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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
I try to listen to what people say, but the problem which may even show itself in this thread is that people may say directly contradictory things, or say something would have acted out in a different way in the past.

For an example of different things, I think I've had one person say you should always get boots + potions for mid/solo, and someone else say you should always get dorans and try to farm boots. Obviously I can't take both pieces of advice, so I try to listen to both sides and build on my own experiences.

Now, one problem with farming boots is that if I can't clear the entire middle and rush back to base, my tower may have 1/5 of its health gone by the time I get back. The way to prevent this would presumably be to ask a teammate to hold the mid tower, but how many times will someone be able to do that? I think I asked if someone could hold mid once and they told me mid doesn't work like that. X_X
Whoever told you to go Doran's in a solo lane is just dumb, barring certain champions who might need the mana regen.



Gaffers gaffing


Blizzard said:
I try to listen to what people say, but the problem which may even show itself in this thread is that people may say directly contradictory things, or say something would have acted out in a different way in the past.

For an example of different things, I think I've had one person say you should always get boots + potions for mid/solo, and someone else say you should always get dorans and try to farm boots. Obviously I can't take both pieces of advice, so I try to listen to both sides and build on my own experiences.

Now, one problem with farming boots is that if I can't clear the entire middle and rush back to base, my tower may have 1/5 of its health gone by the time I get back. The way to prevent this would presumably be to ask a teammate to hold the mid tower, but how many times will someone be able to do that? I think I asked if someone could hold mid once and they told me mid doesn't work like that. X_X

You should find a build you like, and stick to that build. Don't deviate, stick to that build down to the word. Once you built up some basic confidence with that build (I usually use 6-10 games as a benchmark) then you can try other builds or trying new items within that build. That's how I work at least.

It works the same as in SC2 or racing sims, you need a control before you start playing with the variables.

For example, if I've got a particular set-up on my car in iRacing (PC racing sim), I'm going to need to find my benchmark lap time before I start changing stuff. If I continuously keep changing parts on the car then I'm never going to find out what my basic lap time is.

IsayFever said:
Gaffers gaffing

Blitzcrank Blitzing.

Entropia said:
I suck at this game

You just need more practice. Practice solves everything.
^ excellent game that was (Isayfever's image). 1st time ever for me to be finished with items (Altho I didn't fill all my slots with the best items, thinking I needed additional slots to build the better items with... stupid).


Doran items were popular to take because you used to be able to buy a potion with them. Many months ago this changed, and for AP casters, a Doran ring is no longer a viable starting item in almost all cases.

You are generally going to run into a couple types of AP casters. Those who have to play a bit passive at the start of the game, and those who play aggressive for an early advantage. Gragas and Kassadin both play a bit passive very early. This is because their last hits are more difficult to perform(melee), and they run out of mana very quickly at the first few levels. Where Cassiopeia and Brand can be very aggressive to start things off.

On most Ap casters, there is only two viable ways to start the game. Mana Crystal + 2 pots or boots + 3 pots. Mana Crystal if you are building into a Catalyst or Tear, boots and 3 pots otherwise.

The boots and 3 pots allows you to stay in lane and last hit. While giving you the mobility to avoid being hit. The Mana Crystal and two pots can help champions who are a bit mana starved early, and build into a very quick Catalyst. Allowing champions like Kassadin, to build their ROA quickly. Which is essential because it's effects stack over time.

If you only start off with a Dorans, then against any competent AP carry you will get dominated. You will not have the ability to heal yourself, so you can be harassed and killed, or forced to go back within two creep waves easily. You also lack the mobility to move out of things like Cassiopia's Q, Morganas bind and pool, Brands piller etc.. You will also take more creep hits then your enemy when trading damage with the opposing Ap carry, since you can't move out of their range as fast as they can.

Not to mention going Doran's ring when the enemy team has a competent jungler means you will be basing or getting zoned by the time that jungler is level 2. A quick couple hits from the Ap carry, and a jungler means you are very low and have no ability to heal.

The bonus 100 Hp it gives is equal to most Ap carry's level 1 or 2 ability. Meaning you can take one extra hit then they can. The difference is they have two or three HP pots. Which is more then two or three dorans rings in HP.

Dorans rings are items you get after you base the first time. They are fantastic for that. Early game HP, mana regen, and some quick spell power. On champions like Cass and Brand they are essential. However starting with one is a complete death sentence.
Drkirby said:
It is actually better to have flat Magic Penetration when the enemy has no Magic Resist items. If the enemy has the defalut 30 MR, and 20MP from the Sorceress Boots will bring them down to effectively 10MR.

The formula to calculate Magic Damage is:
Base Damage * 100/(100 + MR)

If they have a lot of MR, get Percent Based MR Reduction (Void Staff).

Also, it should be noted that MP can't take MR below zero, but Magic Resistance Reduction (Like Soraka's Q) can take it below zero. Magic Resistance Reduction is calculated first though, so it is something that doesn't come up very often. (If it goes below zero though, magic attacks will actually do more)

That's good to know. Thanks!


sparkle this bitch
Never say "Pity it was a 1v2"

I'm now officially a bad, shit talking Lux to another. One who was spamming, screaming fag when he first got killed, and other wonderful conversation starts.

While we lost, our scores were 15/2/13 to 3/6/13


Start off with the ai matches, normal difficulty and only move on when you are comfy.

Also watching some vids doesnt hurt to learn the 'basics' of how the game unfolds. Watching the dota 2 tournament stuff helped me understand what to do in this game before I even played it >.< (Though its less 'hardcore' as dota 2 and HON)


Man, teach me how to be a good Caitlyn. :p I've gotten progressively worse at Caitlyn today which is just sad. Negative ratios everywhere, losing games with everyone I play with no matter what! We're all terrible! (there are other factors but still, horrible night, lost like 3-4 in a row now)
markot said:
You can get her for $2 bucks apparently, if you play on the US servers.


If you get a skin code you get teh champ too apparently if you do not owns it.

Seems shady...I might give it a shot.

I don't like the skin though. Sucks the paper copy is $10.

Blizzard said:
Man, teach me how to be a good Caitlyn. :p I've gotten progressively worse at Caitlyn today which is just sad. Negative ratios everywhere, losing games with everyone I play with no matter what! We're all terrible! (there are other factors but still, horrible night, lost like 3-4 in a row now)

1.) http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=1700

2.) If you're mid, start 3 HP and boots. If you're bot with support, I go Dolan's Blade.

3.) Always take traps as your first skill. Mid, hit both sides of the bushes and save one to randomly lay around your opponents feet. They don't notice often and you can get a huge HP advantage this way hitting them when they're stunned. Bot, trap the river bush and both side bushes just above the entry points.

4.) Mid, I take flash/teleport so I can win the lane dominantly, which carries the team significantly when that tower goes down. The traps should stop ganks but some teams are smart and get around this. Hopefully you have a good person on wards if this happens.

5.) Auto-attack all damn day. When you have that 7th crit shot, try to use it on a champ. I try to keep my mana topped in the case that I need to hit the pilt-trap-net combo.

6.) Trap-net will save your life. When there's pressure on you, smartcast trap then net in the opposite direction. They will get knocked back and then have to avoid the trap, which often they don't. Might save your life, might even get you a kill.

7.) Trap can go through walls just like Trynd's spin. Free flash.

8.) In team fights, ALWAYS stay as far on the edge as possible. If this means you can't always focus the squishes, then so be it. You die really fucking fast and you're no use to the team dead. Plus, if a tank sees his life starting to drain fast he might panic and make a mistake. Also, lay a trap if you can spare one.

9.) Before a team fight, trap the bushes where people might retreat. This will prevent escapes or save you or a bro's life.

10.) You can backdoor towers extremely well at high levels.

....I can't think of anything else.


Thanks for the post. I didn't think the net knocks the ENEMY back though, it knocks you back.

I just bought Olaf and tried him. He's quite peculiar. I'll have to look up stonewall's olaf video or something to figure out how to properly do damage. I was attempting to jungle to start with.


The biggest mistake lots of AD carries is to assume that they have to absolutely focus the opposing teams carries no matter what.

The big thing you need to realize is that if you can take safe shots at a tank or a support and do enough damage to force them to run and leave their carries unprotected, you can often get safer shots at the carry.

Don't suicide into a team fight trying to kill the opposing carry. Focus the easy/safe target, not the highest value target.

Also with caitlyn it is easy to push the lane too hard too early with peacemaker, leaving you vulnerable for ganks. Save the peacemaker for champions, only autoattack the minions unless you are getting free farm. With caitlyn you can be very aggressive vs. most other ad carries early game because you out range everyone, pushing the lane just limits your ability to get to the enemy champions because they are behind a big stack of minions and a tower.

Learn where you can net shot over walls for escapes, but if you are playing it safe like you should be, you should only need to do that once every couple of games. It really nice to pull off when the other team things they have you trapped though.

The best thing you can do as any AD carry is to always be farming. If you see any big stack of farm that you are closest to, take that shit. Your jungler leaving golems up too long? Take that shit. Any gold you can get, get it.


Blizzard said:
Thanks for the post. I didn't think the net knocks the ENEMY back though, it knocks you back.

I just bought Olaf and tried him. He's quite peculiar. I'll have to look up stonewall's olaf video or something to figure out how to properly do damage. I was attempting to jungle to start with.

I used to play Olaf a lot until he got nerfed heavily a few months ago, i don't know if they rebuffed him but he wasn't too good last time i played. That being said, Olaf is your basic melee dps character. The simplest way to deal damage with olaf is press R, press W and then right click. The number of times with Olaf where i would just do that, and then 10 seconds later have a pentakill was crazy. Although now that i think about it i did also use to always buy youmuus ghostblade and activate that.

However, the actual strongest skill Olaf has is his Q. Basically, the spell is a 300 dmg nuke (and it will do 300 cos its physical and Olaf has massive armor pen) on a 1 second cd. I've seen high lvl olaf players just destroy teams just chucking the axe around, but of course its very difficult to do so since first of all you will need good aim with the skillshot and then its pretty difficult to know when to run after the axe for another throw and when to sta and duke it out. But seriously your best option is just to get a youmuus and right click, with some Es thrown in.


sohois said:
I used to play Olaf a lot until he got nerfed heavily a few months ago, i don't know if they rebuffed him but he wasn't too good last time i played. That being said, Olaf is your basic melee dps character. The simplest way to deal damage with olaf is press R, press W and then right click. The number of times with Olaf where i would just do that, and then 10 seconds later have a pentakill was crazy. Although now that i think about it i did also use to always buy youmuus ghostblade and activate that.

However, the actual strongest skill Olaf has is his Q. Basically, the spell is a 300 dmg nuke (and it will do 300 cos its physical and Olaf has massive armor pen) on a 1 second cd. I've seen high lvl olaf players just destroy teams just chucking the axe around, but of course its very difficult to do so since first of all you will need good aim with the skillshot and then its pretty difficult to know when to run after the axe for another throw and when to sta and duke it out. But seriously your best option is just to get a youmuus and right click, with some Es thrown in.
The ult only lasts like 5 seconds though, right? (maybe 6.5-8 seconds when leveled up?) And I tried using it once for damage reduction or whatever before a fight, and someone promptly told me not to use it until I'm low health.


formerly sane
Ark said:
You need to time your passive correctly. Try to harass your opponent when your passive is at six stacks whenever possible.

Also, try and find the champion you play the best with. Not the champion you enjoy playing the most or like the most, but the champion you are play best with and learn why you play best with that champion, and then find similar champions around that champion.

You always seem to be really hard on yourself, which is wrong. I already know my role, because I went through that process with WoW (WoW and LoL are so surprisingly similar to me). I know that I play best when either supporting the team, or carrying the team.

Playing a carry in LoL isn't much fun imo. They pretty much all have the same build and nine times out of ten, you're super squishy. Usually I prefer to play the healer class or such, although due to the play LoL mechanics work playing a healer really isn't any fun, in fact it feels counter productive to me. Therefore that leaves me with tanking support, which I love[/b] at the moment. Irelia is pretty much my perfect tanky-dps champion and pretty much takes the role of my main champion, and Taric now takes the role of my dedicated support-tank champion.

You're only squishy if you choose to build that way. Most ad carries do enough damage with IE and Last whisper yet most choose once they get either to keep going for more damage instead of things that keep them in the fight to do so. Also that's odd you say that despite the fact healers and casters can be destroyed just as bad as the other squishy types. People who don't build survival gear and the right kind die the quickest. Nothing will stop the nature of others focusing on the weak or naive in this game.

I disagree about farming on carries. I've left enough pictures of me decimating teams over and over earning money from that. If you can farm that works but any team that wants will shut you down especially when you have no protection for the farm.


Drkirby said:
How are none of them above 14? You know, if Annie has an IE, the entire team was likely trolling, was there any failed surrender votes?

Umm you guys never seen this happen?

Loss certain, sell all items buy troll items?

Jax and Annie made over 6k. Their items do not represent 6k worth unless they sold items which would return them with just enough cash to purchase those items.

You've never B'd as super minions crush the nexus as a mage caster and sold all your items, buying bloodthirsters and shit just to make a funny?


Corporate Apologist
For one, the only good troll build is the Boots of Speed and Zeel build. That way, you can run really fast at least. Then, you attempt to make it to the enemy fountain before the enemy wins, for then you are the true winner.

Also, I prefer 6 unique kinds of boots. 15% dodge, 20 MP, 35 Tenacity, 15% cooldown reduction, +25% attack speed, and move speed 5 when I am not battling, what can be better! Plus, I even get some Armor and MR out of it.

One thing I find a bit annoying is the "I am going to buy a million wards and put them in the fountain", do something more entertaining, draw a dick in spawn, just place them everywhere on the map, the fountain is god damn boring.
iamblades said:
The best thing you can do as any AD carry is to always be farming. If you see any big stack of farm that you are closest to, take that shit. Your jungler leaving golems up too long? Take that shit. Any gold you can get, get it.

Adding this to my game made me such a better player. It really does make a huge difference to always be doing something.


Blizzard said:
The ult only lasts like 5 seconds though, right? (maybe 6.5-8 seconds when leveled up?) And I tried using it once for damage reduction or whatever before a fight, and someone promptly told me not to use it until I'm low health.

If you're really observant then you can probably time your ult for maximum effectiveness based upon the CDs of all your opponents, but really that would be near impossible and its best to just activate as you move into a fight. Olaf is really always going to be a target for enemy focus fire and the problem with waiting till you're low health is that it can be easy to just get killed before you even have a chance (due to stunlock, etc.). I think the ult lasts the same amount of time as Tryn's, 6 seconds.


sparkle this bitch
A Cait who uses her net as an actual slow to stop them from escaping, I never seen it till today, but its completely aggravating. It doesn't help if you knock yourself out of range for the finish. You are letting them escape.


A Cait who uses her net as an actual slow to stop them from escaping, I never seen it till today, but its completely aggravating. It doesn't help if you knock yourself out of range for the finish.

I'll do this occasionally if I'm low on health and I think it will help my team get the kill, but usually I'll be low health and want to get out of the danger zone anyways.
Net is most useful in two situations:

1) To cross normally uncrossable terrain

2) If a melee character with a "leap/jump/blink" ability is charging at you.

2 is delicious to pull off, foiled many a Xin Zhao that way.


Cancel the end animation of piltover peacemaker with a net shot for surprising burst. (Works best if you're maxing E after Q)

Most people don't know that you can cancel the frames of Cait's long ass animations.


Kayle so much funnnnn

I learned today that serker greaves is the best way to go around getting early kills and zoning the opponents hard with her


"Take teleport and cleanse. Use teleport and then cleanse immediately, you will teleport with no cast time. Instant ganking, and it completely breaks the game."

New meta.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sounds like Anti-Fun™ to me.

::whoo whoo whoo whoo::

Hear that?

That's the sound of the hotfix van.


That's a hilarious bug.

I just had a crazy game, I was raging so much. I suspect some on my team didn't speak a lot of English, and one had bedtime or something, so they might have been young. First off, we had a crazy good yorick. That's insane in itself. Second off, he was good, yet kept saying please finish their base when we'd have like only 3 alive vs 2-4, or starting baron by himself. The first time he told everyone to baron, I was like no, they have 4 alive, don't do it. He starts baron, we come help, we get baron, and promptly 4 of us die as talon and his friends murder us.

We somehow didn't lose, kept losing inhibitors...I think we eventually lost everything but the two nexus towers. Morg temporarily disconnected once. Amumu went afk for a couple of minutes after dying once, and he only had like...one armor item for a while? We nearly wiped another time from pushing without him. Finally yorick disconneted after about an hour or so, and I figured we were screwed, but TALON disconnected maybe a few minutes after that.

With the crazy high damage people, aside from katarina, gone, we finally managed to push up to the nexus towers and win. Kayle tried to solo baron near the end and got hit (crit?) for like 1.5k damage, lol. We might have won during that period when they were dead. I could kill Ashe in 3-4 shots, though my build was probably not optimal.

Anyway, stressful game, and I'm glad that we at least won. ;_;


*edit* Other notes include AP kat, which I didn't notice until just now, and at least TWICE the game froze. Once it froze like 5 seconds right when people were charging me so I died. In a previous game it froze at a horrible point when people were about to attack a tower, and then later this game it froze 10 seconds straight. It's not like computer lag, or hard disk activity, or a disconnect message, it just...stops for like 10 seconds. Someone suggested it might be a problem only for Americans.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Playing Yorick, 50 minute game, most damage taken with 60k, 28k healing done, fewest deaths, pulling down 19 kills. Still my favorite champion.

Edit: Still shamed by that Yorick, except on KDR I guess. Now I want to try stacking stupid amounts of AD.


Boken said:
Cancel the end animation of piltover peacemaker with a net shot for surprising burst. (Works best if you're maxing E after Q)

Most people don't know that you can cancel the frames of Cait's long ass animations.


edit: I want Vayne and/or Swain to go on rotation. I need to know if they're worth it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Man, everyone takes normal draft so seriously. Never seen so much whining about what your teammates are doing in my entire life. Even when I'm winning people just bitch about everything.
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