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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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jesus, i am doing something wrong with irelia. keep dying so badly. Can't even last hit much without taking damage from random pokes.


Halycon said:
Oh yes, you must type "DEMAICAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" every time you get a kill/assist.

they really need to just add a global announcement of DEMACIA!!!!! whenever garen gets a kill. it would be hilarious.


Mothman91 said:
I'm so glad I got into LoL before HoN. I've experienced a leaver each game I've played in that game, so horrible (imo).
Before you start queuing with Verified Only in HoN, it's pretty bad. Afterwards, leavers are quite rare.

I have a big problem with smurfs in LoL. You can never tell if someone's smurfing or if they're just good. You also can't tell what summoner level they are before the game starts, which is annoying because of how much you have to change your tactics according to a fuck ton of hidden advantages you have no way of countering (runes and masteries).
2th said:
qss and aegis make me cry. you have no veil and no omen or sunfire. welcome to squish city.
why would I buy a veil when I got CV and QSS? You can't kill me if you can't stop me. I'd rather have the choice to use an ability than just have it knocked out by a silly throw away attack for 45 seconds. If Veil prevents a CC attack, then great, but a decent player knows how to wipe veil's usefulness out with ease.

And the costs are about the same if I get QSS/aegis, but the benefits for the team and udyr and far superior.

The benefits of aegis far outweighs banshees for udyr. And the cost isn't remotely justifiable for an already expensive build. I want my mr, armor and health up a bit so I can start building the big ticket items. I don't want to spend 6000k on armor, health and mr. I want to spend 3000 and move on. That's why this works, it's doable. Udyr isn't going to get nuked by an ability. The only way to take me down after I get Phage, tabi and Aegis is to come at me and slow, taunt, etc. That's why CV + Quicksilver works best for him. He's got bear. He's got turtle. He's hard to chase, easy to CC. This build counters his weakness.

Aegis - 270 health
30 armor
39 mr
8 damage
and half of that goes to my partners as well
cost: 1900

QSS: 56 MR
Sweet ability that I use when I need it
cost: 1440

Banshees Veil:

375 health
375 mana
+50 magic resist
decent ability for udyr.
Cost: 2715

My way - total cost 3340
benefit - 270 health
- 30 armor
- 95 Magic Resist
- 8 damage
- gives the other players some def
- sweet ability that will save my ass

Costs 625 more with
- 105 health
- 375 mana
+ 30 armor
+ 45 MR

to get that extra mr alone will cost you 700. The armor around 300. I am missing out on 105 health, which will run you about 225. I don't need the mana. Waste of money, which would cost me 700, and make it a clean deal, but I don't need the mana. Thus a waste of 700 gold I could have used to start getting my trinity, which would give me more mana and health anyway.

And that's just by myself. If I were to multiply some of aegis's benefits to others, even just adding one person's benefits, it would be a joke. No contest on a per gold basis.

The other reason why it's better, other than clearly just being better for udyr, is that it's not yet another big ticket item. I already have 2 very costly items in this build. I need to finish cheap items earlier so I can get that CV and mr from OSS, so I can benefit the other 4 people on their team with armor and mr with aegis. Build it quick and then move on to the trinity and bloodrazer asap. I can't be building those two things at the 45 minute mark. It's too late.

And the great thing is that I don't necessarily have to finish the OSS. I can buy a negatron and be done with it...finish it much much later or go force of nature or banshees. I'm not committed with cheap items, unlike if I were to go catalyst and lose its costly benefits if I don't finish it asap.

I don't need omen or sunfire because udyr at level 18 has 86 (53 mr too btw) bloodrazer, tabi and aegis has me covered. That's +86 armor with 20% dodge not including my passive. If I'm gonna get those items, it would make my build lopsided. Again, if I were to try to get that 86 armor on 1 item, it would take too long. Tabis cheap, works wonders on udyr. Madreds Razer is a neccessity anyway.

But if I don't get the Mercury treads...but wait, I don't need them. I have two CVs. I have 100% tenacity.

In this build I have 8385 "effective health." If that's squishy for an off tank with blood razers, 2.5 hits per second, 447 movement speed, 150% sheen from trinity. And it's a realistic build costing 11k, not 14 or some nonsense that will never happen with an empty slot remaining. It's balanced for playing against a balanced team, of course. Doesn't apply if I actually have to play tanky tank (which I wouldn't as udyr anyway, rather be mumu) or play against a team that weighs heavily on the AP or AD side. I end up with almost equal mr and armor.

I do think that maybe the health runes may benefit me more, although it would cause my jungle, escapability, gankability to slow down. How much I'll have to see. If it's worth it, it's worth it, but those darn things are so expensive. Maybe 1 or 2 less speed quints and 1 or 2 more per level health would be a good compromise. Give me that extra 100 - 200 health to keep me in the game while the speed to jungle, escape and gank is still plenty. When I get the IP to play with that, I'll give it a try, but right now, I got too much to buy as is.

This build takes practice. It's not easy mode. You have to time your CV and OSS properly and sometimes I forget I have those items, as I am kinda new to this method of play. But when I get it right, I'm almost unkillable and inescapable and I don't need to buy up 1000+ health to do so. I got plenty with turtle and bear on my side, and late game my tiger will destroy anyway, and early game my AD runes and Speed quints (when I can afford them) will get my phoenix out of jungle and into ganking as fast as possible. I'm barely sacrificing def or time for maximum damage.

Played 4 games with this build and had no deaths on 2 of them and won 3. This is as udyr, the guy that has to be in your face to do anything. The off tank that has to put it on the line every fight or be rendered useless. And yes, I got a lot assists early and kills near the end as you might expect.

This response was really long, I apologize.
Nome said:
Before you start queuing with Verified Only in HoN, it's pretty bad. Afterwards, leavers are quite rare.

I have a big problem with smurfs in LoL. You can never tell if someone's smurfing or if they're just good. You also can't tell what summoner level they are before the game starts, which is annoying because of how much you have to change your tactics according to a fuck ton of hidden advantages you have no way of countering (runes and masteries).

Um if they're smurfing they have the same advantages you do outside of skill leve. They don't have any runes unless they buy low level ones with ip and they have the same number of masteries.


Jazzy Network said:
Um if they're smurfing they have the same advantages you do outside of skill leve. They don't have any runes unless they buy low level ones with ip and they have the same number of masteries.
Yeah, the smurfing complaint was separate from the hidden advantages complaint. As a new player, it's very difficult for me to gauge my own relative skill level amongst smurfs.


aka surume
Nome said:
Yeah, the smurfing complaint was separate from the hidden advantages complaint. As a new player, it's very difficult for me to gauge my own relative skill level amongst smurfs.
There is an anti-smurfing system under the hood. Unsure of specifics.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
2th said:
they really need to just add a global announcement of DEMACIA!!!!! whenever garen gets a kill. it would be hilarious.
Garen announcer voice pack.

Do it Riot, you know you want the cash.


Achtius said:
jesus, i am doing something wrong with irelia. keep dying so badly. Can't even last hit much without taking damage from random pokes.

she's very fragile early, and I'd say she's easy to die until after you get Triforce.

From my experience, using Q to last hit minions is okay but it's hard to keep up with mana unless you use mreg yellows. I personally use dodge/flat armor on her so I don't have the luxury of using Q.

The current meta for Irelia is to max W so that you can sustain in lane forever. Her regen with W is really good, and true damage is always good. My goal is always to farm to the best of my ability. if the opposing player does something I stun with E and I'll try to kill if I can, but most of the time, I end up just farming and getting my lost health back with the passive. They don't have that luxury so if they blue pill, you are winning your lane.

Chaox over at solomid.net has the essential Irelia guide if you haven't checked it our already.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Achtius said:
jesus, i am doing something wrong with irelia. keep dying so badly. Can't even last hit much without taking damage from random pokes.
Take a look at how bigfatjiji handles a solo lane vs Swain.

Notice how he hangs back at the start and waits for Swain to get aggressive, then unloads all his cooldowns on him at once to scare him off. After Swain recovers, he goes back into passive mode and waits for the lane to push to his side. Once he's safe from harass, he patiently last hits and saves his Q in order to nab a kill that might've been taken by the tower.

In his place, I would've leveled W earlier. I would've also used Q to nab some of those creep kills when his mana was full, although I understand his reasons for not doing so. Q has a long cooldown, and you don't want to use it indiscriminately especially against an opponent just waiting for you to waste your CDs.

Playing Irelia is mostly about judging when to hang back in a safe place and when to commit to full aggression.
Nome said:
Yeah, the smurfing complaint was separate from the hidden advantages complaint. As a new player, it's very difficult for me to gauge my own relative skill level amongst smurfs.

I have heard that there is an exaggerated ELO system in the lower levels to weed out smurfs.
Went into a another normal game again. We got completely destroyed. Apparently the people we got matched up with play together sometimes -_- You could tell, too. Those were some good coordinated attacks on their part. Not very fun, tbh :(
dragonlife said:
Went into a another normal game again. We got completely destroyed. Apparently the people we got matched up with play together sometimes -_- You could tell, too. Those were some good coordinated attacks on their part. Not very fun, tbh :(

This is essentially why dominion is coming out.


Archie said:
LoL desperately needs voice support. Typing out "xxx mia" is a pain in the ass.
No voicechat is the best thing about LoL. Just think about all the people who hate me via text -- it would be terrible if I had to listen to them too!


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Take a look at how bigfatjiji handles a solo lane vs Swain.

Notice how he hangs back at the start and waits for Swain to get aggressive, then unloads all his cooldowns on him at once to scare him off. After Swain recovers, he goes back into passive mode and waits for the lane to push to his side. Once he's safe from harass, he patiently last hits and saves his Q in order to nab a kill that might've been taken by the tower.

In his place, I would've leveled W earlier. I would've also used Q to nab some of those creep kills when his mana was full, although I understand his reasons for not doing so. Q has a long cooldown, and you don't want to use it indiscriminately especially against an opponent just waiting for you to waste your CDs.

Playing Irelia is mostly about judging when to hang back in a safe place and when to commit to full aggression.
That's just a bad Swain player though... He minion dived that Ire right at the start.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
That's just a bad Swain player though... He minion dived that Ire right at the start.
I didn't feel like bigfatjiji is a stellar Irelia either but it's the first thing that came up when I searched. The other video with HotshotGG was pre nerf so I don't think it's a good example of how to play her.


Man, Lux is SO good!

I can pretty much make or break team fights with her shields and rainbow beam.

If only the skins didn't suck..


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
I didn't feel like bigfatjiji is a stellar Irelia either but it's the first thing that came up when I searched. The other video with HotshotGG was pre nerf so I don't think it's a good example of how to play her.
Don't know anything about the players, but what they did there is exactly how I handled Ire pre-nerf as Nasus. Only poke and attempt to split the minions. Stay in the back pack and wait for them to get aggressive while they come into your pack. For those first few levels, it works out very well. I figure Ire would be similar now.

Of course certain characters it doesn't matter, Garen, Rene, and Morde can crush it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I feel the Irelia nerfs have made her early game less aggressive than it originally was. She still plays the same, switching between passiveness and extreme aggression, but now she spends more of her time in the former than the latter since she lost a chunk of her sustain.

I can beat Mordes as Ire if they don't man up. Just stay between him and their creep wave and whittle way at him while he pokes ineffectually at you.

But otherwise yeah, Irelia loses to those guys.


Halycon said:
I feel the Irelia nerfs have made her early game less aggressive than it originally was. She still plays the same, switching between passiveness and extreme aggression, but now she spends more of her time in the former than the latter since she lost a chunk of her sustain.

I can beat Mordes if they don't man up. Just stay between him and their creep wave and whittle way at him while he pokes ineffectually at you.

But otherwise yeah, Irelia loses to those guys.

Haaate morde ever since I've been playing Cass. I can do nothing to him. His shield pretty much nullifies my poison. She's also squishy enough that I can't bully him outta the lane.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Cass is such a terrible balance of effort and reward.




Halycon said:
Cass is such a terrible balance of effort and reward.



I love it, being constantly active is nice. Skill shots and lots of them.

Thing is I don't mind the difficulty vs reward thing. Trouble is, even if you make a character really really good just because it's difficult, it doesn't matter. There will always be people that will overcome the difficulty, then rape everyone if a character was balanced that way. So even though it stinks a bit that some characters have to work harder... in the end it should be balanced that way.


Blizzard said:
No voicechat is the best thing about LoL. Just think about all the people who hate me via text -- it would be terrible if I had to listen to them too!

or you could you know
mute them?

edit: damnit beaten
What's everyone's personal policy on reporting people? I report anyone who leaves early, and people who insult other players. I want them all banned. Banned I say!


Server just crapped itself yet again. This is getting old. If it's this bad prior to Dominion how bad is it going to be when that launches?


FutureZombie said:
What's everyone's personal policy on reporting people? I report anyone who leaves early, and people who insult other players. I want them all banned. Banned I say!

I only really report people if they're being a total complete dick in the game. Although strangely enough, that hasn't actually happened yet.

I'll only report for AFK if it's a really bad scenario.

I don't like to rambo report. I only report when I feel it's necessary :l


aka surume
Mister Wilhelm said:
Messed around with Karthas today. A very effective but very boring character.
Really? His wall, defile, q combo can be crazy rewarding. He's also got a decent suicide bomber build.

Built in mini-game too. Here's a tip: his q does more damage to single targets.
Mister Wilhelm said:
Messed around with Karthas today. A very effective but very boring character.

I think he's pretty fun, mainly due to his ult, but I am resigning to the fact that I am terrible at any ranged AP champ


What do people think about Morgana? From what I gather she'd very similar to Lux in playstyle, but I'm thinking about giving her go.


Ark said:
What do people think about Morgana? From what I gather she'd very similar to Lux in playstyle, but I'm thinking about giving her go.

She is really good, her shield block all cc, so if you see a Ashe arrow or Lux's Q, just shield yourself and block the CC.

The problem is her ult requiring her to stand next to her enemy for 3 seconds. If you build AP focus, people will just burst you down, if you build tanky, they will just flash/run away.

She is still a very good champion, great for pushing and defensing tower, saving your team or chasing down enemy with root.
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