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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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New favorite champ here. Udyr is probably the most fun I've had with a champ since... I don't know. He's amazing in all stages of the game. Once you get Madred's Bloodrazor, you pretty much become invincible.

The best part is that you can build him in so many different ways because he doesn't even have an ult. Just four balanced abilities, that all give him unique advantages. At first I was just spamming all his abilities as fast as I could, then I realized when it was good to go Bear Form, during a chase. Phoenix is great for a team fight, but it's better when you go into Turtle, while Phoenix's effects are still going on. Haven't found much use for his "Q" ability, but I had fun and took down a turret with it because it looked cool. He has infinite sustainability in lanes with Turtle Form, so I got 2700 gold by the time I decided to go back the first time. Had another cool 3500 by the second time. Also helped me with leveling.


So I bought Katarina and I enjoy playing here alot. I think Her in an AP build + Annie will be my two go to champions. I have not won in two days. Just constant ass kickings, and it's been pissing me off. I played a few games with Kat and all went well. Didn't get many kills, didn't die much, got some assists, but we still lost. So I decided to play more defensive and wait my time to strike and do dmg.


I did that and it all clicked. Not against shit champions either. Shaco and I pretty much dominated. He dominated early game, and I dominated late game. Was awesome.
Blackface said:
So I bought Katarina and I enjoy playing here alot. I think Her in an AP build + Annie will be my two go to champions. I have not won in two days. Just constant ass kickings, and it's been pissing me off. I played a few games with Kat and all went well. Didn't get many kills, didn't die much, got some assists, but we still lost. So I decided to play more defensive and wait my time to strike and do dmg.


I did that and it all clicked. Not against shit champions either. Shaco and I pretty much dominated. He dominated early game, and I dominated late game. Was awesome.

Someone is a huge idiot in that image, I'll leave it to you guys to figure it out.


So if you're ever worried about a team having a distinct advantage from getting first blood:


Try not to worry too much. Now they got their first blood when our Ryze went to check lizard since Tryn appeared to be jungling, but still.

Lane set up was Heimer top against Rammus and Pantheon. Blitz and myself bot against solo Mord. Pantheon tried to leap in once when Blitz, myself and WW were pushing Mord and Tryn back. We killed all three of them and then he rage quit.

Later Heimer was pushing top by himself, I came up because I saw he had Kat and Rammus low and figured I could gank. They pulled back before I showed up but Try and Mord showed up, Heimer and I wiped them out and then Tryn rage quit.

Fun match to be on the winning end of, not so fun for the other team I imagine.


So I went ahead and bought Kat, and I'm having fun with her so far :D Gonna try an AD build next time, been building her AP items the past few games.

Might buy Sion next.
I just got out of the best/worst game ever. My team won, I went 28-4 as Poppy, but in an ideal world, neither team would've won. It would've ended in a TF2 style stalemate with IP/XP penalties for everyone. Both teams were so, so, so awful. Like level 1 tower diving awful. Like running into a team that just got Baron buff one by one awful.


I'm loving Chogath after I got him with alienware :D, he definitely clicks much more with me than previous heroes. Anyone know a good equipment build for him? I usually rush Warmog's Armor through its parts and then get boots and go right after for the phantom dancer and infinity edge as I'll have started getting a ton of kills after Warmog. Does that sound about right? I end up with a really fast really high HP chogath running around with high crit and high attk speed + attk power. I wonder though if I'm building him more like a different char would be built than the large brute that he is.

I didn't realize Guardian Angel revived you wherever you were. I'll try that out at some point.
Kunan said:
I'm loving Chogath after I got him with alienware :D, he definitely clicks much more with me than previous heroes. Anyone know a good equipment build for him? I usually rush Warmog's Armor through its parts and then get boots and go right after for the phantom dancer and infinity edge as I'll have started getting a ton of kills after Warmog. Does that sound about right? I end up with a really fast really high HP chogath running around with high crit and high attk speed + attk power. I wonder though if I'm building him more like a different char would be built than the large brute that he is.

I didn't realize Guardian Angel revived you wherever you were. I'll try that out at some point.


He's a... tank....


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think that's fine, tanks can only tank if they're a threat on the battlefield. A tank people can freely ignore is not a very good tank at all.
Just had the worst game I've ever seen. We lost in 18min because the other team had the five best pushers in the game. They had a Heim mid, Twisted Fate and Sion top, and Sivir and Rammus bot. It was horrible. HORRIBLE.
Nasus is not in any way shape or form a tank.

And I'm heartbroken seeing that Blitzcrank is 6k IP. I've been having such fun with him this week. Wish I could trade stupid ass kog'maw for him.


Legato.Reborn- said:

He's a... tank....
lol true. I still get tons and tons of HP through feast + warmogs and I tend to also get an armor item though (warden's mail usually). I dunno I really like the humongous yet nimble chogath, not fun when everyone runs circles around you and you exist just to take a beating. With fast chogath i can keep chasing them and using rupture to keep them slow, silence them and basically not let them escape :F om nom!

It'd be interesting to see some other builds of him. I'm gonna check out that website linked previously in this thread.


Son of Godzilla said:
Nasus is not in any way shape or form a tank.

And I'm heartbroken seeing that Blitzcrank is 6k IP. I've been having such fun with him this week. Wish I could trade stupid ass kog'maw for him.

Shrug, if you build him defensively and pop his ult ... he can take quite a bit of punishment.


Just started devoting some time to this, feel free to add me to friends list but I'm still kinda mediocre at best (vesp).


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Warmog's is not considered to be a good item for most characters due to the high cost, the difficulty in charging it up, and how it's budgeted heavily towards health regen.

Look at the gold efficiency breakdown:


Warmog's starts out at -1100 gold efficiency and fully charged still doesn't break even. (note: this is ignoring the value of the HP regen stats, which are of very limited usefulness to most characters after the laning phase...think about how long team fights tend to last).

Compare that to a Rod of Ages, which is -200 empty and +1700 full, and breaks even at two minutes, and doesn't require farming to charge up. Or an item like Leviathan which is very cheap and breaks even at a feasible 10 stacks. Or a banshee's veil that's in the positive without taking into account the aura. etc.
I've been playing this a lot lately -- I used to be into dota, so it was easy for this to suck me right in.

I've been getting kind of turned off by game balance, though, at least my perceived balance issues. there are a handful of heroes that are just plain obnoxious/too strong that you see in virtually every single matchup and it dampens the experience.

the spear guy comes to mind (xi chi or something). also ramus to a somewhat lesser extent. the demon jester guy too. and a few others. it gets a bit old seeing almost every match consist of mostly champions from a specific pool with the most powerful/obnoxious abiltities.

is heroes of newerth balanced better? I'm intrigued by the better graphics and the fact that it's more closely tied into the "real" dota, but it's $30.


Son of Godzilla said:
Nasus is not in any way shape or form a tank.

And I'm heartbroken seeing that Blitzcrank is 6k IP. I've been having such fun with him this week. Wish I could trade stupid ass kog'maw for him.


Kunan said:
I'm loving Chogath after I got him with alienware :D, he definitely clicks much more with me than previous heroes. Anyone know a good equipment build for him? I usually rush Warmog's Armor through its parts and then get boots and go right after for the phantom dancer and infinity edge as I'll have started getting a ton of kills after Warmog. Does that sound about right? I end up with a really fast really high HP chogath running around with high crit and high attk speed + attk power. I wonder though if I'm building him more like a different char would be built than the large brute that he is.

I didn't realize Guardian Angel revived you wherever you were. I'll try that out at some point.

I tried AP Cho for the hell of it and did pretty well. Rupture was doing like 30% health late game.



Son of Godzilla said:
Ya'll are nuts. Nasus is as much a tank as Poppy.
He is a tanky dps, but not a tank, he can't take the punish of 5 heroes for some seconds like a tank should do. Amumu, alistar, rammus, shen and others do that.
Only been playing a week or so and just got silvr right before this match. She's a lot of 1. I was able to 2v1 most lanes just fine and with her ultimate popped she kills turrets in <5 seconds :lol I think I might be playing her a lot. Don't mind the items I bought for her as I didn't know wtf to play her like. I think I did good though.

EviLore said:
Warmog's is not considered to be a good item for most characters due to the high cost, the difficulty in charging it up, and how it's budgeted heavily towards health regen.

Look at the gold efficiency breakdown:


Warmog's starts out at -1100 gold efficiency and fully charged still doesn't break even. (note: this is ignoring the value of the HP regen stats, which are of very limited usefulness to most characters after the laning phase...think about how long team fights tend to last).

Compare that to a Rod of Ages, which is -200 empty and +1700 full, and breaks even at two minutes, and doesn't require farming to charge up. Or an item like Leviathan which is very cheap and breaks even at a feasible 10 stacks. Or a banshee's veil that's in the positive without taking into account the aura. etc.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this this this this this this this

Mitigation > Max Hp, ALWAYS


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
EviLore said:
Two people on your team rocking double boots?

Is there any real benefit in getting double boots?

I would think that the extra speed that comes from an extra set of boots would be negligible because of other items you could later get (useful late game items).


Shrinnan said:
I would think that the extra speed that comes from an extra set of boots would be negligible because of other items you could later get (useful late game items).

Not even that, because you only get the movement boost from one pair of boots: any extra movement boost from boots beyond that has no effect.
Shrinnan said:
Is there any real benefit in getting double boots?

I would think that the extra speed that comes from an extra set of boots would be negligible because of other items you could later get (useful late game items).

It's amazing that no one ever pays attention to the, "UNIQUE, UNIQUE, BEWARE, THIS ITEM HAS A UNIQUE CAPABILITY, IT DOES NOT STACK!"

And then proceeds to get 3 of said item.


Legato.Reborn- said:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this this this this this this this

Mitigation > Max Hp, ALWAYS

Agreed, this is one of the lessons I had to learn while playing as Cho'Gath. I kept getting over 4k HP and still dying like a bitch.

Building armor or magic resistance will benefit you in the long run more than health. I hate when the tank on my team has lower resistances than me as a melee or magic carry.

Also on the subject of tanks, my personal tier of tanks:

Shen - no mana, good CC, can escape and initiate, global teleport lets him get in on every team fight.

Rammus: great damage mitigation move, good initiation move, taunt for CC, and can push!
Amumu: Great CC initiation move, has a skillshot stun that is useful, excellent at anti tanking. Can be really powerful with 3 items (boots, abyssal scepter and sunfire cloak).

Singed: Haven't played much of him but flip and poison are both pretty useful, albeit not as good of CC moves as other tanks.
Alistar: Still unsure how I feel about his CC, healing is a nice bonus.
Malphite: Haven't played enough to rate well, but could move up, I don't like slow as much as stuns.
Gragas: More of a hybrid AD character with some tanky ability. Love his CC ability with his ult.
Taric: Haven't played much of him but a good stun and healing seems useful.

Haven't played:
Blitzcrank: I like his fist move as an initiator but beyond that I don't know about him.
Nasus: Never played him I'm afraid.

Not that good of a tank:
Cho'Gath: I love the big guy but he's out classed by pretty much everyone else on this list.

Better when not played as a tank:
Mundo, Scion, Mordekaiser, Nunu

Hybrid them maybe but they're almost all better as non tank roles.

Legato.Reborn- said:
It's amazing that no one ever pays attention to the, "UNIQUE, UNIQUE, BEWARE, THIS ITEM HAS A UNIQUE CAPABILITY, IT DOES NOT STACK!"

And then proceeds to get 3 of said item.

I've played like 400 games and never seen anyone buy two boots, so weird.
EviLore said:
Two people on your team rocking double boots?
I did but I bought the last pair just to spend some gold on the last slot 30 seconds before it ended =\ Didn't know wtf else to buy really quick for my last charge with her.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Chozo said:
Not even that, because you only get the movement boost from one pair of boots: any extra movement boost from boots beyond that has no effect.

Legato.Reborn- said:
It's amazing that no one ever pays attention to the, "UNIQUE, UNIQUE, BEWARE, THIS ITEM HAS A UNIQUE CAPABILITY, IT DOES NOT STACK!"

And then proceeds to get 3 of said item.

That makes sense, I never once thought about getting double boots so I guess I just didn't see (note: pay attention to) the actual warning. :lol


bluemax said:
Agreed, this is one of the lessons I had to learn while playing as Cho'Gath. I kept getting over 4k HP and still dying like a bitch.

Building armor or magic resistance will benefit you in the long run more than health. I hate when the tank on my team has lower resistances than me as a melee or magic carry.

Also on the subject of tanks, my personal tier of tanks:

Shen - no mana, good CC, can escape and initiate, global teleport lets him get in on every team fight.

Rammus: great damage mitigation move, good initiation move, taunt for CC, and can push!
Amumu: Great CC initiation move, has a skillshot stun that is useful, excellent at anti tanking. Can be really powerful with 3 items (boots, abyssal scepter and sunfire cloak).

Singed: Haven't played much of him but flip and poison are both pretty useful, albeit not as good of CC moves as other tanks.
Alistar: Still unsure how I feel about his CC, healing is a nice bonus.
Malphite: Haven't played enough to rate well, but could move up, I don't like slow as much as stuns.
Gragas: More of a hybrid AD character with some tanky ability. Love his CC ability with his ult.
Taric: Haven't played much of him but a good stun and healing seems useful.

Haven't played:
Blitzcrank: I like his fist move as an initiator but beyond that I don't know about him.
Nasus: Never played him I'm afraid.

Not that good of a tank:
Cho'Gath: I love the big guy but he's out classed by pretty much everyone else on this list.

Better when not played as a tank:
Mundo, Scion, Mordekaiser, Nunu

Hybrid them maybe but they're almost all better as non tank roles.

I've played like 400 games and never seen anyone buy two boots, so weird.
Taric seems to be the best tank nowadays, at least for organized teams. His ultimate greatly benefits the team in fights.
bluemax said:
Agreed, this is one of the lessons I had to learn while playing as Cho'Gath. I kept getting over 4k HP and still dying like a bitch.

Building armor or magic resistance will benefit you in the long run more than health. I hate when the tank on my team has lower resistances than me as a melee or magic carry.

Also on the subject of tanks, my personal tier of tanks:

Shen - no mana, good CC, can escape and initiate, global teleport lets him get in on every team fight.

Rammus: great damage mitigation move, good initiation move, taunt for CC, and can push!
Amumu: Great CC initiation move, has a skillshot stun that is useful, excellent at anti tanking. Can be really powerful with 3 items (boots, abyssal scepter and sunfire cloak).

Singed: Haven't played much of him but flip and poison are both pretty useful, albeit not as good of CC moves as other tanks.
Alistar: Still unsure how I feel about his CC, healing is a nice bonus.
Malphite: Haven't played enough to rate well, but could move up, I don't like slow as much as stuns.
Gragas: More of a hybrid AD character with some tanky ability. Love his CC ability with his ult.
Taric: Haven't played much of him but a good stun and healing seems useful.

Haven't played:
Blitzcrank: I like his fist move as an initiator but beyond that I don't know about him.
Nasus: Never played him I'm afraid.

Not that good of a tank:
Cho'Gath: I love the big guy but he's out classed by pretty much everyone else on this list.

Better when not played as a tank:
Mundo, Scion, Mordekaiser, Nunu

Hybrid them maybe but they're almost all better as non tank roles.

I've played like 400 games and never seen anyone buy two boots, so weird.

As far as tanks go, every game you want to have either:


Those four are pretty much going to help your team no matter what you do. Mordekaiser and Singed are also very good allies. Really though, I think tanks are pretty much the most balanced group of characters in LoL right now, there isn't any specific tank that I can identify as being severely underpowered. Even Shen, while annoying, isn't exactly overpowered.

The only real balance issue in the game stems from the other classes. Xin Zhao is obviously OP, while Eve is rendered useless by wards and Oracle. I think Shaco could be easily be cut down, but not too badly by having his Blink taken away, while keeping his invisibility (maybe even for increased time). To solve the Heimer problem, I'd say take out the stun from his Grenade, but keep the blind, maybe adjust his AP ratios a bit. The only other heroes that are constantly banned are Taric and Soraka, and that is because they are support heroes and they are annoying to deal with without an organized team.

I'd say other than those few complaints, Riot has a fairly damn balanced game, for 5v5 at least. The balance really changes when moving into Twisted Treeline.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
5 game victory streak as soraka.

She's pretty much instant-win just add water at the moment. Or maybe it's just my sumoner level.


Halycon said:
5 game victory streak as soraka.

She's pretty much instant-win just add water at the moment. Or maybe it's just my sumoner level.
it's a pug stomper. You can even play AD soraka and you will win anyway.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I just finished a pretty good game - it was close turret wise but we definitely had them based on kill/death (which doesn't mean anything if you have no turrets).

It was kinda funny because both my team and the opponent team started a surrender vote where exactly 1 out of 4 people voted to surrender both times. I wouldn't call it a close game really but there was a time where it could have literally gone either way during the middle of the game.

I blotted everyone's names out except for my friend (KuhlDe1338) and mine. KuhlDe1338 is a junior member on GAF as KuhlDe1337 so that's the reason I didn't blot his name out.



Oh I love games like these. Where I get ganked at the beginning and a player starts talking shit to me.

Then the game ends like this. I had 2 sunfire capes until like the last 2 minutes of the game ... then we got owned in their base cause no one could kill anything with towers shooting us so I said fuck it and sold my Nashor's and Thornmail.

Teemo didn't really use those shit items the entire game also. The Mordekaiser on the other team made me laugh as well, buying all that attack damage stuff when Morde is pretty much all AP.

Yeah the Udyr ganked me twice at the low levels and was calling me a noob. I then proceeded to bandage toss rape their team and well ... you see how it finished.

Kuhl De 1337

Neo Member
Shrinnan said:
I just finished a pretty good game - it was close turret wise but we definitely had them based on kill/death (which doesn't mean anything if you have no turrets).

It was kinda funny because both my team and the opponent team started a surrender vote where exactly 1 out of 4 people voted to surrender.

I blotted everyone's names out except for my friend (KuhlDe1338) and mine. KuhlDe1338 is a junior member on GAF as KuhlDe1337 so that's the reason I didn't blot his name out.

That was a pretty good game. I wouldn't say it was close, but their tristana was pretty annoying.
I just started this game and tried to get the tutorial going. I just could not follow it. I felt that I need to focus a little bit more. I do think that adding RPG elements in a RTS is such an amazing idea.
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