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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I know with 19k farm as Caitlyn, -I- always buy Atma's. Best weapon, yessir.

*edit* 31 kills for Eve? Man she's overpowered! Riot, nerf her quickly plz.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
IsayFever said:
40% cdr, capped attack speed, and rageblade procs off all ability uses anyway. That's enough to slow to initiate, W to catch up, E to ranged, and then burst and slow again.
Alright, still not really seeing the point of Rageblade over Malady though.


Dance In My Blood said:
Alright, still not really seeing the point of Rageblade over Malady though.

You play your way, I play mine. I never said one was better than the other, just that I prefer Rageblade


Went to buy 2800 pts yesterday, purchase went through, no RP. Filed a complaint, got an email today saying I was credited 7200(!) RP for my troubles, still no RP. Riot playing with my heart. All I want is Safari Caitlyn heh.

Was kind of disappointed in the profile bonuses for season one. I thought they'd be something more exciting. I love the Kayle skin though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
IsayFever said:
You play your way, I play mine. I never said one was better than the other, just that I prefer Rageblade
You are making item recommendations to people by saying Rageblade is her bread and butter. It is an illogical item choices with the available builds for Kayle. You shouldn't get Ionian Boots on Kayle because Runes + Nashor's is more than enough CDR, and this frees you up to get Beserker's. You shouldn't get Phantom Dancer on Kayle because crit is worthless on her. You shouldn't build Rageblade on a "glass canon" because it benefits champions the most who are in the fight for an extended period of time. The benefits of Malady become amplified when you realize it benefits your whole team instead of just you like a Rageblade, because at the end of the day Kayle is still support.

You can build a champion however you want, but that doesn't make it a viable way to play just because you can pub stomp awful team comps.


I like Riven but I feel her Q mechanics need to be reworked and the .5 second stun on her W is just not long enough. She is hard to catch up to, especially if she has the +3 Move boots.

Still, I like Talon better. He's definitely not an auto-attacking champion so when I see people going straight for Phantom Dancer or something else similar it makes me shake my head. He's bursty dps so ideally I'll buy a Doran's Blde or two, boots then work up to BF sword and start roaming and assisting kills in lanes, upgrading to Move 3 Boots (or tenacity boots if team is CC heavy) then upgrade the BF Sword to Infinity Edge. His ultimate is so short that you should be using it whenever it's up. Personally I like using it in bushes or off screen a little to hide the daggers then teleport to my target with E, hit Q after a single auto attack, then use W to slow them as they're trying to escape. If this doesn't outright kill them they'll be hurting badly.

Triforce works amazingly on him. The boost whenever you use a skill and the chance to slow attacker is perfect and the crit and movement speed bonus is helpful.


Blizzard said:
I'm curious if it's possible to put defense items on Talon and make him a tanky dps (tm).

I really don't think building Talon as tanky deepz is a viable option, he's just too naturally squishy :eek:


After playing 10+ games as Talon and all of them going so-so, I decided to hop back onto Irelia after watching a team mate horrifically fail at playing Irelia.

The other team were too busy feeding off of Ryze & Karma in the bottom lane and just left Morgana alone against me and Ashe. Free feed for 20 minutes? Why thank you.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Tanky Talon is possible, but provides nearly nothing to the team.


Ark, why is your screen always so blue (da ba dee da ba die)?

*edit* And if you did badly with Talon for 10 games in a row, sounds like it's no good...time for me to find another champion. ;;


Blizzard said:
Ark, why is your screen always so blue (da ba dee da ba die)?

*edit* And if you did badly with Talon for 10 games in a row, sounds like it's no good...time for me to find another champion. ;;

I didn't do too badly with Talon, but it was more 50/50. I either did really well, or I was just extra weight being carried around by the team/cannon fodder.

Talon is a good character, but imo he's a difficult assassin to play correctly. You literally need to get in, pop all your cooldowns, and get out. Considering Talon's super squishiness, it's a lot harder than it sounds. Most of the time I found myself getting frustrated by my team not engaging (because I usually engage with Irelia) and just dying from silly mistakes/ganks.

Halycon said:

This. For some reason Fraps captures my screen with a blue tint, but my F.lux has an orange tint. I love F.lux so much, I don't know what I'd do without it. During the day when F.lux isn't in night-mode it's fine though :)


What are GAF's Riven impressions like? Probably going to pick her up tomorrow with the two skins bundle and buy the last Irelia skin at the same time.


NA-GAF should all make smurf accounts on EU-West so I don't have to solo queue when my usuals aren't online Q__Q


Talon would be a horrible "tanky dps" character. He just does not have the sustainability that others do. The only ability that is good for team fights is Rake and even then it's not that game changing for multiple targets.

Talon is 100% about surprise burst. I will second the notion that if you don't coordinate well with your team or they're not aggressive it'll be much harder to play. The way I play him is to gank people who are overextending or go help someone who's under pressure in a lane. With mobility and his teleport you can easily mow down people who are running away from a fight.
So what's the general opinion on Morgana?

I play Morgana a lot, usually with my friends, and most fights I think I do pretty damn well for myself. However, since I never see anyone play as her and no one ever talks about her, it makes me feel like everyone else thinks she sucks or something.

(She's also basically the only champ I've ever really learned to play well, so when someone else picks her I'm screwed. lol)


EskimoJoe said:
So what's the general opinion on Morgana?

I play Morgana a lot, usually with my friends, and most fights I think I do pretty damn well for myself. However, since I never see anyone play as her and no one ever talks about her, it makes me feel like everyone else thinks she sucks or something.

(She's also basically the only champ I've ever really learned to play well, so when someone else picks her I'm screwed. lol)

She is really good and alot of pro's and high ELO players are using her extensively. She is also banned occasionally at higher ELO and banned frequently in the EU.


EskimoJoe said:
So what's the general opinion on Morgana?

I play Morgana a lot, usually with my friends, and most fights I think I do pretty damn well for myself. However, since I never see anyone play as her and no one ever talks about her, it makes me feel like everyone else thinks she sucks or something.

(She's also basically the only champ I've ever really learned to play well, so when someone else picks her I'm screwed. lol)

She is a great champion with good damage, great survivability for a caster, and good utility for a team with her bindings and shield. Some people call her boring because she is a champion that just encourages you to sit back and farm, but if you find it fun, that's all that matters. :p

Check out locicero's stream sometimes and you might catch him playing morgana. He is probably the best morgana player i've seen. Also a great pantheon, veigar and ryze player.


Macattk15 said:
Trying to catch up to Riven is annoying. The dash plus the forward movement of her is pretty hard to catch up to.

I've only played one game as her but went 11-5 .... I had a good team however behind me.

Anyone fiddle around with new Taric yet?

Not enough to burst people down so that your team can finish them off. Not that much survivability anymore.

Team buffs are pretty neat though
EskimoJoe said:
So what's the general opinion on Morgana?

I pretty much only play Morgana, but I'm still relatively new to LoL. Morg is a good farmer, can contribute in team fights, hard to gank... fun to play.

My preferred build is: 1 doran's ring, basic shoes, catalyst, rod of ages (from catalyst), sorcerer shoes (from basic shoes), then rabadon's death cap, then void staff. And so on.

Rod of Ages is really the key item, it helps so much.

Abilities, I start with 2-1-3, then I max out 1 and 2 while occasionally leveling up 4. The shield (3) does most of its work already at level one, so it's the last thing to max out on.

While casting, I try to do 2 (AoE) before 1 (freeze), so the AoE does as much damage as possible.

Summoner spell's, ignite and either teleport or flash (I used to always use tele but it seems all the better players use flash--however I always forget I have it so I die often unnecessarily).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Perfect Janna would be like:

And it is possible, with the right build and stupid opponents.
So the Ranked ELO has reset. I haven't played in a few weeks, but I'm guessing Season 2 still isn't out, so you can't really change your ELO if you play Ranked as of now right?


perryfarrell said:
Why isn't everyone playing Vladimir? Holy moly just got destroyed by a team w/ Vlad.
If you mean the game where I was mid, probably because it's not always easy to be good at him, and I was a terrible mid (though I think I only died once that game).

I'm not sure how to fight Vladimir with Caitlyn. Even level 1-5, he seems to heal back as much damage as I can do to him by killing minions. I could have dropped back and bought a 2nd and 3rd doran's blade to help me farm and heal, since I was having a hard time last-hitting minions. I'm afraid he might have taken the tower or something if I went back too much though. HALP GAF, TEACH ME TACTICS


Corporate Apologist
thestopsign said:
So the Ranked ELO has reset. I haven't played in a few weeks, but I'm guessing Season 2 still isn't out, so you can't really change your ELO if you play Ranked as of now right?
I think its officially Season 2 now, but I can be wrong.

Taric's new ult is a bit moot. It is nice that I have anther attack now, but it does sort of ruin his survivability. The attack doesn't even do all that much, his old shatter would do more damage. It still feels like when my stun is on cool down, I can't really do anything. Maybe toss a heal, but they have a damn long cool down. Maybe I'll try being aggressive and tanky, and just get right on people and auto attack.


Drkirby said:
I think its officially Season 2 now, but I can be wrong.

Taric's new ult is a bit moot. It is nice that I have anther attack now, but it does sort of ruin his survivability. The attack doesn't even do all that much, his old shatter would do more damage. It still feels like when my stun is on cool down, I can't really do anything. Maybe toss a heal, but they have a damn long cool down. Maybe I'll try being aggressive and tanky, and just get right on people and auto attack.

That's the main reason i prefer alistar to taric. Alistars cooldowns are such that you always have something useful to do. Even with CDR tarics cooldowns, aside from the stun, seem way too long, so you feel like what you are, an aura carrier.

Someones gotta carry the auras, but it'd be nice if your skills actually gave you the illusion that you had some other usefulness. :p

I don't think his old ult was all that great really. Sure it gave you crazy survivability, but does it really matter if your whole team dies except for taric? He needed more stuff to help in team fights, which the new ult does.


Ark said:
I love F.lux so much, I don't know what I'd do without it. During the day when F.lux isn't in night-mode it's fine though :)

Sorry to go off topic a bit.

Does F.lux really work, it just make my monitor orange o_O

May be I should try it a few days, since I face computer more than 10 hours a day.
Blizzard said:
If you mean the game where I was mid, probably because it's not always easy to be good at him.

No, I meant a game vs Vlad I played just now with some gaffers.

Actually, scratch that. What about Katherine? Why isn't everyone playing her? She destroys.

(Been feeding and getting destroyed all day... :()
Blizzard said:
I'm not sure how to fight Vladimir with Caitlyn. Even level 1-5, he seems to heal back as much damage as I can do to him by killing minions. I could have dropped back and bought a 2nd and 3rd doran's blade to help me farm and heal, since I was having a hard time last-hitting minions. I'm afraid he might have taken the tower or something if I went back too much though. HALP GAF, TEACH ME TACTICS

Pressure him early on.

Past level 6, forget it. He has to be negligent for you to really get him.

Traps, traps, traps.

Also, I want to learn a new champion, but I am terrified to do so...


FlightOfHeaven said:
Also, I want to learn a new champion, but I am terrified to do so...

You really have to. I play Lux exclusively so whenever someone else chooses her I'm done for. I like guys like Talon, Pantheon, Silvir or even Nunu but I don't own any of them and don't really know their builds in order to be competitive. I am at the mercy of Riot's random lineup sometimes.

It pains me even more 'cause the guy who ends up playing her usually is not as good as me :p
inky said:
You really have to. I play Lux exclusively so whenever someone else chooses her I'm done for. I like guys like Talon, Pantheon, Silvir or even Nunu but I don't own any of them and don't really know their builds in order to be competitive. I am at the mercy of Riot's random lineup sometimes.

It pains me even more 'cause the guy who ends up playing her usually is not as good as me :p

I know like 10 champions, but I've played Jarvan and Caitlyn for the last 200 almost exclusively. Well, a smattering of Kog'Maw in there.


formerly sane
Blizzard said:
If you mean the game where I was mid, probably because it's not always easy to be good at him, and I was a terrible mid (though I think I only died once that game).

I'm not sure how to fight Vladimir with Caitlyn. Even level 1-5, he seems to heal back as much damage as I can do to him by killing minions. I could have dropped back and bought a 2nd and 3rd doran's blade to help me farm and heal, since I was having a hard time last-hitting minions. I'm afraid he might have taken the tower or something if I went back too much though. HALP GAF, TEACH ME TACTICS

AD carries don't win that often against a vlad, especially the further you go back in time. While you can it's more effort for you than it is with him same for swain or other types who can melt you in seconds if you get cocky. If you wanna win against him you need mr, and life steal not necessarily damage. Dorans blades are useless after 2 imo and slow you're game down big time. If your fed any dorans items within a few minutes great but after 10 minutes in if you aren't they are going to do much for you mid or late game. Most people in items and stats know the more dorans you get the easier it is to just counter with a chain vest or megatron.
I'm constantly amazed by how fun Champs are in this game. I seem to really love the mages/magic characters/AP-driven ones in general. I saw some videos of people playing TF and he looked so fun. What made him even better was his versatility, able to go AP or AD. I like him as an AP character, of course.

Anyway, holy shit, I've never felt more useful! I only started using him today, but he clicked on the first try immediately. I stuck to Bot games for practice, but I just did two normal games. The first one was terrible. I did well, though; I pushed my lane and destroyed both top turrets and killed both enemies plenty of times, but the rest of my team was...jeez, my team.

We had a rude Morde who insisted on taking mid or he wouldn't pick at the champ screen. He also kept spamming chat and talking shit to us and the enemy team. Anyway, we promptly lost. But the one I just got doing...eep.

I hit the gold cards at all the right times to help my teammates--that's mainly why I feel so damn useful. It fills my desire to play a support class for my team, all the while kicking ass at the same time. AP TF does a lot of damage and a lot of people just walk in or don't expect his Q. Feels good :D


He's probably one of the easier Champs I've played. He just feels right.


formerly sane
dragonlife said:
I'm constantly amazed by how fun Champs are in this game. I seem to really love the mages/magic characters/AP-driven ones in general. I saw some videos of people playing TF and he looked so fun. What made him even better was his versatility, able to go AP or AD. I like him as an AP character, of course.

Anyway, holy shit, I've never felt more useful! I only started using him today, but he clicked on the first try immediately. I stuck to Bot games for practice, but I just did two normal games. The first one was terrible. I did well, though; I pushed my lane and destroyed both top turrets and killed both enemies plenty of times, but the rest of my team was...jeez, my team.

We had a rude Morde who insisted on taking mid or he wouldn't pick at the champ screen. He also kept spamming chat and talking shit to us and the enemy team. Anyway, we promptly lost. But the one I just got doing...eep.

I hit the gold cards at all the right times to help my teammates--that's mainly why I feel so damn useful. It fills my desire to play a support class for my team, all the while kicking ass at the same time. AP TF does a lot of damage and a lot of people just walk in or don't expect his Q. Feels good :D

He's probably one of the easier Champs I've played. He just feels right.

If you play ap chaps the itemization is much harder. Also ap champs with a lack of heavy magic penetration and zhonyas late game are doomed to be killed by any good ad carry with a veil or a tank going in for cleanup. The more I play bruisers and tanks the more I realize they enjoy advantages in decimating ap types none of the squishy ad types can.
Start strong and finish asap.


That card guy is good, and his port makes him really useful, not to mention seeing the entire map and all the enemies.

My problem is waiting for the right card, im too impatient >.< but the blue ones give him alot of staying power.


sparkle this bitch
Halycon said:
Perfect Janna would be like:

And it is possible, with the right build and stupid opponents.


Played my first rank game in a while. We won, but it was nasty.
To sum it up, our last place person wants AP center. Doesn't tell who. Picks Kat. Dies 3-4 times and their Kass becomes a problem. So very little damage the entire game.


markot said:
That card guy is good, and his port makes him really useful, not to mention seeing the entire map and all the enemies.

My problem is waiting for the right card, im too impatient >.< but the blue ones give him alot of staying power.
I think they nerfed TF so he can only see and teleport to part of the map, kind of like nocturne and pantheon. Shen is also ranged, and only Gangplank is still global if I recall correctly.

I played mid Talon in a basic bot game. Naturally doing well at a basic bot game means you're a pro, so I was pretty pro. =P But seriously, I want to try Talon in a normal game this weekend, even though I'm afraid of how easily I will die and feed the other team. He is fun if you can get a bloodthirster (preferably dozens of bloodthirsters) charged up and manage not to die with them.

I have been trying going straight to brutalizer, then bloodthirster, but maybe I should get boots first. I'm SO SLOW otherwise. But if I get boots no doubt everyone will outfarm me and not take any damage. :/
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