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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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kiunchbb said:
I kinda agree, there is counter for everything, except for backdoor and flash.

Stupid flash.

Flash is my only real grievance with this game. It's basically a free escape and makes early game ganking nearly impossible. Plus since the only way to counter flash is to also take flash it reduces the use of the other summoner spells as everyone has to take flash + 1.

Card Boy

markot said:
All summoner spells should be deleted, all runes, all masteries >.<

Finally someone that agrees with me!

Que the all the people saying all "it adds flavor to the game". Uniqueness shouldn't come at the cost of balance.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Oh, he can't damage champions or minions?


He has a counter. Exhaust. Boom worthless.

This really applies for most champions though. Exhaust is just too good, like flash.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Exhaust hasn't been a Yi counter for a while now.

Lulz damage reduction.


My problem with flash is the general impression that all good people presumably have/need flash, so it ends up being something almost everyone carries, which gets rid of a good bit of variety.

A super fed master yi CAN carve through teams, but like Sivir, backdooring is probably what he's best for. So yeah, they take one member out of their team to run around and try to steal towers, I guess the counter is to try to take one member out of your team to stop him? *shrug* I feel like if it were that good, everyone would have a backdooring yi, but they don't. Like a lot of things, it can win or be overpowering one game, but be bad the next.


It isnt that bad. But I do kinda wish in general this game had more range in its... ranged stuff. I guess they cant do too much since it would make melee not so hot sauce.
yesterday ranked..
playing sona..
my ashe (ad carry bot) complained that i wasn't last hitting.... -.-
then a tragedy unfolded and our annie pursued the way of feeding, she closed 1/10/2...
and the last laugh was that when i asked ashe (that was covering mid) to arrow a teamfight (pinging it via map), she threw an arrow... bot.... to soraka that was farming idling...

i guess that with ppl stopping ranked due to season reset, getting this trash in ranked should be "normal" but it still pisses my elo off...


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Boken said:
Jungling and supporting - the two most thankless jobs in the game.

And quickest scapegoats of the team too.

Yeah I get annoyed when people blame their jungler for their own mistakes or getting stomped in a solo lane



Jungle trynd is the best trynd. Our best ranked game of the night


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Legato.Reborn- said:
Back dooring is really only an issue on pubs.. The minute you step into 5v5 realm you just bace race and the non yi team wins.
Only an issue in 99.9% of games then.


sparkle this bitch
SteveO409 said:
Yeah I get annoyed when people blame their jungler for their own mistakes or getting stomped in a solo lane
It happens the other way around too.

Sometimes you get an asshole who refuses to leave the jungle, keeps fucking around in their jungle, or just doesn't listen.


heh, I made someone rage quit after like 10 minutes by not dieing alongside their ashe and going back to get mana and crap too often >_> I was veigar. She died like 3 times....

Sad thing is, for a 4v5 game, we were doing pretty kick ass, even when we surrendered it was an even kill sheet for us >.<, just couldnt hold back the minions with 4 people.


Unconfirmed Member
Boken said:
Jungling and supporting - the two most thankless jobs in the game.

And quickest scapegoats of the team too.

to be fair though the majority of the player base has no idea how to play either role, so more often than not it's justified


backdooring is an issue when a team can't group up for a five man push. imo i think grouping up is more of a problem in this game than anything else that determines wins/losses.


broz0rs said:
speaking of Veigar, Locicero had a monster ranked game with Veigar just recently on stream. Went 17-0 o.o

LoCicero is the man..

One of the few streamers I can actually stand to watch. One of the few that isn't a raging douchebag and doesn't have terrible dubstep or techno blaring constantly.


Kozak said:
If Yi and Sivir has minions to take the damage while they take the tower you deserve to be back doored.
In theory Sivir can take down a tower from full health in 5 seconds, if I recall correctly. How much tower does a non-fortified tower do in that time? I'm not sure about how fast ult'd master yi with the proper items can take down a full HP tower.


FutureZombie said:
I like Veigar a lot, but my God is his spell range terrible. It's beginning to get on my nerves. Do they ever buff things like that?
Well a 1000 range stun is nothing to sneeze at.

In theory Sivir can take down a tower from full health in 5 seconds, if I recall correctly. How much tower does a non-fortified tower do in that time? I'm not sure about how fast ult'd master yi with the proper items can take down a full HP tower.
Towers gain bonus armor and magic resist when no enemy minions are around so I don't think backdooring is that easy.


iamblades said:
LoCicero is the man..

One of the few streamers I can actually stand to watch. One of the few that isn't a raging douchebag and doesn't have terrible dubstep or techno blaring constantly.

he's probably the only high ELO guy that constantly encourages teammates to play better without being a ragehead. he gives solid advice ingame, which is so weird to watch on stream. haha

and totally agree on the music, Oscar Peterson > dubstep


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FutureZombie said:
I like Veigar a lot, but my God is his spell range terrible. It's beginning to get on my nerves. Do they ever buff things like that?
Viegar doesn't need range on his spells. He is supposed to farm, not harass. When people step into your range burn everything on them and hope that you walk away with a kill.

I don't play for almost a week and they close out the Mac Beta when I'm gone. Pretty much can't play the game effectively now. I'm rarely on my Windows partition of my computer, and I don't see myself going out of the way to play on it much.


thestopsign said:

I don't play for almost a week and they close out the Mac Beta when I'm gone. Pretty much can't play the game effectively now. I'm rarely on my Windows partition of my computer, and I don't see myself going out of the way to play on it much.
I'm sympathetic to your plight. Maybe they'll bring it back after they figure out how to make the windows client worth a damn first. Seriously, it's really unstable.



Only played two games tonight, with Irelia. Both of them went really well, this being the only one I managed to actually screenshot though :)

Mothman91 said:
Ok, need a caster hero. Have too many melee AD guys, I'm thinking of Swain, Anivia, or Vladimir. Opinions?

Depends what roll you like to play the most; support or carry?


Mothman91 said:
Ok, need a caster hero. Have too many melee AD guys, I'm thinking of Swain, Anivia, or Vladimir. Opinions?

Anivia has the highest skill cap, probably the best end game of the three. Can be kind of difficult to play effectively though.

Swain and especially Vladimir are pretty tanky and hard to kill as far as AP chars go.

Brand and Orianna are probably the top two AP carries.


Mothman91 said:
Ok, need a caster hero. Have too many melee AD guys, I'm thinking of Swain, Anivia, or Vladimir. Opinions?

If you like melee tanky AD, I suggest Swain. Press R and walk toward them, all you have to do. When your fed, your basically the tank for your team.

The only problem is ignite, learn to run when you see ignite on you.

Anivia is also very interesting, the wall to split team, blocking out enemy AD, saving teammate is really powerful along with her slows.

Playing those 2 will also teach you to appreciate blue golem.


sparkle this bitch
I'd probably ignore Vlad. He isn't bad, but he finally got put in line with the utility his skills bring.

Annie and Brand are similar enough. Massive burst damage. If you are decent timing, I'd say Brand is the better choice. Better range and not as reliant on the ult. But Annie with a Tibberz ult ready means back the fuck up.

Ori is top tier now, most likely going be nerf. She has a very strong 1 2 combo + the movement speed burst/shield.

Swain is a bit more situational. If they are running a heavy ignite team, your jungle needs blue, etc. I'd rather not play him. If you can get him blue, farm well enough, and last through the ignites. He is going to solo teams.

Cass is probably the strongest early laner. Similar to Urgot, she can zone very well and is just a pain to go up against

LeBlac is a pure sink or swim character. End the game in 10-15 minutes, or face being an easy kill for the rest of it.

Fiddle is the jungle caster. He is pretty good all the way through unless you get a bad start. The other team constantly has to watch out for that ult(Extra warding), and you have a really annoying combo that lets do quite a bit of damage.

Morg/Lux, Morg is more damage while Lux is more utility.


do Anivia!
She has some mana problems, and you'll have to get used to using wall effectively, but that's it! Major burst dmg, troll egg, super farmer.

Remember to tap q for double dmg and that e procs double with both q and r.


Drunky McMurder
Mothman91 said:
Ok, need a caster hero. Have too many melee AD guys, I'm thinking of Swain, Anivia, or Vladimir. Opinions?

I'd really suggest playing them first in rotation. I'm kind of awful with all 3, but AP caster is my best role by far. With casters in this game I really either click with the champ or don't, and if not it's just awful and not fun. You don't want to get stuck with a 6300IP/975RP champ who you end up hating. Play all the AP champs in any given rotation and see if any stick.

Also if you care about only playing OP champs, none of the 3 are the strongest though Anivia is ridiculously good in the right hands. Vlad is getting a buff in the upcoming patch as well, so maybe he'll be brought slightly back toward his former glory.

edit: Or, alternatively, pick the one that gives you the most problems when you face them. That way you can at least learn some ways to counter even if you don't end up liking the champ.


Gez said:
Finally someone that agrees with me!

Que the all the people saying all "it adds flavor to the game". Uniqueness shouldn't come at the cost of balance.
I think I'm pretty neutral on this, especially considering the fact that I work for a rival dev, but I enjoy the rune/mastery/summoner spells immensely. It adds a personal level of customization that the genre sorely lacks.

My only gripe with it is that the advantages provided by runes and masteries are hidden, and it's literally impossible to know what benefits an opponent has. This isn't as bad for things like "+damage" or "+mana", because those are things you can figure out by clicking on someone. The bigger problem is armor/MA penetration. I've played against a few opponents that I felt did way more damage to me than they should, only to check them afterwards and see they have a buttload of penetration. Another gripe I have is the XP bonus masteries; I've died, on multiple occasions, to an Annie mid that reached level 6 before me, despite me clearly having an advantage on creeps killed.

It's a flawed system in implementation, but I enjoy the idea of it.

Summoner's Rift (Autumn) is an atrocity on the eyes. The red line spell indicators blend into the terrain. UGH.


Nome said:
I think I'm pretty neutral on this, especially considering the fact that I work for a rival dev, but I enjoy the rune/mastery/summoner spells immensely. It adds a personal level of customization that the genre sorely lacks.

My only gripe with it is that the advantages provided by runes and masteries are hidden, and it's literally impossible to know what benefits an opponent has. This isn't as bad for things like "+damage" or "+mana", because those are things you can figure out by clicking on someone. The bigger problem is armor/MA penetration. I've played against a few opponents that I felt did way more damage to me than they should, only to check them afterwards and see they have a buttload of penetration. Another gripe I have is the XP bonus masteries; I've died, on multiple occasions, to an Annie mid that reached level 6 before me, despite me clearly having an advantage on creeps killed.

It's a flawed system in implementation, but I enjoy the idea of it.

Summoner's Rift (Autumn) is an atrocity on the eyes. The red line spell indicators blend into the terrain. UGH.


also neutral on the whole thing. It's always nice to have more things you can play around with to maximize your power.

My biggest beef with the system is that they make you buy rune pages, even though you get all your mastery pages for free. It's especially annoying because you can change masteries in the champ select screen, but you are stuck with whatever rune pages you have when you join the lobby. IMO it's that kind of stuff that gives F2P games a bad name, they are basically charging you to get around the fact that their UI for runes is shitty.

Other than that, I don't think the systems are inherently bad for the balance of the game, they are just another aspect that needs to be accounted for.


All runes and masteries do is add a tedious grind, and divide the community artificially by having 'levels', its as stupid as weapon leveling and unlocks in fps games.

Character customisation should come in the form of what you buy at the shop during a match >.<


RS Vs Rez right now in the "finals". I think Rez needs two wins, RS just needs one (since they have never lost).

Rez moved on in the loser bracket b/c TSM forfeit the match. Since most of them are on a plane to New York right now and qualified for IEM NY anyway.


nunu is THE number one biggest cunt in the game

anyone who plays and enjoys this champ is a fucking cunt

you can be jesus

but you will be jesus, the fucking cunt


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nunu after the nerfs is like pre resurrection Jesus.


I like runes/masteries, but as I'm sure others have said I don't think their availability should be based off of a level system. Nothing is more disappointing than crushing somebody in lane only to find out after the match they were ten or more levels lower than you and never stood a chance to begin with.
Nome said:
My only gripe with it is that the advantages provided by runes and masteries are hidden, and it's literally impossible to know what benefits an opponent has. This isn't as bad for things like "+damage" or "+mana", because those are things you can figure out by clicking on someone. The bigger problem is armor/MA penetration. I've played against a few opponents that I felt did way more damage to me than they should, only to check them afterwards and see they have a buttload of penetration. Another gripe I have is the XP bonus masteries; I've died, on multiple occasions, to an Annie mid that reached level 6 before me, despite me clearly having an advantage on creeps killed.
Definitely an iffy area, but I think it somewhat balances itself out from the fact that your giving up four mastery points that could potentially be spent on more advantageous late game perks, for what is essentially an early ult.

Card Boy

I'm still willing to trade Napoleon TW for a Caitlyn code. The PC Gamer mags in Australia are $25 because they import them and put their own cut on top of that.
And if it's not clear enough already...

Welcome to LoLGAF, Nome! You've been a pretty cool guy in the HoN-GAF thread, so it's really neat to see you here. If you have questions, or just wanna play with us, you're more than welcome to play with us! :)
markot said:
All runes and masteries do is add a tedious grind, and divide the community artificially by having 'levels', its as stupid as weapon leveling and unlocks in fps games.

Character customisation should come in the form of what you buy at the shop during a match >.<

I disagree, that "tedious" grind provides players who've never tried the genre before to play at a pace that's more suited to their development. Masteries and runs force players to develop an understanding in the mechanics and allow for players to develop some preference to how they approach a situation.

Granted, I can see why a person who's experienced would dislike this, but I also understand that this is their model on how to earn additional cash.
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