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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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FlightOfHeaven said:
Legato Reborn took pity on Electrastar's frustration and gave us all some pointers about how to play better.

It had an effect. We lost one last evening, but it was only because it was Electra's 3rd game as Cait and she was facing a Sivir bot (both sides had a Soraka). Sivir, in my opinion, can take Cait on really well, and if you don't know the match up you can get overwhelmed easily, which is what happened.

The other two, where I played my Cait and she Vlad, we won decisively. I'm still waiting on my champion pack so I can play Taric/Soraka for support purposes. Support isn't a popular pick, unfortunately.

Shout outs to Bind's majestic Warwick and Wuxtry's epic Taric.

Good sir, I play Cho'Gath. David played Warwick
I'm so used to your Warwick...

In my defense, it was like 2-4 am, and your Cho WAS pretty epic. It was funny to see you holding off 3 of them top while we just calmly marched mid and ate 3 towers, MF, and an inhibitor alive. I'm pretty sure that we killed her twice, too. That must have been demoralizing.


shintoki said:
Then you don't deserve good support.

Seriously. What? No Janna because she "doesn't have a heal?" She doesn't need a spammable heal because an ad lane with a good Janna support will kill everything, and is probably harder to gank than anything besides an Alistair support lane.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm so used to your Warwick...

In my defense, it was like 2-4 am, and your Cho WAS pretty epic. It was funny to see you holding off 3 of them top while we just calmly marched mid and ate 3 towers, MF, and an inhibitor alive. I'm pretty sure that we killed her twice, too. That must have been demoralizing.

Holding off and killing 2 of them :D
Lux is my waifu.

Renekton did not take CV on purpouse but double CV winzzz :d


No archangel's staff on either of the hat-stackers, crazy. Surely you would have had time to farm one of them up for greater overall AP!

At any rate, I'd like to see how much damage veigar's ult would have done to Cass.
Blizzard said:
No archangel's staff on either of the hat-stackers, crazy. Surely you would have had time to farm one of them up for greater overall AP!

At any rate, I'd like to see how much damage veigar's ult would have done to Cass.
To be honest I think I never used the archangel's staff but I'm going to try it out at the next games. Lux is the only AP champ I'm playing seriously atm.


PNstyle said:
To be honest I think I never used the archangel's staff but I'm going to try it out at the next games. Lux is the only AP champ I'm playing seriously atm.
I'm not very good so don't take my advice too seriously -- I would never have done as well as you, probably. :p

As far as I remember, archangel's staff + deathcap gives you more AP than deathcap + deathcap, AS LONG AS you get the archangel's staff early enough to farm up its bonus. I think the reason is because the % boost on deathcap does not stack. Also, one nice thing about archangel is that I don't think the bonus goes away on death once you get it farmed up, unlike say, bloodthirster.
n0b said:
Seriously. What? No Janna because she "doesn't have a heal?" She doesn't need a spammable heal because an ad lane with a good Janna support will kill everything, and is probably harder to gank than anything besides an Alistair support lane.

It's all preference. Note that I never said Janna was not a good support; it's just that we'd like it if she had a heal of some sort. She doesn't, so we turn to other, good supports: Soraka, Sona, Taric.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I can understand the thinking. With a healer, whenever your mana bar is full and there's no one to nuke, you can spend it on a heal instead of letting the regen "go to waste". Since kills don't happen very often at early levels without an assist from a jungle or an all in with summoner spells, there's nothing much for the support to do with their mana.
We just like having that sustain in lane. I agree that Janna is far better for engaging and retreats.

Oh, and I just got the email for the Mac RP refund. Too bad all I want is the damn Champion Pack.


FlightOfHeaven said:
We just like having that sustain in lane. I agree that Janna is far better for engaging and retreats.

Oh, and I just got the email for the Mac RP refund. Too bad all I want is the damn Champion Pack.
wtff, what did they say?


Second-rate Anihawk
The sad thing is I love playing her, but she contributes nothing. Her buffed W needs to have a stun if the tether breaks on an enemy or something.


Wow, I just played against an Olaf... He was tearing through our team. I haven't seen him in forever, but I'm beginning to wonder if he's pretty viable in Dominon.


Kod1ak said:
Wow, I just played against an Olaf... He was tearing through our team. I haven't seen him in forever, but I'm beginning to wonder if he's pretty viable in Dominon.

From what I've seen of him in Dominion he is. The later the game gets the scarier he gets.
Mothman91 said:
wtff, what did they say?

Nothin', just talking about the refund, which I don't care about at all.

The champion pack will be, apparently, automatically added to our accounts. So they are still dealing with that.


sparkle this bitch
Macattk15 said:
Its not that Sivir is bad ... just everyone else is better.
Sivir won a game before for another team. It was the same game with the shitty shaco who refused to push the end. All he did was give her endless fucking farm.

Karma has never won shit. Though if you combine her with someone already pretty annoying like Garen or Rene. She works decent enough... till team fights.


I think we already kinda discussed that Sivir, Eve, Karma, and maybe Skarner are some of the worst champions. Sure, some people may win games with them, and sure, they may do well if they're fed (and Eve may do well in Dominion). But in general, most other champions are probably BETTER.

Thanks to that dragon guy for carrying me through a game of dominion. I was rammus and it was still scary! I got like 3rd or 4th place and we won like 4-2. They were like "gg rammus" but I'm not sure if that was a compliment or a complaint. They had a Shaco who was terrifying. We kept falling for the wrong clone most of the time, and lightbringer only occasionally got him. To make up for the good Shaco, they had an Ashe that missed like 15 ult arrows though, so yay.


I can't decide who I want to unlock next. After seeing a couple of Swains I don't think I'm interested in him anymore. I was thinking Pantheon or Wukong.


AcridMeat said:
I can't decide who I want to unlock next. After seeing a couple of Swains I don't think I'm interested in him anymore. I was thinking Pantheon or Wukong.
Unless you have a buttload of Armor Penetration runes don't bother with Pantheon.
I have a buttload of ArmPen. Pantheon is wonderful.

Blizzard said:
Thanks to that dragon guy for carrying me through a game of dominion. I was rammus and it was still scary! I got like 3rd or 4th place and we won like 4-2. They were like "gg rammus" but I'm not sure if that was a compliment or a complaint. They had a Shaco who was terrifying. We kept falling for the wrong clone most of the time, and lightbringer only occasionally got him. To make up for the good Shaco, they had an Ashe that missed like 15 ult arrows though, so yay.


No problem, dude. You fucked up their team good.
Also, the results of tutelage

The first took 20 minutes; it was killer. The second took 40, but I attribute that to our lack of a true support and stupid moves at the end; we'd take two tower and two inhibitors but get aced. But they'd be stuck in base.


Mister Wilhelm said:
Why don't we make a list of all the shitty champs in the game?

In their current state?
Skarner (people try to defend him, but everything he does, someone else does better: jungle, suppress, tank and chase)


Nome said:
Unless you have a buttload of Armor Penetration runes don't bother with Pantheon.

Avoiding that then! What about Galio or Anivia?

edit: I've got Alistar, Cait, Jax, Kayle, Yi, Nasus, Ryze, Singed, Sivir, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Vayne and Vlad.

Suppose I could give Kayle a shot or try to get good at Jax in dominion.


AcridMeat said:
Avoiding that then! What about Galio or Anivia?

edit: I've got Alistar, Cait, Jax, Kayle, Yi, Nasus, Ryze, Singed, Sivir, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Vayne and Vlad.

Suppose I could give Kayle a shot or try to get good at Jax in dominion.
AP Galio can be really powerful - ultimate can do up to ~1700 damage. He has great harass and farm.

Anivia takes a lot of practice, but those that master her(?) can wreck havoc. Great CC with wall and stun and if you play smart you'll never die thanks to the passive.

You should also consider picking up Poppy. A beast late game and very cheap (Riot recently reduced his IP cost).
Those were some good games tonight. I haven't played Annie that often but she does a ton of damage. That last game I was melting people so quickly. So many times I would catch people and kill them before they could do anything.


2th said:
don't be bringing in my Udyr into your furry bullshit. Udyr kills animals and wears their pelts. He does not want to fuck them.

you have played over 1000 games with Udyr and you STILL didn't get the reference?

either way, he seems like the kind of guy who pretends to be the animals he wears..
kind of like, well, you know.


Regarding wukong, he's free this week so try him now if you're at all considering buying him. I've been meaning to try him.

Regarding poppy, I like her in theory, but I could just never manage to play a 100% melee person who is all squishy with low HP. I guess if I somehow managed to do well early game and farm without ranged people destroying me, then late game could be good.


Just had a fantastic game with Cassiopeia. I'm currently saving for Ezreal, but now I'm reconsidering it after this game! Oh and look how many kills our support and tank got


Blizzard said:
Regarding poppy, I like her in theory, but I could just never manage to play a 100% melee person who is all squishy with low HP. I guess if I somehow managed to do well early game and farm without ranged people destroying me, then late game could be good.
I find that it's easier to gank than farm during the laning phase - especially when you get sheen and do the eq combo.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Jungle poppy was viable, I think, before they put a cap on her Devastating Blow.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's AntiFun™.

Although back then, no one actually jungled so I don't think if it's been tested before. I remember old Poppy guides saying she can solo Dragon/Baron so I assume that jungle Poppy must've been viable too.
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