iamblades said:I'm more sad about sunfire cape being unique.
I miss sunfire shaco.
I don't understand hoe the alistar ended up with two thornmails and no other items at all. Not even boots or a faerie charm or anything.. What did he start with? cloth armor? lol
markot[B said:]So... am I stupid for just following the 'recommended' items list all the time?[/B]
Ark said:Yes.
Man I want a good support character to play. What do people think about Rammus, Taric and Nidalee in terms of tankiness/support/damage respectively.
Lead Based Paint said:Get Karma
Keiician said:It's great that the Kayle skin they gave out to everyone who played at least 10 games during season 1 (not limited to ranked) is the best one.
markot said:I love tyrnd, playing him like a mental is so much fun ^_^
markot said:Yeah, I hate facing him with a good player, undying rage is soooo annoying, just like that stupid bird egg >.>, but he is fun to play.
Ferny73 said:Woot Normal queue with Draft mode. It would be cool to have that as an everyday option.
Valygar said:At least now we know how important is communication.
Just did thanks.FlightOfHeaven said:Email the support staff.
The thing is, if youre in a 5 man premade team, chances are the opponents are also a 5 man premade. Voice chat is just overall much more effective and efficient than typing which just puts you at a disadvantage in teamwork.Ark said:You know you can just type & ping and have the same effectiveness as if you were on TS.
Just get pro at typing & pinging
One of the GAF people did really well with Olaf, but then died a bunch in another game. I'm not sure if it was their fault or not, but I guess it can vary pretty widely.inky said:I've never seen a team (mine or enemy) lose with Olaf.
She most likely didn't know how to lane against Vlad.Jazzy Network said:I beat a Cait mid as Vlad. Was really easy to zone her out.
Nor do I! Of course I was complaining about Annie killing me, and then someone did damage to Annie with Caitlyn so I just concluded I suck.Boken said:She most likely didn't know how to lane against Vlad.
SamVimes said:@Ferrio: are the inventories bugged?
les papillons sexuels said:just had a great game with riven, seems like tanky dps is the way to go, building into a atma's then a warmogs at some point.
In a nutshell, yeah. Just beat him early. If you can zone him, he will be behind in levels and gold so it'll be easy laning~Blizzard said:I think when I asked about Caitlyn vs. Vlad, since with a doran's blade Vlad seemed to be healing back as much damage as I would do to him, people said to either try to get him before level 6 or give up basically?
Is he ranged? His life-suck attack is also ranged, right? And if I'm coming in for a last hit, I'm going to be at the end of my ranged distance, and he'll be on the opposite side of the minions at the end of his ranged distance, meaning I'll have like double range to try to touch him. Do you mean I should stay closer to the minions?Boken said:- Last hit only and punish him for trying to come in to last hit. Even if you take the more passive route, he should only be able to farm with his Q (it has a pretty big cooldown early game)
Don't play at max range against champions you're stronger against (unless you're expecting a gank obviously). Make it easier for yourself to be aggressive if need be. If vlad ever tries to Q a minion, he can't do it to you for 10s! Don't be afraid, be the boss! And if he doesn't use Q on the minions, well his auto attack range is 450 while yours is 650! Your piltover is 1300! Zone him out of Transfuse range with traps! Eventually you should be able to zone him by standing near his minions and threatening a full Q, a trap and several auto attacks.Blizzard said:Is he ranged? His life-suck attack is also ranged, right? And if I'm coming in for a last hit, I'm going to be at the end of my ranged distance, and he'll be on the opposite side of the minions at the end of his ranged distance, meaning I'll have like double range to try to touch him. Do you mean I should stay closer to the minions?
I hardly ever seem to hit piltovers either.Boken said:Don't play at max range against champions you're stronger against (unless you're expecting a gank obviously). Make it easier for yourself to be aggressive if need be. If vlad ever tries to Q a minion, he can't do it to you for 10s! Don't be afraid, be the boss! And if he doesn't use Q on the minions, well his auto attack range is 450 while yours is 650! Your piltover is 1300! Zone him out of Transfuse range with traps! Eventually you should be able to zone him by standing near his minions and threatening a full Q, a trap and several auto attacks.
How are none of them above 14? You know, if Annie has an IE, the entire team was likely trolling, was there any failed surrender votes?Ferrio said:Riven is redeemed!Not really, our opponent sucked
Blizzard said:*edit* The really sad part is that according to the internet, Caitlyn is supposed to be great against Kassadin. But with lots of runes, 21 attack masteries, and a doran's blade, I feel almost certain that my autoattacks did hardly any damage against him. He would hit me for 20-30% of my health in one attack -- should doran's vs doran's be able to outdamage him with like 0.7 attack speed in return, even if he keeps meleeing me? The piltover did decent damage, but it has a cooldown and is really hard to land unless he's trapped (and he has no need to be trapped since he can just teleport over your traps).
Thanks for the advice. I guess partly I try to be extra hard on myself since other people sometimes complain about me a great deal, so I feel bad if I die since I feel like I'm feeding etc. In a tank or healer role people may complain even more since you can get blamed for not tanking/healing enough if someone dies.Ark said:You need to time your passive correctly. Try to harass your opponent when your passive is at six stacks whenever possible.
Blizzard said:Thanks for the advice. I guess partly I try to be extra hard on myself since other people sometimes complain about me a great deal, so I feel bad if I die since I feel like I'm feeding etc. In a tank or healer role people may complain even more since you can get blamed for not tanking/healing enough if someone dies.
Most of the champions I own and play seem to be very squishy. Garen might be the only tanky dps person I've bought. I have enough IP to buy Olaf, and I could try making him tanky, but then again perhaps I should save up to 6300 IP. I like Talon.
I try to listen to what people say, but the problem which may even show itself in this thread is that people may say directly contradictory things, or say something would have acted out in a different way in the past.Ark said:If people complain about you, ask them what you could do to improve. Chances are they'll just call you a complete knobhead wanker, beacuse that's just how the LoL community works, but sometimes it'll pay off.
All heroes start with the same MR, this is a flat value and doesn't increase without items/spells/runes/masteries. Usually, if no one is getting magic resist items, a single Sorceror's Shoes is enough, as it will let you punch through a respectable portion of base MR.FutureZombie said:As a caster, do you only want magic penetration once the enemy is getting magic resist items? Or is it beneficial at all times?
Halycon said:All heroes start with the same MR, this is a flat value and doesn't increase without items/spells/runes/masteries. Usually, if no one is getting magic resist items, a single Sorceror's Shoes is enough, as it will let you punch through a respectable portion of base MR.
It is actually better to have flat Magic Penetration when the enemy has no Magic Resist items. If the enemy has the defalut 30 MR, and 20MP from the Sorceress Boots will bring them down to effectively 10MR.FutureZombie said:As a caster, do you only want magic penetration once the enemy is getting magic resist items? Or is it beneficial at all times?