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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This IEM tournament makes no sense. SK won their group because their win was the fastest and their loss was the slowest.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok?


Halycon said:
On a farmed Riven her auto attack probably deals more damage than her Q, which is so awkward and clunky.

Her concept is nice, but I think Riot was too afraid of making her Anti-fun™, so she's in a tough place balance wise.

I'll add you and invite the next time I play! Show me Lux is A tier material :3

using the q to proc the passive seems to be its only use


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I should try a level 1 Q skill build, see if it makes a difference.


Dance In My Blood said:
This IEM tournament makes no sense. SK won their group because their win was the fastest and their loss was the slowest.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok?

Yeah that's kind of a terrible way to judge.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I can't make Riven work it makes me cry.

She is so kawaii uguu~


WorldElite being super efficient. They're bringing a lot of new ideas to the game. Really like how they've handled Nashor so far.


Anyone know how to make dunk yi work on Dominion? He's so awesome, yet everytime I find a Shaco, Rammus, Poppy, etc that just shut me down. It hurts. :\


Halycon said:
I should try a level 1 Q skill build, see if it makes a difference.

There is no reason to level Q past lvl 1 on Riven until it's the only thing left. It's damage increase is mediocre and there is no cooldown reduction. Now compare this to her W and E which both gain significant damage/damage absorption in addition to reducing the cooldown each time and it's a no brainer.


Neo Member
Hey guys, hows everyone doing after the reset?
Anyone fall from grace and get stuck in elo hell? (and the other way around) Personally it's going awesome for me, I went from 800 to now I'm 1350 and still climbing. :D


Diglet said:
Hey guys, hows everyone doing after the reset?
Anyone fall from grace and get stuck in elo hell? (and the other way around) Personally it's going awesome for me, I went from 800 to now I'm 1350 and still climbing. :D

Ever since dominion released, I've had the absolute worst teams I've ever encountered. I think I've won maybe 1/5 games in the last week. Part of it is me not really caring and trying new champs, but I've played some awesome games and had my teammates bring me down.

I had a game of dom where we were up over 200 points and still lost it. It's getting ridiculous.

I just had a game on Summoners Rift where it was a team of terrible players vs a premade that just stomped us. I was jungling and they killed 2 of my teammates before the laning phase even started. They also counter-jungled me really hard.

Bah. This game..
My Morgana dominion build is so stupidly fun. One WotA, then nothing else but Hextech Gunblades. I can usually only get two before the game is over, but at most, I've had 135% spell vamp. Lol. Like I said, stupid, but fun.


EskimoJoe said:
My Morgana dominion build is so stupidly fun. One WotA, then nothing else but Hextech Gunblades. I can usually only get two before the game is over, but at most, I've had 135% spell vamp. Lol. Like I said, stupid, but fun.
That would be hilarious if you could use 2-3 of the actives at the same time for ranged burst damage, but I'm guessing you can only use one active?


Kozak said:
How are you winning mid if the minions are pushed back to the tower?

I can do that just by auto attacking or spamming my skills on the minions.

So you have time to gang top or bot, steal enemy wraith for extra gold/xp, go back to shop?

All those give you an advantage against other side without losing much farm or your tower.
I don't like going mid unless I'm sure I can beat the other champion. If I'm stuck in a farm battle mid, I don't have much control over the rest of the map. I find I lose more games when I'm mid, not because I'm bad at mid or anything, but because if the team starts feeding anywhere early game, it is really hard to reverse that when you are stuck mid trying to stay even with their AP carry.


FutureZombie said:
Why do people hate playing mid? Most solo queue games it seems like people plead to have anyone else go mid. Doesn't make much sense to me.
because they aren't heimerdinger


I tried Warwick in a couple of PVP games last night and we had success, though I might have just gotten lucky with bad enemy teams.

I have a question about his ult, however. Should I use the W attack speed boost before using it? Does the ult just do damage during its duration, and you can't do anything else like autoattack while it's going on? If you try to autoattack or use an ability while it's happening, does that cancel the ult?

Basically, if I am actually going for damage or a gank, what sort of move sequence should I be doing?


I kinda want Safari Caitlyn but I'm proud of never buying any RP!

@Blizzard aka summons: W in no way what so ever affects your R. To get the most out of your W, use W afterwards. However, if your near your team mates, you can use W to increase their DPS during your ultimate.


Boken said:
I kinda want Safari Caitlyn but I'm proud of never buying any RP!

@Blizzard aka summons: W in no way what so ever affects your R. To get the most out of your W, use W afterwards. However, if your near your team mates, you can use W to increase their DPS during your ultimate.
I've never bought any RP either, but have received some from when the servers have been offline for a longer duration.
Blizzard said:
That would be hilarious if you could use 2-3 of the actives at the same time for ranged burst damage, but I'm guessing you can only use one active?

For Hextech Gunblade? Yeah, unfortunately the active is unique. I've added Spirit Visage to the build for more health. 147% is the highest I've got spell vamp. I'm getting pretty good at defending that bottom turret.

Also, I'm really thinking about buying the new guy when he comes out for the first time. I've got 20,000+ IP right now, and he seems cool.
Blizzard said:
I tried Warwick in a couple of PVP games last night and we had success, though I might have just gotten lucky with bad enemy teams.

I have a question about his ult, however. Should I use the W attack speed boost before using it? Does the ult just do damage during its duration, and you can't do anything else like autoattack while it's going on? If you try to autoattack or use an ability while it's happening, does that cancel the ult?

Basically, if I am actually going for damage or a gank, what sort of move sequence should I be doing?

Warwick is my main (I currently have an 8.0kdr with him in Ranked games). The way I handle his ult is pretty simple but changes depending on the situation. I'll outline my thought process below:

First a few things to note, always no matter what get Flash on WW. Flash ganking is the most effective thing I've ever seen for catching enemy champions out of position. The second most important thing is to try and always have blue buff, and preferably red buff as well. I used to be able to do lanewick, magewick, and tankwick all pretty well but I'm finding that he really isn't as viable/doesn't have enough sustain to do that effectively anymore, so I'm assuming you are in the jungle.

There is almost no case that you want to cancel your ult unless for some reason you need to flash out and fast. I'm pretty sure there is no way for you to cancel it by moving somewhere else/doing another ability as it locks up all of your abilities when you ult (if I remember correctly). It also isn't worth activating w before ulting unless you think you are going to forget doing it after.

Ganking: So for ganking while jungling, I find I get his ult around the time I get blue for the second time in my jungle pathing (this is around 7:30). This brings up the decision on whether to gank mid or bot. This is normally reliant on a few things including summoners (look for flash/if the champions have early game blinks), what type of disables they have, and creep score/level. Normally I end up going mid, because that is the easier gank. In general you should be able to flash in, then ult to close distance really fast, once the ult is up, quickly use "q", activate w and e if it isn't already up for the increased movement speed and ability to see in bushes. Your teams mid should also be there when you gank to hopefully double up the stun, if this happens it is almost a guaranteed kill.

When ganking somewhere with two champions or more it's important to always hit the champion with the most easily usable disable first (except maybe a blitzcrank or singed, that normally backfires). In a typical bottom lane of Taric and Caitlyn, I normally hit the Taric as that is the surefire kill while if you go for Caitlyn, Taric can stun you off her and she most likely has two more escapes to use anyways. You also need to take into account your own teams abilities and disables. I find even if they have warded the bottom bush, you can still catch one champion out of position by doing a flash into the ultimate.

Mid-Game: For mid-game. Using Warwick's ult as a form of initiation is normally pretty bad form unless you are catching a single hero unawares. Wait until the fight has broken out and ulti the high-value target like the squishy AP Caster or AD Carry, if possible, keep track of the disables the other team has and what they have used so far in the fight. The nice thing is, that if you are doing well enough it pretty much is an automatic kill as you continue to chase them after the ult. If you can take out all of the other teams burst damage during a fight, you will win the sustain battle at the end of the fight almost every time unless the other team has a clutch ignite or is doubling up on you.

Late-Game: With my build late game, you can do whatever the fuck you want and still be a beast, there really isn't much of a weakness late game for WW. Your ult should come up every 35sec with blue buff and you can possibly do it whenever you want to. Exhaust and ignite are the only two things that really hinder WW near the end of the game.

I'll tell you my build, masteries and rune setup as well just to complete the guide.

My build is fairly simple:

Start - Boots and 3 Health Pots (this gives you great ganking potential, but makes you rather low at blue if you don't get a good leash, always ask for a good one)
1st Back - Madreds
2nd Back - Wriggles and Merc Treds
3rd Back - Spirit Visage

Then after that I normally get either Wit's End or Warmogs, then the other. Then my last item is Atma's. Surprisingly, I get to about 5 out of 6 of the items almost every game that goes over 30min. In the early game to get extra gold, always be on the lookout for lanes that you can support while your team goes back to buy/heal.

My masteries are 1-8-21 grabbing Smite in offensive and armor/dodge in defensive, and Flash in utility along with increased XP/Buffs.

Runes I go Flat AS Reds, Armor Yellows, and CDR/18 Blues, with Flat AS Quints. Armor Pen Quints are also fine, but you need the AS Reds for jungling.

If you want to see me play a game I'm Chronos in game, so just friend me.


Thanks for the detailed response. The guide I had been following was going with bloodrazor over wriggles, and it might not have focused on the warmogs/spirit visage defensive boost. It sounds like building him more tanky helps.

And yeah, I always go with flash + smite so far, and I think I used the flash + ult combination to effect a couple of times. When it works properly, it's very effective in the hilarious sense of Annie's flash + ult, though Annie has a bit more of the BAM SUDDENLY YOU ARE DEAD effect. XD
Blizzard said:
Thanks for the detailed response. The guide I had been following was going with bloodrazor over wriggles, and it might not have focused on the warmogs/spirit visage defensive boost. It sounds like building him more tanky helps.

And yeah, I always go with flash + smite so far, and I think I used the flash + ult combination to effect a couple of times. When it works properly, it's very effective in the hilarious sense of Annie's flash + ult, though Annie has a bit more of the BAM SUDDENLY YOU ARE DEAD effect. XD

Bloodrazor is really a situational item in that I find it delays your mid game too much. It is a great item on him, but I find it better to rush being tanky rather than getting that extra damage. If I did get Bloodrazor first, I would probably change around my Masteries to include the 15% spell pen (probably 9-9-12).

As for the Flash + Ult: Yea, it definitely works best in conjunction with other champions helping you kill them. The main point of it is to catch the enemy out of position.


IsayFever said:
a person that can play warwick?
Heyooooooo! XD

I will volunteer, however. Although apparently everyone I know is now doing warmick as easy mode jungle or something. (he is pretty easy to kill monsters with aside from the initial blue buff, I guess)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

Gear lord. Gangplank is just stupid. I wouldn't have even picked him if the enemy team didn't ban Cass.


Dance In My Blood said:
Gear lord. Gangplank is just stupid.
Were you fed early on? If I can't do it easily, he must not be overpowered! >=(

I notice you went a very unusual route for gangplank though, not getting sheen or trinity or crits but instead rushing warmogs before infinity edge? Does that allow you to melee enemies instead of just hanging back and hitting them with parley?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Were you fed early on? If I can't do it easily, he must not be overpowered! >=(

I notice you went a very unusual route for gangplank though, not getting sheen or trinity or crits but instead rushing warmogs before infinity edge? Does that allow you to melee enemies instead of just hanging back and hitting them with parley?
No, wasn't fed early. Had to lane versus Cho at top so I actually kind of had a hard time versus his sustain. Was about ten creeps behind him or something once laning phase ended.

Item build early game was Doran's Shield start, Beserkers + Vampiric Scepter (sold this later on which is why it won't show up) on first return.

Went for Infinity Edge after that, then Phantom Dancer. After it became obvious to the enemy team that I was the squishier threat on my team and my Cure Scurvy wasn't always getting me out of bad situations I went after crit/armor with Atma's then went Warmog's.

Sheen is okay on Gangplank, but if you're solo top like I was I would rather just stack the crit and hit for 2.5x damage on as many attacks as possible, and most of my damage can come from Parrlay and I don't have to rely on auto-attacks as much. Trinity is also okay, but again, I'd rather max HP and crit. I probably would have built a Frozen Mallet with the money I had if the game went any longer.



Wow, what a game. Yi dominated us early game leading to some very quick turret kills, then we got our stuff in gear and started to dominate both the mid-game and the late-game. We pretty much won all of the team fights and came SO close to winning. In the end Yi backdoored us and we all died, leaving them to just walk our base. Had good fun though <3

Fun little trivia fact; I died 5 times before the 30 minute mark, then again at end when we lost. Quite the killing spree I churned up :3


Oh, I would like to mention, that the matchmaking in LoL is seriously messed up. We got matched up with a level 30 Yi with 538 game wins when we didn't have a single 30? Cmon now, the rest of their team were solid 20's too. It's almost every game now that I get matched up against one, two or even three level 30's.


I am about to uninstall this game... Look at this. Matchmaking has been working me over non-stop this week. All games I'm #1 or #2 in personal score, with relatively high scores. See that game at the bottom where I am #1 personal score at 233 points? Yeah, that game literally lasted about 8 minutes. How is their matchmaking this bad? I get teams full of mouthbreathers that don't understand simple concepts of the game and the teams I'm up against are like a well-oiled death machine.

Half of these games I was even playing at work, so I wasn't even playing 100%!

Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I rarely get to play with my friends who are actually decent at this game.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They really capture the essence of the champions.
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