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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Second-rate Anihawk
Every one of my dominion games so far has been filled to the brim with American smurfs. :p

Legato.Reborn- said:
Welcome to the MOBA genre!

Enjoy your stay!

I'm so used to sticking with friends/clans I almost forgot about the horrors of pubs. :(

inky said:
Such lovely people ^-^

Edit: dumbest top of the page ever.



Thanks so far, I can't even remember "Leblanc" though in the time thus far I've been playing this game for (about a week or so now lol). No one has any comments on Vayne though? I hear she's "banned" in a lot of tournies and such, so is she OP? In the very very very few times I've played against her, the players didn't seem too strong, but they can be doing it wrong. I do like MF, Trist, and Cat though, so would I like her. Is her output that much higher than them since she seems to get blown up really fast?

I've seen some Cass play, and she seems really-really strong.


Hopped over to EU to play some more Dominion and had a killer game with Xin. Everyone was american smurfs most likely due to the pings.

Ultimoo said:
heal is based on mantra, lol. you can throw one of those bad boys out every 20 seconds, unless you plan on doing it with both mantra charges, meaning you'll have no damage on your shield, just a base 135 heal, plus maybe 8% of their health. however, if you're hitting all of your allies, that means you're clumping, and you're stupid, because you're going to get blown up by orianna/brand/annie/amumu/nunu/any other aoe hero. so you make the conscious choice to damage most of their team, or heal or two of your guys.
karma's damage output is also based on the ability to make enemy heroes cross a line, meaning while you're moving, you're not auto attacking.
I'll concede her shield is decent, but Lux's shield is so much better.

what does better spell management even mean? are you just making up terms to sound smart or something?

Brand can get kills, kills that were already going to be kills.

this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard all day. at the very least, Lux get kills that normally aren't kills because of the huge range on her ultimate, and the low cooldown. Lux also has insane burst, that can be applied to multiple heroes.

20 sec? I guess you don't know what cd runes or masteries are.

When i say this, I mean in the sense that a fed lux doesn't win games. I know this because I played lux for a really long time and was extremely good with her.

But at the end of the day, I could get lots kills consistently in most games without much effort, but they didn't matter in the end.


I'm so fucking done with ranked. I just can't stand it anymore. I always get teamed up with the shittiest teammates. It's the ONLY reason I always lose.


Archie said:

I thought my post was gonna bottom of the page, but ended up top :p I didn't want to quote the img again.

Door2Dawn said:
I'm so fucking done with ranked. I just can't stand it anymore. I always get teamed up with the shittiest teammates. It's the ONLY reason I always lose.

Report them for being "unskilled" /trollface.

Goon Boon

Door2Dawn said:
I'm so fucking done with ranked. I just can't stand it anymore. I always get teamed up with the shittiest teammates. It's the ONLY reason I always lose.
I'd just wait a few weeks till all the morons who got balanced back up to 4 digit elo are gone.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
What was Kennen even DOING?
He was silenced.
Door2Dawn said:
I'm so fucking done with ranked. I just can't stand it anymore. I always get teamed up with the shittiest teammates. It's the ONLY reason I always lose.
Doing draft pick in ranked. One team bans Morde. Other team bans Rammus. Whaaaaaat?
J-Rzez said:
Thanks so far, I can't even remember "Leblanc" though in the time thus far I've been playing this game for (about a week or so now lol). No one has any comments on Vayne though? I hear she's "banned" in a lot of tournies and such, so is she OP? In the very very very few times I've played against her, the players didn't seem too strong, but they can be doing it wrong. I do like MF, Trist, and Cat though, so would I like her. Is her output that much higher than them since she seems to get blown up really fast?
I've seen some Cass play, and she seems really-really strong.

Vayne used to be hilariously powerful. Now she's merely reasonably powerful.


Door2Dawn said:
I'm so fucking done with ranked. I just can't stand it anymore. I always get teamed up with the shittiest teammates. It's the ONLY reason I always lose.
If you play enough, you'll even out the bads.


Lead Based Paint said:
20 sec? I guess you don't know what cd runes or masteries are.

When i say this, I mean in the sense that a fed lux doesn't win games. I know this because I played lux for a really long time and was extremely good with her.

But at the end of the day, I could get lots kills consistently in most games without much effort, but they didn't matter in the end.

fed karma doesn't do anything, so the point is moot. did misread the mantra being affected by cdr though. still doesn't make her good though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Boken said:
Garen wins top lanes.
Unless he's on my team in ranked after banning Rammus and Morde. Why do the people on my team keep banning these characters? Is this some elaborate troll by everyone playing ranked?


Morde used to be a pretty high solo queue ban so maybe he didnt get the patch notes. Although I don't see why you would ban Morde if you're going to pick Garen...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FlightOfHeaven said:
I probably need more practice with Garen or something. What are his core three items?
Atma's, Burtalizer, Sunfire usually.

Or stack Doran's or something.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FlightOfHeaven said:
Those are the first three items to get?
Don't get Atma's first obviously, but pretty much yes. Usually good to mix in some early Doran's Blades too. Build as needed for AD or AP defense depending on the team for the rest of your items.


Picked up Lee sin today. 4 games in a row i went 5/0 in laning phase (i was jungle)

Just so easy to pick up kills when ganking even when they flash



Ghostblade is actually Garen best DPS item by far. It is an item you will want every game, and one of the best of his core. It's only 200 gold more then an Atma's, and it's significantly stronger early. You can skip it if you want, but you are always going to want to get a brutalizer after your first two dorans blades. If you want to then go Atmas > Sunfire (or warmogs if you are owning) that is still a fine build. The only time you don't want brutalizer as your first bigger purchase after a dorans, is if you are getting dominated by magic damage, then grab a hexdrinker and merc treads.

After that it depends on their team comp. The two best Garen players in the world change their build every game.

The only two items Garen should have every game (assuming after game lasts 30 min or more) are Ghostblade and Atma's combine with defensive items. The defensive items always change, because if Garen can't get into a fight and do damage, he is worthless. Sunfire cape is awesome, cheap, and works well with Atma's, but against heavy magic damage you are 100 times better off with a negatron cloke + phage, then with a Sunfire cape. Stuff like that.

Whenever I see a Garen building an Atma's + Sunfire cape as his first items after Dorans, I simply pick up some armor then LOL @ him doing no damage. ARP is a huge priority for Garen.


sion is awesome as fuck. i then tried twitch and he is by far even better. his gank abilitys are awesome. i started playing this game last week and i cant stop im level 11 and can fully admit im addicted.


Well, I tried two jungle Xin games in PVP with horrible horrible results. Xin moves so slowly that even if I waited until I have wriggle's lantern and level 2 boots, other people vastly outdamage me. I got killed in 2-3 shots by a nocturne for instance. Is it better to sit on the edge of fights with him and try to dash in once my teammates are already there?


Philooch said:
sion is awesome as fuck. i then tried twitch and he is by far even better. his gank abilitys are awesome. i started playing this game last week and i cant stop im level 11 and can fully admit im addicted.

Only if you got to play Sion in his hay-day, before all the tanky dps, when his stun was longer. It was glorious.


Blizzard said:
What sort of route/runes/masteries do you use? Golem wraiths wolves blue red?

I get Smite, exhaust. 21/0/9. W-Q-E-Q

I have all armour yellows, magic res per level blues, armour pen quints, flat ad reds.

Start with cloth with 5 pots. Get W first. Activate only when blue golem starts hiting you after the leash. Pop pots.

Take blue with a leash- finish with 3/4 health.

Take wolves - full health

Wraiths - pretty much full health

Red buff - 1/2 health with 2 pots left

Small golems - 1/4 with one pot left.

Usually see how bot and mid are doing. If it's good to gank, i'll gank. If not, I just b.

Like i said when you gank, dont initiate with dash. Go in, exhaust, pop them up. When they flash, dash and kill them. Never fails if the opponents are pushing to your turrets.

After getting wriggles, get serker boots. If your not heavily fed, get a HOG. If you are, rush a black cleaver.

After black cleaver, build tank. (i usually get banshee or sunfire and then a guardian angel)

After that get an atmas and be unstoppable.

P.s Mid game - Late game don't initiate :\ play as an assassin. Since your tanky, you'll clean up and come out with pretty much full health.

I also have to stress that my jungle path only works with runes similar to mine.

You can get flat AD quints and armour pen reds. Anything else and you'll die at red.
All this talk makes me want to relearn Xin. Those look like solid tips.

My problem with Xin, when I originally played him, is that he melted mid to late. I have to relearn him almost entirely since the last time I really played him consistently was like level 11-14.


Ferga said:
I get Smite, exhaust. 21/0/9. W-Q-E-Q

I have all armour yellows, magic res per level blues, armour pen quints, flat ad reds.

Start with cloth with 5 pots. Get W first. Activate only when blue golem starts hiting you after the leash. Pop pots. *more stuff*
Thanks for the detailed advice. I just tried that in an intermediate bot game and it seemed to work well. Without the same runes as you I went down to like 1/4 health even with someone leashing the blue golem, but otherwise it was fine. I went with the greaves and black cleaver.

Before I had been building mercury's treads no matter what, then phage, then black cleaver. Building black cleaver (or HOG) first seems like a solid move. :)

Xin still moves VERY slowly with level 2 shoes, but at least exhaust helps to kill people.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Popped in to check on how good Blitz still was.


He's still pretty much hilarious.


Unconfirmed Member
I miss his old grab animation

or lack of one rather

it was so much funnier
Goon Boon said:
I'd just wait a few weeks till all the morons who got balanced back up to 4 digit elo are gone.
I was over 1500...
And it was almost season1 end..
I got greedy, and said "fuck it, I can do eet", and played ranked during season's end..
I bottomed at 1100 elo, since i was always pitched with some ubershit player that would strive to reach a 1200+ elo...
Not going to repeat this error again..
I'm gonna wait 3-5 weeks till all scrubs are sent back to elo hell, and then play decently to improve my 1500-1600 rating!
Dance In My Blood said:
Popped in to check on how good Blitz still was.

He's still pretty much hilarious.

I don't see him as that viable at high levels but against the average LOL players he can be a wrecking machine, though I often wind up with more assists than kills.
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