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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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So.... I have 7K IP. Can't decide who to buy next. I have a ton of the champs already. What do you guys think?

Lee Sin

I think those are my top choices. I've hardly played any of them at all.. I play many different play styles so I'm not looking for an specific type of champ. Just one that is fun to play and not underpowered. I was thinking Talon, but I've been hearing bad things about him lately. Might wait on him and try him for free next week.

I have most of the older champs, aside from the ones I don't like or think aren't very good.


Lee Sin is the most versatile (strong jungler and top lane pick), the strongest champion in the list and the most fun to play. Easy choice!
Kod1ak said:
So.... I have 7K IP. Can't decide who to buy next. I have a ton of the champs already. What do you guys think?

TBH I would go for Wukong or Yorick. Both are quite fun to play and pretty strong when mastered.


I can vouch for Irelia, good fun class to play.

Although, do be warned, the classic skin sucks balls imo. I had to buy a custom skin :p


I really hope Dota 2 blows up this whole cash for champions thingy >.<;

Also, I dont get why they dont let you try before you buy, youd have to wait like months before you have the hope of a champion you are interested in being put on rotation.


Second-rate Anihawk
A rental system would be nice. Pay X% of a hero's IP cost to play him/her for Y games and see if you like the character. I could have saved IP on


Archie said:
A rental system would be nice. Pay X% of a hero's IP cost to play him/her for Y games and see if you like the character. I could have saved IP on
Yeah, I think a rental system is a great idea.
I also think there should be a transparent IP cost decay of champions. It's nice that theyre reducing the cost of some champions, but its better that we know when and how it happens.


Boken said:
Yeah, I think a rental system is a great idea.
I also think there should be a transparent IP cost decay of champions. It's nice that theyre reducing the cost of some champions, but its better that we know when and how it happens.

so this is the "excercise" you were going off to do :p


how does a team go 0/28 in laning phase... how?

I don't rage quit often but there was no way i was playing with a kog on 0/12 at 15mins


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Talon: Fun, but has no place in the current meta. He has the same problems as champs like Shaco and Twitch. You can build him as tank but he is pretty reliant on skill scaling.
Irelia: Still a great champ despite the nerfs.
Wukong: Worse than Xin Zhao/Irelia without offering anything really different.
Yorick: Fantastic laner. That's all he has going for him.
Lee Sin: Very versatile champ that requires a pretty high skill and a little luck to play well.


To clarify, I think Lee Sin is the most fun because he has the highest mobility (two spells to jump around? holy shit. Ward jumping = free flash? gdamn) and has the ability to protect his carries very well. If protecting your carries ain't your thing, he can anti carry pretty well too.

Lee Sin:
+can jungle well
+can lane top well
+can protect carries
+can anti carry
+high mobility
-might be hard to play

don't miss out, buy a Lee Sin today!
This has been the best LoL night I've had so far. Almost every PVP game has been amazing. Friendly people, good teams, and just fun all around. No rage whatsoever, except for when someone told me "Fuck off, Lux." I'm really good at annoying the fuck out of people with her, haha.

Out of maybe 11-13 games, I lost 2-3. It helps that I made friends with a guy from my second or third PVP game. He and I kept playing for hours and teaming up on top/bottom. We were a good team :D

I have also reached a little over 6300 IP. Now I'm unsure whether I want to blow it all on one Champion (Anivia). Gaining all that only to spend it at once...ugh. I don't know.
Halycon said:
Talon: Fun, but has no place in the current meta. He has the same problems as champs like Shaco and Twitch. You can build him as tank but he is pretty reliant on skill scaling.

I suppose at high levels maybe. He can do a lot of single target and AoE though, and his big AoE skill even stealths him. I tend to do rather well with him. He's great against channelers too.

Wukong: Worse than Xin Zhao/Irelia without offering anything really different.

I really feel like Wukong is underrated bye people right now. He gives up the innate sustain of Xin/Irelia but picks up a stealth juke that he can use for escape as well as to gank. He also wrecks structures.
I figured I may as well bring it up for the newer people (like me), but you can get Tristana and her Riot Girl skin if you "like" LoL on Facebook. I happened to come upon this interesting fact just now and thought I'd share. A free 1350 IP Champ. Can't wait to try her out.


It's a bonus for me because I was actually interested in trying her out after watching a stream in which she was being used. Seems fun!


Become a fan of League of Legends on Facebook to recieve the Riot Girl Tristana Skin. Click below to get yours now!

Notice: You must have visited the store in PVP.net at least once before redeeming the Riot Girl Tristana Skin.

Is all I get when I try to redeem the code for EU-West :l Nothing I can click or anything.


Tristana is my favorite champ to play because she's one of the few true hard carries in the game. Her laning is weak compared to the other ranged ADs, such as Vayne and Caitlyn. But once she's farmed, she truly shines in team fights.
Ark said:
Is all I get when I try to redeem the code for EU-West :l Nothing I can click or anything.
Weird. It should take you to the LoL site to input your login/password, then sign in through Facebook if you haven't already.

EDIT: Come on, really =/ Second time I've quit a co-op vs AI lobby because someone picks Tristana. NO ONE EVER CHOSE HER BEFORE THIS.


sparkle this bitch
broz0rs said:
Tristana is my favorite champ to play because she's one of the few true hard carries in the game. Her laning is weak compared to the other ranged ADs, such as Vayne and Caitlyn. But once she's farmed, she truly shines in team fights.
You are talking about Trist right? She is probably the easiest of the carries to play. She can outrange the others, has the best escape/initiate spell, gets the big knockback at 6, and in general. One ability increases her attack speed, another increases range, and another adds AE. You shouldn't be getting outlaned by any of them.


Kod1ak said:
So.... I have 7K IP. Can't decide who to buy next. I have a ton of the champs already. What do you guys think?

Lee Sin

I think those are my top choices. I've hardly played any of them at all.. I play many different play styles so I'm not looking for an specific type of champ. Just one that is fun to play and not underpowered. I was thinking Talon, but I've been hearing bad things about him lately. Might wait on him and try him for free next week.

I have most of the older champs, aside from the ones I don't like or think aren't very good.
Lee Sin is free this week, so if you haven't already bought him, make SURE you try him in a bot game.

I had possibly my worst bot game ever since I was like level 5 trying Lee Sin yesterday. I died like 5-8 times. I CANNOT figure out how to use his abilities to do any actual damage -- his abilities all seem to do 50-100 damage. Someone even told me to go AP on him (I've heard that twice), but I can only assume that's a joke since it seems ludicrous to build AP for only his E attack.


Reverse Annie Now Available

You’ll be happy to hear that the adorable and sinister Annie, the Dark Child, has been dabbling in a new disguise! If you’re on the lookout for young Annie, you might find her and her bear Tibbers masquerading as one another in the Reverse Annie skin! Don’t fall victim to this classic misdirection!

While we’re on the topic of clever disguises, we’re also reducing the price of Red Riding Annie from 975 RP to 520 RP!



shintoki said:
You are talking about Trist right? She is probably the easiest of the carries to play. She can outrange the others, has the best escape/initiate spell, gets the big knockback at 6, and in general. One ability increases her attack speed, another increases range, and another adds AE. You shouldn't be getting outlaned by any of them.
Caitlyn is the easiest carry to play. She starts off with the longest range, has a large long range nuke, zones with her traps and can easily harass with her ult. Early game, Caitlyn easily outlanes Tristana.
Her auto attacks are faster than tristana's and she doesnt have an ability that needlessly pushes the lane. [Last hitting is so ez] Vayne also has a beautiful auto attack animation.

True hard carries: Vayne, Kogmaw and Tristana.
Just wondering, but does the snow version of Summoner's Rift only appear during Winter/Christmas? I love snow settings...I wish I could play on it whenever I felt like it, tbh.

I would kill for a rainy/torrential Summoner's Rift, too.


Kod1ak said:
So.... I have 7K IP. Can't decide who to buy next. I have a ton of the champs already. What do you guys think?

Lee Sin

I think those are my top choices. I've hardly played any of them at all.. I play many different play styles so I'm not looking for an specific type of champ. Just one that is fun to play and not underpowered. I was thinking Talon, but I've been hearing bad things about him lately. Might wait on him and try him for free next week.

I have most of the older champs, aside from the ones I don't like or think aren't very good.

Talon sucks. You can't hard carry with him.

Yorick is only good during Laning.

Wukong, Irelia and Lee Sin are solid tanky dps.


dragonlife said:
Just wondering, but does the snow version of Summoner's Rift only appear during Winter/Christmas? I love snow settings...I wish I could play on it whenever I felt like it, tbh.

I would kill for a rainy/torrential Summoner's Rift, too.

Ha, I hadn't even thought of seasonal maps. But not that you mention it, I would assume so since I've only played on standard SR and Autumn SR.




Two good games I had today with our usual premade + 1 random.


Blackface said:
All of the above. Her damage is insane, her utility is insane, her scaling is insane, she is hard as fuck to kill, her Ult is retarded good in team fights etc..

The developer who created her posted on his Facebook yesterday she will be getting nerfed and changed soon. He said in the hands of top competitive players, she is completely and utterly broken OP. However in the hands of new players she is very hard to pick up. He wants the balance team to find a middle ground.
Legato.Reborn- said:
Range, Nome.
Boken said:
She is the second strongest mid laner because of her range and harass.
She is a great AP carry because she has huge range and massive AOE burst.
But not only that, she has great utility - aoe 'stun', aoe speed up or slow and a shield.
Altogether, shes just very strong.

She's not very easy to play though, so that might be why you havent seen a really good one.

Thanks guys. My girlfriend bought her yesterday after hearing all the hype and was upset she wasn't automatically dominating, lol.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I love LeBlanc, I just wish she was stronger in real games.


forgeforsaken said:
I suppose at high levels maybe. He can do a lot of single target and AoE though, and his big AoE skill even stealths him. I tend to do rather well with him. He's great against channelers too.

I really feel like Wukong is underrated bye people right now. He gives up the innate sustain of Xin/Irelia but picks up a stealth juke that he can use for escape as well as to gank. He also wrecks structures.

Wukong has all the tools to be an awesome champion, but his damage is just fucking bad.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yeah his damage really leaves something to be desired.


Wow. I just had the shittest game ever :l

Blitzcrank and Gangplank just trolling around together the entire time, carried the enemy team. Blitzcrank just uses the grapple hand from 300km away and it's GG from there.


Blizzard said:
Lee Sin is free this week, so if you haven't already bought him, make SURE you try him in a bot game.

I had possibly my worst bot game ever since I was like level 5 trying Lee Sin yesterday. I died like 5-8 times. I CANNOT figure out how to use his abilities to do any actual damage -- his abilities all seem to do 50-100 damage. Someone even told me to go AP on him (I've heard that twice), but I can only assume that's a joke since it seems ludicrous to build AP for only his E attack.
You dont really use his abilities to do damage since you do most of your damage from auto attacks and using your passive. Great champion but hard to master.


Ferny73 said:
You dont really use his abilities to do damage since you do most of your damage from auto attacks and using your passive. Great champion but hard to master.

This just isn't true. Lee Sin has great base damages on his abilities - it's why he can spent all of midgame farming up atmog's without suffering too heavily on damage in early teamfights.

His Q + R combo essentially has 200% AD ratios on both abilities, on top of 420~ base.
Is it normal for 3v3 players to be significantly more assholish, uncommunicative, and whiny, or did my friend and I just have horrific luck? We tried duo queueing 3v3 a few times just for a change of pace, and that one extra person ended up being a raging manchild every time.

And it wasn't like we were feeding every game, either. We only really fed in one game, and the third person was doing just as badly.

On the plus side, that brief tangent made 5v5 seem much nicer by comparison.


unifin said:
This just isn't true. Lee Sin has great base damages on his abilities - it's why he can spent all of midgame farming up atmog's without suffering too heavily on damage in early teamfights.

His Q + R combo essentially has 200% AD ratios on both abilities, on top of 420~ base.
I'm not saying his abilities aren't useful, I just found them to be used a little differently. You are correct the ratios are pretty good but it also depends how he is built up.


Ferny73 said:
I'm not saying his abilities aren't useful, I just found them to be used a little differently. You are correct the ratios are pretty good but it also depends how he is built up.

Of course his damage output depends on his items, but my point was that his base damage is already great, which is why he can afford to build tanky through midgame and farm up atmog's.

You were saying that he relies on his autoattacks and passive to do damage, which is certainly true for his sustain, but he can still crush somebody with Q + R burst (as an energy dump) even with minimal DPS items.


unifin said:
Of course his damage output depends on his items, but my point was that his base damage is already great, which is why he can afford to build tanky through midgame and farm up atmog's.

You were saying that he relies on his autoattacks and passive to do damage, which is certainly true for his sustain, but he can still crush somebody with Q + R burst (as an energy dump) even with minimal DPS items.
By base damage you keep mentioning R, don't you? That's an ult, and several champions have damaging ults.

I mean the normal abilities. Don't they all do like 40-100 damage, as opposed to other champions who do 100-200? I could be totally wrong, but building without much AD boost seems like autoattacks wouldn't do much damage.




Best Irelia game I ever had. And I don't think I can ever beat this or come close to this.

Close game was close. Gp was top, lee sin was jungling, leona and I were bot, with brand at mid. Lee sin was feeding like it was a buffet. And GP were holding against Akali and Singed decently given the circumstance. We were being beat at the laning phase. But in team fight, I just stay back until everyone waste their thing and rape their squishy and eventually lead me to a crazy killing spree (23 in a row :D) and we won the game. I out damage Akali at the end.
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