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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Wren said:
For any Wukong players: how well do you guys do late game? I find Wukong has fantastic harass early on with E+Q, and his ultimate is really good for mid match team fights, but by the time you get to inhibitors his usefulness seems to drop considerably. He doesn't seem to do all that much damage anymore and despite his passive still gets focused down pretty quick.

Wukong build is usually dps. Like any dps character therefore he can be extremely influential at any time of the game. His decoys are an excellent attack-escape mechanism and his ulti is great cc plus it can be used to escape a gank if your decoys are already on cd. So late game with phantom dancer X2, blood thirster, infinity edge etc. you'd be doing ridiculous damage and taking out 1v1 champs and towers in a flash. It's all about the timing of your decoys and ulti. Nimbus strike is a bonus ability and quite potent when used wisely since the nimbus to decoy combo is useful but predictable


dragonlife said:
So what ever happened with that PC Gamer magazine that had an exclusive Caitlyn skin? I went to their site and didn't see it for either US or EU territories. Unless I'm missing something.
I think it (and maybe the TF2 hat?) are in the November issue which is supposedly out in late September.

We just had a GAF game versus malz and warwick (double suppression), and a talon who had 31 kills by like 35-40 minutes. We basically only won because he disconnected at that point because he had to go to his wedding. Like, apparently right THEN. :lol



Apologies for the blue-overlay..Apparently Fraps is slapping that on everything I do. It might be f.lux messing with it, but I doubt it. Ok I was wrong, it was f.lux messing with it. Gotta keep that in mind.

Really good game today. Their Lee Sin was atrocious :lol but it was the first game I've played that I've actually managed to complete my Irelia build and really get to shake things up late game.

Irelia is an amazing magic resistance tank. I was taking down top inhibitor turret with Swain trying to wail down on me, and he did sod all damage.

Also, Aviator Irelia is best Irelia.


Neo Member
Some people really just shouldn't play this game. I was Cho'Gath, building up to be all tanky and at level 18 Akali and Janna just stomped in to their deaths whilst I was running my ass off trying to catch up to them, so obviously they died whilst I was trying my hardest to save their asses.

Then I got shouted at by both of them that I need to learn to initiate and that I would be able to take any damage they throw at me, so every single time from then on every time I saw them I just charged in like a suicidal bastard. What happened? I got taken down three times with my entire team with me and my team ended up doing absolutely no damage at all.

I got the blame for that too. :D GG!


AtomHeart said:
Some people really just shouldn't play this game. I was Cho'Gath, building up to be all tanky and at level 18 Akali and Janna just stomped in to their deaths whilst I was running my ass off trying to catch up to them, so obviously they died whilst I was trying my hardest to save their asses.

Then I got shouted at by both of them that I need to learn to initiate and that I would be able to take any damage they throw at me, so every single time from then on every time I saw them I just charged in like a suicidal bastard. What happened? I got taken down three times with my entire team with me and my team ended up doing absolutely no damage at all.

I got the blame for that too. :D GG!

Play a jungler. No matter how good you do, no matter how hard you own the jungle and gank lanes, it will ALWAYS be your fault your team lost according to the baddies.

The best is when the solo top can't hold their lane 1v1 for even 4 minutes. spam pinging for ganks every 30 seconds.

Or when all your lanes push themselves all the way to the enemy towers. Then get ganked by the opposing teams jungler. They then start saying how shit you are at jungling b/c the enemy team ganks and you don't. Oh lawd.
Ark said:
Apologies for the blue-overlay..Apparently Fraps is slapping that on everything I do. It might be f.lux messing with it, but I doubt it. Ok I was wrong, it was f.lux messing with it. Gotta keep that in mind.

Really good game today. Their Lee Sin was atrocious :lol but it was the first game I've played that I've actually managed to complete my Irelia build and really get to shake things up late game.

Irelia is an amazing magic resistance tank. I was taking down top inhibitor turret with Swain trying to wail down on me, and he did sod all damage.

Also, Aviator Irelia is best Irelia.

Chaox not the best Irelia.


Neo Member
Blackface said:
Play a jungler. No matter how good you do, no matter how hard you own the jungle and gank lanes, it will ALWAYS be your fault your team lost according to the baddies.

The best is when the solo top can't hold their lane 1v1 for ever 4 minutes. A spam ping for ganks every 30 seconds.

The game before that one I was playing solo top as Cho'Gath, our jungler (Warwick) died to a jungle mob, then when he respawned came up top to try and gank Ryze and Malphite. I was pretty low on mana and health at this point because I had held them off 2v1 for around 5 minutes without going back.

What happened next was the worst gank I think I've ever seen, he was running round to the grass and half way there he just stopped. Completely. By that time Ryze was on half health and half way to his tower, so finally Warwick comes to save the day and takes Ryze down to about 100hp, I go to exhaust and accidentally hit Malphite, so Ryze gets away.

Warwick ends up getting smacked about a bit by him whilst I'm trying my hardest to get Malphite off of him while Warwick ends up standing there there like an idiot and dies, so I get the blame. Warwick rage quits leaving it 5v4.



CLG is doomed. SaintVicious and Hotshot arguing in their IRC after +n the channel. HotShot won't even get in vent and talk to him directly.

HotShot really seems to have lost his fucking mind. Hopefully Saint moves to a different team. He made all the calls that won all their qualifying games. And Hotshot is claiming he didn't and he sucks, and doesn't respect anyone. Yet all the games are recorded. Saint is just saying someone has to step up and lead, and nobody else is doing it.

Edit: Chauster siding with Saint, Hotshot literally sounds like a 12 year old having a temper-tantrum.

and LOL @ this

Hotshot is a irrational prick. Everytime I watch his stream he is being a crybaby about something or other and making mountains out of mole hills.


Ark said:

Apologies for the blue-overlay..Apparently Fraps is slapping that on everything I do. It might be f.lux messing with it, but I doubt it. Ok I was wrong, it was f.lux messing with it. Gotta keep that in mind.

Really good game today. Their Lee Sin was atrocious :lol but it was the first game I've played that I've actually managed to complete my Irelia build and really get to shake things up late game.

Irelia is an amazing magic resistance tank. I was taking down top inhibitor turret with Swain trying to wail down on me, and he did sod all damage.

Also, Aviator Irelia is best Irelia.

how in the world did this game go over an hour? @.@


Fisticuffs said:
Hotshot is a irrational prick. Everytime I watch his stream he is being a crybaby about something or other and making mountains out of mole hills.

Hotshot does whine a whole lot about random things that are most of the time not worth whining about, but I can't blame him for complaining if his teammates are attacking him on their streams, which they have been doing the past few days.

Poor Dyrus being called a hotshot wannabe :(.


broz0rs said:
how in the world did this game go over an hour? @.@

The Ashe on our team was a random, but when we got to around 20-30 minutes in it was fairly obvious we were the better team so we ended up getting complacent and screwing around until they stormed our centre inhibitor so we got our shit back together and snowballed them with baron buff.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Thoughts on Talon? I can't tell if he's better as Assassin or Tanky/DPS.


Ark said:
Haven't really seen anyone play him decently yet.
Judging from the talon with like 31 kills today, normal AD carry stuff might work pretty well. I don't think I saved a screenshot of his build though.


aka surume
Halycon said:
Thoughts on Talon? I can't tell if he's better as Assassin or Tanky/DPS.
Watched Regi play him 3 times patch night. Brutalizer>BF Sword seemed to do MUCH better than Wriggles > Tri Force.

AD, get in, hit hard, get out if it gets hairy. He's an assassin.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yeah, I also think he's too reliant on his skills' scaling power to tank/dps well.

Oh well, another IE/BT hero. He is lots of fun though.


Did well, but couldn't carry. Ryze lost top to Galio, Lee Sin kept lagging. Not sure what was up with Annie. I should've saved my E for Galio's ult, not sure why I didn't think of it sooner.

Still ambivalent on Talon. I know LeBlanc, at least, has a small window of opportunity where she can go from harasser to hard AP carry. I've yet to find anything like that for Talon.

Rayven, do you think you could look into a linegraph option for the final scoreboard? A time axis would be quite informative. For example, I'm trying to see where I dropped off and the other team picked up but I can't tell because it treats the entire game as a whole.


Just bought zilean and i'm figuring out how to play him, he's pretty awesome.

Dropping bombs all over the place, and turning teamfights around with fucking time travel. :D

Last hitting with him is pretty hard though, his auto attack does so little damage... luckily he doesn't need many items to be useful.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Legato.Reborn- said:
gg guys.

Haly, you should really go bot with the support though you silly.
Oh, I didn't know you really wanted to swap. Someone said "swap with vlad" like once and he didn't make a move to come mid so I was like OKAY I'MA STAY HERE THEN.

In my defense we wouldn't have gotten 7 minute tower with Vlad mid.


So I'm practicing / plan on using support characters more. Taric + Soraka are on my radar currently. Just gotta grind them games on them I spose!


What is it that makes Orianna "OP"? Is it the harass? The damage? The teamfight control? Kinda curious, haven't come across a really good Orianna player yet.


Home said:
Hotshot does whine a whole lot about random things that are most of the time not worth whining about, but I can't blame him for complaining if his teammates are attacking him on their streams, which they have been doing the past few days.

Poor Dyrus being called a hotshot wannabe :(.

HotShot can't take criticism. So whenever anyone gives him any, he blows it way out proportion and starts acting like a little kid. This is beginning to get on his own teams nerves a bit. The latest argument started because of what happened during the NY qualifier. Saint would call for something to be done, and HotShot would start arguing in the middle of the game. Saint hates that he does that, and was pointing out the fact that you can't name many world champions of anything, that don't take instructions from the leader mid game and begin to argue (using a football reference).

Saint wasn't being mean, he was just expressing his opinion. Openly, which is better then doing it behind someones back. Hotshot once again couldn't handle it, and started a huge argument, that literally woke up some EU players to come and try to break it up. HotShot then tried to get personal with Saint, who just laughed it off and said HotShot was acting like a kid. Chauster told HotShot he was just playing the victim and Hotshot responded "I am in the victim". Sounding like a fucking child.

Anyway. Saint mainly wants to get CLG organized because he knows there are other teams just as good as they are. He openly said EG is easily as good as CLG but they literally never practice, don't give a shit about strategy and just play. They didn't go to gamescon b/c they didn't have the money, but will be in NY and took second place in MLG Raleigh with Dyrus literally trolling people mid game. Dan Dinh wants EG to get serious, TSM is buying a game house and will be focusing on gaming all day, Asian teams are starting to become better, SK and Fnatic are both top tier teams and two DOTA(2) teams are moving to LOL. Combine this with the fact that apparently Jiji doesn't give a fuck about the game anymore, it's an issue.

That is your daily update in LOL e-sports drama.


Nome said:
What is it that makes Orianna "OP"? Is it the harass? The damage? The teamfight control? Kinda curious, haven't come across a really good Orianna player yet.

All of the above. Her damage is insane, her utility is insane, her scaling is insane, she is hard as fuck to kill, her Ult is retarded good in team fights etc..

The developer who created her posted on his Facebook yesterday she will be getting nerfed and changed soon. He said in the hands of top competitive players, she is completely and utterly broken OP. However in the hands of new players she is very hard to pick up. He wants the balance team to find a middle ground.


Nome said:
What is it that makes Orianna "OP"? Is it the harass? The damage? The teamfight control? Kinda curious, haven't come across a really good Orianna player yet.
She is the second strongest mid laner because of her range and harass.
She is a great AP carry because she has huge range and massive AOE burst.
But not only that, she has great utility - aoe 'stun', aoe speed up or slow and a shield.
Altogether, shes just very strong.

She's not very easy to play though, so that might be why you havent seen a really good one.


Blackface said:
All of the above. Her damage is insane, her utility is insane, her scaling is insane, she is hard as fuck to kill, her Ult is retarded good in team fights etc..

The developer who created her posted on his Facebook yesterday she will be getting nerfed and changed soon. He said in the hands of top competitive players, she is completely and utterly broken OP. However in the hands of new players she is very hard to pick up. He wants the balance team to find a middle ground.

My Master Yi <3 Orianna. They are the perfect anti-gank combo. She tosses ball, enemies stand near it, half the time, uses ulti and they get stunned and tossed plus take decent damage. Then Yi ghosts in, gets buffed by Orianna and picks off champs 1 by 1 as they attempt to flee in vain.

Doesn't even require an Orianna player with too much skill. Worst games i've had were those with poor Oriannas though. Keep having to ask "where was ulti"?

Can't really see how they can nerf her without affecting balance though. Decrease the range of her ball probably

Then again the mere fact that her ball exists is at times like having an extra player in the field since she can use it to do... just about everything
My last two random PVP games have been great. I've gotten nice teammates and everyone worked together so damn well. We destroyed the enemy, and I started buying wards. So useful. It's funny seeing people set up ganks in a warded bush.
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