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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Dance In My Blood said:
Boots start is best, early Philo Stone is better for farm than an early Avarice. Building your entire Trinity Force early game is pretty pointless. You will hit for nothing unless you crit, and you probably won't crit. Build Sheen second and build an Infinity Edge afterwards.

This is what you want: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=556

Thank you so much for this.

Unrelated, but I was having some nostalgia while going through my PAX swag bags from previous years and found my Twisted Fate 09. It's funny how two years later I've gotten into the game.


dragonlife said:
It does. It's nice playing with friends that are new, too. I personally like playing bot games, so feel free to add dragonlife29 if you wanna practice/have fun with someone who doesn't care if you do poorly, etc.
That I just might. Downloading now.
tonight it's gonna be LLLLLLlegendary!
time to try riven!
i don't want to try new morde and cry some huge tears, so i'll just try to forget he's there :/


So, I need to think on a good Riven build. I don't like the suggestion items that much.

Seems to me the only stat she really cares about is straight up damage and crit. Attack speed is nice, but you only should be auto attacking once between your Qs. Life steal seems okay, but not sure if it's work it since again... not many autos. Cooldown reduction isn't bad, but there aren't many items that seem to mesh well with her.

Also something to be able to catch up to the enemy is nice, but both items (mallet, ghostblade) cause you to stall out a bit.


Corporate Apologist
Ferrio said:
So, I need to think on a good Riven build. I don't like the suggestion items that much.

Seems to me the only stat she really cares about is straight up damage and crit. Attack speed is nice, but you only should be auto attacking once between your Qs. Life steal seems okay, but not sure if it's work it since again... not many autos. Cooldown reduction isn't bad, but there aren't many items that seem to mesh well with her.

Also something to be able to catch up to the enemy is nice, but both items (mallet, ghostblade) cause you to stall out a bit.

Well, there is Shurelya's Reverie, which has the active effect of a 40% speed boost for 3 seconds every 60 seconds. The mana regen is useless on Riven, but the other parts are still pretty good (30 HP/5, 15% CCR, 330 Health), it costs 2200 though. You are more or less paying 925 Gold for the 30 HP/5 and the active ability, which may not be worth it.

My math is the Kindle Gem is 850, has 200 HP plus 10% CCR, so that times 1.5 is 1275, which covers the price for just the HP and CCR, then subtract it from the total.

The Brutalizer also feels like it would be a good item, maybe get that and build it into a Ghost Blade only if the game goes on long?

Personally, I don't know if building crit stuff is the best course. None of her abilities can get critical hits, her passive doesn't double with critical hits, and you even said she doesn't auto attack much. Maybe focus on just AD, Cooldown Reduction, and Survivability, and some more utility?
Well last night I played this one for the first time. Played 2 matches co-op vs AI.
It was really fun although I didn't really know much of what to do. A few questions for the LoL gurus:

1. Should I constantly use my specials on enemy heroes (sometimes mobs) or preserve mana?
I find that I fall back in levels if I go back to the base to recover often...

2. How do I get more heroes?

3. There are skill trees that I noticed while fooling around in the launcher and I have like 2 points (looks there are a lot more to be had) so how do I spend them? Are they hero specific or just global? (for all heroes)

4. Should I go for recommended items or can I just buy whatever items I have money for?

and any random tips you can think of please drop me a line :)
Thank you for your time!
Melhisedek said:
Well last night I played this one for the first time. Played 2 matches co-op vs AI.
It was really fun although I didn't really know much of what to do. A few questions for the LoL gurus:

1. Should I constantly use my specials on enemy heroes (sometimes mobs) or preserve mana?
I find that I fall back in levels if I go back to the base to recover often...

Nope. Mana management. Do you constantly use EX/Super/Ultra whatever moves in other games? Nope, you save 'em until it counts.

2. How do I get more heroes?

In game currency you earn or real money.

3. There are skill trees that I noticed while fooling around in the launcher and I have like 2 points (looks there are a lot more to be had) so how do I spend them? Are they hero specific or just global? (for all heroes)

At this point, it doesn't matter. Riot lets you make 10 pages for Masteries, so you can eventually configure it for specific champions.

4. Should I go for recommended items or can I just buy whatever items I have money for?

Look for guides on SoloMid.
and any random tips you can think of please drop me a line :)
Thank you for your time!

Join the NeoGAF chat channel. There are lots of new people playing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Went back to try Kayle because of her new skin, forgot how much I dislike her rework. 23% movespeed buff for 2.5 seconds on her W at max rank? Really?


Dance In My Blood said:
Went back to try Kayle because of her new skin, forgot how much I dislike her rework. 23% movespeed buff for 2.5 seconds on her W at max rank? Really?

i'm confused so do you think thats OP or UP


24 minute que, and still counting just to get into a game. Whatever Riot did, they did it wrong.

Can't wait for the day I will have a 30 minute que to log in, then a 30 minute que for a game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ferga said:
i'm confused so do you think thats OP or UP
It's pretty useless and ignores the basics of Kayle's original design. She is slow as shit, her old buff was lower but lasted longer to give her a decent movespeed overall. Now she just kind of plods along and moves a little bit faster for such an insignificant amount of time.
Mr. B Natural said:
they buffed singed?
they buffed singed?! 25% more range on his game winning fling!? And really, what he needed was more range on his autoattack because he's just horrible at farming, right riot?

Ha? Cool! Singed is my main... I look forward to killing even MORE people now ;)

I expected a nerf TBH since IMHO Singed is one of the most OP heroes around (especially end game).


I think Nunuu is my new main dude >.< he rocks beginning middle and end, does some nice dmg, nice snare, nice ult, nice friendly buff, jungling....


NemesisPrime said:
Ha? Cool! Singed is my main... I look forward to killing even MORE people now ;)

I expected a nerf TBH since IMHO Singed is one of the most OP heroes around (especially end game).



Keiician said:
Uh, EU West is still down, and the maintenance started 12,5h ago.

It's up now, but League is feeling pretty broken. Keep getting booted out by the server. Can't remember the exact error.

Edit: Client version 1.42.34 is rejected by server. Good going Riot.


IsayFever said:
All their turrets are belong to me.
I take it back, I -do- see Kayle around sometimes. And you had to go get the most kills to spite my Kayle bad-mouthing!

I assume you won that game despite some crazy person dying 12 times as Jarvan?


Uchip said:
annie is a dps carry? new to me
No, Annie is the faceroll character. Actually, it's not even a close comparison.
Silhouette is OP in HoN right now but she takes skill to utilize well. Annie takes no skill at all. The skill to reward ratio on her is dangerously low.

Also, does anyone know if Riot has their design team or balance team handle reworks?


Nome said:
No, Annie is the faceroll character. Actually, it's not even a close comparison.
Silhouette is OP in HoN right now but she takes skill to utilize well. Annie takes no skill at all. The skill to reward ratio on her is dangerously low.

Also, does anyone know if Riot has their design team or balance team handle reworks?
Don't know the answer to the last question.

Annie requires a low skill level to be effective I'll give you that. But Garen is THE faceroll character. Annie isn't that retarded right now because she's a very average laner. The gods of mid and top just eat her alive.


Boken said:
Don't know the answer to the last question.

Annie requires a low skill level to be effective I'll give you that. But Garen is THE faceroll character. Annie isn't that retarded right now because she's a very average laner. The gods of mid and top just eat her alive.

you still lose to brand and orianna with their nerfs mid now?


Nome said:
No, Annie is the faceroll character. Actually, it's not even a close comparison.
Silhouette is OP in HoN right now but she takes skill to utilize well. Annie takes no skill at all. The skill to reward ratio on her is dangerously low.

Also, does anyone know if Riot has their design team or balance team handle reworks?
I hate when people say something like this about Annie or Garen, since I'm a level 30 pro, and when I've tried Annie and Garen before, I was terrible in both regards.

I suppose when someone said the good people mid eat Annie alive, they mean after they survive the burst damage, the stun (1-2 seconds?), and presumably don't get ganked, they have enough abilities and damage left to kill Annie? Because otherwise I'm not sure what to do against an Annie that keeps all spells ready with a stun 100% of the time and just last-hits minions. If you walk within range and don't have a spell shield you will take all of her damage, every time, leaving you with 20-25% HP if not less. Is the answer to try to get a banshee's veil at level 6 or something? =P Or to make sure you get mercury's treads whenever against Annie so you take less burst damage?


Boken said:
Don't know the answer to the last question.

Annie requires a low skill level to be effective I'll give you that. But Garen is THE faceroll character. Annie isn't that retarded right now because she's a very average laner. The gods of mid and top just eat her alive.


The thing is in a game like this there are multiple types of skill required. In terms of strict execution required to get off her skills and do maximum damage, annie requires some of the least skill in the game, that is true. On the other hand she is one of the squishiest characters in the game, doesn't have great range as far as the squishy casters go, which means she requires a whole different set of skills to play effectively IMO.

Careful movement and positioning and map awareness are just as much 'skills' as being able to properly hit your skills imo. You can be a master at hitting skill shots and still get caught out of position. Against some of the longer range mids, it takes a lot of skill to play annie effectively.

Champs like garen are very forgiving in both aspects of skill, they can get away with sloppy positioning and they aren't skill shot reliant.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nome said:
Also, does anyone know if Riot has their design team or balance team handle reworks?
Most of the time the reworks are handled by someone else. Shurelia has been doing a lot of the more recent reworks, and I'm pretty sure the only champions she's designed were Lux and Pantheon.


Blizzard said:
I take it back, I -do- see Kayle around sometimes. And you had to go get the most kills to spite my Kayle bad-mouthing!

I assume you won that game despite some crazy person dying 12 times as Jarvan?

On the wings of justice. Once I got PD it was over for them. Capable of clearing turrets in 2 seconds flat. Aced them and 1 push ended the game. Malz insta left cause he was shit talking ALL game and was clearly mad.


Try my secret AD build for Riven. Youmoo's Ghostblade AND Brutalizer, the armour pen stacks giving you about 70 which will take them to 0 even in mid/late, plus 25% CDR from pure offence. Sure it's not optimal if the game goes 50min and you want to fill that 6th slot with something different but the vast majority of games are decided by then if not finished.


Fjord said:
Try my secret AD build for Riven. Youmoo's Ghostblade AND Brutalizer, the armour pen stacks giving you about 70 which will take them to 0 even in mid/late, plus 25% CDR from pure offence. Sure it's not optimal if the game goes 50min and you want to fill that 6th slot with something different but the vast majority of games are decided by then if not finished.

Hrm that's actually a pretty good idea. Hrm. Though passing up on the IE.... hrmm.


One of these days I need to find all the equations that are involved with doing damage. I do not understand these maths.

If someone has say, 50 armor at some level, and I hit them with an ability that's supposed to do 700 + 200 damage with 0% armor penetration, how much damage do they actually take? What if I have 40% armor penetration due to last whisper?


armor tells you how much damage it reduces, just take your damage and calculate it based on the % specified. if you have armor pen, just ignore either flats amount of armor, or take away % based armor. it's not that complicated.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blizzard said:
One of these days I need to find all the equations that are involved with doing damage. I do not understand these maths.

If someone has say, 50 armor at some level, and I hit them with an ability that's supposed to do 700 + 200 damage with 0% armor penetration, how much damage do they actually take? What if I have 40% armor penetration due to last whisper?

Doesn't really matter. League is so spammy you're not going to completely fuck up a gank if your calculations are off.



I really wish they could do something about filtering out bad players..

I'm trying to learn shaco and this last game, my bot lane gives up 10 kills within about 12 min, feeding their MF and after I "SECURE" a kill from a top gank, our top solo gets pissed that I "ks" and AFKed for the rest of the game.

I swear to god...


Halycon said:

Doesn't really matter. League is so spammy you're not going to completely fuck up a gank if your calculations are off.

Thanks for the link. I guess what I meant was, if I have an ability that says it's going to do 900 damage, I want to get a feel for whether it's really going to do 900 damage, or just 300 damage, or what. If I'm understanding correctly then, for some typical person midgame with 50-70 armor, if Caitlyn has 40-50% armor penetration, I can expect the ult to do 600-700 damage, which is say, 20%-40% of some random champion's HP.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blizzard said:
Thanks for the link. I guess what I meant was, if I have an ability that says it's going to do 900 damage, I want to get a feel for whether it's really going to do 900 damage, or just 300 damage, or what. If I'm understanding correctly then, for some typical person midgame with 50-70 armor, if Caitlyn has 40-50% armor penetration, I can expect the ult to do 600-700 damage, which is say, 20%-40% of some random champion's HP.
As I said, there are not many situations in LoL which requires finely tuned calculations. This is exacerbated by the abundance of Armor and MR items. I believe Riot doesn't actually want you to be aware of precisely how much damage you're going to do, or how much damage someone is going to do to you. This is to lighten the burden of information on the player.

Does it suck hitting someone with a Cait/Karth/Lux ult and seeing them walk away with 10 health? Yeah, but it's unavoidable. As you play you'll get a better feel for it, that's the best you can hope for in LoL.

If you absolutely must have numbers, it is perfectly possible to check their armor during or before a fight. You can mouse over their armor values after left clicking on them to see the percentages and do a quick and dirty estimate.


lol riven


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kod1ak said:
I really wish they could do something about filtering out bad players..

I'm trying to learn shaco
and this last game

Anyone else noticing a lower level of play in normal games after the patch? I've won the last 7 games really easily.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Boken said:
MOBAs aren't pokemon. You don't make binary calculations based on hard numbers.
I did back when I played DOTA. For heroes like Pyro or WS it is pretty important to know exactly how much alpha you can do. Or whether your opponent has enough mana to cast spell x. These numbers can make or break a solo gank. Hell, it became second nature to multiply all my nukes by 0.75, because that was the base magic resistance for every hero.

I don't do it as often these days because it's harder to keep track (thanks to Magic Armor items) but I still bust out the mathcraft from time to time. And it's nearly impossible in LoL because of skill scaling.
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