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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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QisTopTier said:
I just want to say one more time that Heimer is the shit on Dom LOL

Good shit or bad? So far he seems pretty terrible from the games I've seen him. Turrets are easily taken down and he moves soooo sloooow.
AcridMeat said:
Blitzcrank is quite fun. Why does he have to be 6300 too. :(
Dominion will be my Holy grail when it comes to gaining IP. Super fun mode, short, and just all-around awesome.

I've already made over 2K IP, and it's only the beta (no boosts, either) <_< I'm waiting for the official release to get another IP Boost. GONNA BE SO GOOD. lol free time </3



Tanky DPS with trinity force.


Been playing a lot of dominion, and it seems really unbalanced so far. Every champ seems useful, unlike a couple champs in SR, but there are more than a few (poppy, akali, shaco, jax to name a few) which are just a cut above the rest. Drafting sort of solves it, but not always.


Door2Dawn said:
Tanky DPS with trinity force.
Is Riven tanky DPS with trinity force?

Plus, you know, Riven was only 1350 IP, so I'm sure this new one will be 1350 IP too.

Rayven, are you even allowed to comment on IP prices?
Blizzard said:
Is Riven tanky DPS with trinity force?

Plus, you know, Riven was only 1350 IP, so I'm sure this new one will be 1350 IP too.

Rayven, are you even allowed to comment on IP prices?

riven is a full tank imo, best way to play her is with an atma, frozen mallet, and warmog.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I like the art for these comic previews but god damn if that isn't some of the most trite fantasy writing I've ever seen.

I'm not asking for a Hemingway-esque 6 word story or anything...



GAF vs GAF, GAF wins. The game was kinda long, no one attempted baron, surprisingly. Each side have dragon few times I think. People keep stealing my ward gold. Team battle was interesting, although Jarvan e->q was a good initiator, he usually dies to Pickle's and Tek's amazing dps. Singed vs Singed was interesting. And I usually save my stun for Jax since he is the only one who can burst me to death. Otherwise, I just keep kiting people with my Q.

Also according to Kiunch, Eve is legit.

And yes, I got tears, and I know how GAF hate tears :)
Trying to make the ultimate Kog'maw dominion build.

So far, I've got two paths...

First build - 8,845 gold

Berserker Greaves
Sword of the Devine
Wit's End
Stark's Fervor

+25 Ability Power
+150% Attack Speed
+30 Magic Resist
+62 Magic Damage per attack and +100 Magic Damage every 4th attack.
- Attacks lower the target's Magic Resist in stacks of four.
- Also gives you the active that provide dodgeless attacks and armor penetration.
- Gives nearby allied champions 20% Lifesteal, 20% Attack Speed, and 30 Health per 5 seconds regenerated. Reduces the Armor of nearby enemy champions by 20.

Second build - 10,115+ gold

Berserker Greaves
Madred's Bloodrazor
Phantom Dancer
Stark's Fervor

+30 Damage
+95% Attack Speed
+25 Armor
+30% Critical Strike
+15% Movement Speed
- Attacks deal 4% of the targets total health in damage
- Gives nearby allied champions 20% Lifesteal, 20% Attack Speed, and 30 Health per 5 seconds regenerated. Reduces the Armor of nearby enemy champions by 20.

Kog needs lifesteal to be viable in dom and Stark's lets you build it for cheap early on and cap it with a team fight buff later.

So far, I'm thinking the first build is more viable as it tops out earlier and gives you a lot of smaller pieces to build at a time. Mixing and matching a few items might also work.

The first build I'm thinking is particularly good because almost everyone builds armor in dom and with the bonus magic damage each attack including the whammy +162 magic damage 4th attacks you can shred them. With all the trash minions running around, it would be easy to que one of these up and with the %150 attack speed, you're going to pile on +448 damage on your first salvo.




So for some reason I see no champions and of course im like great, its going to give me someone crappy and im going to have to dodge. Well to my surprise, it gives me Orianna...exactly who I was going to pick anyway LOL
Ferrio said:
Warmog is a bit too much for her.

I disagree.

If you use boots, frozen mallet, atma and warmog as base items it leaves you open 2 more slots. If the opposing team is heavy ad build a thorn, if it's heavy AP, build a force of nature. If you're dying to both, build both, dying to neither build AD.


Mister Wilhelm said:
Trying to make the ultimate Kog'maw dominion build.

So far, I've got two paths...

First build - 8,845 gold

Berserker Greaves
Sword of the Devine
Wit's End
Stark's Fervor

+25 Ability Power
+150% Attack Speed
+30 Magic Resist
+62 Magic Damage per attack and +100 Magic Damage every 4th attack.
- Attacks lower the target's Magic Resist in stacks of four.
- Also gives you the active that provide dodgeless attacks and armor penetration.
- Gives nearby allied champions 20% Lifesteal, 20% Attack Speed, and 30 Health per 5 seconds regenerated. Reduces the Armor of nearby enemy champions by 20.

Second build - 10,115+ gold

Berserker Greaves
Madred's Bloodrazor
Phantom Dancer
Stark's Fervor

+30 Damage
+95% Attack Speed
+25 Armor
+30% Critical Strike
+15% Movement Speed
- Attacks deal 4% of the targets total health in damage
- Gives nearby allied champions 20% Lifesteal, 20% Attack Speed, and 30 Health per 5 seconds regenerated. Reduces the Armor of nearby enemy champions by 20.

Kog needs lifesteal to be viable in dom and Stark's lets you build it for cheap early on and cap it with a team fight buff later.

So far, I'm thinking the first build is more viable as it tops out earlier and gives you a lot of smaller pieces to build at a time. Mixing and matching a few items might also work.

The first build I'm thinking is particularly good because almost everyone builds armor in dom and with the bonus magic damage each attack including the whammy +162 magic damage 4th attacks you can shred them. With all the trash minions running around, it would be easy to que one of these up and with the %150 attack speed, you're going to pile on +448 damage on your first salvo.


I highly recommend the recommended build actually (boots, phage, malady, madreds replacement, mallet)

the slows are excellent for picking off people fleeing after you interrupt with ult. I disagree that Kog needs lifesteal, though I do get the BT replacement sometimes (just in case my damage begins to abate; I seem to usually be able to 1v1 anyone without it though).

I find that kog pretty much has enough innate dps, so the 100% slow adds much utility to him. In fact, sometimes its better to scare someone off a point with very very little health (pretty situational), since some people never b in dominion. they'll just hang around and die 30 seconds later.

Kog's passive is incredibly fun in dominion! And his q works much better than it would in SR, since dominion is all about hunkering down and team fighting. I have yet to try a straight up AP build though (sry neki). Also, I still highly value flash in dominion, even over ghost.


Achtius said:
GAF vs GAF, GAF wins. The game was kinda long, no one attempted baron, surprisingly. Each side have dragon few times I think. People keep stealing my ward gold. Team battle was interesting, although Jarvan e->q was a good initiator, he usually dies to Pickle's and Tek's amazing dps. Singed vs Singed was interesting. And I usually save my stun for Jax since he is the only one who can burst me to death. Otherwise, I just keep kiting people with my Q.

Also according to Kiunch, Eve is legit.

And yes, I got tears, and I know how GAF hate tears :)

So much rage, Eve is good since by merely walking around, people wasting money for ward and oracle is great advantage =D.

Not to mention she is great at ganging, I just wish she had damage that Master Yi has. The life drain is disappointing =/


Well, this sucks. I come back from a camping trip, hop and and play my first ever game of dominion. It's awesome and we win. Now it's gone from my game selection screen. I WANT MORE!


dragonlife said:
Wow, I love Xin Zhao. He's so fun.
I tried jungle Xin -- did badly I think. Just now tried the build a really good guy used in PVP -- doing horribly. I just can't understand how to hurt people and not die in 2-4 shots. :(

*edit* For example, I have 6 kills, 7 deaths against intermediate bots. I'm convinced the guy who just started playing like a week ago is already way better than me both bots and PVP. Why am I so worse than everyone? I PLAY SO MUCH. :(
Blizzard said:
I tried jungle Xin -- did badly I think. Just now tried the build a really good guy used in PVP -- doing horribly. I just can't understand how to hurt people and not die in 2-4 shots. :(

*edit* For example, I have 6 kills, 7 deaths against intermediate bots. I'm convinced the guy who just started playing like a week ago is already way better than me both bots and PVP. Why am I so worse than everyone? I PLAY SO MUCH. :(
I did 15/3/14 my first time on intermediate bots with him. His W -> Q is pretty awesome.


dragonlife said:
I did 15/3/14 my first time on intermediate bots with him. His W -> Q is pretty awesome.
People say these kinds of things and it just kinda reinforces the idea that I shouldn't play his game at all. :/ Like, what things are new people doing that are so much better than my expert knowledge gained from guides and like 400 games played? ;;

I'm like...0/4/5 with Orianna now, intermediate bots again. She is so hard to use, but she sounds like GLADOS so that's really fun.

*edit* I never got a single kill with orianna in a 30+ minute intermediate bot game. The Q supposedly does 300 damage but it didn't even phase the bots I guess?


Kod1ak said:
Well, this sucks. I come back from a camping trip, hop and and play my first ever game of dominion. It's awesome and we win. Now it's gone from my game selection screen. I WANT MORE!
Yeah, I got in right at the end of it also. Came home late from work, got on with the wife. We get in one game, but then saw the "this game mode has been disabled" or whatever when we tried to requeue =(

I've only played 4 games total of Dominion so I can't really speak to possible balance issues or whatever, but my first impression is really positive. It's a nice change of pace from the more drawn out regular games. And I do incredibly well with Udyr for some reason. I'm mediocre at best in 5's with him, but was killin' it in Dominion.


QisTopTier said:
I just want to say one more time that Heimer is the shit on Dom LOL
Like FlightOfHeaven wrote, he's a great defender. Sucks at attacking though.


sparkle this bitch
So after getting stuck with a bunch of wankers last night, started doing very well this morning and journey into rank again.

I just felt bad. I got put in a game I clearly should not have been in. I wreck their center at level 3, gank top, back to the center, back to the top. 21 kills and 19 consist of me. 23 minute surrender. I had deathcap and cast 12 minutes in.


Blizzard said:
People say these kinds of things and it just kinda reinforces the idea that I shouldn't play his game at all. :/ Like, what things are new people doing that are so much better than my expert knowledge gained from guides and like 400 games played? ;;

I'm like...0/4/5 with Orianna now, intermediate bots again. She is so hard to use, but she sounds like GLADOS so that's really fun.

*edit* I never got a single kill with orianna in a 30+ minute intermediate bot game. The Q supposedly does 300 damage but it didn't even phase the bots I guess?

that's because orianna is one of the harder champs to play.


sparkle this bitch
Blizzard said:
I tried jungle Xin -- did badly I think. Just now tried the build a really good guy used in PVP -- doing horribly. I just can't understand how to hurt people and not die in 2-4 shots. :(

*edit* For example, I have 6 kills, 7 deaths against intermediate bots. I'm convinced the guy who just started playing like a week ago is already way better than me both bots and PVP. Why am I so worse than everyone? I PLAY SO MUCH. :(
One, bots aren't players.

2nd, if you want my opinion on why you continually have trouble. Its not going to be nice, but it will be honest.


ShadyMilkman said:
so I did the cool 'get alistar for free' thing

how the hell do you build him


Start faerie charm, wards, and pots > philo stone and ionian boots or merc treads > aegis of legion > frozen heart or shurelya's. Oracles when you can afford it, and bunches of wards. Spirit visage is a good early alternate item against AP heavy teams.

If it goes late and you get rich, you get randuins and FoN.

You can build him pure tank or AP and be viable, but it doesn't work well for laning IMO, as his heal and stun are too valuable for you to not be in the lane with your ad carry, even if he can be viable as a solo top in some matchups, or as a jungler. So you won't have the gold to really get much out of an AP build, and a pure tank build won't be much tankier than a support build given how broke you will be, but the support auras will help much more in a team fight. Plus his ult makes him basically unkillable long enough to get a good engage and first kill off in a team fight, even with no tank items. Headbutt > pulv > ult on a vulnerable target to initiate a team fight and it's instantly a 4v5, and if the other team focuses you after you blow all your cds, that just 10 secs or so of the rest of your team getting free damage off on their team.


Woot got another free champ and it's the cow I was planning on buying shortly. Thanks Riot.

Dominion is so goddamn addicting, I don't wanna play SR again. :p
I won once with AP Shen LOL.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ran into an enemy Dominion team that had Rammus, Twisted Fate, Pantheon, Gangplank, and Karthus.

Yeeeeeeeeeeah fuck this mode. Even before the broken ass scoring system that rewards bad play I find everything about it agitating.


How does it reward bad play? (I'm being serious with this question)

Isn't it a capture/defend the point game mode? I find it normal that it should give you more points for capturing or defending points than anything else...
Dominion is largely based on things people hate about SR; sitting at towers, running around defending, backdooring, ect.

People have to get used to a different way of thinking, especially fights. If you chase the opposition away from the tower, that's good. You don't need to kill the opponent, just weaken them and chase them away.


inky said:
How does it reward bad play? (I'm being serious with this question)

Isn't it a capture/defend the point game mode? I find it normal that it should give you more points for capturing or defending points than anything else...

It seems like there is some heavy rubber-banding going on in the mode. I had a game where we held 3 towers for the first 15 minutes. They held 3 for the last 8-10, and they pulled ahead and won.

Mode seems alright. It's fun, but SR still feels like the superior mode by far. There is a varied pace to the gameplay and a level of strategy that just doesn't exist in dominion.


Just had this game on Dominion. Queue'd with some friends and luckily our fifth was good too. We had them 5 capped for the last 2 minutes basically.



Rokal said:
It seems like there is some heavy rubber-banding going on in the mode. I had a game where we held 3 towers for the first 15 minutes. They held 3 for the last 8-10, and they pulled ahead and won.

Mode seems alright. It's fun, but SR still feels like the superior mode by far. There is a varied pace to the gameplay and a level of strategy that just doesn't exist in dominion.

that just means they were the stronger team.
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