I've returned to Udyr, I just can't quit him.
Tried this build, even without anywhere near the proper runes, once I do I'll be jungling faster and hitting that 2.5 hits per second with tiger that will make the blood razor sing. Regardless, it rules late game. Early game isn't too bad but isn't strong either because I half build two big ticket items and finish them later. With 2 CC eliminating items, I've gone no deaths with 2 of the 4 games I played and I don't have a single speed quint yet. Not yet at least. Working on affording the overpriced dodge items first. :-/
The build is weird to see unfold. I actually finish the boots and Aegis first, then the hammer of the triforce, then take it from there. If they have a ton of CC and AP I go with the cheap and easy to afford quicksilver and then move on. If I'm doing well, I go triforce and then bloodrazor. That way I'm tanky first and then slowly, as the game progresses become very powerful. I sometimes skip on the quicksilver if I feel the aegis, hammer combo is enough survivability or my cleanse is enough CC control to help me push through their defense or escape. I've escaped 5 vs 1 scenarios with this build. Flash got nothing on it as a fast off tank. The tankier I am, the less I die, the longer the game progresses, the better my odds.
Cleanse Smite are my champion abilities. Beginning jungle build is what you'd expect, and I finally gave phoenix a try and I'm not going back. Too superior early game.
I love the fact that even when this build is done, I have 1 more slot for whatever i want. Wards, potions, another item, whatever. Usually, just to be extra tanky and the game hits the 45 minute mark, I go warmog, but if the game lasts that long, so far I've won it before I can finish it.
what do you guys think?