Most definitely. Great team fight item, but team fights aren't too common on Dominion.FlightOfHeaven said:The Ionic Spark item would fare FAR better in SR than in Dominion.
Ladyboy101 said:kassadin needs rework, badly.
1. he's mana cost is way too high. he cant even harrass untill he gets some kind of mana regen and mana boost. getting archangel's staff is a must.
2. he only has 2 abilities that can be used frequently. Q and R. his Q's cool down is way too long. his E is not up all the time, and his W is only usable at early levels (1-6).
3. he is a bad laner, and he is terrible at early game.
4. he only shines if there's teamate helping him. he cannot face any1 1v1. he can't even protect tower by himself. due to his long cool down. how could riot games labeled him as an "assassin?"
5. he gets tons of assissts, and people still blame him for Kill stealing. why? back to reason 2. his long cool downs. even with 1000 AP, his comboREWQ, wont do enough damage to kill anyone, not even AD,AP squishies. plus with that much AP he's squishy too, he can not go in next to people's face and melee with W. all he can do is back off, and let his abilities recharge.
I've come up with few ideas to make him more sustainable in lane and better at protecting tower and face people 1v1. make him a better "assassin"
1. make his Q ability cool down shorter by 50 percent. make it 4.5 sec CD instead of 9.
2. give the old kayle's passive to him. convert AP to AD, convert AD to AP. if you think convert AD to AP is OP then fine, just give him AP to AD. that way he can get enough melee output making his W more useful mid n late game
Blizzard said:You know me too well. One day I'm gonna program a game that just says "you win", and I'll be done with everything!
And thanks for the support! <3
*edit* To be fair, I suspect you and other people who are okay with winning and losing have 50% or better win rates, and are not 40 games behind. >_>
I stand corrected! Soon I will be like you.n0b said:I'm like 80-100 games behind. A lot of my best played games and a lot of my most fun games have been losses.
If you have no armor pen or reduction, yeah. In LoL the crit values are exact damage, not pre-mitigation values.Blizzard said:With 250-300 AD and infinity edge, I was doing UNDER 600 damage with crit shots with Caitlyn against minions. Is this normal?
I stand corrected! Soon I will be like you.
Holy moly those Trist and Gangplank builds are awful.AcridMeat said:I finally had an awesome game, we were 4v5 too after our feeder disconnected!
Friend just told me Vayne is banned in ranked often, which is depressing, I really like playing her.
Ladyboy101 said:kassadin needs rework, badly.
1. he's mana cost is way too high. he cant even harrass untill he gets some kind of mana regen and mana boost. getting archangel's staff is a must.
2. he only has 2 abilities that can be used frequently. Q and R. his Q's cool down is way too long. his E is not up all the time, and his W is only usable at early levels (1-6).
3. he is a bad laner, and he is terrible at early game.
4. he only shines if there's teamate helping him. he cannot face any1 1v1. he can't even protect tower by himself. due to his long cool down. how could riot games labeled him as an "assassin?"
5. he gets tons of assissts, and people still blame him for Kill stealing. why? back to reason 2. his long cool downs. even with 1000 AP, his comboREWQ, wont do enough damage to kill anyone, not even AD,AP squishies. plus with that much AP he's squishy too, he can not go in next to people's face and melee with W. all he can do is back off, and let his abilities recharge.
I've come up with few ideas to make him more sustainable in lane and better at protecting tower and face people 1v1. make him a better "assassin"
1. make his Q ability cool down shorter by 50 percent. make it 4.5 sec CD instead of 9.
2. give the old kayle's passive to him. convert AP to AD, convert AD to AP. if you think convert AD to AP is OP then fine, just give him AP to AD. that way he can get enough melee output making his W more useful mid n late game
cant run away? i dont think so, have you tried chasing DPS champs with some lifesteal? they just fight back then I got melted.kiunchbb said:I think you underestimate a champion with built-in flash on a super short cd =/
Sure Kass is bad at laning, and can't even do proper harass until level 6, but he is one of the champion that once you fed him, the game is over, period.
There are no way to chase or run away from Kass, ever, so once he is fed, it is basically unstoppable.
He does have the same weakness as other assassin though, if he did not get snowball in from early gang, he can be instant kill easily (melee range paper cannon lol).
With boots and 3 pots it's pretty easy, just dont get jumped by her ult.Nome said:Is Cass beatable in lane?
Ladyboy101 said:also I get snowballed all the time with him, but still can't lead my team to victory. he just cant push tower or defend tower on his own.
Nome said:I have to say, I am infinitely more frustrated with the balancing here than in HoN or DotA. The burst is smaller, but the annoyance factor of spamming is through the roof. People complain about someone like Deadwood or Pebbles in HoN, but the fact of the matter is, a 400 gold/550 gold item will save you from dying to a combo. In LoL there's nothing of that sort.
Yes. With the slight range nerfs to Brand and Ori, Cass now has one of best reaches for a champion in mid. She's far from perfect though. Even though she has good range on her poke/harass she has to move in pretty close to really start dealing a good amount of damage. Because of this she can be very vulnerable to champions with stun, so mids like Annie, Brand, or Twisted Fate can really punish her and lock her down when she gets into range to really attack. If she isn't able to spam her abilities once a fight starts she can't really get going.Nome said:Is Cass beatable in lane?
i am pretty sure that's not your average game with him.Inskipp said:With boots and 3 pots it's pretty easy, just dont get jumped by her ult.
I don't seem to share your problem. (I won that game in case you're wondering.)
Well, I had a good early game, so I pretty much started to press my advantage. As for enemy player skill, you can be the judge of that. (It's a LoL- replay file)Ladyboy101 said:i am pretty sure that's not your average game with him.
with that many kills, the other team gotta be easy noobs
AP Yi mid all day.Ladyboy101 said:if you aint an A, then you are a noob.
who's gonna mid? how you gonna deal with ranged attacks and abilities?
Same shit man, I always have to pick last because some people don't know how team balance works. If i'm lucky, I can pick between a AD or AP hero, but usually, I'm left with picking a tank or jungler for the last spot.FutureZombie said:Last person in should feel obligated to choose a champ based on what the team needs. I hate having to change my character at the last second cause some douche chose a redundant character and now we have no tank or range, so I have to play that for the good of the team. Last person to choose has that responsibility, imo.
my point is to change that. please take a look at other assassin class champs.Inskipp said:So no matter how powerful you get with Kass, you're still team- dependant.
Probably someone who can jungle.eznark said:I pick based on who I like playing. Generally Galio, Zil or Kayle. What other champions should I familiarize myself with should the need arise?
As I mentioned, if a certain champs cons appear over his pros, you might want to consider switching to another champLadyboy101 said:my point is to change that. please take a look at other assassin class champs.
Flat AP quints, Mpen red, scaling mana-reg yellow and flat AP blues.Ladyboy101 said:whats your runes and musteries?
Thanks for the input. I would like to think that I use my net to escape, to slow enemies as a way of protecting my teammates, to chase, or as part of the Q-W burst sometimes when I want to move back. I may be wrong though.Drkirby said:I just don't think Blizzard has the right play style for an AD Carry. He will run away when me and Nunu and Kassadin go to kill the Temmo who teleported in near the end of a team fight. We both expected Blizzard to be behind us, then we see him standing next to the bottom tower while we are in the middle of the map.
I think he would make a much better support with his defensive style, but even then, he seems to flee to often.
Look, he is complaining he is only doing 200 damage every shot, and trys to say "I can't kill X!", I just tell him to keep shooting, I am tanking as best I can as Nunu, and others are keeping them distracted, but he will still flee. He also continues focuses on the tanks far to much, when the squishies are in the same area. If he is blinded by temmo, juke around and try to stay close until it wears off, and fire the peacekeeper if it is up, or toss in some traps.
Also, I wasn't paying to much attention, but I think you are trying to use your net as an attack to often. A lot of the times I saw you attacking, in the middle a fight you would just net the enemy, pushing you away from then, and they could get away easier.
The difficult ones are always the "YOU NEED TO JUNGLE AND TANK!", So I can play useless, no CC damage dealer.FutureZombie said:Last person in should feel obligated to choose a champ based on what the team needs. I hate having to change my character at the last second cause some douche chose a redundant character and now we have no tank or range, so I have to play that for the good of the team. Last person to choose has that responsibility, imo.
shintoki said:The difficult ones are always the "YOU NEED TO JUNGLE AND TANK!", So I can play useless, no CC damage dealer.
I like Tanking as Jarv or Anumu, I prefer not to jungle though it seems like I'm actually not a bad one compared to most people. I'm just not an efficient early ganker.
Nunu doesn't really get many stat gains from building AP or AD, so it isn't really worth investing into anything other than tank stuff. As for tank builds on him, I am pretty over Sunfire as a defensive item. Stats aren't great for the price, and is damage is pretty underwhelming. Randuin's Omen is kind of my go to defensive item on him right now. Also, Quicksilver Sash > Banshee's Veil. On Nunu wait for their stun/disrupt, activate the sash and then ult. Nobody goes Soul Shroud, but it is also a good item on Nunu. He needs all the mana regen he can get and CDR is one of the best things for him.Drkirby said:So, jungling as Nunu, what kind of build do you all suggest to build into late game? Right now, I am mainly just becoming super tanky, getting stuff like Frozen Heart, Banshee's Veil, Sunfire Cape, Aegis of the Legion (Mainly mixing up which items I get depending on who I feel will be the biggest source of damage. I tend to aim for Frozen Heart in most games, unless AD damage is minimal), and sticking to Merc Treads for boots. I'll pick up a gold per 10 if my jungling gets messed up, but so far things seem to go good.
My main idea is, I only have 2 damaging attacks, and one of them is rarely good as an attack. But, what I can do being super tanky is walk into a group of enemies, ult, withstand the attack, and cause the enemy to ether retreat if I am defending, split up, or focus on me while the rest of the team wails away.
In unranked draft, someone pulled that when we had a 4 man premade, I laughed at him and mocked him when he pulled the "i can't tank guyz!!1" card.FutureZombie said:Another asshole is the guy who locks in right away, and then demands someone tank. I hate that guy.
I don't mind playing a tank (Singed) but I don't want to do it every game. And I would like to try some melee dps, but it's difficult to fit in when that's what most players go for right off the bat.
Dance In My Blood said:Nunu doesn't really get many stat gains from building AP or AD, so it isn't really worth investing into anything other than tank stuff. As for tank builds on him, I am pretty over Sunfire as a defensive item. Stats aren't great for the price, and is damage is pretty underwhelming. Randuin's Omen is kind of my go to defensive item on him right now. Also, Quicksilver Sash > Banshee's Veil. On Nunu wait for their stun/disrupt, activate the sash and then ult. Nobody goes Soul Shroud, but it is also a good item on Nunu. He needs all the mana regen he can get and CDR is one of the best things for him.
FlightOfHeaven said:All Garen needs is FoN, Brutalizer, and Swiftness
I didn't screenshot
shintoki said:Cass is the AP version of Urgot. Her range is brutal and the combo is a bitch early game since you only start with 4-5 bars anyways.
Take boots and 3 pots. Have her lane against someone who has large enough range, to make her advances obvious. Someone with stronger burst. Or when in doubt. Morde or Garen up in this bitch.
get HON, WARMOG, atma's, infinity edge and spin to win. i got a quad with that set just by spining at the center of the enemy teamFlightOfHeaven said:All Garen needs is FoN, Brutalizer, and Swiftness
I didn't screenshot