Ferny73 said:
Regeneration Pendant ->
Philosopher's Stone
You get this as soon as you can. Get last hits, even if you are dual laning. Getting it early is key to harass and sustain, not to mention gold. Stone should be the last item you sell, which means you'll be gaining additional gold throughout the game.
Madred's Razor ->
Wriggle's Lantern
You'll have this item way, way into late game. If you have 1000 gold, go for Razor first. If you find yourself able to farm straight to 1600, get Wriggle's in one go. Wriggle's provides 30 armor which reduces damage by a surprisingly large amount. The passive lets you push better, score last hits better, and the lifeleech gives you added sustainability in lane. The ward gives better map awareness, making ganks harder for them and giving you the confidence to be aggressive.
At this point, you should be able to do a Demacian Standard -> Dragon Spear -> Aegis combo and walk out the winner after trading blows.
Added movement speed.
These are Jarvan's core items. After this, the boots you get are really matchup dependent, as are the follow up items.
3A) Do you feel you can survive the opposing CC?
Berserker's Greaves! Better farm, more damage in a fight!
3B) Too much CC to deal with? Get
Mercury's Treads, and shrug it off. Also applicable if they are caster heavy.
B.F. Sword ->
Black Cleaver
If you feel you can go down an aggressive path, get this, especially with Greaves. It combos nicely with Spear, which means your targets will have their armor shredded. This also boosts the damage you do with your ult, should you need to use it. You'll usually get 3 hits in for sure, so it'll stack nicely with itself. If you trap someone in your ult, they're forced to stand there and take all 5 hits needed for a full proc, and they have likely taken a spear in the last 7 seconds as well. Makes farming a breeze.
Phage ->
Sheen ->
Zeal ->
Trinity Force
Do you need a tad more survivability? Do you find yourself playing more of a tanky role, getting lots of assists? Getting a bit too much damage? Get Phage! Sheen will make you scary, and Trinity Force will make you a force to be reckoned with, regardless of your role.
Phage ->
Frozen Mallet
Obviously, skip this if you have Trinity Force. Get this if you have Black Cleaver and feel like you can be very, very aggressive. Doing your Q -> E -> W combo after getting this and Cleaver makes you terrifying. People will Flash away from you and your two slows, and then you'll laugh maliciously as you use Catalysm to close the gap anyways.
Chainmail ->
Sorcerer's Cloak ->
Cloth Armor ->
Guardian Angel
Taking damage? Want to break their hearts? Get this, especially if you chose to go for Trinity Force. Hell, get it after Cleaver and Mallet. Laugh as your bountiful health and armor shrug off damage as you pulverize them.
Banshee's Veil
Excellent item, no reason NOT to have it. If you don't have enough magic resist, this will usually make you even in armor and magic resist, around 170+ at this point. Bonus health, bonus mana (which comes in useful once you throw away Stone), and a shield. This and Guardian Angel make teams extremely wary of engaging. Excellent psychological effect.
You will now sell Stone
Atma's Spear
So, no matter what you made, you have a ton of health. Usually 3k - 3.5k This will give you 45 armor and 18% crit along with a beefy 60 damage. If you have Trinity Force, it synergizes even better!
Stark's Fervor
Attack speed that boosts you up to 1.4-1.6 attacks per second, lots of lifeleech, reduces their armor further, AND it's a team buff! What's not to love?
Sell Wriggles!
8) Bloodthirster
9) Warmogs
My usual builds go like this:
Regen Pendant
-> Stone
Trinity Force
Guardian Angel
I then throw in Warmog's, Guardian Angel, Bloodthirster, Stark's... whatever I need, really. Hell, I bought a Sword of the Divine to counter Jax.
Masteries go 0/9/21, Runes go ArmPen/Armor/Mana Regen/ArmPen (Quints).
Skill order:
Then get Spear to level 4-5, Standard to 3-4, shield to 3-4, and then finish maxing them out.
Standard is amazing, because it passively boosts your AS and Armor, which is why I prioritize it over Shield. Spear makes you an aggressive Jarvan regardless of your build.