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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Jazzy Network said:
Next few days I am gonna try so hard. Only picking my mains.

Sometimes i do that.

I win pretty much every game but it gets so boring using the same skill set over and over again :(


FutureZombie said:
If I can see Caitlin's traps, they aren't traps. If she puts them down in front of me, I should be able to attack it.

This is a really interesting design problem, and I have to say Riot handled it correctly (at least for Caitlyn's traps).

Invisible and destructible: most annoying because the existence of a counter (true sight) means that players are expected to and forced to buy a counter; this forces balancers to make the spell stronger to counteract it, which punishes players that do not counter.
Invisible and indestructible: very annoying, strongest configuration. Cannot be hard countered, as vision only acts as a deterrent.
Visible and destructible: weakest configuration, and this means that the balancers have to either make it very spammable, highly damaging, or difficult to kill. All of these turn laning phase into a whack-the-mole minigame, not necessarily desired.
Visible and indestructible: least annoying to play against. Permanent visibility but invulnerability means you'll have to deal with it and play around it. Big downside is that opposing players feel a sense of hopelessness in dealing with it. That's why some players prefer to walk into it to get rid of the trap rather than have it sit around.


Since Xin is free per my wishes, I tried him in a couple of bot games. I used a jungle Xin guide. He seems fun, but especially with smite, he seems like a character where in PVP, I would end up feeding the enemy carry a lot, probably without getting kills. Basically you charge in, or run up and melee, and if you get stunned or realize you're not doing enough damage, you basically have no escape options. XD

I'm scared to try in PVP!


Blizzard said:
Since Xin is free per my wishes, I tried him in a couple of bot games. I used a jungle Xin guide. He seems fun, but especially with smite, he seems like a character where in PVP, I would end up feeding the enemy carry a lot, probably without getting kills. Basically you charge in, or run up and melee, and if you get stunned or realize you're not doing enough damage, you basically have no escape options. XD

I'm scared to try in PVP!
He seems to jungle incredibly quickly even without the "proper" runes. I managed to go from golems > wraiths > wolves > blue with cloth armor and 5 health potions and Smite. Haven't been able to do that with Fiddle, Warwick, Yi, Nunu, or any of the other typical junglers at this level.
I love I how I get blamed for my laning partner when I tell him to be careful for a sec as I get stone golems. We have no jungle, I need the income, you get bonus experience for those couple of seconds, it's win win. What does he do? pushes the turret, dies, and blames me.


Nome said:
He seems to jungle incredibly quickly even without the "proper" runes. I managed to go from golems > wraiths > wolves > blue with cloth armor and 5 health potions and Smite. Haven't been able to do that with Fiddle, Warwick, Yi, Nunu, or any of the other typical junglers at this level.
The guide suggested the skull staff first for efficiency. I just tried the armor and 5 red sodas instead, and you're right, it's pretty easy in comparison to clean the jungle, assuming no one ganks you while you're walking around very slowly.

I suppose his "A Demacian does not retreat" or whatever line explains why he doesn't have escape options. =P Unless there are minions behind to dash to or something.


I clear the jungle with my xin in one run. Usually have 150-200 hp left after too so i immediately gank.

The trick is to not initiate with the dash. Use the dash to chase them down after they flash


Heimerdinger seems pretty fun. I just need to figure out the best way to set up turrets to finish people off while not getting myself killed.


Second-rate Anihawk
I wish Riot would have a concrete schedule of hero price drops. I want Lux, but she is almost a year old and is a good candidate for a price drop so I don't want to waste IP.



Today, 02:09 PM

As we previously announced, we’ll be opening testing windows on our platform during off-peak hours where League of Legends: Dominion will be available for play. This will allow us to monitor platform stability and gather data in preparation for the full release of Dominion.

This first testing window for our limited League of Legends: Dominion beta test is scheduled for today September 21 at 08:00AM Pacific Time. The new game mode will be available for play for approximately two hours. After this window is over, Dominion will be switched off while we analyze the data. There will be more opportunities to help test our new game mode as we move closer to release so stay tuned for more announcements.

To the new fields, summoners! Happy Dominion-ating!

Woot. Get to try it out for the first time.


Ferga said:
I clear the jungle with my xin in one run. Usually have 150-200 hp left after too so i immediately gank.

The trick is to not initiate with the dash. Use the dash to chase them down after they flash
What sort of route/runes/masteries do you use? Golem wraiths wolves blue red?


Fffffuuuuuu-- at the time. In class at the moment. :< Hope they switch it around, I have a chance for a spare sometimes other days later, but always in class around this time.


Blizzard said:
How long was it, and how much IP (if any) did you get?

like 15 min. Got 221 but first win of day bonus.

I just lost one b/c my team fought in the middle instead of taking cap points. Like a bad game of AB or WSG in World of Warcraft.

Although this is fun, I have no doubt it will be the most frustrating map and mode by FAR LOL has to offer. Some people rather get kills then basis and literally ignore capping.

edit: got 43 IP in my loss and I was second on my team in points, first most of the game.


Blackface said:
like 15 min. Got 221 but first win of day bonus.

I just lost one b/c my team fought in the middle instead of taking cap points. Like a bad game of AB or WSG in World of Warcraft.

Although this is fun, I have no doubt it will be the most frustrating map and mode by FAR LOL has to offer. Some people rather get kills then basis and literally ignore capping.

edit: got 43 IP in my loss and I was second on my team in points, first most of the game.
An hour for 160 IP, I suppose it could be worse. And I'm used to TF2 where people ignore capture points so maybe it won't bother me if I decide I don't care so much about having so many more losses than wins. =P


The mode is new for most people so they are used to the old ways of thinking. Once more people play, the way they react will also change.
Fuck, if a normal game of LoL is like being addicted to smoking one cigarette for 45 minutes, Dominion is like (what I imagine to be) shoving cocaine into your nose.

So intense! So exhilarating! It might help that we were down down down, at one point being 4-1 in turrets. We eventually rallied and played intelligently, and started blowing people up. We won by capturing all 5 capture points after being down 200 v 400+.


Oh, and normal mode is cool, too.


So ya, played a bit more games with Riven. The changes are very noticable, especially to her Q damage, W cast decrease and her ult buffs. I also I think I've finally nailed down a standard build with her. Getting a lot more kills, able to bully a lot more in lanes. I (had a morde backing me up) was actually able to fuck up both a Morde + Rammus in a lane so badly rammus rage quit.

Summoner skills: Exhaust, Flash.

1. Dorans
2. Brutilizer
3. Boots -> Cloak -> Mercury Treads
4. Phage -> Mallet
5. Chain vest -> Cloak of agility -> Atma's Impaler
6. (Finish Ghostblade) or (If your team has will of ancients then go bloodthirster, if not go Gunblade.)
7. Finish ghostblade if you haven't, sell dorans.. get infinity edge.

You can sell dorans after Mallet if you wanna free a spot and toss a Vampiric Scepter on.


Blizzard said:
An hour for 160 IP, I suppose it could be worse. And I'm used to TF2 where people ignore capture points so maybe it won't bother me if I decide I don't care so much about having so many more losses than wins. =P

I only got 58 ip in a 17 minute game which I won XD


Second-rate Anihawk
Dominion is fun, but I'm already getting bored with it. It just doesn't have that 'hook' like classic mode.

I'll play it once in awhile, but it won't replace the regular game mode.


Ferny said:
I don't think its suppose to replace it to be honest. It's more of a have fun type of game mode.

I think their stated goal is to have a bite sized experience when you don't have time to get in a full game of LoL. They aren't positioning it as a replacement.


Second-rate Anihawk
Ferny said:
I don't think its suppose to replace it to be honest. It's more of a have fun type of game mode.

Yeah, that's a good point. I primarily play AP casters in dominion whereas I would never touch them in classic. I do like that rounds are about as short as your typical TF2 match.


Archie said:
Dominion is fun, but I'm already getting bored with it. It just doesn't have that 'hook' like classic mode.

I'll play it once in awhile, but it won't replace the regular game mode.

I figured that's how I'd take it too. Much like capture the flag stuff in WoW. Unless it's two competitive teams, it'll just be zergy. Run to one point capture a opponent's node while the other team runs to another point to capture your node. Repeat with a few zerg battles here and there until the end of the game.

Know what they should *really* do? They should take a clue from another WC3 custom map. Actually forget the name, but it's two teams. They fight wave upon wave of minions. Whatever team lasts the longest wins. Uses items just like dota, and hero type dota characters. Would work well. There's also skills the team can use to affect the other team, such as speeding up their creep spawn, or summoning a special kind of creep etc.

That, or make a seige map. One team tries to break into another team's castle or what not. Pretty much like an attack/defend mode from tf2.
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