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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I think this hasn't been posted yet:
Dominion Limited Beta Coming.

We are closing in on the release of League of Legends: Dominion. Soon you will be able to join your friends and allies in fast-paced, action-packed battles for supremacy on the Crystal Scar.

And so, in preparation for the launch of the new game mode, we are planning to enter a limited beta test period for League of Legends: Dominion. During this time, Dominion will be available for play by all summoners only during limited testing windows at off-peak hours. We will keep you informed of these testing sessions as they occur, and our goal is to increase the availability of Dominion leading up to its full launch.

The purpose of this testing period is to ensure Dominion rolls out smoothly, so that hundreds of thousands of players can enjoy it at the same time – not a small feat!

Our aim is to make Dominion fully available as soon as we have satisfied all of goals for release through this beta testing period. Stay tuned for further information on these testing windows.


Blizzard said:
I think they nerfed TF so he can only see and teleport to part of the map, kind of like nocturne and pantheon. Shen is also ranged, and only Gangplank is still global if I recall correctly.

I played mid Talon in a basic bot game. Naturally doing well at a basic bot game means you're a pro, so I was pretty pro. =P But seriously, I want to try Talon in a normal game this weekend, even though I'm afraid of how easily I will die and feed the other team. He is fun if you can get a bloodthirster (preferably dozens of bloodthirsters) charged up and manage not to die with them.

I have been trying going straight to brutalizer, then bloodthirster, but maybe I should get boots first. I'm SO SLOW otherwise. But if I get boots no doubt everyone will outfarm me and not take any damage. :/

Shen is still global.


I tend to have alot of trouble aiming amumus bandage thingy >.< its too slow...

Hope his knight skin goes on sale soon too!


It's great that the Kayle skin they gave out to everyone who played at least 10 games during season 1 (not limited to ranked) is the best one.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
eznark said:
Speaking of Kayle skins, I have the Silver Kayle skin and have no idea how I got it.
Award for playing 10 matchmaking games in season 1. Everyone got one, nearly everyone anyway.
Reading comp fail.


XeroSauce said:
What the general consensus on Teemo?

Teemo is one of my fav champs..


However, lack of CC limits him in high levels of play. I could probably build a team around him, but he would need a solo lane, and not many people would want to have that done.

But for normal solo queue, he's very entertaining.


eznark said:

I know they gave some Jarvan skin for 1500+ ELO players. Maybe Silver (or judgement) was from ELO and not just given out? I thought they were only giving out one Kayle skin to anyone who had 10+ ranked games played..



I wonder if it was part of the box copy I got at launch? Or something for putting way too many hours into the beta? Pretty sure I have had it forever.

Sigh, I remember when Kayle was awesome.


Kod1ak said:
Teemo is one of my fav champs..


However, lack of CC limits him in high levels of play. I could probably build a team around him, but he would need a solo lane, and not many people would want to have that done.

But for normal solo queue, he's very entertaining.


I've learned basic builds with him (Wit's End, Malady) and I've been trying to lane bot but I end up not being able to kill most champs. If anything, people run into my mushrooms by accident and that's how I get kills, much laughter on my team's side aside.

What should I be doing? What is my role? Farming creeps? Placing mushrooms in bushes? I've been trying to cover things like Baron, Dragon etc. and covering mid lane bushes and side lane bushes but I have no idea what to do when I;m at level 17 and everyone can destroy me.


XeroSauce said:
What the general consensus on Teemo?

I always beat him in mid lane :p

But seriously tho, I see very few played well, but I've seen the one who was invaluable to our team. He always kept the map updated so counter ganking was extremely easy thanks to him, and he was also very smart about mushroom placement so you would see everyone running into them always. I think most ppl pick him because he's cute, lol.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
eznark said:
I wonder if it was part of the box copy I got at launch? Or something for putting way too many hours into the beta? Pretty sure I have had it forever.

Sigh, I remember when Kayle was awesome.
It looks like Silver Kayle is part of the box.


XeroSauce said:

I've learned basic builds with him (Wit's End, Malady) and I've been trying to lane bot but I end up not being able to kill most champs. If anything, people run into my mushrooms by accident and that's how I get kills, much laughter on my team's side aside.

What should I be doing? What is my role? Farming creeps? Placing mushrooms in bushes? I've been trying to cover things like Baron, Dragon etc. and covering mid lane bushes and side lane bushes but I have no idea what to do when I;m at level 17 and everyone can destroy me.

Sorry.. crown control. Basically stuns, slowing effects, etc.. He has a blind, but the duration is short. Also he has mushrooms, but they're situational.

I play on-hit teemo.. basically, boots + 3 health pots to start, then rush wriggles and get malady, wits end and madreds. I usually don't get to finish Madreds unless the game lasts a long time.. which is rare.

I try to mid or solo lane. I almost never lose mid as teemo, unless they have a champ who is powerful early game and are a very good player. (Annie is trouble with flash/tibbers stun combo). However, duo lane is fine as well. He just has a weaker early game, so the sooner you get to 6 and get mushrooms, the sooner you can control your lane and protect yourself from ganks.


Second-rate Anihawk
FlightOfHeaven said:
Thinking about learning Amumu to help carry a friend out of a massive deficit.

What are some good items on him? I was thinking Rylais.

My typical Mumu build:

Cloth/5pot -> boots -> Aegis -> Merc Treads/Tabi -> Banshee's/Sunfire

You can also go Regen Pendant/pot -> Philo Stone -> and so forth, but I'm not too fond of this build.

Masteries are 0/21/9, Flash/Smite for spells.

Skills are: 1) Despair, 2, 3) Tantrum, 4) Bandage toss then prioritize Ulti -> Tantrum -> Despair. (You can also go Despair > Tantrum, but I am very defensive with him)

Runes are: MPen red, Armor yellow, MR blue, flat HP quints

Also, try to get a leash on blue. Mumu is a very fragile jungler who needs all the HP possible and any disruption will put him in a massive hole. Also try to buy wards if you can afford them after every trip back.


inky said:
I always beat him in mid lane :p

But seriously tho, I see very few played well, but I've seen the one who was invaluable to our team. He always kept the map updated so counter ganking was extremely easy thanks to him, and he was also very smart about mushroom placement so you would see everyone running into them always. I think most ppl pick him because he's cute, lol.

Most I see these days are AP teemo, which is really bad. Also, most teemo players suck at mushroom placement. Mushrooms are so versatile, yet so many people place them in bad spots. If you know where teamfights typically occur, you can place them in areas the opposing team will run through if they retreat, and you can use them to help your team get away if you lost the team fight. Also, if you place them in high traffic areas, but offset, so they most likely won't be hit, they act as 10 min wards. When I'm in a lane, I can see people coming from a mile away because of mushroom placement. Anyway, about AP teemo, shrooms and blind can hurt, but you won't help a team win teamfights with those. I used to play AS/AD, but on-hit is where it is at right now.


Kod1ak said:
Sorry.. crown control. Basically stuns, slowing effects, etc.. He has a blind, but the duration is short. Also he has mushrooms, but they're situational.

I play on-hit teemo.. basically, boots + 3 health pots to start, then rush wriggles and get malady, wits end and madreds. I usually don't get to finish Madreds unless the game lasts a long time.. which is rare.

I try to mid or solo lane. I almost never lose mid as teemo, unless they have a champ who is powerful early game and are a very good player. (Annie is trouble with flash/tibbers stun combo). However, duo lane is fine as well. He just has a weaker early game, so the sooner you get to 6 and get mushrooms, the sooner you can control your lane and protect yourself from ganks.

Cool! So is Doran's Blade not a good idea? Should I just start saving up for Daggers etc?

Are Wriggles minions? Or a jungle mob? If I'm facing someone like Malphite in mid should I switch lanes (i.e. someone who keep beating me at mid) I have the same issues with Cait, I suck at solo lanes.

Do you try to get Poison up first, or Blinding? Or both?


Drunky McMurder
FlightOfHeaven said:
Thinking about learning Amumu to help carry a friend out of a massive deficit.

What are some good items on him? I was thinking Rylais.

I don't like going Rylai's on Amumu, too expensive for the benefit since his tears and tantrum are AOE and get a smaller slow. My build on him certainly isn't orthodox, but it's fun.

Start out regrowth to build into philo stone, then get boots/heart of gold.After that, I situationally build a negatron cloak (only if the enemy is really heavy AP, useless in jungle), glacial shroud, or revolver. Those items build into Abyssal, Frozen Heart, and Will of the Ancients eventually. Will of the Ancients is especially great if you have another teammate with it, particularly a Kennen.

The biggest problem with this build is that it's really low on health. Sunfire is core on most Amumu builds but it's just too cost inefficient for my tastes, and the aura is worthless late game. I upgrade philo to Shurelya's for some extra health after I get those three core items mentioned above, and then if the game is still going my last item would be defensive in whatever stat I need most.

This build works best if you're in an AP heavy team. If you don't know that somebody else is getting WotA, you probably want to go more traditionally defensive. It also works wonders against tanky comps. His tears do % health damage and the extra MR reduction and AP goes a long way toward maxing that damage. It's definitely not an every-game build, but you'll find yourself doing a surprising amount of damage while still having survivability. If you're able to build revolver early game you'll do a ton of unexpected damage in your first few ganks before the opponent catches on.

Jungle route when you start regrowth can be slow. You're going to need a really good leash on blue if you want to go straight through and clear. I often find myself skipping red, then going B, then coming back and doing red before ganking. Early philo stone is too good on him though. I like to get an early gold item on any jungler and the mana regen helps make life a lot easier.


XeroSauce said:
Cool! So is Doran's Blade not a good idea? Should I just start saving up for Daggers etc?

Are Wriggles minions? Or a jungle mob? If I'm facing someone like Malphite in mid should I switch lanes (i.e. someone who keep beating me at mid) I have the same issues with Cait, I suck at solo lanes.

Do you try to get Poison up first, or Blinding? Or both?
If you get wriggle's lantern you dont need doran's blades. If you don't like wriggles, you should get doran's blades. If you're laning against a bursty champion, get doran's blades.

Personally I like doran's blades but wriggles is such a strong item (esp if you're laning against a physical damage champion).

Anyway, Teemo tends to lose mid these days. Gone are the days of AD mid (which teemo did ok against). Malphite is actually beatable by Teemo. You can easily out harass him. Cait is harder, her range is a bit much for Teemo. A tip is that if you ever see her waste her Q on minions, or if she tries to hit you and miss, run at her and blind her and start auto attacking, then run away before blind wears off.

I like to max poison (E) first before blind unless I really really need the increased duration. Poison lets you last hit so much more easily and is very potent as a harass tool.

Top is a good solo lane for Teemo - he can beat a few top laners and theres less gank paths to cover with shrooms so you can just farm and push all day.


Ferrio said:
I wanna try jungle riven.. but don't you need full tier 3 runes to jungle effectivley?

I've jungled just about every character while smurfing. Just get a strong leash, don't be afraid to dip into mid for a creep or two to level up/regen.


Fjord said:
I've jungled just about every character while smurfing. Just get a strong leash, don't be afraid to dip into mid for a creep or two to level up/regen.

Well that and I don't know how well riven jungles. What are the starting items for a jungler usually? I take it you go for a latern asap?


Ferrio said:
Well that and I don't know how well riven jungles. What are the starting items for a jungler usually? I take it you go for a latern asap?
Yeah, armor piece/5 health pots. Go back once you got money for the razor. Try to gank between lvls 3-5. If you haven't, then at 6 you should.


Ferrio said:
Well that and I don't know how well riven jungles. What are the starting items for a jungler usually? I take it you go for a latern asap?
I don't know much about jungling, but either clothes and 5 red sodas, or a skull staff strike me as standard starting items.

Presumably if your character can heal himself in some fashion you go for the clothes. Then you build towards wriggles. Except for people like fiddlesticks who have the huge drain and don't even need wriggles, since they don't autoattack.


Drunky McMurder
Ferrio said:
Well that and I don't know how well riven jungles. What are the starting items for a jungler usually? I take it you go for a latern asap?

Haven't jungled or played Riven yet, but it seems to me that she's weak enough that you'd want to go the Stonewall route. Start vamp scepter, go wolves/wraiths/small golems, then back and get cloth armor and one potion. Come back and do blue/wolves/wraiths/red/golems/gank.

Next back, get boots and start building toward wriggles. Without playing her I think I'd build her a bit like Nocturne. Wriggles/Youmuu's/Frozen Mallet seems like a good core from what I've seen.


Ferrio said:
Do they usually start at one of the rune creatures?
If you have teammates helping you, maybe. I think Shaco might be able to use his boxes and the right runes to kill the blue golem to start, and amumu might be able to solo the blue golem, but otherwise it seems like the blue golem is quite tough.

Smite is quite helpful for not dying to monsters.

Some routes say to go to the dogs first, then smite the master wraith, then kill the junior wraiths, then kill the stone brothers. The pro as heck guide to master yi said to go to the stone brothers first, then the wraiths, then the dogs. The stone brothers should get you to level 2 at least.

Hopefully someone will correct me with all the right information. :p


Archaix said:
Wriggles/Youmuu's/Frozen Mallet seems like a good core from what I've seen.

Her recommended items actually. Though I don't like Mallet too much, least not until late late game. Kills her damage.


Drunky McMurder
Blizzard said:
If you have teammates helping you, maybe. I think Shaco might be able to use his boxes and the right runes to kill the blue golem to start, and amumu might be able to solo the blue golem, but otherwise it seems like the blue golem is quite tough.

Smite is quite helpful for not dying to monsters.

Some routes say to go to the dogs first, then like smite the master wraith, then kill the junior wraiths, then kill the stone brothers. The pro as heck guide to master yi said to go to the stone brothers first, then the wraiths, then the dogs. The stone brothers should get you to level 2 at least.

Hopefully someone will correct me with all the right information. :p

As long as you have the 4 points in exp mastery, you'll level up from fighting the small golems. This is a good route for anybody with a strong level 2 gank. I'm looking your way, Lee Sin. WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING BACK...oh...right. Sorry.


Ferrio said:
Her recommended items actually. Though I don't like Mallet too much, least not until late late game. Kills her damage.

Lack of damage is definitely a problem with that suggestion, but the extra health would really help her. She needs to be in the fight a pretty long time to get all of her combo off while maximizing her passive, and the 100% slow from mallet helps you stick to them like glue while giving you health to not blow up.

Also, just a note back to runes, make sure you have at least a full set of armor yellows especially if not starting with cloth armor. They're cheap and useful on just about everybody, especially in the jungle.


Archaix said:
Lack of damage is definitely a problem with that suggestion, but the extra health would really help her. She needs to be in the fight a pretty long time to get all of her combo off while maximizing her passive, and the 100% slow from mallet helps you stick to them like glue while giving you health to not blow up.

Well, that's kinda what her shield is for. If I go health, then my attacks and shield are worse. I still haven't figured out how I like to build her. Squishy as hell, but not bursty, so makes it a pain.

Even if I did jungle with her, not sure if she's really built for it.


Ferrio said:
Well that and I don't know how well riven jungles. What are the starting items for a jungler usually? I take it you go for a latern asap?

Generally you start cloth armor and pots, though some champions actually do better with a vampiric scepter to start, like Olaf and trundle. Jungle WW can potentially start long sword instead of cloth because his built in lifesteal.

Basically if you can survive the first round without cloth armor, it's sometimes better to go vamp scepter, cause you save the cash on pots.

Having good runes is obviously very important for surviving that first round though. If you can get a good pull on blue where it's almost dead before it starts hitting you, you can manage without ideal runes. If not you may have a very slow first round, but after you get razors, things should speed up quick. Probably have to save the red for the second round after you buy, I always find red buff lizard is the hardest thing to kill.

No clue about riven jungling though..

It's easy to test it out in custom games, just load up custom games and try stuff out by yourself. If you can kill blue golem solo, you should be fine for the first jungle run if you get a decent pull. If you start at double golems or wolves or wraiths you can do a first run without a pull, will be much slower though.


So far this has been how I've been building her (not jungle)

-Longsword + 1 Pot
-Mecury's Treads
-Infinity Edge

Though hrm... I just don't know. I need attack speed to some extent... and some lifesteal or something. But since she isn't autoattacking constantly, it's hard to balance these items.

Maybe I should go for another brutalizer, then a last whisper instead of edge....


So I ended up playing Soraka in ranked again, get first blood, things are going well. Then I last hit a creep (my Tristana misjudged and left it with some health) while putting down some starcall harass on Ashe and Alistar. Well Tristana wouldn't stand for that, 'noob leveling starcall first, have fun with your battle Soraka' and AFKs after feeding a kill where he blue pilled at one bar and got flash dove.


We had an ugly moment where they stole baron, the only baron of the match actually, but we pulled through with tankiness. Tristana did a little moving side to side in base and I see bought some items at the end, hope she gets a little ban.


shintoki said:
Haven't spent a cent, but I think I'll buy the Janna skins next time they are on sale.

I'm waiting until I see some decent Riven footage before I lash out £18 on enough IP to buy the champ & 2 skin bundle.

I'm SO tempted to buy Riven right now though, holy fuck.
Every single fucking Riven that has been on my team has been fucking terrible. Every time I see someone lock her in I want to put a gun in mouth and pull the trigger and piss on my own dead, lifeless body.


ShadyMilkman said:
Every single fucking Riven that has been on my team has been fucking terrible. Every time I see someone lock her in I want to put a gun in mouth and pull the trigger and piss on my own dead, lifeless body.
With few exceptions, I feel like most Rivens I've seen are awesome.

There are a lot of bad Talons however, and Skarner teams usually lose.
Blizzard said:
With few exceptions, I feel like most Rivens I've seen are awesome.

There are a lot of bad Talons however, and Skarner teams usually lose.

It's cool that people are still getting used to her, but those that I have run in to seem to ditch all the basics of playing well (not overextending, no wards etc).

I've been playing a lot of Talon lately, and have been doing well with him. The problem being, even if I do get relatively fed, Talon seems incapable of carrying a team by himself. He's still really fun to play, so I just roll with it.
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