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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Jenga said:
is it true lee sin is considered OP now?

because I'm ready to just play red orchestra 2 forever now

If so, he's the most difficult OP character I've ever tried. Then again, I bought Shaco early on and I've heard his clone can do like 2-hit kills, and I don't think I've EVER gotten near that point.


Jenga said:
is it true lee sin is considered OP now?

because I'm ready to just play red orchestra 2 forever now


Lee sin is upper tier flavor of the month, not totally OP though, as he requires a pretty good amount of skill to play well. He is just really good at a lot of different things, with great abilities for getting into a fight and getting back out alive.


Blizzard said:
If so, he's the most difficult OP character I've ever tried. Then again, I bought Shaco early on and I've heard his clone can do like 2-hit kills, and I don't think I've EVER gotten near that point.

Big learning curve but he deals out a tonne of damage in seconds


Ferga said:
Big learning curve but he deals out a tonne of damage in seconds
I swear someone needs to link me to a build so I figure out how to get a tonne of damage out of 50-100-base-damage abilities (or even a normal AD build so I can figure out how to get a tonne of damage out of autoattacks).

If someone could also give me any hints about staying alive with Poppy and to a lesser extent Gangplank that would be great. I tried building a little vampire skull item thingy in my Gangplank build shortly before/during/after infinity edge, I think, and that might help recover health a little at least. The orange juice heals Gangplank, but not much, and it burns mana. Plus, if you use that and someone pops out of a bush, you're dead since you just wasted your escape spell and it's on a 20-second cooldown.

Poppy is the big one I'm confused about though. 100% melee and I would literally be taking like 1000 damage per fight out of 1500 total health. If you have at least 2 enemies in a fight and can ult the right one you'll avoid damage, but that ult has OVER a 2-minute cooldown.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Gangplank has enough range/speed that you don't really need survivability items, unless you like to play Tankplank. You should be hanging around the edge of the fight, going in to shoot bitches and then backing off. Gangplank can initiate if he's jungling or with his ult, but he shouldn't initiate by running into them, or else he melts.

If you're playing laneplank get Philostone early on for Parrrley spam and regen.
Or get Wriggle's lantern. Free wards, sustain and farming.
I would like to point out that the Mac client kicked me out mid game last night, giving me a leave and a loss. Well, I assume I got a leave and a loss, because I haven't booted up my PC partition. How can I get that leave and loss taken care of, I don't think I deserve it. :/


Halycon said:
If you're playing laneplank get Philostone early on for Parrrley spam and regen.
Or get Wriggle's lantern. Free wards, sustain and farming.
Typically I feel like a support character with my gangplank build from some build guide, which I'm okay with -- I steal assists with the ult, occasionally help teammates if the ult happens to actually hit someone, and I run in to shoot people with the pistol as you say. Philostone is interesting -- I get avarice blade first, then sheen so I have gold and crit chance plus the ability effects to go along with parley etc. I guess philostone would lose me crit chance but give me more regen. I always play as a lane person so far.

It's much more of an issue with Poppy though, so I'm curious if anyone plays her or if I should just move on to try one of the other free champions.

Side note about sheen's ability-boosting thing: It works if I use W or E and attack someone, but it immediately goes away if I use parley. Is that because parley automatically does boosted/on-hit damage immediately after hitting, so I don't need to do an autoattack to get the bonus? I wasn't sure whether it was a waste to use E before parley.


Halycon said:
Gangplank has enough range/speed that you don't really need survivability items, unless you like to play Tankplank. You should be hanging around the edge of the fight, going in to shoot bitches and then backing off. Gangplank can initiate if he's jungling or with his ult, but he shouldn't initiate by running into them, or else he melts.

If you're playing laneplank get Philostone early on for Parrrley spam and regen.
Or get Wriggle's lantern. Free wards, sustain and farming.


wriggle's is OP early game.

Though if you are just hanging around shooting people occasionally as GP you aren't maximizing your utility. You should dive in on CC'd/squishy targets and slice them up, and run back out before focus switches to you, with raise morale you are pretty damn quick(especially if you have a phantom dancer and/or triforce). Also chasing down wounded enemies trying to retreat. GP is up there just behind WW and rammus in making sure no one gets away alive.

Side note about sheen's ability-boosting thing: It works if I use W or E and attack someone, but it immediately goes away if I use parley. Is that because parley automatically does boosted/on-hit damage immediately after hitting, so I don't need to do an autoattack to get the bonus? I wasn't sure whether it was a waste to use E before parley.

Parrrley counts as an autoattack for the purpose of sheen(and other on hit effects), or should anyway:


Parrley is treated by the game as an attack rather than ability. It will crit, proc on-hit effects, etc. It won't activate sheen, but it is affected by an activated sheen. This is intended.
Troof, get the CC people to hit you (can't tell you how many ashes have died thinking they have me stunned with nuke arrow only to eat lemons) and eat lemons to turn them upside down.

Blizzard said:
Typically I feel like a support character with my gangplank build from some build guide, which I'm okay with -- I steal assists with the ult, occasionally help teammates if the ult happens to actually hit someone, and I run in to shoot people with the pistol as you say. Philostone is interesting -- I get avarice blade first, then sheen so I have gold and crit chance plus the ability effects to go along with parley etc. I guess philostone would lose me crit chance but give me more regen. I always play as a lane person so far.

Side note about sheen's ability-boosting thing: It works if I use W or E and attack someone, but it immediately goes away if I use parley. Is that because parley automatically does boosted/on-hit damage immediately after hitting, so I don't need to do an autoattack to get the bonus? I wasn't sure whether it was a waste to use E before parley.

as for building him I have crit damage quints, attack speed yellow,armor pen reds, crit chance blue.

Start boots + pots---> Avarice ---> infinity Edge. I lead BF Sword or I'm not doing well crit cloak. I wouldn't get sheen/ triforce till the end if at all. IMO building him crit/ attack speed/ armor pen ultimately does more damage than the tri-force builds.


Dubbedinenglish said:
Start boots + pots---> Avarice ---> infinity Edge. I lead BF Sword or I'm not doing well crit cloak. I wouldn't get sheen/ triforce till the end if at all. IMO building him crit/ attack speed/ armor pen ultimately does more damage than the tri-force builds.
Interesting, you really don't think the attack/parley bonus from sheen is worth it? The slow from triforce/hammer is nice as well for chasing people, though it's only like a 25% chance.


Dubbedinenglish said:
Troof, get the CC people to hit you (can't tell you how many ashes have died thinking they have me stunned with nuke arrow only to eat lemons) and eat lemons to turn them upside down.

as for building him I have crit damage quints, attack speed yellow,armor pen reds, crit chance blue.

Start boots + pots---> Avarice ---> infinity Edge. I lead BF Sword or I'm not doing well crit cloak. I wouldn't get sheen/ triforce till the end if at all. IMO building him crit/ attack speed/ armor pen ultimately does more damage than the tri-force builds.

I only build avarice blade if i'm building ghostblade(which actually might be nice on GP), and I think that's a bit early for infinity edge. I'd probably at least get a zeal before getting infinity edge. But I'm not a GP expert..


formerly sane
Dance In My Blood said:
It is never too early for Infinity Edge.

Damn straight. If someone feeds you the the money for this or bf sword and pick axe it will always help no matter what. The odds are even greater that if you get farmed an IE someone will have the necessary armor to deal with it.

I am confused about redeeming my champion pack. Did I have to select something in the store between the 2nd and the 6th, or did I just have to enter the store between those two dates?




For my Gangplank build I usually go
brawler's gloves + pots -> avarice -> berseker -> zeal -> infinity -> bloodthirster -> phantom dancer -> youmuu -> triforce

I usually start the infinity edge with bf sword and bloodthirster with vampiric scepter. If I'm having trouble with health I'll get vampiric before starting my infinity edge


My internet access isn't the greatest so its possibly a problem on my end, but the LoL client has to have the most bizarre updater I've ever seen. Patch day process normally goes: Load without problems to 98% -> Shoot back down to 33% -> Load up to 99% -> randomly bounce around with an estimated wait time in the negatives for over an hour. Does anyone else experience this? Is it fixable?




After a giant losing streak of like...10 or 11 games I FINALLY managed to pull a couple of wins out of the bag. Tried a new build with Irelia, going for a more DPS/lifesteal/attack speed orientated build instead of my usual tanky deepz and it works a treat.

Get in, burst down whoever, get out.

I'm in love Irelia atm, such a good all round champion.



I'd say this is my best yet for the simple fact that I got this score with fucking MALPHITE and most of my team wasn't that great.

I'm also convinced that Malphite's ult is top 3 in terms of initiation in the game.


Mister Wilhelm said:



I'd say this is my best yet for the simple fact that I got this score with fucking MALPHITE and most of my team wasn't that great.

How the shit did you manage 19 kills as tank malphite?

More than that: 58 kills in 44 mins? Not to mention the 92 assists. :D

what was it all 5v5 team fights in the middle the whole game?
iamblades said:
How the shit did you manage 19 kills as tank malphite?

More than that: 58 kills in 44 mins? Not to mention the 92 assists. :D

what was it all 5v5 team fights in the middle the whole game?

Actually I was roaming a lot when I got those kills. We did have about 5-6 big team fights.


Woww, I never knew the LoL Mac Client was going to be closed, I found out that it was closed the 6th but I played fine last night on the 7th. Tried playing today to find this out, and looks like the official version of the Mac client is not going on too smoothly. I'm thinking Riot has been saying they have been working with a group to make a Mac client for a long time but haven't made any real progress.
Also, they are going to refund purchases apparently to those mac users who have spent money on their game, and that includes me. I have sent a ticket concerning my problem, and hopefully they answer back soon. Really bummed out about this, LoL, imo, is waaay better than dota/HoN right now. Although Dota 2 is near, I love this game very much and looks like I'm going to stop due to me only having a Mac in the household.
Peace LoL gaf =c
Once I get 20 more wins than losses, the game decides "No, no, no. This wont do. Here, take these idiot teammates. Yes, much better. Win now bitch. Uh huh. That's what I thought."

I hate Corki's nerf. Not because it wasn't needed, but what it was that they did. They essentially gave Corki as little nuance as possible. He's just a damage dealer and nothing more. I'd rather have his Q have a long ass cooldown and do no damage and 100% blind than just give him another basic aoe damage ability. He's just too lame now for a carry.
Got my PC Gamer with the Cait skin.

Dunno why they decided to not plastic wrap these - can't imagine how many of these codes are just going to be lifted straight from the rack.


Mothman91 said:
Although Dota 2 is near, I love this game very much and looks like I'm going to stop due to me only having a Mac in the household.
Peace LoL gaf =c
Something something Bootcamp?

Something something worth it.
Mothman91 said:
Woww, I never knew the LoL Mac Client was going to be closed, I found out that it was closed the 6th but I played fine last night on the 7th. Tried playing today to find this out, and looks like the official version of the Mac client is not going on too smoothly. I'm thinking Riot has been saying they have been working with a group to make a Mac client for a long time but haven't made any real progress.
Also, they are going to refund purchases apparently to those mac users who have spent money on their game, and that includes me. I have sent a ticket concerning my problem, and hopefully they answer back soon. Really bummed out about this, LoL, imo, is waaay better than dota/HoN right now. Although Dota 2 is near, I love this game very much and looks like I'm going to stop due to me only having a Mac in the household.
Peace LoL gaf =c

I feel ya. I'm extremely lucky that my boss is awesome and asked the IT department to install a full copy of Windows on my Mac. Otherwise, I'd be shit out of luck. :(

But now I have to reboot my computer everytime I want to play LoL... that's pretty damn lame. :/
Blizzard said:
Interesting, you really don't think the attack/parley bonus from sheen is worth it? The slow from triforce/hammer is nice as well for chasing people, though it's only like a 25% chance.

With a standard slow, not really until late. Sheen I think is worth with monster crits at late game. After I.E I go Phantom Dancer-- Black Cleaver--Yomuus then situational item. The sheen bonus is good but with GP I think it is worth more to invest in attack speed/ armor pen rather than the flat damage that sheen will boost.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Triforce and crits don't mesh well together. Sure, it gives you a bit of damage, and some crit percentage, but the main thing, the proc, doesn't scale with critting.

Which is why when I play GP, I prefer to divide my attention between straight up crit/damage and tanking, rather than trying to cover all bases with Triforce. What I aim for end game is being able to deal 600-1000 damage off of 50-70% of my parrrleys.


Halycon said:
Triforce and crits don't mesh well together. Sure, it gives you a bit of damage, and some crit percentage, but the main thing, the proc, doesn't scale with critting.

Which is why when I play GP, I prefer to divide my attention between straight up crit/damage and tanking, rather than trying to cover all bases with Triforce. What I aim for end game is being able to deal 600-1000 damage off of 50-70% of my parrrleys.
With the triforce build I use plus an extra item or two, I -thought- I did 600-1200 damage crits off of 50-88% of my parleys, but I could be imagining things. If that's not an optimal build I look forward to seeing what I can do with some other item. :D


Just got a chance to try out Ezreal for the first time.

Sooooo glad I didn't buy him back when I was making my first champ purchase. I know I could probably get useful with him if I practiced a bit but that W doesn't do nearly enough damage (since you are stacking AD on him) and that passive stack falls off way too quickly.

I went 4-3-11 and we made them surrender in 30 minutes.
Halycon said:
Triforce and crits don't mesh well together. Sure, it gives you a bit of damage, and some crit percentage, but the main thing, the proc, doesn't scale with critting.

Which is why when I play GP, I prefer to divide my attention between straight up crit/damage and tanking, rather than trying to cover all bases with Triforce. What I aim for end game is being able to deal 600-1000 damage off of 50-70% of my parrrleys.

Triforce is core of TankyDeeps



I can't believe I spent $10 on a magazine that I don't want to read.

Why is it $10 anyway?

Ohhhh the new Caitlyn is so freaking pretty.


I've spent like £25 on a bunch of champions and skins that I don't even use anymore! Fuck this game and it's monetization scheme.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So there's a new champion in the November issue of PC Gamer, and he's a caster. He's some husk that turns into the ethereals from World of Warcraft when he charges up energy I guess.
Friended enough randoms to get a 5-man premade together tonight. All 3 games ended in surrender under 30 minutes.

I need to start playing with GAF soon.


Mister Wilhelm said:
Friended enough randoms to get a 5-man premade together tonight. All 3 games ended in surrender under 30 minutes.

I need to start playing with GAF soon.

You surrendered or they surrendered?

I'm having such bad luck with team mates/matchups at the moment...I need a new champion.
Ark said:
You surrendered or they surrendered?

I'm having such bad luck with team mates/matchups at the moment...I need a new champion.

If you are ever having a hard time, just play Eve for like three games.
Then you will realize you were never having a hard time.


Neutrality said:
If you are ever having a hard time, just play Eve for like three games.
Then you will realize you were never having a hard time.

The ironic thing is, I'd probably dominate and with those 3 games.
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