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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
I want to try Tryndamere and Olaf. I bet they're both like 7000 IP. *pout* I wonder what tomorrow's champion lineup will bring?
Trynd is 1350, Olaf is 3150.


Dance In My Blood said:
Trynd is 1350, Olaf is 3150.
Thank you kind sir. Sounds like I might buy Trynd for fun and possibly wait until free Olaf. Two last questions for now:

1. Is Tryndamere still good?
2. Are there any champions currently KNOWN to be in line for nerfs/buffs? I would prefer not to buy and practice someone if they're about to be nerfed. I'm a little interested in Nidalee too, but I couldn't remember who had a nerf in the near future.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Thank you kind sir. Sounds like I might buy Trynd for fun and possibly wait until free Olaf. Two last questions for now:

1. Is Tryndamere still good?
2. Are there any champions currently KNOWN to be in line for nerfs/buffs? I would prefer not to buy and practice someone if they're about to be nerfed. I'm a little interested in Nidalee too, but I couldn't remember who had a nerf in the near future.
1) Tryndamere can be strong outside of competitive play, but like some other earlier champions (think Kat) he can be easily countered by well timed crowd control.

2) Off the top of my head:

Shen: Buff
Orianna: Nerf
Singed: Nerf

Nidalee just got nerfed so I doubt they'd nerf her more.


So Season one ends tomorrow finally. I tried pretty hard to reach gold, but the highest I got was 1460, then I lost like 5 straight games, so I'll have to settle for silver.

Excited for Riven and for the elo soft reset actually. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes me to get back to where I was (played around 200 ranked games). I wish Dominion was coming out this week though.


When is the new skin sale starting? Supposed to be today. I've had 500 RP sitting on my account forever, gonna use it on Gragas Esq.


Ferrio said:
We need to try a troll team of the worst characters in the game.
That doesn't even sound like a fun troll team though. At any rate I can bring my PAX Sivir and Kiunch will run Eve, but I don't know anyone else on that tier. Maybe Janna? :p


Blizzard said:
That doesn't even sound like a fun troll team though. At any rate I can bring my PAX Sivir and Kiunch will run Eve, but I don't know anyone else on that tier. Maybe Janna? :p

Janna is one of the best supports in the game.



First Garen game ever lol he is too awesome


Blizzard said:
That doesn't even sound like a fun troll team though. At any rate I can bring my PAX Sivir and Kiunch will run Eve, but I don't know anyone else on that tier. Maybe Janna? :p

IMO when i think of terrible troll champions I think of twitch and eve only. Those are the only two champions who I could never see a role for on a properly functioning team. Stealth is so potentially powerful early game that those champions are weak as hell otherwise, and given that stealth is completely useless against any kind of real competition and is useless in a late game team fight, they are overall pretty terrible champions.

Shaco is also a kind of shitty champion, but he could at least potentially have a role as an aggressive counterjungler with your boxes against certain champions that get low hp early while jungling. It's a very situational pick, but he has his uses.

Karma is a really oddball character that is hard to use effectively as a team, as she is AP/support who gets better when damaged, but a weak AP played conservatively shouldn't lose you the game most times.

Sivir is actually one of the strongest team fight characters in the game, and her split pushing is really great as well, she is just really weak and fragile on her own, so in a competitive situation she needs to be heavily supported or the other team is just going to gank the hell out of her early and you'll lose. That or you run her as pure support herself and you use a harder carry that doesn't need as much strong early game support. She is not very versatile though, as she doesn't fit into many different team comps, the team comps have to be planned around her strengths and weaknesses to be effective, which kind of limits her overall usefulness. Not like you can just plug sivir into any team comp and make it better, which you can do with a lot of champions.


sparkle this bitch
Blizzard said:
That doesn't even sound like a fun troll team though. At any rate I can bring my PAX Sivir and Kiunch will run Eve, but I don't know anyone else on that tier. Maybe Janna? :p
I promise, I will embarrass your ass with my Janna.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh cool they changed Riven's splash.

I figured they would if it got a response like Lux's. I like the current one alot better even though the BG is less detailed.

Also heads up ladyboy I'd fix your post before a mod sees. I got a month for letting a slur like that slip past my radar


dragonlife said:
Nunu's ult is so heartbreaking. Flash into perfect position, release, get stunned.



Galio is a better version of nunu in every way aside from jungling (and nunu is only about 6-7th on the list of good junglers). Dunno why anyone would use nunu over galio.

Galio's ult is still cancellable, but at least half the team is taunted to keep them from being able to break it.
I am going to miss Fiddle and Galio being free at the same time.

I popped that ult combo a few times and it was devastating.

Also...the only champion I have literally never seen in game or on stream is Cassiopeia. Reading over her abilities she seems interesting but tough to use. Any thoughts on her?

Also...Amumu, Nunu, and Nocturne free this week. Time to learn how to jungle.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FlightOfHeaven said:
Is that a skin or the Chinese design.
Skin. American client gets good art too now.

There's also this:
Phreak said:
Patch Preview contents:

Mordekaiser, Shen, Taric, Orianna, Shaco.

Go, go, gadget speculation!
Wasn't expecting Morde nerfs. Kinda curious to see what they do.
I look forward to dumping IP on Riven.

Also, I wish I would get the champion pack sooner than later. I'd love to be able to get most champions at some point, and this will definitely help me get there.


Dance In My Blood said:
Skin. American client gets good art too now.

There's also this:

Wasn't expecting Morde nerfs. Kinda curious to see what they do.

Didn't read the forums lately? They are trying to justify balancing the game, and nerfing champions, around the lowest skill players. It makes no sense at all.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blackface said:
Didn't read the forums lately? They are trying to justify balancing the game, and nerfing champions, around the lowest skill players. It makes no sense at all.
I've read some stuff on that, I was just wondering about the specifics for Morde.

He already seems pretty low skill to me.


I in general like buffs rather than nerfs, I guess, but maybe they'll work out. Shaco though...didn't he get nerfed once before? I certainly don't feel like he's overpowering now, and he seems pretty difficult to use effectively. Unless they make him easier to use, I dunno how a change will work.


Dance In My Blood said:
I've read some stuff on that, I was just wondering about the specifics for Morde.

He already seems pretty low skill to me.

Some Morde nerfs are probably warranted, but Morde isn't really OP because of his skills, he is OP because spell vamp is OP in conjunction with his skills and his passive. Makes him really hard to kill even without tank items.

It really depends on what they change though, he is in a very delicate position, if they nerf him too much, they may completely ruin his viability for any build other than AP/spell vamp build, which wouldn't be a good thing. He is already kind of forced to go that direction to be effective.

Also hard to nerf spell vamp, because it is already worse than lifesteal generally, so to do so would just make AD unquestionably better than AP.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
I in general like buffs rather than nerfs, I guess, but maybe they'll work out. Shaco though...didn't he get nerfed once before? I certainly don't feel like he's overpowering now, and he seems pretty difficult to use effectively. Unless they make him easier to use, I dunno how a change will work.
Those champions aren't all getting nerfed. Shaco will almost assuredly see a buff.


This wasn't a good game per se since I really messed up mid with creeps versus teemo (behind in farm), especially once teemo and morde teamed up on me, and also because I got the vast majority of my kills because of amumu and the other teammates doing the initial damage.

I was told my build was a bad idea and I should probably focus on a bloodthirster earlier (though I know those can be bad if I die too much). I had farmed enough so I literally went shoes -> BF sword at the start.

It was still satisfying though, because I only died twice and it was close. We had a very questionable akali and master yi (note master yi's name). I think my first death was after killing a tower, and two enemies got me with basically no way to escape from the crazy Nasus slow. At the very end, we group pushed up to the two nexus towers, and took maybe one of them out before 2 of our team recalled to try to protect our own nexus. Most of the remaining team (3-4) had pushed all the way up OUR middle and I think took down the two nexus towers by the very last minute, but by that time I had managed to help kill the remaining tower and take out most of the nexus. I think master yi almost ruined it by bailing away from the nexus for a second and a couple of enemy champions came in right after that from spawn, but I kept autoattacking and they managed to kill me like a half second before veigar finished autoattacking the nexus for the victory.

When you win as little as me you have to celebrate, so please excuse the wall of text. :p



sparkle this bitch
Morde and Ori are getting nerfs. Ori absolutely needs them and I have a feeling they are going to reduce Morde's early game shield. Make it easier to actually inflict damage on him.


Unconfirmed Member
Who on your team told you your build was a bad idea blizzard?

because almost everyone on your team built awful items for their characters

Rule of thumb is if you can farm up an IE before 20 minutes you're correctly playing AD carry role.


RockSolid just absolutely destroyed EpikGamer (Dyrus, Dan Dinh, Westrice etc..) in a scrim. It was brutal to watch.

Scarra pretty much just ended all their lives with Talon.
Blackface said:
RockSolid just absolutely destroyed EpikGamer (Dyrus, Dan Dinh, Westrice etc..) in a scrim. It was brutal to watch.

Scarra pretty much just ended all their lives with Talon.

Got a link, by any chance? (The recording)


Mister Wilhelm said:
Also...the only champion I have literally never seen in game or on stream is Cassiopeia. Reading over her abilities she seems interesting but tough to use. Any thoughts on her?

some of the RIOT developers insists she is one of the strongest AP carries and definitely think she can inflict the highest single target damage for all champions. they plan on nerfing her, which is stupid since no high ELO players have done well with her. I believe Scarra plays her a lot in scrims.

the high damage she can inflict revolves around her nuke, Twin Fangs, which can literally be spammed once a target has been poisoned.


She's the highest sustained damage AP carry - basically her damage is like a ranged AD carry. She doesn't have the burst of top tier AP carries so she has to play pretty carefully in team fights because she can't just "blow her load and die". So she's strong, but I don't think it's comparable to your regular AP carry...

And if she gets nerfed I'll cry.
Ferga said:
singed isn't really melee :|

He just goes for a jog for 40minutes

Singed is basically a high power rocket leaving a poison trail. One of the most imba heroes in the game. I love him. I hope they dont nerf him too much since a good team can actually deal with Singed if they use their brains (sadly most people like to chase him, waste their ultis on him or like to run up to him solo before being tossed into the rest of the gangraping team).


CrazedProfessional said:
Morde needs a nerf, he can do too many things with so little farm.
And seeing how he can farm so damn easily, he is SO OP!!!!! >O

Also, Singed can be counter picked by Vayne and Trundle... There might be more others.
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