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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Halycon said:
I did back when I played DOTA. For heroes like Pyro or WS it is pretty important to know exactly how much alpha you can do. Or whether your opponent has enough mana to cast spell x. These numbers can make or break a solo gank.

I don't do it as often these days because it's harder to keep track (thanks to Magic Armor items) but I still bust out the mathcraft from time to time as I'm getting ready for a gank.
I understand that the precision isn't really required, I am just trying to get a feel for how much damage I can expect so I don't waste abilities. I guess playing like 50 games with one champion could get me a feel for that, but that's a lot of time!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I suggest keeping track of their armor values then. Particularly those of high priority champs like squishies and supports.


A friend of mine just started playing and is hounding me about what champ is the best at what. I told him that, while stinkers exist, I find the game to be remarkably well balanced. You could ask a hundred guys what their dream team consists of and you will get 100 different answers.

So, Gaf, what is your LoL dream team? Lets say you are playing a blind pick Summoner's Rift game. Every player is of equal skill with every type of champ. Bonus points for even describing lane positions.

I'm only level 20 and there are tournament staples that I've never even seen (Udyr, for example) so my opinion is essentially worthless. But so far with what I see in my average games, this is what I'd go with:

Solo top: Akali
Solo mid: Annie
Jungler: Nocturne
Bot: Soraka and Galio.

I know in ranked, Amumu is pretty much insta-banned which at least insinuates he would be the best tank but I just like Galio better. Everybody seems to love Amumus ult but I just find Galios to be a more effective initiator, although he pretty much needs to burn flash for it. He also provides superior harass during the lane phase. My team is on the squishy side and lacks in some CC but it certainly isn't lacking in the burst department.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Boken said:
Well if it helps you Haly, with Mpen runes and 15% MPen, thats a 20% damage reduction by most champions.
I don't bother with LoL. As I said, super spammy.

Dream team:
Top: 2 Annies
Mid: Annie
Bot: 2 Annies



Halycon said:
I don't bother with LoL. As I said, super spammy.
It's still worthless when an Annie burns her ult, flash and ignite because she thought it'd kill the guy.

Dream Team:
Orianna x 5.


Orianna x 4 and Jungle Amumu.

Neki know's where it's at.
Ultimoo said:
gets outlaned by 5 oriannas? gg.
Gets outlaned by errrything!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Crappy players are crappy.

Although I've done that a few times myself so I'm in no position to talk.
gets outlaned by 5 oriannas? gg.
Only if they are really good. Annie = ezmode.

(I have no idea how the nerfs affected Ori)

Anyway didn't Stonewall do a Jungle Ori video?
Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhs4iWNWH1A
5:40 is pretty much unviable but it's Ori so that's okay.


Halycon said:
Crappy players are crappy.

Although I've done that a few times myself so I'm in no position to talk.

Only if they are really good. Annie = ezmode.

press q, press r, press w = win?


Yeah, outlaning a champion like Annie with her very average range is pretty easy.

Serious answer:

Winning your lane can and will win you games. With that in mind, these are in my opinion, the strongest champions in the respective lanes:



Taric with Caitlyn
Taric with Vayne
Janna with Ashe
Janna with Caitlyn
Soraka with Ashe
Soraka with Corki
Soraka with Tristana

Lee Sin

I think any combination of the above makes pretty strong teams themselves.


Darnit, I was just going to say 4 Riven's and a jungle Nocturne but you jokers joked the joke before me.

I dunno, maybe Malphite/Singed, Lux, Riven, Annie, Vayne, Caitlyn, and Gangplank. Or some combination of those depending on whether Riven is AD. I don't remember.

Boken said:
Yeah, outlaning a champion like Annie with her very average range is pretty easy.
As I asked earlier (and didn't see an answer yet), the problem with Annie is that if you ever get in her range, you take all 3 of her spells, which hopefully leaves you at 20-30% health and hoping you don't get ganked as you try to chase after the stun wears off, through Tibbers. Is the key to build magic resist and those magical shoes?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Riven feels like Talon. Has potential but it'll take someone like Scarra to show what she can really do.


Please Riot, change Riven's Q to target your cursor *always*. Having the targetting mode change whether your hovered over and enemy or not is awwwkward.


Ferrio said:
Please Riot, change Riven's Q to target your cursor *always*. Having the targetting mode change whether your hovered over and enemy or not is awwwkward.
I'm assuming even with smartcast it acts the same way?


Blizzard said:
Darnit, I was just going to say 4 Riven's and a jungle Nocturne but you jokers joked the joke before me.

I dunno, maybe Malphite/Singed, Lux, Riven, Annie, Vayne, Caitlyn, and Gangplank. Or some combination of those depending on whether Riven is AD. I don't remember.

As I asked earlier (and didn't see an answer yet), the problem with Annie is that if you ever get in her range, you take all 3 of her spells, which hopefully leaves you at 20-30% health and hoping you don't get ganked as you try to chase after the stun wears off, through Tibbers. Is the key to build magic resist and those magical shoes?

use orianna and just shield yourself, and outharass her out of lane.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Stay back and farm. Annie without ganks is a waste.


Blizzard said:
I'm assuming even with smartcast it acts the same way?

Technically it's already a smartcast ability (there's no targetting). It's just lame that the way she targets with it changes if your hovered or not. Which means you can go flying in the other direction if you accidently stop hovering over someone. Why they didn't make it follow your cursor all the time is beyond me. Maybe they though ti added difficulty, to me it just adds a cumbersome mechanic.


Has there been any talk about doing something with Twitch or Eve? Both characters are basically troll picks at the moment.


Blizzard said:
As I asked earlier (and didn't see an answer yet), the problem with Annie is that if you ever get in her range, you take all 3 of her spells, which hopefully leaves you at 20-30% health and hoping you don't get ganked as you try to chase after the stun wears off, through Tibbers. Is the key to build magic resist and those magical shoes?

Never get in her range. The current mid champion leaders all have tremendous range that they can use to punish Annie very hard for trying to last hit. If you have a range advantage over Annie, you can easily be the one who is aggressive and deny her gold and hence items/levels.

If you have a weaker mid champ with average range, just focus on farming and avoiding the flash+stun. Since Annie is just about her burst, the best way to counter buy her is through HP (through dorans items or ruby crystal->catalyst) and/or MR (i.e. negatron cloak or null magic mantle. Only buy these if you are going to build something out of it eventually).

Farm is pretty valuable. Don't get too worked up over dying. If an Annie kills you two times, but you're ahead of her in farm by 35+ CS, you're probably ahead.


Halycon said:
Stay back and farm. Annie without ganks is a waste.
Thanks, this is what I was doing before, but both times I got in range I got killed. I did outfarm her and won in the end, and then she was like WUT I'M LEVEL 10 I OWNED YOU TWICE YOU SUCK. I felt terrible and was depressed then. :(

And man, with flash + stun, that gives Annie more range than say, Caitlyn's Q or most anyone's other attacks.

Wren said:
Has there been any talk about doing something with Twitch or Eve? Both characters are basically troll picks at the moment.
I feel like Twitch is far better than Eve since he actually does Teemo-like damage when he appears, and it's enough to make teams worry about where he is.

There is supposedly some stealth mechanic rework, however, so I guess in a few months they might become better.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Boken said:
I think any combination of the above makes pretty strong teams themselves.
No Zilean.
No Kog.
No Annie.
No Alistar.
No Jax.
No Fiddle.
No Gangplank.

What am I even reading here?


Boken said:
Yeah, outlaning a champion like Annie with her very average range is pretty easy.

Serious answer:

Winning your lane can and will win you games. With that in mind, these are in my opinion, the strongest champions in the respective lanes:



Taric with Caitlyn
Taric with Vayne
Janna with Ashe
Janna with Caitlyn
Soraka with Ashe
Soraka with Corki
Soraka with Tristana

Lee Sin

I think any combination of the above makes pretty strong teams themselves.

I actually prefer alistar support to either taric or soraka. Well haven't played around enough with the new taric to judge that, but alistar was better than old taric..

I also prefer a good jungle fiddle to most other junglers, because fiddle doesn't really have to build jungle items, and he can gank at any level.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blizzard said:
Thanks, this is what I was doing before, but both times I got in range I got killed. I did outfarm her and won in the end, and then she was like WUT I'M LEVEL 10 I OWNED YOU TWICE YOU SUCK. I felt terrible and was depressed then. :(
Your other option it to make her go back to base before 6. This is possible with certain characters such as Ori or Brand, who can outrange/harass her or go toe to toe with her nukes.


Trying to catch up to Riven is annoying. The dash plus the forward movement of her is pretty hard to catch up to.

I've only played one game as her but went 11-5 .... I had a good team however behind me.

Anyone fiddle around with new Taric yet?


Noooo!!! The Crimson Elite Riven skin is in the more expensive bundle T__T

I don't mind that Riot charges so much for champions & skins, but at least allow us to buy RP packs that actually give us enough RP to buy a damned champion or skin.


Oh yeah, I forgot how good Alistar is at support bot and that Jax is still one of the good tops.

Alistar + Cait or Vayne is very strong too.

I like Fiddle and all, and he's a great jungler but he can't gank very easily before 6. You use fear just to get into a decent enough range to drain. I made that list for his new to LoL buddy and I don't think Fiddle ganks are very strong in the hands of an inexperienced player compared to say, Udyr or Nocturne.

It's true that Fiddle doesnt have to build jungle items, but Wriggles is such a good item for most junglers anyway (see how top lanes or carries sometimes get Wriggles. Nerf that thing already Riot). This isn't so much a positive because Wriggles speeds up jungling by a huge amount and eventually, Fiddle's jungling becomes quite slow and players have to make guaranteed ganks to offset this.

Dance In My Blood said:
No Zilean.
No Kog.
No Annie.
No Alistar.
No Jax.
No Fiddle.
No Gangplank.

What am I even reading here?
I don't get it. I wasn't trying to make a list of all the best champions. Just champions really good at their lane.

Kog has a very weak laning phase. Zilean and Annie lose to the strong mids. Jax, Fiddle and GP are pretty good though I'll give you that.

@Neki, because he's a weak laner.


I was sad that Riven's redeemed skin looks alot worse in game than the art. The art looks awesome compared to her default... the actual skin... not so much.

Also I was a little disappointed that she only has one joke/taunt. Then I found out they change if your Ult is active.


Dance In My Blood said:
No Zilean.
No Kog.
No Annie.
No Alistar.
No Jax.
No Fiddle.
No Gangplank.

What am I even reading here?

those really aren't popular picks in the competitive meta-game besides gangplank and alistar. kog is kinda good too though. not sure why boken didn't include those three though.
Advice from VeteranLoL-GAF:

As Cait I often win my lane, whether it's top, mid, or bot. I am usually the first to get a tower on either team, or I'm close to it. By the time I get tower, I have Greaves, BF, and Zeal. I join other lanes, and take their towers.

So now their 3 Outer towers are gone.

I often find myself, and the team, lost. We've gained a massive gold/xp advantage and I have no idea how to make use of it. Ball up and push?

Also, it's really disheartening to repeatedly take lanes and win them, only to end up losing.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Advice from VeteranLoL-GAF:

As Cait I often win my lane, whether it's top, mid, or bot. I am usually the first to get a tower on either team, or I'm close to it. By the time I get tower, I have Greaves, BF, and Zeal. I join other lanes, and take their towers.

So now their 3 Outer towers are gone.

I often find myself, and the team, lost. We've gained a massive gold/xp advantage and I have no idea how to make use of it. Ball up and push?

Also, it's really disheartening to repeatedly take lanes and win them, only to end up losing.

if you can out-carry them, farm hard.

if you can't out-carry them, push hard.

farm hard, carry harder.


Is solo-top solo-mid and a pair on bottom + a jungler just the generally accepted way of things when it comes to lane assignments? Is there a reason that you have 2 people on bottom instead of in any other lane?

Are there any good guides out that one could read that would explain reasoning behind such concepts? All I can ever find is guides for specific champions that assume I know more than I do. I'm really just looking for a guide that is like "Stuff you should know/understand before becoming even mildly competitive in LoL".


ultron87 said:
Is solo-top solo-mid and a pair on bottom + a jungler just the generally accepted way of things when it comes to lane assignments? Is there a reason that you have 2 people on bottom instead of in any other lane?

Are there any good guides out that one could read that would explain reasoning behind such concepts? All I can ever find is guides for specific champions that assume I know more than I do. I'm really just looking for a guide that is like "Stuff you should know/understand before becoming even mildly competitive in LoL".

two on bottom is to control dragon.
ultron87 said:
Is solo-top solo-mid and a pair on bottom + a jungler just the generally accepted way of things when it comes to lane assignments? Is there a reason that you have 2 people on bottom instead of in any other lane?

Are there any good guides out that one could read that would explain reasoning behind such concepts? All I can ever find is guides for specific champions that assume I know more than I do. I'm really just looking for a guide that is like "Stuff you should know/understand before becoming even mildly competitive in LoL".

Dragon control on bot. With two people bot you can occasionally rush Dragon, and if you are on the top half, control Blue, too.

A jungler is there for ganks and to make use of the jungle gold/xp


ultron87 said:
Is solo-top solo-mid and a pair on bottom + a jungler just the generally accepted way of things when it comes to lane assignments? Is there a reason that you have 2 people on bottom instead of in any other lane?
Junglers increase the experience your team obtains while making use of the jungle buffs early game. Most of the time this is too valuable to forgo.

And then two bot is because Dragon is more valuable early game (compared to Baron) so you want more people near it to readily contest it.

Ultimoo said:
farm hard, carry harder.

SouthernDragon, it just sounds as though your team either sucks at team fights, or your team allowed the other team to come back.

Either way, if youre so massively ahead, take advantage of it. Don't allow the other team to climb back by ganking you, or farm easier because 2nd towers are harder to gank. Take advantage of your increased map control and gold/exp lead. Take dragon, take their blue and red, ward their jungle and PUSH (as a team).


Played a hilarious game last night with 4 friends.

Sion (me).

It had to be so frustrating for the other team. We'd gank and stunlock people all day long. Game took a while but we easily won.

I also went AD Sion due to how heavily AP-sided we would of been. Late game I was wrecking people with like 4k health and 350 AD, but early game was quite boring and useless feeling besides my stun. Ended 10-4 I believe.

Sion didn't feel much different besides having a larger mana pool and a slightly (but still slow) base attack speed.



Gaffers gonna gaf.


IsayFever said:
Gaffers gonna gaf.
Stop bragging and invite me more!

Bindww has some weird flaming sword thing. You never see anyone buy a flaming sword like that!

Mothman played a tanky Olaf in a game last night. It worked quite well!


Blizzard said:
Stop bragging and invite me more!

Bindww has some weird flaming sword thing. You never see anyone buy a flaming sword like that!

Mothman played a tanky Olaf in a game last night. It worked quite well!

I invite you all the time ;p You're just not on!

edit - Rageblade is like Kayle's bread and butter


Enjoying Talon's burst deepz, but he's far too squishy for my liking.

Will get around to buying the Riven bundle tomorrow probably. Will definitely try out Kayle soon too :)


Ark said:
Enjoying Talon's burst deepz, but he's far too squishy for my liking.

Will get around to buying the Riven bundle tomorrow probably. Will definitely try out Kayle soon too :)
Yeah, I want to try Kayle since that claim of 2-second tower times. Even a max Sivir build is supposed to take like 5 seconds to kill a tower.

I'm curious if it's possible to put defense items on Talon and make him a tanky dps (tm).
2 seconds is a bit of hyperbole.

She's still extremely capable in the right hands, but she's also heavily item dependent. Once she's fed, though, she's much scarier than other fed champs. Fed Kayle can take 2-3 people on simultaenously thanks to her AoE, heal, and ult.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I kind of think Kayle is too squishy for Rageblade after her rework. Nashor's Tooth is core and Malady is a cheaper item that fills a similar role that plays better off her passive.


Dance In My Blood said:
I kind of think Kayle is too squishy for Rageblade after her rework. Nashor's Tooth is core and Malady is a cheaper item that fills a similar role that plays better off her passive.

Eh I dunno. I play glass cannon style on her, and just use the W as an escape mechanism. The stacks you get from rageblade makes her Q so powerful I just can't overlook it. Like in that game there my Q was hitting Riven and LeBlanc for nearly 70% of their life, and I just had to burst down from there with E.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
IsayFever said:
Eh I dunno. I play glass cannon style on her, and just use the W as an escape mechanism. The stacks you get from rageblade makes her Q so powerful I just can't overlook it. Like in that game there my Q was hitting Riven and LeBlanc for nearly 70% of their life, and I just had to burst down from there with E.
I could blow on Riven or LeBlanc and take nearly 70% of their health bar.

Rageblade is going to take eight stacks to give you a benefit of 48 AP. If you are getting up to eight auto-attacks on Kayle before using your slow you are missing out on a lot of damage on your opener, missing your kiting opportunity, and missing out on preventing opponents from running. Malady is going to give your target -24 MR after only four attacks, which will stack on top of your passive. On top of that it is doing 20 damage before we take MR into account every single hit. So for eight hits on Malady instead of slowly building up AP you've already done an extra 160 damage. You also wouldn't need that ridiculous Phantom Dancer in your build to have enough base Attack Speed.


40% cdr, capped attack speed, and rageblade procs off all ability uses anyway. That's enough to slow to initiate, W to catch up, E to ranged, and then burst and slow again.
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