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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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FutureZombie said:
Why do people hate playing mid? Most solo queue games it seems like people plead to have anyone else go mid. Doesn't make much sense to me.
1. mid is easy to get ganked, especially you play against bunch of premade fags.
2. mid is hard to get kills, if the opponent is a turret hugging pussy.
i play with no friends, i like to play in duo lane, because i get a partner to help me getting kills. play in mid with no friends is hard to get kills because idiot teamates never come to your lane to help you out.


FutureZombie said:
Why do people hate playing mid? Most solo queue games it seems like people plead to have anyone else go mid. Doesn't make much sense to me.

Winning mid is important, if you pushed your opponent back to base, and minion to their tower, you can gang top or bot before going back to shop.

Mid also tend to be the highest level, and does the most damage in mid game, so I guess it can be pretty stressful.


Ladyboy101 said:
1. mid is easy to get ganked, especially you play against bunch of premade fags.
2. mid is hard to get kills, if the opponent is a turret hugging pussy.
i play with no friends, i like to play in duo lane, because i get a partner to help me getting kills. play in mid with no friends is hard to get kills because idiot teamates never come to your lane to help you out.



Ladyboy101 said:
1. mid is easy to get ganked, especially you play against bunch of premade fags.
2. mid is hard to get kills, if the opponent is a turret hugging pussy.
i play with no friends, i like to play in duo lane, because i get a partner to help me getting kills. play in mid with no friends is hard to get kills because idiot teamates never come to your lane to help you out.
This is like the third time you've used that term. Would you please use more polite language?




Starting to get a solid group of friends to play a couple games every few days. Picked up Udyr today to try jungling and this dude is fun. I'm not 20 yet so I can't get tier 3 runes but those should make jungling faster/easier. Last solo queue game I played I let the randoms know before hand that I wanted to jungle and would like some assistance with blue at the beginning. No one objects and an Anivia helps me out. Teemo ends up getting top by himself so I figured he'd be able to at least hold the lane with a Ryze/Cassi up there. Just as I hit level four Teemo gives me the ultimatum that if I don't stop jungling he's going to leave. I go up there and the Teemo backs off and goes invisi wanting to show me how difficult it is to solo a lane. I say fuck it and go back to jungling. Teemo leaves a few minutes later and our team proceeds to win the game. I would jungle/gank and every so often run back to the top lane and clear the lane up to the enemy tower. The E on Udyr is SO GOOD for engaging and ditching out combined with W. I've tried two builds, one based around Tiger stance for dps and the other with Phoenix stance. Should I be using both skills or pick one to level up while ignoring the other one?

Card Boy

Ladyboy101 said:
god i hate premade faggs. fuck em riot need to make premade only able to play with premade. not even 2 is alowed in solo.
fuck support plus carry gay boddies laning together,
Ladyboy101 said:
1. mid is easy to get ganked, especially you play against bunch of premade fags.
2. mid is hard to get kills, if the opponent is a turret hugging pussy.
i play with no friends, i like to play in duo lane, because i get a partner to help me getting kills. play in mid with no friends is hard to get kills because idiot teamates never come to your lane to help you out.
Ladyboy101 said:
yep, to soloer like me, premade is so homo

The only reason you haven't being banned yet is because Tekno hasn't seen your post yet.


IsayFever said:
Decided to unlock Wukong today after playing him some yesterday. I think I got it down http://i.imgur.com/ZCktv.jpg
Help me suck less with him. Looks like you went really offensive and out-leveled everyone. I often end up like 4-1-x where I help out a lot but don't get the kills. I try to play it safe and avoid dying, starting with regrowth pendant > philo, HoG, boots, wriggles, trinity, and by then the game is over.

I don't think I have many problems using his skills as they're super simple, but I guess I spend my money sub-optimally and where I choose to be on the map could be better too. I try to stay in lane as long as humanly possible, and in between ganks or whatever I try to kill golems, wolves, wraiths (there's never a jungler at my level in normal games).
kiunchbb said:
Winning mid is important, if you pushed your opponent back to base, and minion to their tower, you can gang top or bot before going back to shop.

Mid also tend to be the highest level, and does the most damage in mid game, so I guess it can be pretty stressful.

That's why I don't like playing Veigar mid. Yes, you can farm your Q well, but since you're doing that, you don't have mana for harassment. Also, Veigar has like the 4th worst attack range of any ranged champion.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FutureZombie said:
That's why I don't like playing Veigar mid. Yes, you can farm your Q well, but since you're doing that, you don't have mana for harassment. Also, Veigar has like the 4th worst attack range of any ranged champion.
Veigar is great. Farming is great. Pushing your lane and harassing is for chumps. His range is short because being inside of it means someone is going to die.

Played more Dominion today. It is still the worst. Blind pick makes it an even bigger joke, and champions are just completely broken in the most frustrating ways on the map. Akali should literally just not be allowed in Dominion. Period.
Dance In My Blood said:
Veigar is great. Farming is great. Pushing your lane and harassing is for chumps. His range is short because being inside of it means someone is going to die.

But I always lose my tower playing him because my opponent usually isn't last hitting and keeps pressing me back. So I build up a ton of AP with my Q, but my turret drops before theirs has taken even 20% damage.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I totally forgot thestopsign is Chronos. I barely see you on anymore.

Yea, I'm now an Engineering major in college so I have to manage my time accordingly. I'm only able to play ~10 games a week if that. I'm still in the mid-1400s for ELO though, and probably can go higher if I have a few good duo queues. I have a friend who goes KogMaw and dominates with me as WW.


Ladyboy101 said:
1. mid is easy to get ganked, especially you play against bunch of premade fags.
2. mid is hard to get kills, if the opponent is a turret hugging pussy.
i play with no friends, i like to play in duo lane, because i get a partner to help me getting kills. play in mid with no friends is hard to get kills because idiot teamates never come to your lane to help you out.

1) Buy wards.

2) Farm. Zone.

If you're in a solo lane you should be able to get kills on your own. Period. Not every loss is because "your teammates" are idiots.

Honestly surprised you haven't been banned yet for generally being an ass, not to mention the homophobic bullshit you spout every time you get mad at this game.


Corporate Apologist
Halycon said:
Tier List
I think Shen is pretty good in Dominion, due to his Globalish Teleport. While it isn't worth much, I also did pretty good as Taric a few games. He can't do much alone, but pair him anyone who can do some damage, and his stun and passive armor buff can really help.


kiunchbb said:
Winning mid is important, if you pushed your opponent back to base, and minion to their tower, you can gang top or bot before going back to shop.

Mid also tend to be the highest level, and does the most damage in mid game, so I guess it can be pretty stressful.

How are you winning mid if the minions are pushed back to the tower?

I can do that just by auto attacking or spamming my skills on the minions.
I always try to get mid in solo que because I know my teammates will likely let it go early by not positioning right or ever, ever buying any wards which leads to us getting snowball buttfucked.

Started to learn Brand just for this reason, going to learn Annie next.

Halycon said:
Play lots of Dominion and buy champions with RP. I am one of those people who spent $8000 on a "free" game.

I'm a whopping $35 in the hole right now, but I only spend RP when something's on sale (except deep sea kog which I simply had to have).

Halycon said:
Tentative Dominion Tier list, just to organize my thoughts. Feel free to contribute/debate/call me crazy.

Pretty good list, but realistically all the middle tier and bottom tier champs don't even need to be ranked because there is no reason to use them ever over the top picks.

I think Gangplank is S tier, personally.


I've been putting off buying any runes until I'm a higher level (currently 15 I think). Is that a poor choice? I just didn't want to waste IP on something I won't be using long term.


Corporate Apologist
usea said:
I've been putting off buying any runes until I'm a higher level (currently 15 I think). Is that a poor choice? I just didn't want to waste IP on something I won't be using long term.
Just get Level 1 Runes. Only level 2 runes are actually a waste, level 1 runes are dirt cheap though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Drkirby said:
I think Shen is pretty good in Dominion, due to his Globalish Teleport. While it isn't worth much, I also did pretty good as Taric a few games. He can't do much alone, but pair him anyone who can do some damage, and his stun and passive armor buff can really help.
I've seen Shen do well, actually. His recent buffs helped him out, Taric, not so much.

Pretty good list, but realistically all the middle tier and bottom tier champs don't even need to be ranked because there is no reason to use them ever over the top picks.
Sometimes people get bored of playing Kog/Akali/Jax all the time!

I think Gangplank is S tier, personally.
I would put him up there if I've seen a GP dominate a game. I mean it makes sense, which is why I'm surprised why no one has done it. Right now he's sort of halfway between S and A. i'll test him out sometime to see what's keeping him from S.

Akali, Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Leblanc, Lee Sin, Jax, Rammus, Shaco

A Tier:
Alistar, Amumu, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Corki, Gangplank, Heimerdinger, Irelia, Karthus, Katarina, Kayle, Kennan, Leona, Maokai, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Nocturne, Olaf, Pantheon, Poppy, Ryze, Singed, Sion, Swain, Talon, Teemo, Tristana, Tryndamere, Udyr, Urgot, Vayne, Warwick, Wukong, Xin Zhao,

B Tier:
Anivia, Annie, Brand, Cho Gath, Dr. Mundo, Fiddlesticks, Garen, Galio, Gragas, Janna, Jarven, Kassadin, Lux, Malphite, Malzahar, Master Yi, Morgana, Nidalee, Orianna, Renekton, Riven, Rumble, Shen, Soraka, Trundle, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Yorick, Zilean

Karma, Nasus, Nunu, Sivir, Skarner, Sona, Taric, Veigar, Vlad

Update 1: Bumped up Ashe after seeing what she can do.
Update 2: Bumped up Olaf
Update 3: Bumped up Shen.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Uchip said:
ezreal really at the top?
He can siege a tower almost as well as Kog can, has an escape unlike Kog, and has a global.

When I rank the champs I use 4 criteria:

1) Mobility
2) Burst DPS
3) Sustained DPS
4) Tower assault/defense

Ez pretty much has all 4, but you need to be really accurate with those Qs.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Uchip said:
only seen one ezreal and they didnt really do much
lux should be higher imo
I would put her in A if her cooldowns weren't so damn long. Same goes for Morg. Pretty much all the AP champions that are really limited by cooldowns get hurt in Dominion. Except Leblanc cause she explodes peeps. And Shaco cause of BOXES.


Halycon said:
I would put her in A if her cooldowns weren't so damn long. Same goes for Morg.

she has the most ranged spells which makes her ideal for interrupting captures
not sure what you mean about the cooldowns, only the ult is long, and that turns into a 20 second cooldown when maxed


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Uchip said:
she has the most ranged spells which makes her ideal for interrupting captures
not sure what you mean about the cooldowns, only the ult is long, and that turns into a 20 second cooldown when maxed
I mean her regular spells actually. I've only played against Lux a few times. In those matches, if she missed her Q on whoever was chasing her, she was dead. There are too many ways to sneak up behind someone, even if her Q does hit, she has nothing left to keep her safe from someone circling around her.

But if you can play a good Lux then by all means, join me sometime and prove me wrong :3
Halycon said:
I mean her regular spells actually. I've only played against Lux a few times. In those matches, if she missed her Q on whoever was chasing her, she was dead.

But if you can play a good Lux then by all means, join me sometime and prove me wrong :3
We should play Dominion sometime, Haly. I use Lux on it <3


Halycon said:
I mean her regular spells actually. I've only played against Lux a few times. In those matches, if she missed her Q on whoever was chasing her, she was dead. There are too many ways to sneak up behind someone, even if her Q does hit, she has nothing left to keep her safe from someone circling around her.

But if you can play a good Lux then by all means, join me sometime and prove me wrong :3

believe it or not monkey king and lux have had the best results for me
and sometimes miss fortune
Riven is ok too


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
dragonlife said:
We should play Dominion sometime, Haly. I use Lux on it <3
You're dragonlife on LoL right?

I'm not sure if I have you added, and I don't think I've seen you in the Neogaf room.

Riven is ok too
People can't play Riven for shit, sadly. I can't tell if she's good on Dominion or not.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think she has the same role as Udyr, except she isn't nearly as consistent. Her Q could use a range/speed buff.


Halycon said:
I think she has the same role as Udyr, except she isn't nearly as consistent. Her Q could use a range/speed buff.

haha yea, i dont even bother with Q ;)
its kind of useful to help chase people down i guess
Halycon said:
You're dragonlife on LoL right?

I'm not sure if I have you added, and I don't think I've seen you in the Neogaf room.
dragonlife29. dragonlife was taken :( I even looked up the punk and he doesn't even seem to play. Bastard...

I always forget to go in the GAF room, but I have gone in there a few times.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
On a farmed Riven her auto attack probably deals more damage than her Q, which is so awkward and clunky.

Her concept is nice, but I think Riot was too afraid of making her Anti-fun™, so she's in a tough place balance wise.
dragonlife29. dragonlife was taken :( I even looked up the punk and he doesn't even seem to play. Bastard...

I always forget to go in the GAF room, but I have gone in there a few times.
I'll add you and invite the next time I play! Show me Lux is A tier material :3


sparkle this bitch
First time up against she, she smoked my ass and killed me before I even hit 2.

When I got back, all Toki all game long.
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