes its just abit much >.<; I think that is my main problem with Hon, it feels like the grinds even worse... maybe its just me.

I dunno, maybe these games arent for me. Its like Starcraft, I cant get into mp rts games cause base building/upgrading is just boring...

Grinding feels worse with HoN? For me, I feel HoN to be more fast paced with less of a focus on CS and more on ganking and team battles.
About 2/3rds of the game is centered around teamfights and roaming for me. I farm only for the first 3 items.

Also, how the hell do I get the Victorious Jarvan skin? I want it so bad. :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
0/9/21 is usually for four masteries:

Awareness to get to level 6 before the other side.
Meditation for early game mana management.
Blink of an Eye for flash.
Presence of the master also for flash and your other summoner spell.


+ utility mastery, which is why some go 9 in utility, good for junglers and those who rely on these buffs (ww, anivia, karthus, etc.)

presence of the master is great when you're a squishy dude so you can gtfo and feel more safe

for irelia, I would put a point in the ghost mastery as well, I prefer ghost over flash on her.
Oooooh...I just did my first 5v5 solo match and...well, look for yourselves:


I thought we were going to lose, honestly. The other team was extremely aggressive at the beginning and they took down our three initial turrets before we took out theirs. We spent a bit just holding them back before making our own push. Lots of juggling of placement/improvising.

Seeing and experiencing team fights is so different. I was just used to seeing them on streams/videos, and playing against bots doesn't usually make it awesome (2-3 at best); but I finally participated in some and they were soooo fun. Seriously. I can't believe I've been missing out on this genre. It's some of the most fun I've had in a while.

And my Lux was complimented. That felt pretty nice <3 RAINBOW POWAH. I was a pretty good shot that game.


Man funky funky game last night. People were being disconnected left and right. At one point it was like 2v1. Got really annoying when people started reconnecting A SUMMONER HAS RECONNECTED, A SUMMONER HAS RECONNECTED A SUMMONER HAS RECONNECTED.
Team fights provide an amazing high. Nothing engages you like 4-5 enemies on screen. And the build up to the fight it also really tense, whether they are charging down the center lane or by catching glimpses of them in the jungle as they flit from bush to bush.


sparkle this bitch
CrazedProfessional said:
My playing of Renekton continues and hahahah


These people have no fucking idea how to even take a shot at him. Just Q and heal it all back.
Well, Renek is one of the strongest bruisers in the game right now, early game specifically. Very similar to Garen.

Its just not many characters can lane against him evenly.

dragonlife said:
And my Lux was complimented. That felt pretty nice <3 RAINBOW POWAH. I was a pretty good shot that game.
To be young again... instead of people crying about you stealing last hits from the bottom carry in normal. Sigh.


Mr. B Natural said:
I've returned to Udyr, I just can't quit him.

Tried this build, even without anywhere near the proper runes, once I do I'll be jungling faster and hitting that 2.5 hits per second with tiger that will make the blood razor sing. Regardless, it rules late game. Early game isn't too bad but isn't strong either because I half build two big ticket items and finish them later. With 2 CC eliminating items, I've gone no deaths with 2 of the 4 games I played and I don't have a single speed quint yet. Not yet at least. Working on affording the overpriced dodge items first. :-/

The build is weird to see unfold. I actually finish the boots and Aegis first, then the hammer of the triforce, then take it from there. If they have a ton of CC and AP I go with the cheap and easy to afford quicksilver and then move on. If I'm doing well, I go triforce and then bloodrazor. That way I'm tanky first and then slowly, as the game progresses become very powerful. I sometimes skip on the quicksilver if I feel the aegis, hammer combo is enough survivability or my cleanse is enough CC control to help me push through their defense or escape. I've escaped 5 vs 1 scenarios with this build. Flash got nothing on it as a fast off tank. The tankier I am, the less I die, the longer the game progresses, the better my odds.

Cleanse Smite are my champion abilities. Beginning jungle build is what you'd expect, and I finally gave phoenix a try and I'm not going back. Too superior early game.

I love the fact that even when this build is done, I have 1 more slot for whatever i want. Wards, potions, another item, whatever. Usually, just to be extra tanky and the game hits the 45 minute mark, I go warmog, but if the game lasts that long, so far I've won it before I can finish it.


what do you guys think?

qss and aegis make me cry. you have no veil and no omen or sunfire. welcome to squish city.


Wrekt said:
I don't know what it is about Garen that attracts feeders, but I played 3 games last night and all 3 resulted in losses. All 3 of them caused exclusively by our Garens ending up 5 levels below everyone else, <100 minion kills and 10 deaths for every kill they got.

I was one of those last night. I've been playing for a week and have only been playing Veigar, Ashe, and Ryze. Garen is soooo different and I had no idea how to play him properly. Went like 2/11/3. Vs. AI.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Haly's guide to Garen:
1) Hide in brush
2) Wait for someone to facecheck
3) Pop Decisive strike and smash their face in.
4) SPIN.
5) TO.
6) WIN.
7) Go for the kill or go back into the brush and wait to do this again.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Haly's guide to Garen:
1) Hide in brush
2) Wait for someone to facecheck
3) Pop Decisive strike and smash their face in.
4) SPIN.
5) TO.
6) WIN.
7) Go for the kill or go back into the brush and wait to do this again.
Forgot most important thing.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Oh yes, you must type "DEMAICAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" every time you get a kill/assist.
Do people really care that much if you happen to land the last strike on a Champion? I mean, it's part of teamwork, right? The first time I did it in the last game, the Wukong guy got so offended and called me a "fukkin kill stealer." And as Lux, I'm support! I'm throwing that Light Binding so you can kill him without him escaping...I'm sorry it happens to kill him.

Anyway, I just had my best Co-op vs AI game yet :eek: Dem kills! I think I "stole" about 5 kills.


For reference:


At least the Wukong guy got off my back when he saw me kill all those Champions :p I know it's nothing special since it's Co-op vs AI, but I'm improving. Woo!
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