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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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They not allowing bot only practise matches now?

... oh dear...


Yay my first match!



aka surume
eznark said:
Anyone having pvp.net problems post-patch? After each game it seem to crash.
Send logs plz. In the upper right of the pvp.net client there's an options button. There's a "Submit Logs" button at the bottom of the menu. Easy peasy.

Blackface said:
Thinking about giving Ap Sion a try. Any opinions?
Takes some timing, but watch things get 2 shotted if done right. Also, make sure there's someone else tanking.


Blackface said:
Thinking about giving Ap Sion a try. Any opinions?
It can be fun, especially if you have 2 stuns on your lane. But in the long run I don't think it's worth it, lots of better choices.

I heard it's really good if you manage to cap your %cd, but I haven't tried it.

On the other hand ap rammus is awesome.

eznark said:
serious? I haven't seen anyone particularly great with him yet.
Oh god I have. I had a lot of fun trying to kill one with my Nidalee, no success.


Second-rate Anihawk
I just had the worst game ever. I was getting dominated in the top lane as Zilean because it was 2v1 and nobody would come and help. My teammates were being dicks and laughing at my misfortune. Sadly, we won in a 30 minute stomp. I really wish we had lost that game.


Damn, the one weekend where my playtime will be severely limited is Double IP weekend. Fail.

Anyway, I think I play a pretty good Vlad and while I don't die too much, I really can't any true DPS class 1v1. Yi eats me, Tristana auto attack outranges my annoying nuke, but I did own a Kassadin 1v1.

Late game, unless the other team hasn't been getting any magic resist, you just can't pump out a ton of damage on people with magic resist. I think last game I played ended with over 425 ap with baron buff and the only person I was denting was Tristana (she was full offensive items) but I was basically 3 shotting her.

I easily take over 2v1 lanes though, he is overpowered in that sense.


HeartAttackJones said:
Send logs plz. In the upper right of the pvp.net client there's an options button. There's a "Submit Logs" button at the bottom of the menu. Easy peasy.

Will do. It's super strange and just started happening. I'm guessing Blizzard slipped something into SCII installer that bugs other games.

So I am looking to expand my repertoire. I main Nasus and am solid-to-good with Kayle and Zillean. Looking for more of a ranged/dps type I guess? Any suggestions?


Been messing around with AD Kat since all the high ELO players say AD is simply the best for Kat. Honestly, not liking it as much as AP at all.


Sorry we lost Chronos. :(

You didn't get to pick your champ plus OP vlad plus feeding and we got rolled pretty bad. Oh well. GG nonetheless.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Apparently 6x IP if you do a timed IP boost + a per-win IP boost during this double ip weekend.


EviLore said:
Apparently 6x IP if you do a timed IP boost + a per-win IP boost during this double ip weekend.

Nice, should help me get the Ip i need for my runes when I hit 20, and maybe buy a couple champs as well.
Smash88 said:
Sorry we lost Chronos. :(

You didn't get to pick your champ plus OP vlad plus feeding and we got rolled pretty bad. Oh well. GG nonetheless.

Not my best game none the less. Wasn't even my most frustrating loss of the night.

I went 24-3-19 as Rammus with 4 tower kills. I was the only tank though, and the rest of my team would die around me in team fights, then I would mop up the kills after they all died. We still lost. We just couldn't get a good push in.

Also, if you guys ever have a Blitz on your team, make sure to do an early game gank mid, it's really easy, and if I'm on with anyone later I'll show you guys how it's done.


I continue to be unbeatable with nunu in ranked games for no apparent reason; im 6 for 6 now when in normal games my record was 18 wins 18 losses. Meanwhile i've lost every game with Malzahar, my main who im actually pretty good with. its weird.

I'm also gonna say that i think Vlad needs a slight nerf; while i've seen a fair few bad ones, in the hands of a decent player they become unstoppable, able to outtank & outcast every other character.


sohois said:
I continue to be unbeatable with nunu in ranked games for no apparent reason; im 6 for 6 now when in normal games my record was 18 wins 18 losses. Meanwhile i've lost every game with Malzahar, my main who im actually pretty good with. its weird.

I'm also gonna say that i think Vlad needs a slight nerf; while i've seen a fair few bad ones, in the hands of a decent player they become unstoppable, able to outtank & outcast every other character.

Malzahar is very under powered, probably one of the worst champs in the game unless fed.

Also, yes, Vlad is pretty OP when in the right hands and also almost impossible to farm in lane.

Riot always released OP champions in order to sell them with real money, it's been like that for as long as I remember.


Smash88 said:
Malzahar is very under powered, probably one of the worst champs in the game unless fed.

Also, yes, Vlad is pretty OP when in the right hands and also almost impossible to farm in lane.

Riot always released OP champions in order to sell them with real money, it's been like that for as long as I remember.

His blood pool makes Kat Ulti complete and utterly worthless.
A good Malzahar mid is impossible to fight against I find. He can creep like no other. Late game he becomes weaker, but his Ult's stun is always very useful.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blackface said:
Been messing around with AD Kat since all the high ELO players say AD is simply the best for Kat. Honestly, not liking it as much as AP at all.
Aside from not having access to Rylai I find AD to be generally more useful whereas AP Kat is a one trick pony. If they manage to interrupt you during the ult you're almost useless the entire fight but AD kat can still put out respectable damage with BB and auto attack. And, farming/jungling is much easier with AD kat once your BB can mow down a row of ranged creeps.


Halycon said:
Aside from not having access to Rylai I find AD to be generally more useful whereas AP Kat is a one trick pony. If they manage to interrupt you during the ult you're almost useless the entire fight but AD kat can still put out respectable damage with BB and auto attack. And, farming/jungling is much easier with AD kat once your BB can mow down a row of ranged creeps.

I am trying to stick with it for a bit. I am dying more than with AP Kat. I can push a lane and kill creeps quicker.

My build order is

D-shield + Pot
Sorc Boots
BF Sword
BF Sword
Haunted Guise
Blood Thirster
Blood Thirster
BF Sword
Blood Thirder
Defensive Item like Warmog or Frozen Mallet (sell Dorans)

I end up with Sorc Boots, Haunted Guise, BT X 3, Frozen Mallet.

Any other AD build suggestions?

I also read after Boots and Guise to just stack BF swords until you have no more room, then turn them into BT's.

I also tried starting with normal boots first and multiple HP pots. I like that the best TBH and I always get a quick jump on the BF swords that way. However I never see it recommended.


thestopsign said:
A good Malzahar mid is impossible to fight against I find. He can creep like no other. Late game he becomes weaker, but his Ult's stun is always very useful.
Weird, I neved had a problem with malzahar on mid. I just harrass him to death. When I use nidalee he just can't get near the creeps.

I'm also on the boat that thinks he is low tier. I just don't find anything good about him.


Hey guys, just starting out. I bought the digital collectors edition. I played some games today and got up to level 6. I still really don't have a clue what I'm doing. Anyone got any recommendations for sites with hero guides.

Also I've mostly been using Zilean and Ryze, I bought the digital collectors edition. I seem to do a lot better with Zilean. Should I stick with Zilean, or are there any other really nice mages I should look into?


Shinjitsu said:
Hey guys, just starting out. I bought the digital collectors edition. I played some games today and got up to level 6. I still really don't have a clue what I'm doing. Anyone got any recommendations for sites with hero guides.

Also I've mostly been using Zilean and Ryze, I bought the digital collectors edition. I seem to do a lot better with Zilean. Should I stick with Zilean, or are there any other really nice mages I should look into?

Leaguecraft tends to have some good champ guides if you can muckrack your way through the "LOL I PLAY DPS NASUS" guides and such.

As far as mages go, Zilean's pretty solid: good harassment early game, pretty nasty support late game. Depends on if you want to play more support casters (Morgana, Soraka) or damage casters (Annie, Veigar) really.


Blackface said:
I am trying to stick with it for a bit. I am dying more than with AP Kat. I can push a lane and kill creeps quicker.

My build order is

D-shield + Pot
Sorc Boots
BF Sword
BF Sword
Haunted Guise
Blood Thirster
Blood Thirster
BF Sword
Blood Thirder
Defensive Item like Warmog or Frozen Mallet (sell Dorans)

I end up with Sorc Boots, Haunted Guise, BT X 3, Frozen Mallet.

Any other AD build suggestions?

I also read after Boots and Guise to just stack BF swords until you have no more room, then turn them into BT's.

I also tried starting with normal boots first and multiple HP pots. I like that the best TBH and I always get a quick jump on the BF swords that way. However I never see it recommended.

My main char is AD kat, and my build is as follows:

Sorcshoes (+ red elixir if i happen to have 300 gold when buying the boots)
If I have 2-3 kills before or after that I'll get Sword of the Occult, if not then
If I didn't have Occult before then I buy it directly after the BFSword.
Second BFSword
If the enemies begin to stack >80 magic resistance then I get Void staff, if they have around 50 I get Haunting Guise. If lots of them have around 30 then I'll just upgrade
2x Bloodthirster.
If they still don't get magic res I'll get a third Bloodthirster.

As a final item I have 3 choices:
Frozen Mallet, Trinity Force or Rylai's.
I'll get the Tri-force if our team needs another pusher or chaser, as the damage boost is awesome and the movespeed + slow helps chasing. This is the item to go if you don't need more survival.
I'll get Rylai's in the cases we do a lot of poking. The slow on the bouncing blades may help my allies to make an initiate. The ulti slowing really helps too.
Frozen Mallet is the one I get if I really have problems surviving. The slow is awesome but better suited for a single target as you won't have the time to autoattack their whole team.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I follow this guide pretty closely:


- Doran's Shield + health pot
- Boots + Heart of Gold/Phage depending on how well I'm doing. Recently I've been using phage more because I dislike dead-end items like HoG. I imagine it's more effective in higher ELO games where there's teamwork and games don't last 40+ minutes.
- BF Sword or Giant's belt depending on if I'm getting focused or not and how well I'm farming.
- Sorceror's boots or ninja tabi or mercury treads. I see a lot of kats go Boots of Mobility but I think it's a waste because you're either in for the count or shunpo-ing out and kat doesn't have much issues chasing except against hasters like Zilean.
- Another BF Sword
- Either bloodthirsters or frozen mallet depending on how well you think you can survive
- Second BF sword to infinite edge
- Last items are mostly situational, more bloodthirsters is nice or a warmog although if I plan to make warmog I usually make it from giant's belt instead of frozen mallet and I do it asap.

I tried this build recently
Regrowth Pendant
Mercury Treads
Frozen Mallet

Early game was mid against another kat which went terrible and I was like, 2-8 by mid game but it scales obscenely fast once you have a hefty amount of warmog charges and I wound up carrying my team to victory because I could tower dive with impunity. Final score was 11-10 because I was a drunk off my own tankiness. Tankarina ftw.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
AP Zilean is deceptively annoying/strong and the guide is pretty good. I'd say Banshee's is highly situational on him because you're running around at the speed of light but Frozen Heart's CDR is a must. If you want survivability I'd recommend rod instead. It's efficient, gives a hefty health/mana boost (more staff bonus) and gives loads of AP. Also builds out of catalyst which is a good early game item. The thing about Zilean is that his presence on the battlefield is very subtle and thus he is usually not the first target despite his squishiness. That and being able to run in and out of battle makes you a less attractive target than the hard carry or tank. Good teams will focus you first before you can cast your ult but that's pretty futile unless they can silence/stun you for a long time.

If you do get Deathfire you need to make sure to always use the active because you're paying a lot for it. I think a better choice all around is lichbane, since the mana synergizes with staff, and you're stacking AP anyway, and more MS on Zilean is always funny.

Oh and always remember to spam Rewind whenever it's up to get mana charges and to refresh Chronoshift's cooldown. If you have extra mana just buff random shit for more mana charges.

Play unselfishly, you're not true caster DPS so chronoshift should always go on someone else more likely to make a difference upon revival. Same goes for time warp.


Halycon said:
AP Zilean is deceptively annoying/strong and the guide is pretty good. I'd say Banshee's is highly situational on him because you're running around at the speed of light but Frozen Heart's CDR is a must. If you want survivability I'd recommend rod instead. It's efficient, gives a hefty health/mana boost (more staff bonus) and gives loads of AP. Also builds out of catalyst which is a good early game item. The thing about Zilean is that his presence on the battlefield is very subtle and thus he is usually not the first target despite his squishiness. That and being able to run in and out of battle makes you a less attractive target than the hard carry or tank. Good teams will focus you first before you can cast your ult but that's pretty futile unless they can silence/stun you for a long time.

If you do get Deathfire you need to make sure to always use the active because you're paying a lot for it. I think a better choice all around is lichbane, since the mana synergizes with staff, and you're stacking AP anyway, and more MS on Zilean is always funny.

Oh and always remember to spam Rewind whenever it's up to get mana charges and to refresh Chronoshift's cooldown. If you have extra mana just buff random shit for more mana charges.

Thanks! That helped a lot.


Shinjitsu said:
Dug around on Leaguecraft a bit. Anyone with some Zilean experience willing to skim over this guide and tell me if it's something i should try and follow? With my limited play time I'm just not sure if it's a good guide or not.:D


I advice you to better start playing Ryze. Zilean is a hard one, you have to know very well the strenghts and weakneseses of your team you be a good support and to know who to chronoshift and time warp.

Ryze is more straightforward: press r, snare someone with w and then e and q. Stay back until your cooldowns are up again.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The perils of solo queue!


At start of match:


<everyone_else> *crickets*

Xin rocking a Malady instead of a Stark's that would've been a huge huge boon to the team fights. The whole enemy team chasing me across the map and focusing me at every opportunity (and TF with sword of the divine)...but I was rolling with 273 armor and 30% autoattack reflection. We won, somehow, but I was the only person to get a thornmail, and you can see how the other physical dpsers on my team fared.


EviLore said:
The perils of solo queue!

I just got 20 stacks with my MSS before the laning phase ended. The whole team was doing great on kills/towers. Laning phase ends, team phase begins, we lose.

What the hell.

edit: Oh and I'd just like to say, there is nothing more facepalm worthy than watching your team fight baron when the entire opposing team is alive and coming for you. So sad.


Tetsuo9 said:
I advice you to better start playing Ryze. Zilean is a hard one, you have to know very well the strenghts and weakneseses of your team you be a good support and to know who to chronoshift and time warp.

Ryze is more straightforward: press r, snare someone with w and then e and q. Stay back until your cooldowns are up again.

I enjoyed my time playing Zilean more than Ryze, think I'm just going to put in the time and learn how to play him. Thanks for the advice though.:D


I hope people on GAF buy wards/oracles.

Shaco was raping our team, going on legendary spree and getting our 3rd tier turret down. I had a bad start also but then decided to buy an oracle to shut Shaco down. It worked.

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