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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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FlightOfHeaven said:
Corki, Jax, Lee Sin, Pantheon, Sivir

I don't recall seeing many of those.


I've seen quite a lot of them actually. Might be since Cass hasn't been a hero of the week might be one reason I haven't seen much of her. All those others I think they have.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ferrio said:
What are the least used heros? I wanna pick up another hero that rarely gets played (Like Cass.. least in all the games I've been in).

I'm still missing an AD.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I remember when Eve-tier used to be a joke, until people discovered Eve owns.

Then Riot nerfed her back to Eve-tier.


Halycon said:
She is a half bruiser half carry. Her purpose in a team is to identify one target, hang around in the periphery of fight until she sees an opportunity, then going with all her skills at once. Once her target is down, she can either go for another target or back up if no suitable targets present themselves.

A farmed Irelia can also be an initiator. Her passive makes it difficult to lock her down, so she can go in, draw fire, then run away, then go back in again once their attention has been diverted elsewhere.

Thanks a lot :)

What about laning? What's the best hero/lane combo?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ferrio said:
Maybe I'll pick up Svir or whatever. She's cheap as dirt.
Don't. She is terrible and you are just bringing your team down by picking her.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ark said:
Thanks a lot :)

What about laning? What's the best hero/lane combo?
I'm not sure about laning combo, I usually solo with her.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Powerful AP carry. Lacks early game power of Annie/Brand, but scales very well into late game. Requires a high level of position awareness, foresight and aiming. Needs blue to reach her fully potential lategame.


So long as we're asking GAF about characters are there any good Poppy players around? I'm thinking about trying her out but I wasn't sure how high her ceiling is since I don't see her too often. I'd like to find a few more champions that I can get comfortable with that are also solid champions even into higher ranked play.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Use this list to get a general idea of what is going on at the upper level.


As for Poppy. She's an ganker/disruptor who can put out a lot of burst in the right situations. She relies heavily on positioning, lacks farming ability, and is generally weaker than other champions in her role.

She very rewarding when you do well with her though.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Use this list to get a general idea of what is going on at the upper level.


As for Poppy. She's an ganker/disruptor who can put out a lot of burst in the right situations. She relies heavily on positioning, lacks farming ability, and is generally weaker than other champions in her role.

She very rewarding when you do well with her though.
Blitz should be at least a T2. He has the escape, solid damage, Utility, and just starting off with the Manamersa+Sheen makes him pretty potent. He can basically play any role you need, but his late game is weak. Exactly what he was looking at.


Halycon said:
Use this list to get a general idea of what is going on at the upper level.


As for Poppy. She's an ganker/disruptor who can put out a lot of burst in the right situations. She relies heavily on positioning, lacks farming ability, and is generally weaker than other champions in her role.

She very rewarding when you do well with her though.

I thought Elementz list was kind of a joke in a lot of circles?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Jhriad said:
I thought Elementz list was kind of a joke in a lot of circles?
It's better than going at it blind as far as I'm concerned. You could always watch streams to get the same effect but his list is more convenient.
shintoki said:
Blitz should be at least a T2. He has the escape, solid damage, Utility, and just starting off with the Manamersa+Sheen makes him pretty potent. He can basically play any role you need, but his late game is weak. Exactly what he was looking at.
I would like Blitz better if his hook arm didn't have such wonky collision detection. Sometimes it works better than you can hope for, sometimes it just goes completely nuts. And a poor hook can cost you a fight.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
It's better than going at it blind as far as I'm concerned. You could always watch streams to get the same effect but his list is more convenient.

I would like Blitz better if his hook arm didn't have such wonky collision detection. Sometimes it works better than you can hope for, sometimes it just goes completely nuts. And a poor hook can cost you a fight.
*Hook one of them Blitz!*
*Hooks Anumu*



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
*Hook one of them Blitz!*
*Hooks Anumu*

Yeah exactly XD

Who needs initiation when there's a blitz on the other team!


Its lol how so many people think Sivir is actually that bad. She can out farm any champion, hurts towers and with a solid team can actually carry.

Shes not the best champion but she isnt completely useless. We aren't all 1800 ELO+. You guys need to come back down to earth.
Anyone in the game can carry if they get fed enough, they're not saying she can't. The point is that in that list's opinion, other characters do the job better/easier.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
She can out farm any champion, hurts towers and with a solid team can actually carry.
She can do all of this and more if the other team completely ignores her.

If someone so much looks at Sivir she will die. Her spell shield is a joke, she has no slow, and if you use up her ult to get away then you just wasted your best pushing/ganking tool. Her main source of damage is from auto attack, yet her attack range is so low that it brings her under within range of nearly every instant gap closer in the game.

It's not like she can't do well but usually it's your entire team carrying you rather you carrying your team.
What would you think of increasing her range?

I tried her out a while ago, but the problem is that she''s a ranged character that MUST get in harm's way.


sparkle this bitch
Kozak said:
Its lol how so many people think Sivir is actually that bad. She can out farm any champion, hurts towers and with a solid team can actually carry.

Shes not the best champion but she isnt completely useless. We aren't all 1800 ELO+. You guys need to come back down to earth.
That's it though, its why Viegar and Nasus are so low too. They need the farm. Nasus is the strongest melee in the game with Viegar being the strongest AP carry. Both need to farm like a mother fucker though(Viegar does excel though against other AP carries thanks to his ult utilizing their AP too). And if most games are ending before the 30 minute mark, neither of them reach their potential. Sivir is similar. Otherwise she is just a weak AD carry. If you let her farm, she'll become a nightmare.

FlightOfHeaven said:
What would you think of increasing her range?

I tried her out a while ago, but the problem is that she''s a ranged character that MUST get in harm's way.
That's why you always build Warmongers Sivir. She was always most effective with that build.


Ark said:
Thanks a lot :)

What about laning? What's the best hero/lane combo?

if you want a huge advantage in your lane, Caitlyn's the champ.

I have the opinion that her entire kit revolves around laning. Q hit melee minion, caster minion, then you. W can just handicap your ability to zone. E is an escape and can pin you down. If you try to retreat after you burn all your abilities on her, R will give her a free kill. Her biggest advantage is she has the highest non-buffed normal AD range on her auto attacks. Not to mention, she has the highest ranged AD scaling in the game.

As for lane combo, i'd probably give it to MF/Taric. MF has very poor defensive utility and Taric stun allows her to get away if she gets caught without having her use her flash. At level 6, Taric stun followed by MF's AHAHAHAHAHHAHA can down champs pretty quickly.
Just wondering, but is it a weekly thing for Champions to go on sale? I have 394 RP left and saw that two 1350 IP Champs are 292 RP. Thing is, I'm not really interested in them, so I was wondering how common it was.

I'm guessing I should just wait it out and cross my fingers that next week there are 1350-IP Champs I'm interested in, if any, hmm?


Kozak said:
Its lol how so many people think Sivir is actually that bad. She can out farm any champion, hurts towers and with a solid team can actually carry.

Shes not the best champion but she isnt completely useless. We aren't all 1800 ELO+. You guys need to come back down to earth.
She's a terrible carry until late game when she's farmed 2 or 3 bloodthirsters. There's really no reason to pick Sivir if you have access to Ashe,Vayne, or Caitlyn.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ferrio said:
Okay so any other lesser used heros? How bad is twitch, I never see him.
He belongs in the group of "old heroes that haven't been buffed or tweaked to compete with newer heroes".


dragonlife said:
Just wondering, but is it a weekly thing for Champions to go on sale? I have 394 RP left and saw that two 1350 IP Champs are 292 RP. Thing is, I'm not really interested in them, so I was wondering how common it was.

I'm guessing I should just wait it out and cross my fingers that next week there are 1350-IP Champs I'm interested in, if any, hmm?

The 50% champ sales are weekly, and are random three champs.

If you want to get the most value for your 394 to buy a 292 discounted champ, get a champ that costs 3150 IP.

Also, just like to mention if you are spending RP for champ purchases, the bundles are very good for getting the most value out of your money.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ferrio said:
Okay so any other lesser used heros? How bad is twitch, I never see him.
Impossible to say before the stealth changes go live, but he's not worth playing right now.
Kozak said:
Its lol how so many people think Sivir is actually that bad. She can out farm any champion, hurts towers and with a solid team can actually carry.

Shes not the best champion but she isnt completely useless. We aren't all 1800 ELO+. You guys need to come back down to earth.
I feel like we just talked about this. I don't think Sivir can outfarm every champion. Most characters with any kind of AOE can farm easily, especially mid-lategame where Sivir is going to do most of her farming. There are other characters that are actually useful in team fights like Anivia who can even clear out a wave faster than Sivir.


Elementz tier list is a really good starting point. Lots of people look at it, from pro's to non-pro's. People just really don't know how to understand it. It's not the last say, it's just an overall opinion from a really experienced player. His tier's are based on more then just "damage". It's based on many things from zoning ability to team utility. It's also based on how much he sees those champions in high ELO/competitive play. If the champion isn't played much, or if certain people are not exploited that champion to it's full potential, it will be in a lower tier. Even if it may be a hidden, secretly OP champ.

The best champion for you is the champion you have the most fun playing. At least until you get way way up 2k+ in ELO. If you play a champion enough, and get good with it, then you will dominate regardless of "tier". Veigar is not looked at as tier 1 for example, but was an instant ban against curse during MLG b/c the best Veigar player in the world is on that team.


Ferrio: The least used hero right now in NA, according to LOL stats at least (small sample size), is by far and away Maokai. I don't know a ton about how to play him, but I do know Chu8 carried himself to number 1 on the ladder using him. Just google Chu8 Maokai build. He built him like a tanky/bruiser/dps. Not straight tank. I asked reddit a bit more about him b/c I was interested, and the general feel is he is a solid champ that is not played much.
Ferrio said:
Okay so any other lesser used heros? How bad is twitch, I never see him.

There are only four champions I have never seen- Vlad, Orianna, Galio, and Karma.

Some that I have only seen once: Corki, Olaf, Udyr, Jarvan IV, Mal, Rumble, Cass, Twisted Fate, Shaco.

I guess it's different at lower levels (I'm level 13).

What I see the most of (not counting free to play)- Annie, Ashe, Yi, Tryn.
broz0rs said:
The 50% champ sales are weekly, and are random three champs.

If you want to get the most value for your 394 to buy a 292 discounted champ, get a champ that costs 3150 IP.

Also, just like to mention if you are spending RP for champ purchases, the bundles are very good for getting the most value out of your money.
Ah, so even 3150-IP Champs can be at 292 RP? Good to know. I'll definitely wait it out, then. Thanks!

And, nah, I'm not buying Champs with RP. I figured I liked the game enough that I'd give Riot $20 for now, and buy IP boost for 14 days and EXP boost for 7 days since I've been playing quite a lot recently. I figured I'd make enough within that time frame for a 6300 Champ (Anivia).

I don't plan to buy any more RP cards, but if I do, I'm setting a $50-$60 lifetime limit. $20 down.


sparkle this bitch
Such an aggravating game.

Laning against Karth solo. Zero ganks and worse, they gave him blue every single fucking time. Our jungle? Wants to do his first gank 15 minutes in and needs blue.
FutureZombie said:
I guess it's different at lower levels (I'm level 13).
I'm level 13, too. We should add each other to play in queued Co-op vs AI matches, since I love Miriam and Isaac, therefore I like you! If I recall, I can invite a friend and the rest of the slots will be filled by randoms, right?
dragonlife said:
I'm level 13, too. We should add each other to play in queued Co-op vs AI matches, since I love Miriam and Isaac, therefore I like you! If I recall, I can invite a friend and the rest of the slots will be filled by randoms, right?

Yup, that works. My name is TurnipKnight. Add me as a friend!


From what I've played of the game so far, the power differential in champions seems quite extreme. You have maybe 10% of the champs being completely worthless, then you have 10% of the champions being blatantly overpowered. The remaining 80% are roughly equal in power.

It seems to me that DotA and HoN have a more even power distribution. I'm not saying that they're more balanced... just that it's more even. Is this a correct assessment?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nome said:
From what I've played of the game so far, the power differential in champions seems quite extreme. You have maybe 10% of the champs being completely worthless, then you have 10% of the champions being blatantly overpowered. The remaining 80% are roughly equal in power.

It seems to me that DotA and HoN have a more even power distribution. I'm not saying that they're more balanced... just that it's more even. Is this a correct assessment?
A lot of champions snowball very quickly pre 30, where they get more kills than they should because people aren't used to countering them yet. I would say the power distribution at higher level games is:

25% Best in class picks
60% Substitute/situational picks
15% Worthless picks.

Also, in both HoN/Dota, the pool of "viable" heroes shrinks dramatically the higher you climb the ladder. So that might also be skewing your perception.


Nome said:
From what I've played of the game so far, the power differential in champions seems quite extreme. You have maybe 10% of the champs being completely worthless, then you have 10% of the champions being blatantly overpowered. The remaining 80% are roughly equal in power.

It seems to me that DotA and HoN have a more even power distribution. I'm not saying that they're more balanced... just that it's more even. Is this a correct assessment?

There is only one really OP champion in LOL and that is Orianna. The rest aren't very OP at all. There are only really worthless champions when you get to high ELO. Outside of high ELO or playing with good players, any champion can be viable. That said, there aren't a big number of worthless champions. Maybe 3. But there are a good amount you wouldn't pick at high ELO. Some do and win, but there are normally safer picks.


Well, the primary determinant of viability in DotA and HoN is the predominant meta, and to a lesser extent, the lineup for which you build a strategy around. HoN and DotA both have pretty versatile metas so almost all heroes are viable under the correct conditions.

LoL, from what I've HEARD (not seen), is stuck on the tanky DPS meta that requires you to run a jungler, so the meta isn't very variable. After playing for the past 2 or 3 weeks, my perception of the way the champions are designed indicates that a lot of them are fairly interchangeable, which makes it a lot more difficult to have multiple varying strategies because relative strength becomes a lot more apparent.

I could be wrong on this, since I'm a new player and all, but this is what I've noticed so far.
Nome said:
Well, the primary determinant of viability in DotA and HoN is the predominant meta, and to a lesser extent, the lineup for which you build a strategy around. HoN and DotA both have pretty versatile metas so almost all heroes are viable under the correct conditions.

LoL, from what I've HEARD (not seen), is stuck on the tanky DPS meta that requires you to run a jungler, so the meta isn't very variable. After playing for the past 2 or 3 weeks, my perception of the way the champions are designed indicates that a lot of them are fairly interchangeable, which makes it a lot more difficult to have multiple varying strategies because relative strength becomes a lot more apparent.

I could be wrong on this, since I'm a new player and all, but this is what I've noticed so far.

The meta in LoL has changed a few times.


forgeforsaken said:
The meta in LoL has changed a few times.
Well, from what I understand, LoL has a pretty unflexible meta right now. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but deviating from the accepted jungler/tanky DPS meta right now at high levels of play isn't very conducive to victory--and that's what's important. HoN had a similar problem with a rigid, single-strategy meta a while ago (trilane melee carry), but it's since evolved to be a lot more dynamic (you can now trilane, trilane into dual roam, 2-1-1-jungle/roam; still not perfect because 2-1-2 is still frowned upon). All of these contribute to having a more dynamic pool of heroes/champions in play.


Nome said:
Well, the primary determinant of viability in DotA and HoN is the predominant meta, and to a lesser extent, the lineup for which you build a strategy around. HoN and DotA both have pretty versatile metas so almost all heroes are viable under the correct conditions.

LoL, from what I've HEARD (not seen), is stuck on the tanky DPS meta that requires you to run a jungler, so the meta isn't very variable. After playing for the past 2 or 3 weeks, my perception of the way the champions are designed indicates that a lot of them are fairly interchangeable, which makes it a lot more difficult to have multiple varying strategies because relative strength becomes a lot more apparent.

I could be wrong on this, since I'm a new player and all, but this is what I've noticed so far.

There are a lot less strategies and overall team comps in LOL then in DOTA. This is mainly because a lot of the pro's refuse to really try new things. They want to be safe, and don't want to go into a competitive tournament with something that "might work".

The meta has changed several times over the past year. Having a jungler is just how LOl works, I guess you can classify it as part of the "meta". It's really because it simply makes more sense then not having one. From both an experience gain perspective, and a ganking perspective. You will always have a jungler, and this will never change, no matter how many times the meta does (unless Riot changes how the jungle works, or XP is given).

The past couple tournaments it has looked like this. AD + Support bot, AP carry mid, tanky dps/sustainable laners(sometimes another ap) top and a jungler. Although the lanes may change (like one game during IEM where the sustainers were mid and AP were top), that is the general format.

This is about to change with the nerf to all support, but how much, is only really theory at this point. Talked about very little, as nobody wants to give away their strats. Mainly because IEM NY is coming up.

The general format of LOL (1-1-2 and a jungler), will probably remain the same for a long time. But the overall meta will indeed change. It has gone from AOE meta, backdoor pushing, tanky dps, double AP etc.. etc..

If Riot wants to change lane formats, they would need to change the WAY XP is given out, or the way certain champions scale. out-farming your opponent is a big part of early and mid game LOL. This has gotten so big that CLG and EG were debating if Dragon was even worth doing anymore. Since the gold you can get by clearing creep waves/towers while the enemy team is getting the 190g from dragon is worth significantly more. This is the part of the game I want changed the most.
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