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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Starting to do better with Riven. Though really, it's the laning that's kiling her. Seems she can only do well in laning as long as she's aggressive... and if your lane partner isn't aggressive you're screwed.

Also tried out Karma, didn't get to do much since the team was pretty shitty. Need to try her again. She seems fun, but I'm not too sure how her beam skill is that helpful.
Ferrio said:
Starting to do better with Riven. Though really, it's the laning that's kiling her. Seems she can only do well in laning as long as she's aggressive... and if your lane partner isn't aggressive you're screwed.

Also tried out Karma, didn't get to do much since the team was pretty shitty. Need to try her again. She seems fun, but I'm not too sure how her beam skill is that helpful.

You either slow someone so everyone can catch up or you mantra beam a teammate and go real fast.

Karma is insane, carry or support version.


I was super hyped for Riven and when I finally saved the required amount of IP, 3 friends of mine with who I play every day bought her and it turned out she's not that great.
I'd be pretty bummed about this, but I played a bit with Talon and it appears that he's the best champion ever. Guess I'll buy him instead.


Keiician said:
I was super hyped for Riven and when I finally saved the required amount of IP, 3 friends of mine with who I play every day bought her and it turned out she's not that great.
I'd be pretty bummed about this, but I played a bit with Talon and it appears that he's the best champion ever. Guess I'll buy him instead.

She also has to be played pretty differently than other characters I've used. She's *very* hit and run in laning phase.

E to dash into the creep line, W to stun your enemy. Do one Q on them, then use the remaining q's to make an escape. Like wise you can walk to the creep line, Q your enemy, W to stun, then E to get the fuck out.

Also don't be shy to use her ult whenever. I use it when jungling quite often, or even just to intimidate the enemy. Sometimes them seeing me activate it will cause them to back off if they're giving me a hard time.

Wouldn't be surprised if she gets a buff of some sort. Not quite sure what she'd need though. Think what kills her is her survivablity. She squishy, is melee, but doesn't have good burst. You can up her surivability, but she then loses the damage she needs to be effective.

Maybe making her dash go a tiny bit further, and giving it a better shield bonus would be a good start.

Think I might try a new build with her too. More tanky with a tiamat. Just make her a huge aoer. Should do shit ton of aoe damage if you have some crit.





First PvP game as Kayle, only played her once before in a 3v5 custom game :lol

Was a really fun game. At one point we were pushed right up to our base early game because Vlad was carrying their team, but it appears that whilst Vlad can be pretty OP when fed early game he really starts to trial off mid to late game, so we managed to push them back to their base, ace them and take out like 3 turrets and 2 inhibs.

Kayle is an interesting support class too. A support that can actually do damage?! Holy balls.
Guys I have like 1100 those IP (not bought ones).
So what do you think I should do with them first? Go for runes or buy a few heroes first?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
There are champs that Dolan's Ring works really well on, but no one does better with it than Cho'gath imo due to his passive.
His passive is the reason you don't need a Ring. He has built in mana regen. If I'm top lane I tend to take Doran's Shield on him though for the health regen/armor/health.
Dance In My Blood said:
His passive is the reason you don't need a Ring. He has built in mana regen. If I'm top lane I tend to take Doran's Shield on him though for the health regen/armor/health.

For solo lane I like to abuse the scream for farming.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
For solo lane I like to abuse the scream for farming.
It's better to harass with it and zone other players out. His "E" is more than enough to easily farm minions without having to waste mana on an ability.

You're still missing out on a lot of sustainability if you're just going ring too. You'd be better off buying a mana crystal+pots for a super early Catalyst.


Melhisedek said:
Guys I have like 1100 those IP (not bought ones).
So what do you think I should do with them first? Go for runes or buy a few heroes first?

Don't bother with rune until you are level 30. If I were you I would keep saving, and try the weekly free rotation, and buy the champion you like. It is always a good idea to at least have one tank, support, range ad, ap and troll character that you know how to play well.

You can always buy level 1 rune, they are cheap and efficient, soon you will have so much IP that you don't know what to do with them (that's when you should buy level 3 rune).


sparkle this bitch
So I finally had to lane against the new character. Only had twice and never really paid any mind to them(Different lanes). I was first blood. She had like this fucking 3 lunge attack that took off 3 bars... WTF was that shit.

Once I knew that, no fucking problem lol. Squishy burst AD, I ended up 3/2/5, she ended up 2/5/1. We lost, but I know what she does now.

Holy shit though at that first moment. It was Kenshiro shit.
Played against the weirdest yet most hilarious team ever today.

Twitch, Evelynn, Shaco, Akali, and Katarina.

I'm using Caitlyn and my random teammates were Garen, Kog'maw, Amumu, and Gangplank.

Right off the bat I tell my team look, just play safe, buy wards early and we will roll them easy.

Game starts, and all five stealth in and rape Kog'maw in the middle. Then they go to lanes and I'm on bot with Amumu since he's a free weeker and doesn't know how to jungle.

We eventually clear our tower because I was buying wards and stopping Evelynn's gank attempts but the mid and top are getting ganked CONSTANTLY. Best part was every single kill the other team would in unison spam the chat with ASSASSINATE! ASSASSINATE!

So we lose the mid and the top and it all goes to hell from there. My team tries to go off and fight 2 vs 1 and chases a wounded guy into the jungle where, you guessed it, they get surrounded and melted while the chat spam continues.

I keep telling them not to chase, they keep doing it.

The score was like 60-15 by the end of the game and 9 of those kills were mine.

One of the funnest yet also most frustrating games at the same time. I loved seeing a unique team comp but it never fails to amuse me how people get caught up in losing and keep doing the same thing over and over.


Who the hell is telling blizzard to build sheen-boots-philos on gangplank, and then finally for the first damage item buy a pickaxe.


n0b said:
Who the hell is telling blizzard to build sheen-boots-philos on gangplank, and then finally for the first damage item buy a pickaxe.
one, he should be jungling.

and two, sheen is a damage item.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sometimes people forget there are other items besides triforce.

I don't blame them though, Tri is pretty awesome.


sparkle this bitch
Ultimoo said:
one, he should be jungling.

and two, sheen is a damage item.
Sheen is probably one of the best early game damage items for nearly any character.
2nd, it builds into the Trinity Force, a staple of the GP build in many cases.


Melhisedek said:
Guys I have like 1100 those IP (not bought ones).
So what do you think I should do with them first? Go for runes or buy a few heroes first?

If you are low level, just play whatever is on rotation until you find the one you like

Also do not buy tier 2 runes. Either get tier 1 if you want some advantage, or wait until level 20 to buy tier 3 runes.


Ultimoo said:
one, he should be jungling.

and two, sheen is a damage item.
I haven't tried jungle gangplank yet I guess. Anyway, I lost 9 out of my 11 most recent games, if I recall correctly. :/ I tried the gangplank guide suggested here (solomid rather than the mobafire one), but I keep doing terrible no matter what.

I just wanted to do a bot game, and accidentally picked solo queue PVP. Went like 10/7/9 with gangplank, most kills on the team, but naturally still lost because I wasn't better. I was doing 500-600+ crits, but I would still die in 2-4 hits from enemies. :/
Blizzard said:
I haven't tried jungle gangplank yet I guess. Anyway, I lost 9 out of my 11 most recent games, if I recall correctly. :/ I tried the gangplank guide suggested here (solomid rather than the mobafire one), but I keep doing terrible no matter what.

I just wanted to do a bot game, and accidentally picked solo queue PVP. Went like 10/7/9 with gangplank, most kills on the team, but naturally still lost because I wasn't better. I was doing 500-600+ crits, but I would still die in 2-4 hits from enemies. :/

I usually play gangplank as an assassin; run into range, raise moral, parrrley, walk away; then just keep pushing a lane and throwing up your ult into team fights.

I play him with flash and exhaust; if they enemy is really low, exhaust and flash onto him, to get the kill; if they're able to close on you flash and run away.

also during the laning phase don't waste your parrley on champs all the time, the extra gold will be better in the long run then some harrassment. Start harrassing at around level 5.


My GP: wriggles, zerk/merc, zeal -> trin, ie/atmogs/lw/banshee

Definitely try jungling with him, he is a monster jungler with so much slow esp w/ red. More map awareness = more successful ults and ganks. Max morale first, don't forget to w out of cc/blink out if you are out of position. Q gives you money, but in my experience I haven't had to use it too much to get my items.


brian! said:
My GP: wriggles, zerk/merc, zeal -> trin, ie/atmogs/lw/banshee

Definitely try jungling with him, he is a monster jungler with so much slow esp w/ red. More map awareness = more successful ults and ganks. Max morale first, don't forget to w out of cc/blink out if you are out of position. Q gives you money, but in my experience I haven't had to use it too much to get my items.
This is yet another vote for sheen/zeal/trinity force before IE, though I see you don't get the cooldown shoes. I think the top guides on solomid and mobafire were suggesting sheen/trinity force before IE, but I was being told I was crazy. Maybe I just don't farm fast enough, and I need to focus on Q'ing minions instead of harassing champions. If I don't harass champions, however, should I avoid meleeing the minions?

Melee on minions seems to mean I get trapped in friendly and enemy minion hitboxes while ranged enemy champions dump attacks and spells on me, and they'll have full health to do it if I'm not harassing early on with Q. I suppose jungling would elminate the lane concern.

Also, I just saw a 13:03 basic bot game, fastest I've ever seen. It could have been under 13 minutes I think, but people stuck around briefly to kill bots by their spawn.


yeah I'm not sure I've ever played lane GP haha, but of course you're playing a completely different early game if you jungle. here's probably an obvious tip; when you leave base use raise morale!

I think rushing the trin brings much more utility to GP than rushing IE; you already have pretty decent dmg from the poison and wriggles, trin give more slow, more super speed, pretty good burst, more crit. Meleeing is pretty much up to your judgement...you have to know if you can take the hits, get out, how long you can last against the champions you are going against, etc. Early on, if you get those poison stacks going they do pretty incredible damage.

Sometimes if you are playing against someone who tends to panic (a lot of people!) you can play pretty good mindgames with the poison.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Oh man, costing your team a victory when you are on the verge of turning it around...

fun. :(

It'a alright, we got em next game. We really need to play more 5 man games and venture into ranked preform :>
Dance In My Blood said:
All supports do damage now.

Well except Soraka... but she is the best support in the game so I guess it is ok ;)

Had a girl fight yesterday between a wandering Sona and my Soraka. We could barely outdamage our healing. After swinging handbags for 30 seconds or so we decided to run away in different directions before somebody really nasty showed up.


formerly sane
Dance In My Blood said:
Soraka is viable mid AP carry. I'm not sure how she would be an exception to supports doing damage.

She is nasty. Starcall, magic penetration, and magic reduction no team dumb enough to get near will survive if she is with a caster or a tank.
Ferrio said:
Starting to do better with Riven. Though really, it's the laning that's kiling her. Seems she can only do well in laning as long as she's aggressive... and if your lane partner isn't aggressive you're screwed.

Also tried out Karma, didn't get to do much since the team was pretty shitty. Need to try her again. She seems fun, but I'm not too sure how her beam skill is that helpful.
I'm always closing in positive with riven...
Although at times i kgive too many kills when i get greedy but w/e...
closed a 15/8/12 and another 10/4/6 so I guess I'm getting the hang of her..
Currently I'm levelling
I know that E is good, BUT Riven needs every bit of damage, and E while being decent is just a gap closer/lil escape mechanism with inbuild small shield.. I need moar damage!
currently going with
doran blade --> bootslvl1 --> brutalizer --> avarice//ghostblade on your next back..
if you're doing decently you should have enough for a bf, BUT if you're not doing good enough for it OR they're are a cc (slow/Stun can really kill riven) heavy team, you might opt for mercury before bf..
doran blade --> boots lvl1 --> brut --> avarice&ghost or directly ghostblade --> bf//mercury --> what's left between mercury and bf --> infinity --> start doing banshee's (if they're ap heavy start from the magic resis, else start from moar hp) --> MATCH SHOULD BE DONE.. if you've not won still, go with sunfire --> atma
gg, you're steamrolling HARD!


Fret not, your kneejerk Riven buffs are here.


Following today's downtime, Riven will be receiving a hotfix that includes a set of buffs that should round out her gameplay.

Base Stats
Attack Speed per level increased to 3.5 from 2.9
Base Armor increased to 15 from 12
Broken Wings bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.6.
Ki Shout cast time decreased to 0.25 from 0.5
Shield increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160.
Cooldown decreased to 10/9/8/7/6 from 11/10/9/8/7.
Wind Slash
Cast time decreased to 0.25 from 0.5
Missile speed increased by 10% to 2200 from 2000.

Best of luck on the Fields of Justice!

Yet Skarner remains shit.
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