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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ferrio said:
Really loving AD sona a lot. Also trying to get used to Lux. I can't score a lot of kills like I've seen other luxes do... lots of assists though. Maybe cause I'm just not lasering when their about to die. I reduce my cds all the way and spam that damn thing.

AD Sona? WTF! Does that actually work?

I think my teammates would kick me if I tried that ;)
Boken said:
And seeing how he can farm so damn easily, he is SO OP!!!!! >O

Also, Singed can be counter picked by Vayne and Trundle... There might be more others.

Hmmm dunno about Vayne and Trundle... Vayne is pretty easily countered with items and Trundle I usually just ignore ;). I find Blitz and Cog to be the nemesis of Singed. I hate playing againt those ;)


Archie said:
Singed is getting nerfed? The fuck. He is one of the few heroes I really enjoy.
I haven't heard of this.

Hmmm dunno about Vayne and Trundle... Vayne is pretty easily countered with items and Trundle I usually just ignore ;). I find Blitz and Cog to be the nemesis of Singed. I hate playing againt those ;)
Nope, these are clear counter picks. Vayne does true damage, can knock Singed back and has a low CD roll which is easily refreshed because Singed keeps running at her. She can also ult for more escape. Trundle places a massive pillar in Singed's face which slows him and forces him to run around it. Trundle also runs faster than Singed does with his earth.

I don't see how Blitz counters Singed. Infact, Blitz is probably the anti-counter to Singed. Too many times have I seen Blitz grab Singed into the team squishy. Kog'maw works similiarly to Vayne, except he's screwed when Singed gets close and requires more farm.


Our zilean fed 3 kills right at the start then left. We still won though after me (brand) and our tryn just roamed and ganked. I'm seriously sick of leavers and what not now.

Boken said:
I haven't heard of this.

Nope, these are clear counter picks. Vayne does true damage, can knock Singed back and has a low CD roll which is easily refreshed because Singed keeps running at her. She can also ult for more escape. Trundle places a massive pillar in Singed's face which slows him and forces him to run around it. Trundle also runs faster than Singed does with his earth.

I don't see how Blitz counters Singed. Infact, Blitz is probably the anti-counter to Singed. Too many times have I seen Blitz grab Singed into the team squishy. Kog'maw works similiarly to Vayne, except he's screwed when Singed gets close and requires more farm.

The biggest counter to singed i've seen is Fiddlesticks. Insta-fear when he gets close, drain to counter poison, or a silence to stop the fling as well.


Telaso said:
Our zilean fed 3 kills right at the start then left. We still won though after me (brand) and our tryn just roamed and ganked. I'm seriously sick of leavers and what not now.
At least he didn't stay, feed and leeched gold and exp!

The biggest counter to singed i've seen is Fiddlesticks. Insta-fear when he gets close, drain to counter poison, or a silence to stop the fling as well.
Not really. People readily forget that Singed has massive CC reduction. That's why Trundle Pillar is good - the slow and wall are persistent.
Like you know, solo top vs a Morde is cool, I'll just play really smart. Oh what's that, he's over extending. Fuck yeah flash ignite and shit out skills all over him. Oh what's this? He's outdamaging me with just a regrowth pendant and sorc boots? What is happening?!


And then he gets a Ryali's or Revolver and it's all over.
Boken said:
At least he didn't stay, feed and leeched gold and exp!

Not really. People readily forget that Singed has massive CC reduction. That's why Trundle Pillar is good - the slow and wall are persistent.

Anivia would be even better in that case I guess... (I love tossing her egg ;)

Nasus slowdown is also kinda serious for Singed, but the new Nasus is a beast anyway.

Anyway... the problem I have with Blitz is that he can grab me before I can toss somebody on his team resulting in an instant silence (by Blitz) and gank by the others.

TBH I have rarely had any problems with Vayne. Trundle running faster? Only on his patch ;) Also as Singed always take ghost for those super fast sprints. Ghost + ulti can catch any hero.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blitz has an easier time locking Singed down for a team to do damage to him. Vayne can't really lock him down in place well, even if she does great damage to Singed. He's probably the only champion that can effectively stop Singed from running for an extended period of time.

But I say this as someone who enjoys playing Blitz more than any other champion, so I think he's a pretty strong counter to pretty most teams.


Counter picking doesn't mean the champion absolutely counters X such that X can't do anything. It's about providing your team an advantage with a certain pick. Blitz does lock Singed up a bit but you wouldn't just instalock Blitz just because you see Singed on their team.

You're correcting in saying that Vayne can't "lock him down" but Singed has incredible trouble catching her and if Singed can't catch the carry then fling isn't that great.

Vayne and Trundle are just overall better picks that fit into clear roles whilst also making life hard for Singed. If I was 5th pick and I had a choice between picking Vayne and Blitz, knowing that they had Singed on their team, I'd obviously pick Vayne. If you needed an AD carry, you'd pick Vayne and not say, MF. If our team needed a jungler and they had a Singed on their team, I wouldn't try to jungle Blitz, I'd pick Trundle.

Blitz tend's to fall into the "bottom support" roll for an aggressive lane but I don't know if its worth the hit to your carry's early game for being able to lock Singed up later.


Hey Lol-GAF, so I'm about to jump back into the game after about 4-5months of having not played the game and i was kinda wondering what i'd missed over the past few months. What new champs have been released? (left just before Orianna) and how are they? What's been happening with champ tiers and generally who are the OP/UP champs at the moment? Also i'm seeing a few recent posts in this thread saying season 1 is ending soon, what's up with that?

So if anyone can just fill me in on some of this stuff it would be appreciated, as well as any other general information you think might be useful. Thanks

edit: just played my first game back, was pretty bad since my game was constantly just freezing and i had to keep reconnecting, which sucked and meant i wasn't able to do very well. My team still managed to win, and as a bonus I encountered the biggest bitch ever to play Lol. Guy was just a massive douche, I really wish i could've got some chat logs to show you his constant douchebaggery. If the game had been a loss then this guy definately would've been one of the 'terrible players' people accuse Dota, Lol, HoN of having, but winning against this jerk was just incredibly sweet.

iamblades said:
The real singed counters are poppy and teemo and anyone with a bloodrazor.

Teemo only early on. Mid/end game I laugh at Teemo TBH.

Poppy... hmmm..can't say I played against her that much, so no idea TBH.


Retro_ said:
Who on your team told you your build was a bad idea blizzard?

because almost everyone on your team built awful items for their characters

Rule of thumb is if you can farm up an IE before 20 minutes you're correctly playing AD carry role.
I did. (I was the Amumu, am I one of the ones with awful items according to you?)

And I never told him it was a bad build for his character. I told him it was a bad build for him specifically. Blizzard doesn't have the confidence, the positioning, or the understanding of when to engage to play Caitlyn as a pure DPS. He plays her more as a burst caster with ults and q's, which is perfectly fine, but it means he should build more pure attack damage and less attack speed and crit.

He simply just does not get enough auto attacks off to play with a crit+as build.


n0b says I sux so he won't let me have infinity edges. :( I'm just afraid if I built a bloodthirster first I wouldn't get as many minion kills as having zeal/phantom dancer. I'm also afraid I would die so much that I would lose the attack damage advantage that bloodthirster is supposed to have over infinity edge or whatnot.


Archie said:

Dominion isn't coming out tomorrow, and the next patch is three weeks away. October at the earliest.

Season 1 will end at the end of August.


Blizzard said:
n0b says I sux so he won't let me have infinity edges. :( I'm just afraid if I built a bloodthirster first I wouldn't get as many minion kills as having zeal/phantom dancer. I'm also afraid I would die so much that I would lose the attack damage advantage that bloodthirster is supposed to have over infinity edge or whatnot.

Whats the point of attacking fast if you have no damage?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Dude, just go Doran's Blade (up to 3), boots, BF, and then Zeal.

After that, build as appropriate.
How do you know when to stop doran's? I normally do 1-2 doran's blades, boots, and then presumably some variety of PD/zeal/infinity edge/bloodthirster stuff.

I was recently told that I should always get boots to start if I'm mid or solo lane, so I've been trying that. I felt really sad since I got owned by a gangplank. He was bad since he kept getting hit by traps and my Q, but because I didn't start with boots, he was faster than me all the time and his parley basically outranged/equalranged my autoattacks since I could never get away fast enough before he would get in range to hit.

So the problem was both me being terrible and me lacking movespeed, which seemed to confirm the boot suggestion. The boot thing also really seems like a good idea with Caitlyn versus people like cass, brand, karthus, lux or anyone else who has skillshot/distance burst attacks, since otherwise it's really hard for me to dodge them.

Against Lux I seem almost totally helpless if she properly targets the slow burst, for instance, since if she shoots it where it will be centered on me and detonates it instantly, presumably by the time I start moving I will only barely get to the edge of its eventual destination zone (might get lucky if I burn an E to back out). Plus it goes through towers and minions etc. Helpful teammate advice in this situation has been in the vein of "dude dodge it can't you see it are you blind do people DRIVE where you live". ;(

Whats the point of attacking fast if you have no damage?
It kills minions quickly, especially with Caitlyn's headshot. My choices are basically more doran's, BF sword, and/or zeal. All three give me attack damage, and infinity edge has one of the highest AD boosts by itself, but I think what I heard is that bloodthirster is higher once you charge it up. The problem is that I have to charge it up first, and not die while doing so, and I do not yet have the experience to know how feasible farming minions with boots + bloodthirster is.


Blizzard said:
n0b says I sux so he won't let me have infinity edges. :( I'm just afraid if I built a bloodthirster first I wouldn't get as many minion kills as having zeal/phantom dancer. I'm also afraid I would die so much that I would lose the attack damage advantage that bloodthirster is supposed to have over infinity edge or whatnot.

Not suck, just not confident. If you run away from people at full health saying "you don't do any damage" when you have an infinity edge and they have no armor, you shouldn't be building stuff that requires you constantly be in their face. Build some defense (such as a banshee's veil) so that you can feel a little more confident in being in the fight, then build more ad. Caitlyn's passive headshot, Q, and Ult all scale amazingly well off a pure AD build.

Until you're confident enough to stay perfectly at the edge of your attack range and attack them every time you have a chance, build defense and pure ad. I think for the way you play caitlyn, something like Merc Treads/Bloodthirster/Banshee's Veil should be your core(plus however many dorans you keep from the early game), then situationally build Last Whisper (if they stack armor), another Bloodthirster(if you aren't dying), or an infinity edge (if farm isn't a problem). If the game is still somehow running, THEN start building up your crit/as with phantom dancer and then maybe a cleaver/madreds.

And seriously, don't think of this as me saying you are bad. Ranged AD carry is probably the hardest role in the game because of how good you have to be at positioning and how squishy you are. But it won't help you to use the more standard builds that other people use if you play the character nothing like they do.

Also blizzard, your q kills minions quickly. You really don't dps enough to justify the as.
thank god i nearly have enough IP to pick up gragas. The new free champion lineup suuuuuuuuucks, except promu and annie, who I already have. Though I never get to play as annie cause i never get to play someone that is remotely squishy.

And there is no real counter to Singe. His ult is silly strong and you'll take as much damage to get him as he will to you, and while you're bothering with that his teammates will wreck. He's the best tank in the game because he distracts like nobody else, he controls the playfield with ease, and he's probably the hardest character to kill thanks to his everlasting ult and crazy passive. Which is how i'd nerf him, significantly lowering the time of his ult while technically giving it a buff with better regen stats or something. Make it so a singe actually has to bother timing the darn thing and is vulnerable afterward. You gonna waste a long cooldown pull as blitz on singe? I hope not, at least not mid or late game. If I were singe I couldn't ask for a better outcome. Please, pull me closer to your team and waste one of the best initiators in the game on me. Please.

And speaking of crazy ults - nasus, damn did they buff him good.


Blizzard said:
It kills minions quickly, especially with Caitlyn's headshot. My choices are basically more doran's, BF sword, and/or zeal. All three give me attack damage, and infinity edge has one of the highest AD boosts by itself, but I think what I heard is that bloodthirster is higher once you charge it up. The problem is that I have to charge it up first, and not die while doing so, and I do not yet have the experience to know how feasible farming minions with boots + bloodthirster is.

Caitlyn is one of the most easiest farmers in the game and her shot animation is fast anyway.

You don't need the zeal, that part is just in your head.


Kozak said:
Caitlyn is one of the most easiest farmers in the game and her shot animation is fast anyway.

You don't need the zeal, that part is just in your head.
She gets up to like 1.2 attack speed by level 18 if I recall correctly, so I can try to work with that. Killing minions with Q in the first 10-14 levels will run you out of mana crazy fast, however, and I don't think I've bought a bunch of mana regen runes. I try to save Q to do significant champion damage mid, especially when someone walks into a trap and I can hit them without hitting a minion.

I still maintain the reason I was able to barely kill the nexus at the end was having a phantom dancer in that game, though, so I don't regret that. =D


ITT: people mixing up "counter pick" with "hard counter".

The new free champion lineup suuuuuuuuucks, except promu and annie, who I already have. Though I never get to play as annie cause i never get to play someone that is remotely squishy.

n0b said:
And seriously, don't think of this as me saying you are bad. Ranged AD carry is probably the hardest role in the game because of how good you have to be at positioning and how squishy you are. But it won't help you to use the more standard builds that other people use if you play the character nothing like they do.
This is true.

How do you know when to stop doran's?
If your team is winning the game and/or you are farming comfortably in your lane, stop buying dorans. Dorans stacking is essentially to make your laning phase as strong as possible so you can farm very hard.

Also Blizzard, it sounds like you're just auto attacking minions and hoping you'll kill them. Learn to last hit. The extra AD not only makes last hitting easier, it makes your Q and R much more powerful. In all circumstances on Caitlyn, a BF sword is better than getting a zeal first.


Blizzard said:
She gets up to like 1.2 attack speed by level 18 if I recall correctly, so I can try to work with that. Killing minions with Q in the first 10-14 levels will run you out of mana crazy fast, however, and I don't think I've bought a bunch of mana regen runes. I try to save Q to do significant champion damage mid, especially when someone walks into a trap and I can hit them without hitting a minion.

I still maintain the reason I was able to barely kill the nexus at the end was having a phantom dancer in that game, though, so I don't regret that. =D

Stop using your Q to farm minions :) Problem solved.
morde is good but really..
morde is op in lane BECAUSE he can basically keep his shield up by farming with Q/E, but doing so he push a LOT..
if a junglers comes twice at a not too long interval (one to make him waste his flash/ghost, the other when he has no escape mechanism), it's basically gg morde..
if he doesn't push his lane he has no shield, hence no real advantage..
and do i need to mention that if he doesn't build REALLY tanky he can be melted down?
also his R is strong, but just as strong as his target.. if he puts R on an ad carry and his team rape that target, it's GG..
if he puts his R on say annie.. WHOO! big phat bonus!
no offense, most ppl saying op morde, op morde, just focus him while he's tanky build, forgetting that
e = decent damage
q = good damage on single, pitiful on multi
he can resist a lot but really, would you focus a tank? that's just stupid..
amumu can pull a nice damage pressure if he's focused and his W is a pita during a teamfight, plus his R is game-changing....

oh well :X


Boken said:
If your team is winning the game and/or you are farming comfortably in your lane, stop buying dorans. Dorans stacking is essentially to make your laning phase as strong as possible so you can farm very hard.

Also Blizzard, it sounds like you're just auto attacking minions and hoping you'll kill them. Learn to last hit. The extra AD not only makes last hitting easier, it makes your Q and R much more powerful. In all circumstances on Caitlyn, a BF sword is better than getting a zeal first.
I understand that AD makes Q and R more powerful, and I understand last hitting is very important. I would like to think I try to do it as much as possible, though I'm not good at it. The reason I mention attack speed is because when you need to clear minion waves quickly, I felt like you either need speed or you need to use Q. At any rate, BF sword first sounds good.

Kozak said:
Stop using your Q to farm minions :) Problem solved.
I thought I said I saved Q for champions. I would like to think I hardly ever use it on minions until late game unless I'm also hitting a champion (yes I know that's reduced damage), or trying to push to a tower really quickly, or trying to clear minions from my own tower.

The reason I mentioned it at all was because I think n0b just mentioned on this page that my Q kills minions quickly. Yes, it does, but I think I have given reasons why I don't do that early game for farming. :)

Jazzy Network said:
I think Im going to go on a Nocturne jungle marathon sometime today or tomorrow and see how well I can consistently do.
I just bought Tryndamere and tried him in the jungle. I look forward to trying some Nocturne bot jungle games since I don't think I've ever even tried Nocturne before.

broz0rs said:
Singed counter is red buff or Frozen Mallet.
Doesn't singed have CC reduction, at least during his ult? I think that's one of the the things (maybe THE thing) they're nerfing.
Blizzard said:
How do you know when to stop doran's? I normally do 1-2 doran's blades, boots, and then presumably some variety of PD/zeal/infinity edge/bloodthirster stuff.

If you are having trouble surviving in lane, keep getting Doran's, up to three. I find that if I am trading blows, Doran's helps out a lot.
Blizzard said:
I was recently told that I should always get boots to start if I'm mid or solo lane, so I've been trying that. I felt really sad since I got owned by a gangplank. He was bad since he kept getting hit by traps and my Q, but because I didn't start with boots, he was faster than me all the time and his parley basically outranged/equalranged my autoattacks since I could never get away fast enough before he would get in range to hit.

So the problem was both me being terrible and me lacking movespeed, which seemed to confirm the boot suggestion. The boot thing also really seems like a good idea with Caitlyn versus people like cass, brand, karthus, lux or anyone else who has skillshot/distance burst attacks, since otherwise it's really hard for me to dodge them.

However, if you are having trouble dodging skillshots/AoE, definitely get Boots... AFTER Doran's. You still need a Doran's for sustainability, and Boots are cheap enough to farm up quickly to as a second item.

Gangplank should not be able to reach you. Your job is to farm early and control the lane. You should be able to get single hits off on occasion, wearing them down and dominating your lane.

Blizzard said:

Always be moving. You should be pacing anyways, since it helps with last hitting. She's likely hitting you because you are either still for far too long or your movements are predictable.

Bloodthirster tops out at 100 AD, while IE sits at 80.

IE is better, but I personally prefer Bloodthirster, but its really game-to-game dependent.


Boken said:
She's the highest sustained damage AP carry - basically her damage is like a ranged AD carry. She doesn't have the burst of top tier AP carries so she has to play pretty carefully in team fights because she can't just "blow her load and die". So she's strong, but I don't think it's comparable to your regular AP carry...

And if she gets nerfed I'll cry.

Same, she's my favorite heros. She really doesn't need it. She does a lot of damage, but like you said it isn't burst. It's all over time (poison), or low cd skills (fang) which means she has to live for a long time in a fight to actually do that potential big damage. Unfortunately she's really really squishy. So in a teamfight if she's focus fired, she's pretty dead and will contribute jack all to the fight.

NemesisPrime said:
AD Sona? WTF! Does that actually work?

I think my teammates would kick me if I tried that ;)

Seems to work fine. Using her Q + Power Chord Staccato (with a sheen->triforce) works wonders. Does a lot of damage early game. I usually got for a manamune next... but I might try hitting for an infinity edge... before that. That might be a bit *too* much, as i'll really kill my spam ability. Sure, it isn't the best config for her, but it's fun. Sure you could go lich bane instead, but that isn't as trollish!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Boken said:
Counter picking doesn't mean the champion absolutely counters X such that X can't do anything. It's about providing your team an advantage with a certain pick. Blitz does lock Singed up a bit but you wouldn't just instalock Blitz just because you see Singed on their team.

You're correcting in saying that Vayne can't "lock him down" but Singed has incredible trouble catching her and if Singed can't catch the carry then fling isn't that great.

Vayne and Trundle are just overall better picks that fit into clear roles whilst also making life hard for Singed. If I was 5th pick and I had a choice between picking Vayne and Blitz, knowing that they had Singed on their team, I'd obviously pick Vayne. If you needed an AD carry, you'd pick Vayne and not say, MF. If our team needed a jungler and they had a Singed on their team, I wouldn't try to jungle Blitz, I'd pick Trundle.

Blitz tend's to fall into the "bottom support" roll for an aggressive lane but I don't know if its worth the hit to your carry's early game for being able to lock Singed up later.
Yeah, didn't mean to say Blitz is a hard counter to Singed, just that he'll have more success against him than other champions.

I don't really see Vayne or Kog'maw as counters to Singed as much as they are carries that can do still do really well with a Singed on the field. There's nothing stopping Singed from running away from Vayne or Kog, and Kog is especially vulnerable to being slowed and thrown into an enemy team. I wouldn't say anyone really hard counters Singed, it's more just a playstyle that counters him. Not running after him, trying to burn him down instead of other champions, stopping his farm early game by pushing him out of lane with harass, that's what counters Singed.

I've already seen a lot of terrible Karma's in my normal games today. Like, just awful. It's really annoying. I might play some more games with her, because she seems fun, but I probably just lucked out in my first game with her. Went 6/0/15 and saved teammates all over the map. Not sure why some of you guys complain about her so much.


Blizzard said:
The reason I mentioned it at all was because I think n0b just mentioned on this page that my Q kills minions quickly. Yes, it does, but I think I have given reasons why I don't do that early game for farming. :)
Yes, early game you don't use it for farming minions. But not getting a bloodthirster because the AS makes it "easier to farm" is ridiculous when you play the character based on burst damage instead of sustained damage. With a bloodthirster instead of a PD, all you would need is a few autoattacks and a Q to clear a wave and at that point you could spare the mana (and if you can't, get some regen).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you are not Vayne or Kog or someone else with some kind of ability that scales well and only off of ASPD, don't rush Phantom Dancer.

Even in those cases, you should not rush Phantom Dancer.

Also Caitlyn having trouble farming creep waves XD


Morde to me is always interesting to play against. I have a lot of respect the LOL team who tries to balance the game because to me Morde's problem isn't his ceiling it is the ceiling is too easy to reach. This also makes all the gradiations below his ceiling too easy to reach as well. I've seen specific scenarios where factoring in his performance factors (farming & kill-death-assist ratios) he can hold his own not just against one champion, but sometimes two champions (in a 1 v 2 situation) with similar performance factors.

To me you ban Amumu because his ult is a game changer, but Morde is not far behind because he can gradually chip away at several tangible and non-tangible factors.


52club said:
Morde to me is always interesting to play against. I have a lot of respect the LOL team who tries to balance the game because to me Morde's problem isn't his ceiling it is the ceiling is too easy to reach. This also makes all the gradiations below his ceiling too easy to reach as well. I've seen specific scenarios where factoring in his performance factors (farming & kill-death-assist ratios) he can hold his own not just against one champion, but sometimes two champions (in a 1 v 2 situation) with similar performance factors.

To me you ban Amumu because his ult is a game changer, but Morde is not far behind because he can gradually chip away at several tangible and non-tangible factors.

I hate morde with a passion since I play Cass so much. He pretty much counters her. If i'm laning with him I have to switch, there's nothing I can do if he's aggresive.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I find the only way to beat Morde solo lane is to zone him as hard as possible.

After the initial creep wave, go through the brush and wait for the next. Before morde can reach your creeps and replenish his shield, nuke him, attack him, and try your best to avoid drawing creep aggro. At the same time, pick off last hits that don't take you too far from Morde, so that when he attempts to go in for a nuke, you can intercept him halfway.

This won't work very well against smart Mordes (who will take you up on your bluff and just walk straight into the creeps), but it presents enough pressure that it can ruin an average/bad morde players.

Champs like Irelia, Xin Zhao and Nasus, who have passive healing, are the best for this. Ranged kiters can also use this strat.


52club said:
To me you ban Amumu because his ult is a game changer, but Morde is not far behind because he can gradually chip away at several tangible and non-tangible factors.

The problem with Morde is he doesn't really fit that well within any specific team. He isn't really good at being a babysitter for carries, because he pushes lanes when he is being effective. He isn't a great tank because he has no crowd control and therefore can't really force people off of his teammates. He is great in a solo but that ends up taking a carry's farm, and he can't carry in an even game. He can't really be OUT of a lane without losing effectiveness either.

He's really just a walking ball of discomfort unless he is fed to a ridiculous extent. If you stick around too long you will die, but generally you can just leave. And there are so many characters that can achieve that function while doing so much more.

The only function I really think he makes sense for is just shutting down a carry in a solo lane early game so that they can't carry later on.


Morde is a tough AP champion, secondary AP damage source. He can be an off tank in team fights while dishing a decent amount of AP damage. He can easily take top solo - the farming lane. There aren't even games with Morde, he wins lanes - and even if he isn't ridiculously fed, he can farm incredibily hard.

Carry's rarely take top solo. "You can just leave" in the context of laning... well you just fell behind. In the context of team fights? If you leave you're not being very effective anyway.
It's not the default.

The skins are likely

Rugged Riven : Classic
Heroic Riven
Hunter Riven

I really like the second skin, although the default isn't bad either.
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