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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Ark said:
What do people think about Morgana? From what I gather she'd very similar to Lux in playstyle, but I'm thinking about giving her go.
One of the strongest laners in the game. The shield > all other AP casters and she can clear the waves at anytime.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
One of the strongest laners in the game. The shield > all other AP casters and she can clear the waves at anytime.
My one gripe is that she doesn't have a lot of burst. She's more of a poker/sustain hero than someone like Lux who can really lay on the hurt if she wanted to.


Halycon said:
My one gripe is that she doesn't have a lot of burst. She's more of a poker/sustain hero than someone like Lux who can really lay on the hurt if she wanted to.

her ult and snare are pretty bursty!
The (still, even after repeated nerfs) very good AP ratios on her Q and ult make her dish out some serious burst damage. Hell, the first half of Morgana's ult alone only does 50 points less damage than Lux's ult and has a slightly better AP ratio.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Her pool is also deceptively strong. Just snare someone in it or pop it after the snare and you can really do a lot of damage. I'm surprised people are saying they can't stand near opponents as her. Her built in spell vamp lets her take a decent amount of damage compared to other heroes.


Rayven said:
Really? His wall, defile, q combo can be crazy rewarding. He's also got a decent suicide bomber build.

Built in mini-game too. Here's a tip: his q does more damage to single targets.

and the most rewarding, if you are karthus, or infuriating ult if you are on the other team, ult in the game. "Oh hey, its a team fight. we just aced the other team and all got away with 200 health each. Oh shit, what are these red lines over our heads? PENTA KILL! I fucking hate karthus." LOL nothing like a double ace. so hilarious.
shintoki said:
Well, Renek is one of the strongest bruisers in the game right now, early game specifically. Very similar to Garen.

Its just not many characters can lane against him evenly.

This is true but I think he's one of the more balanced characters in which he's consistent throughout every phase of the game. No changing roles like Garen or Urgot who become tanky/support later on.

He's just bruising errday.


For all the talk of a horrible community around these games, I haven't encountered any. Infact everyone has been really helpful.

There was one guy who called me a noob when I died but that's nothing and I just responded with 'Correct'

I imagine that will change once I get into PvP and ranked games.


About Orianna... I'm using her very often lately, and for some reason always winning games, but I'm not sure about a good item build.
I usually build her with RoA, ionian boots, deathcap and then I go on stacking more ap... maybe a Rylai could be good?

Also, wrecking lanes with Soraka is fun, but I think she will be nerfed again, sigh.


Somax said:
About Orianna... I'm using her very often lately, and for some reason always winning games, but I'm not sure about a good item build.
I usually build her with RoA, ionian boots, deathcap and then I go on stacking more ap... maybe a Rylai could be good?

Also, wrecking lanes with Soraka is fun, but I think she will be nerfed again, sigh.

rod of ages - > ionian boots - > deathcap - > void staff - > banshee's veil/AA staff - > guardian angel/AA staff/zhonya's hourglass


FlightOfHeaven said:
PvP is a different ball game.

I have found that, little by little, this game is making me into a dick in game. :(

And you have tendency to express your inner rage in mumble. =P

On the other news unrelated to Dragon Rage, MF is really really fun, but I hate that she doesn't have a build in escape or some sort of stun. Bullet rain isn't enough to save my life =/


kiunchbb said:
And you have tendency to express your inner rage in mumble. =P

On the other news unrelated to Dragon Rage, MF is really really fun, but I hate that she doesn't have a build in escape or some sort of stun. Bullet rain isn't enough to save my life =/

Ask them politely to not hit you for 5 seconds and let your passive proc ;)


Orgun said:
For all the talk of a horrible community around these games, I haven't encountered any. Infact everyone has been really helpful.

There was one guy who called me a noob when I died but that's nothing and I just responded with 'Correct'

I imagine that will change once I get into PvP and ranked games.

Had some guy playing Mord on the other team in bottom lane when I was with a bunch of GAF guys, they managed to get a gank off on us quite early and he kept posting 'hahahahaha' in the chat.

Needless to say he remained quiet for the rest of the game when we started dominating.


Am i wrong in saying Malza is one of the best champions in the game? I don't think i ever went negative with him and yesterday i went 20-6-10 essentially winning the game for my team since everyone but me had a negative k/d ratio that ranged from 1-9 to 8-12.


I did my first 3v3 matches last night. The map was a little weird but honestly we really liked it. It's not a 2 minute journey from top to bot like in Summoners Rift which really picked the action up. I figured the top lane would be where most of the 2v2 happens since Dragon is up there, but most teams sent 2 to the bottom. Problem is I was Malzahar and was destroying them down there so they kept lane swapping and losing out on xp. By the time they found a lane situation that might work for them, I was already 4 levels up with 3 end-game items.

The only thing I don't like is the placement of the final tower in comparison to their healing pad. Ranged champs were almost standing in the death-beam zone and blasting our melee and there was pretty much nothing we could do about it.
SamVimes said:
Am i wrong in saying Malza is one of the best champions in the game? I don't think i ever went negative with him and yesterday i went 20-6-10 essentially winning the game for my team since everyone but me had a negative k/d ratio that ranged from 1-9 to 8-12.
I've picked 1 champion of each type that I regularly play. Malzahar is my AP carry and my strongest overall champ by far. In a pug situation when we have a jungler, I love taking Malz up to solo top and pushing them back to their tower 2v1 while simultaneously getting every single last hit on creeps without even being in auto-attack range. I've never seen him in a championship match, as I guess his lack of reliable CC is a problem, but he feels really strong to me.


My big problem with Malz is that he makes weird noises. I'll be mid versus him, and suddenly he'll go BURBLE KAPOW BURBLE KAPOW BURBLE KAPLOWWWWW and my brain will just freeze up and I'll run away not knowing what's going on or how hard I'm going to die. :( I also feel like his attacks hit very quickly so it's really hard to shield or predict them.

Important question: Is there any reasonable way to counter Anivia mid? She has stun AND slow, and her ice spike thing hits super hard (25%-50% damage?) if you're slowed or stunned, and once she has her ult it seems like she can completely zone you out unless you like walking into the middle of that.


My biggest problem with Malz revolves around using his W (the void zone on the ground.) Without a snare or a stun, it is way too easy to move out of it. It's also has a really expensive mana cost. Pretty much the only time I cast it is directly before I ult, which is a suppression beam that allows me to keep them in that zone. If I have some extra mana, I'll also cast it on the larger creeps like golem and dragon.

It's not a terrible move but it really makes it feel like I have 2 ults and 2 regular abilities.


Wrekt said:
My biggest problem with Malz revolves around using his W (the void zone on the ground.) Without a snare or a stun, it is way too easy to move out of it. It's also has a really expensive mana cost. Pretty much the only time I cast it is directly before I ult, which is a suppression beam that allows me to keep them in that zone. If I have some extra mana, I'll also cast it on the larger creeps like golem and dragon.

It's not a terrible move but it really makes it feel like I have 2 ults and 2 regular abilities.

that is the main point of it. it can be used to harass and farm but the mana cost isnt particularly worth it early on and you are right the damage is easy to avoid. but combined with his ult it can be super deadly.


Blizzard said:
Important question: Is there any reasonable way to counter Anivia mid? She has stun AND slow, and her ice spike thing hits super hard (25%-50% damage?) if you're slowed or stunned, and once she has her ult it seems like she can completely zone you out unless you like walking into the middle of that.
Dodge her Q and do your best to poke her. If she consistently lands that stun on you, you're fucked. But she's also super squishy and super slow and mana hungry. If you can dodge the stun and keep her from getting that pick off, you'll be okay. A good Anivia is a challenge to lane against with a squishy.


Azar said:
Dodge her Q and do your best to poke her. If she consistently lands that stun on you, you're fucked. But she's also super squishy and super slow and mana hungry. If you can dodge the stun and keep her from getting that pick off, you'll be okay. A good Anivia is a challenge to lane against with a squishy.
I could occasionally dodge the stun/slow, but the main problems were the range, the fact that she got blue early (a teammate helped her?), and and the fact that she could simply farm each minion wave with the ult.


Any advice on how to play jungle fiddle? Reading guide atm, but want to hear gaf's advice.

Which jungling route should i start? what item do i start at?

or should I just be a laning fiddle?


Total noob here, I started playing around with the game just over a week ago without ever playing any DOTA like game.

I'm trying to get a feel for which hero I want to play, and last week I was able to setup some bot-only matches to mess around. However, last night when I tried it was telling me I needed at least two players for a custom match. Did they change something?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Achtius said:
Any advice on how to play jungle fiddle? Reading guide atm, but want to hear gaf's advice.

Which jungling route should i start? what item do i start at?

or should I just be a laning fiddle?
You should jungle fiddle. Get a Doran's Ring, start at blue, ask for a leash. Press the drain button. If you can't get a leash start Wraiths or Golems. I am pretty big on starting at enemy wraiths and going to your wolf then your wraiths if you're playing a champion that isn't starting at blue.

That's pretty much all you need to know to jungle Fiddlesticks.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ferrio said:
What's a leash?
Someone attacks a jungle mob before you do so it runs after them, so you can spend a long time wailing on it while it runs after them without taking any damage. It's best done on blue buff over the wall by whoever is going mid. They just run away and you get a big head start jungling.


Struct09 said:
Total noob here, I started playing around with the game just over a week ago without ever playing any DOTA like game.

I'm trying to get a feel for which hero I want to play, and last week I was able to setup some bot-only matches to mess around. However, last night when I tried it was telling me I needed at least two players for a custom match. Did they change something?
Occasionally, presumably when server loads are really high, they don't let you play one-person-only custom games. It should come back, I'm guessing.

Ferrio said:
What's a leash?
This is when someone (such as the player who is going to be top or mid) attacks a monster once or twice and runs away before they can be hit. The monster that was hit will go RAWR and try to hurt that player for a second or two or three before it gives up, allowing the player who actually wants the buff to do more damage without getting hurt.

At least, I think that's the theory. It's especially useful on the blue golem since that thing does a lot of damage to low-level players.


Blizzard said:
Occasionally, presumably when server loads are really high, they don't let you play one-person-only custom games. It should come back, I'm guessing.

This is when someone (such as the player who is going to be top or mid) attacks a monster once or twice and runs away before they can be hit. The monster that was hit will go RAWR and try to hurt that player for a second or two or three before it gives up, allowing the player who actually wants the buff to do more damage without getting hurt.

At least, I think that's the theory. It's especially useful on the blue golem since that thing does a lot of damage to low-level players.

Ah so just someone kiting it for ya, got ya.


Blizzard said:
Occasionally, presumably when server loads are really high, they don't let you play one-person-only custom games. It should come back, I'm guessing.

Cool, I'll give it a try later. I'll start playing with other people when I find a hero I'm somewhat comfortable with.


Struct09 said:
Cool, I'll give it a try later. I'll start playing with other people when I find a hero I'm somewhat comfortable with.
If you do queued co-op vs. AI games (not custom, BASIC level AI), you should hardly ever lose, so you really don't need to worry about trying new champions there. :) It's your choice though, of course.

You might lose a low-level basic game if you have 2-3 players literally suiciding to 10-15 deaths, but as long as you are cautious you should be OK. If you have at least one decent AD carry and one other decent player, that should practically be enough to carry a team vs. basic bots.


Dance In My Blood said:
You should jungle fiddle. Get a Doran's Ring, start at blue, ask for a leash. Press the drain button. If you can't get a leash start Wraiths or Golems. I am pretty big on starting at enemy wraiths and going to your wolf then your wraiths if you're playing a champion that isn't starting at blue.

That's pretty much all you need to know to jungle Fiddlesticks.

Should I max q first or e?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

Although get one level of E if there are channelers on the other team.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeah, his fear is really important, but you usually won't pick it up until four. You max it right after Drain though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Achtius said:
fiddle can't gank until level 6 right?
He can gank once he gets Q and red. It's not a very safe gank however, since it's only 1.5 seconds.


Sorry for all these questions, but what does GAF think of Irellia? What's her real purpose in a match? Whether it be public or pre-made.

Irellia, Lux and Caitlyn were 3 of the champions I really wanted. Lux is by far my current favourite and Caitlyn is a fun back-up.

It would be nice to get into a team fight and not be super squishy (not that I die often as Lux anyway).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
She is a half bruiser half carry. Her purpose in a team is to identify one target, hang around in the periphery of fight until she sees an opportunity, then going with all her skills at once. Once her target is down, she can either go for another target or back up if no suitable targets present themselves.

A farmed Irelia can also be an initiator. Her passive makes it difficult to lock her down, so she can go in, draw fire, then run away, then go back in again once their attention has been diverted elsewhere.


What are the least used heros? I wanna pick up another hero that rarely gets played (Like Cass.. least in all the games I've been in).

I'm still missing an AD.
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