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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I haven't been able to win one fucking game all day. I go Kayle, I heal people but they can't burn down the carries but try to hit tanks. I go Rammus and taunt the carries, team doesn't do nothing. I play Ashe - You get the picture.

And another day, another server shitting on itself.


BloodElfHunter said:
Ok so while Katarina will always be my go to bitch I need a support character to play and learn before 30. I like Soraka but I've been told shes normally banned. Too many people in pugs are playing just dps and it sucks... theres normally atleast 1 tank...trying to dps.. but ya suggestions on someone to learn\buy.

I'd recommend Kayle, since you could easily play her dps - in fact since the changes to her she's prob more of a dps than support. For items, i usually go for nashor's tooth, guinsoo's rageblade & hextech gunblade as well as boots, though there are plenty of other ways to build her - i used to play her as more of a tank.


BloodElfHunter said:
Ok so while Katarina will always be my go to bitch I need a support character to play and learn before 30. I like Soraka but I've been told shes normally banned. Too many people in pugs are playing just dps and it sucks... theres normally atleast 1 tank...trying to dps.. but ya suggestions on someone to learn\buy.

Taric's more likely to be banned than Soraka in my experience (after the inevitable Heimer/Xin/Shaco bans) but it's still likely that you'll have at least one of the healers banned.

If you still want to do some damage while supporting try Morgana or Zilean.

Morgana is one of the less squishy casters and her Black Shield negates spell effects while cast (as well as blocking magic damage), while her two offensive abilities synergise brilliantly. Her ulti can also detect and slow stealthed units which is very handy... she's very much a support character, though, you won't pick up too many kills although your burst damage is good. Everyone loves Morgana on a team.

Zilean's bombs pack a punch and are great for laning and farming, and he's brilliant for team fights with his speed manipulation and resurrection ulti. Super squishy, though.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I gotta be honest, I think taric is my favorite support. He can easily be built as a tank and sets up ganks well with his stun. His armor buff for those around him is nice as well. I don't know why I don't see him more.


BluWacky said:
If you still want to do some damage while supporting try Morgana or Zilean.

Morgana is one of the less squishy casters and her Black Shield negates spell effects while cast (as well as blocking magic damage), while her two offensive abilities synergise brilliantly. Her ulti can also detect and slow stealthed units which is very handy... she's very much a support character, though, you won't pick up too many kills although your burst damage is good. Everyone loves Morgana on a team.

Zilean's bombs pack a punch and are great for laning and farming, and he's brilliant for team fights with his speed manipulation and resurrection ulti. Super squishy, though.
This. I find both very fun to play too (though obviously this varies person to person). Zil and Morg are probably my 2 favourite champions. Though I do find you can rack up the kills with Morg if you want to. She farms very well. You can pick up a Rod of Ages at around 14 mins if the game is going good, then get a Mejais a few minutes later and really go crazy. She's probably not the type you'll be picking up 20+ kills with, but I've had a few 10-2-20 type games.


Einherjar said:
Crit damage runes are useless. It's been proven armor pen runes are still better most of the game even if you started with 100% crit chance. Though armor pen runes are probably due for a nerf.
Must have changed something since three-four months...

I doubt I'll get my points back for all of the crit damage stuff I spent. 8(


Tetsuo9 said:
They are still good for tryndamere and shaco.
I do have Tryn, but I have trouble playing him as well as I should.

Before yesterday, I was 5:1 ratio with Yi. I lost three straight with him.
1:1 with Tyrn, but losing with him too.
I was 2:1 with Kat, and won three straight.
oxrock said:
I gotta be honest, I think taric is my favorite support. He can easily be built as a tank and sets up ganks well with his stun. His armor buff for those around him is nice as well. I don't know why I don't see him more.

I play taric all the time, he's one of my favorite champs. His armor of the 5th age skin makes laning FABULOUS

I build him with attack speed as it synergizes with your ult and heal cooldown. He isn't a great tank at all as there's no real reason to focus you besides your stun. Getting starks fervor and phantom dancer makes you a beast at towers, you can just go around tanking them at full health pretty quickly.

If you want to be as tanky as can be I would go all auras (aegis, soul shroud, will of the ancients).


I've been pretty successful as Taric however I prefer being support/tank than support/dps.
His Ult without building dps is already great enough to take down a tower and even more so with just another hero. I'd rather be more useful to the team providing more heals and auras with soul shroud, aegis and if I want more attack speed for me and the rest of the team then of course starks.

Also instead of phantom dancer for an attack speed build, I'd rather go stinger>nashor's tooth because it also complements him very well. AP for greater heals and damage, cooldown reduction for more casting as well as provide faster attack speed.
caromelo said:
Also instead of phantom dancer for an attack speed build, I'd rather go stinger>nashor's tooth because it also complements him very well. AP for greater heals and damage, cooldown reduction for more casting as well as provide faster attack speed.

You get phantom dancer for the movement speed, dodge, and crit strike which is a damage increase that will restore more mana.


No lie, every time I play Ashe, I almost fall asleep during the first 10 minute or so. Such a boring hero.

I've been on a losing streak lately. Every game I have teammates feeding the crap outta Xin resulting on him owning us throughout the game. Seriously considering just doing premade games b/c bad teammates is too much to deal with. >:[


BloodElfHunter said:
So when does the weekly rotation finally change?
I think it is random, usually Monday-Wednesday.

Macattk15 said:
When is that Vladimir guy coming out, I wanna try him out, I think he'll be fun to play.
Patches are usually every second or third Tuesday, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him tomorrow.


So sad. My best game ever with Akali and we still end up losing. I don't know how its possible to go 30/4 in a defeat but hey, thats LoL for you. ;(



I had a 100 minute match way back when, my team ended up winning because me and one other player on my team stayed while all 8 others left. It was absurd. We lost all perimeter towers in like 20 minutes but just played D til the other team quit. It was like the first weekend they included bonuses for lengthy defenses.


BloodElfHunter said:
I'm loving Zil. So much fun putting double bombs on someone and watching them run away in horror only to blow up off screen. :lol
Even more fun when you get ignite too. And good timing on his ult during teamfights is so effective.

IcedTea said:
Though I do find you can rack up the kills with Morg if you want to. She farms very well. You can pick up a Rod of Ages at around 14 mins if the game is going good, then get a Mejais a few minutes later and really go crazy. She's probably not the type you'll be picking up 20+ kills with, but I've had a few 10-2-20 type games.
Now with proof:



Notes for the latest patch:
Udyr said:
PVP.net 1.15.10

* Fixed a bug where Champion Select music would turn back on sometimes even when it was muted
* Fixed a bug where ratings were not appearing in buddy tooltips correctly for high rated players
* Fixed a freeze that would happen sometimes when buddies logged on or off
* Fixed a freeze that would happen sometimes when choosing a Champion.
* Fixed a bug where Champion Selection leavers were always identified as "Summoner 1"
* Fixed a bug with rune page tooltips in the Summoner screen where they were not always showing all of the stats

League of Legends v1.0.0.97

Vladimir, The Crimson Reaper

* Transfusion: Vladimir drains the lifeforce of his target, dealing magic damage and healing himself for 25% of that amount.
* Sanguine Pool: Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2.5 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him. Vladmir deals magic damage to targets above him and heals himself for 15% of that amount.
* Tides of Blood: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, damaging surrounding enemies. Additionally, multiple Tides of Blood in a short period of time cause them to cost additional health and deal additional damage, and increases his healing and regeneration by 8%.
* (Ultimate) Hemoplague: Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague that increases the damage they take for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, infected enemies take magic damage.
* (Passive) Crimson Pact: Bonus health gives Vladimir bonus ability power, and every bonus ability power gives Vladimir bonus health (does not stack with itself).


* Focus (passive) will now display a buff showing how much extra crit chance Ashe has


* Fixed a bug with Rocket Grab that allowed instant cast teleport spells to teleport people out of a grab after it had already hit and they were in the process of being pulled.


* Fixed a discrepancy in Essence Flux's level-up tooltip that incorrectly mentioned a heal


* Garen can now cast all of his spells while using Judgment instead of just Courage.
* Slightly increased the range of Judgment


* CH1 Concussion Grenade ability power ratio reduced to .55 from .7
* CH1 Concussion Grenade range reduced to 925 from 1000
* Fixed a bug with H28G Evolutionary Turret in which level 2 and level 3 turrets were dealing full damage to towers.


* Bouncing Blades cooldown increased to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 from 8 at all ranks
* Voracity (Passive) gold gain on kills and assists reduced to 25 from 50


* Righteous Fury tooltip adjusted to indicate the buff duration and attack range increase
* Divine Blessing
o Movement speed bonus reduced to a flat 12% from 10/12/14/16/18%
o Mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80from 50/55/60/65/70
o Ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6


* Base attack range increased to 500 from 450.
* Caustic Spittle range increased to 625 from 600.
* Bio Arcane Barrage bonus range reduced to 130/160/190/220/250 from 140/180/220/260/300


* Fixed a bug with Children of the Grave where it was granting permanent ability power and damage in some circumstances


* Deceive cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.5
* Hallucinate’s clone will now take 150% increased damage at all ranks instead of 200/165/135%. The tooltip inaccurately stated that Shaco's clone would take 135% increased damage at all ranks.


* Fixed a bug with Shadow Dash where it would play the Taunt sound when dashing over Null Zone

Twisted Fate

* Fixed a bug where using Pick a Card versus inhibitors would cause the queued up effect to play the sound and particle during each attack

Xin Zhao

* Base attack speed reduced to .658 from .679. This will also lower his attack speed gain from items and abilities by a similar percentage
* Attack speed per level reduced to 2.6% from 2.8%
* Audacious Charge
o Area of effect radius reduced to 225 from 350
o Slow percentage reduced to 20/25/30/35/40% from 40% at all levels
o Slow duration reduced to 1.7 seconds from 2 seconds
o Fixed a bug where Xin Zhao could appear to slow down during his charge if he attempted to move too much
* Crescent Sweep base damage lowered to 125/250/375 from 150/275/400
* Crescent Sweep percentage of current health damage lowered to 20% from 25% at all levels


* Chronoshift's buff icon will now display a timer for when the buff will fade.


* Guardian Angel will now display a timer showing how long until the effect is ready again
* Zhonya's Ring no longer removes stealth upon activation
* Wriggles Lantern no longer removes stealth when used
* Executioner's Calling will no longer remove stealth when used
* Fixed a bug with Trinity Force that was causing the proc on spell cast to do less damage than intended.
* Fixed a bug with Randuin's Omen where the activation effect was not unique
* Fixed a bug where Ignite could be cast while in stasis from Zhonya's Ring

Summoner Spells

* Exhaust, Teleport, Flash, Heal, Clarity, Rally, Ignite, and Smite now remove stealth when used
* Cleanse, Fortify, Clairvoyance, Ghost, and Revive can be used without breaking stealth


* Added new targeting reticules for skill shots. These can be turned off in the options menu.
* Global turret experience on Summoner's Rift (Summer/Winter) decreased to 60/100/140 from 140/190/240
* Global turret experience on Twisted Treeline decreased to 60/100 from 140/190
* Mouse wheel scrolling on the minimap is now disabled by default
* Fixed a bug where Champions would move through walls when taking certain paths
* Fixed a bug with Death Recap where it was not displaying damage from abilities like Jack in the Box or H28G Evolution Turrets
* Fixed a bug where the Scoreboard was not properly updating enemy items when they came into visibility
* Fixed a bug where destroyed Inhibitors would display a debug string when pinged

I'm not passing judgment yet on Vlad until i've seen him in game for a little bit. Although Riot made Xin quite OP, I remember thinking Kog-Maw looking very strong in the spotlights but that's definitely not the case now (maybe his buffs might help him out).

Not happy with the nerfs to Kayle since he's one of my mains however didn't think he needed one but luckily its not too game altering.

Also wondering if the further nerfs to Heimerdinger means we'll see him more in ranked games. I personally still think he's still banworthy at least in solo queue games just because of his unmatched pushing power with his turrets.


Kayle is a chick!

Heimer and Xin nerf are welcome I guess. I like the Kog'Maw buff, he hasn't been used much since he was released, it'd be nice to even him out a bit.

Nasus yet again remains untouched. Most perfectly created champ in history.


Wow, I can't believe they nerfed Heim again. I hope that is the last of it or else he'll be completely useless.

And poor Kat :(


eznark said:
Kayle is a chick!

Heimer and Xin nerf are welcome I guess. I like the Kog'Maw buff, he hasn't been used much since he was released, it'd be nice to even him out a bit.

Nasus yet again remains untouched. Most perfectly created champ in history.

Lol yes I know Kayle is a chick, call it a silly mistake.

Also, yes Nasus is quite awesome, I don't play him myself but he is damn helpful. Being untouched however doesn't mean a perfect champ...I submit my beloved Malphite as an example. Still salty about no changes or buffs at all to his moveset and stats.
Kyoufu said:
So sad. My best game ever with Akali and we still end up losing. I don't know how its possible to go 30/4 in a defeat but hey, thats LoL for you. ;(


You had no tank...team with a tank always wins against a team with no tank


clearacell said:
You had no tank...team with a tank always wins against a team with a tank

Generally speaking, this is true. However a team with no tank can win only if that team pushes really well and ends it quickly. Eventually though, in team fights there is no chance that Akali's team had a shot of winning.


Argh, Kat nerf! But I'm not really good enough yet to really complain much either. I need to be trying out new characters too, I kind of get too steeped in, at the moment.


Fuck yes at that Garen buff. I can pop a silence and my execute after.

I just bought Xin Zhao and I ain't even mad at those nerfs. With another AoE ultimate, team fights will still be amazing.


sohois said:
Did no one else notice the huge buff that Eve, Twitch & Shaco got?

I mean, how awesome is that gonna be?

While this is indeed awesome, the changes to Ignite and Exhaust breaking stealth is pretty bad for these guys, ESPECIALLY Shaco. He used to be able to exhaust, ignite while stealth AND THEN crit which finally breaks stealth. Just like that, his early game ganking capabilities has been lowered pretty dramatically imo.


eznark said:
Because of all the increased uses of stealth?

no it was just a joke; being able to use revive while stealthed is completely pointless because you can only use revive while dead.


First time playing against Kog'maw last night. God he's annoying.

I hope the nerf to him was for his super long range move. I had to dodge like 50 of them!


Door2Dawn said:
Hmmm I wonder why they didn't touch three talon strike. I always thought that was the reason why he was so overpowered.

It was mainly his ult that chewed a chunk of health turn a lot of fights into his favor and the AoE snare with a 40% movement speed reduction at rank one was pretty much bullshit too.


caromelo said:
While this is indeed awesome, the changes to Ignite and Exhaust breaking stealth is pretty bad for these guys, ESPECIALLY Shaco. He used to be able to exhaust, ignite while stealth AND THEN crit which finally breaks stealth. Just like that, his early game ganking capabilities has been lowered pretty dramatically imo.

Why would you want to open with an ignite? I see this as having almost no effect on them except that sloppy players will miss out on a little bit of crit damage if they pop a spell early.
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