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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kod1ak said:
I am about to uninstall this game... Look at this. Matchmaking has been working me over non-stop this week. All games I'm #1 or #2 in personal score, with relatively high scores. See that game at the bottom where I am #1 personal score at 233 points? Yeah, that game literally lasted about 8 minutes. How is their matchmaking this bad? I get teams full of mouthbreathers that don't understand simple concepts of the game and the teams I'm up against are like a well-oiled death machine.

Half of these games I was even playing at work, so I wasn't even playing 100%!

Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I rarely get to play with my friends who are actually decent at this game.
You should play a game mode that isn't easily exploited/broken if you care about winning in an environment that could be considered competitive.


I only played ranked games with real life friends, so I'm pretty much stuck with normals. And it's not even that they're not taking the game seriously. They're all just BAD.

Is normal draft mode any better?


Ark said:
How did you play Dominion for six games in a row? I would have died from boredom.

Was playing at work. Had 12 hours to kill. There's only so much you can do on the internet before you run out of websites/forums to read.. especially at 3am.

And it was more than 6. That's all that show up at a time in the LoL client. I had about 3 more Dom games and a failure of a SR game as well. At least I got my one win of the day bonus game in there somewhere.


Kod1ak said:
I only played ranked games with real life friends, so I'm pretty much stuck with normals. And it's not even that they're not taking the game seriously. They're all just BAD.

I only play LoL with friends. If there isn't at least one person online that I usually play with, I wont be playing.

Halycon said:
Dominion is more fun than SR true story.

I must disagree here, Dominion could be so much better, but unfortunately it isn't.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Champs that suck on SR can be pretty good in Dominion, this scores major points.

Also highlights those in need of a real look, like Karma, who sucks on both maps.

Not to mention better IP/min, exciting team fights right out of the gate, more interesting items, no need for a dedicated jungler, etc.

Many of my problems with League of Legends (spammy, too much farm, simplistic items) actually contribute to the fun of Dominion, which is basically Arathi Basin where you don't have to grind for a week.
Seriously. Do something about Karma someone. Anyone. Please. She's so bad they didn't even bother to nerf her heals when they nerfed everyone's. It's like she doesn't even exist except when there's a typo in her tooltips.


Both modes are fun.. However, I like the fast pace of Dominion. You can nearly finish a game of Dom before you get out of the laning phase in SR. I just hate taking 15 min to last hit and skirmish or having to run through a jungle clear or two before you really get started with the action.

Plus, I usually play a jungle on SR, so it's nice to not have to worry about jungling. And, like Haly said, you get to play some champs that aren't viable otherwise.


Rayven said:
Maybe b/c you don't play with Haly, Legato, and I ;)

What is Dominion missing in your opinion?

The fact that you need three towers to even begin getting points is an artificial way of making the games 'closer', you should be generating points depending on how many towers you have. If you have one tower, then you should generate points.

I also feel that the games are too fast paced (I know it's supposed to be a quick game based gametype (there's a hyphen in there I'm missing)) but all of the champions are designed for SR and the classic Dota style game play, putting them into a auto-gold-feed 15-20 minute gametype doesn't work with everyone and infact there are times when I play Dominion that it feels even more unbalanced that SR does.

On top of that, I find Dominion very tedious. I see no replay value in it. I get points for doing stuff? I still don't even know how the Dominion points system works :p

At the end of the day, I compare Dominion to Arathi Basin (Because they're so similar). I played countless hours of AB back in my WoW days but Dominion has me fairly bored after a few games. Oh, and this will sound silly, but the turrets dealing tonnes of damage in Dominion just encourages more turret hugging, THAT get's very frustrating very quickly.
I wouldn't say Dominion is bad; I just don't like it very much. Many of the reasons I like LoL are not present in Dominion. I like ganks. I like the ebb and flow of lanes. I like how every character is viable. These things are not present in Dominion. Plus I actually like longer games.
Teknopathetic said:
"I like how every character is viable."

Excuse me?

There's something for everyone to do. People say Sivir and Eve suck, but they can backdoor really well. Meanwhile, there are some champs that are broken in Dominion. That isn't true for classic.
Um, you get points if you have only one more tower than the opposing team. I've had several successful games where all we did all game was neutralize their points and run away, so we had 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, and 3-x towers, always generating points.

IsayFever said:
a person that can play warwick?

I meant... I could finally learn a jungler...

IsayFever said:
Fuck this game, I quit.

You can't! Where the hell will we find a 5th?!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sivir, Karma and Eve do suck and I think you are a horrible and inconsiderate person who is wasting the time of everyone else in the game if you pick them. They aren't even good backdoor champions if that's what you want to do. Sivir is slow as heck, can't tank a turret until late, late game when turrets might as well be speed bumps, and has no escape. How is she even "backdooring"?

The kind of trolly people that play Eve btw (NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWwdR6AeoGE


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Karma doesn't exist Tre, don't forget that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yorick is finally free again this week. I expect many converts, since his last week was mostly before the buff. Riven isn't free though it sounds like, which is really...weird.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Uchip said:
I almost played a summoners rift last night, but remembered that it was boring


I was thinking about picking up the runes for my first jungle character, and I honestly really want to do jungle Cho'gath.

I was going to do WW or GP, but GP always, always gets bant in ranked and WW...I just don't like the way he plays.

I've heard jungle Cho is extremely good but he's just better at solo top so it's rarely seen.

Anyone have experience with this?
Ya'll bitchin' about lack of coordination with teammates...

We have LoLGAF and two different Mumble servers at our disposition. No excuses! And I've rarely met an ass who wouldn't listen.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
I was thinking about picking up the runes for my first jungle character, and I honestly really want to do jungle Cho'gath.

I was going to do WW or GP, but GP always, always gets bant in ranked and WW...I just don't like the way he plays.

I've heard jungle Cho is extremely good but he's just better at solo top so it's rarely seen.

Anyone have experience with this?
I jungle Cho sometimes. Very strong but most people won't play him because hitting the puncture can be tough, so ganks can take some effort and you aren't going to be guaranteed a kill like you would with some other champions.

This is a decent guide for it: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=2762
You might also want to watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eteuU7pKCMg

Cho doesn't need runes to jungle, so just try him out and see if you like him before you go and buy all the jungle runes for him.

Edit: It also looks like Riven is available on the free champion list this week, but Yorick isn't. His obscurity continues on.


Halycon said:



40 minutes of grief and farming
no thanks :/
not til dota2 at least

markot said:
I like Dominion, its short and sweet.

Buuuuut, how are they going to balance for these two pretty different modes >.<?

theyre already doing separate character buffs/debuffs specific to dominion
im sure they can make the bad ones more viable using this


Just tried yorick in dominion. He is at least A-tier. His poke isn't as strong as kog's but he is damn good at poking.

put that ult on yourself and hold a point against a jax,udyr and leblanc by yourself.

Feels good man
Dance In My Blood said:
I jungle Cho sometimes. Very strong but most people won't play him because hitting the puncture can be tough, so ganks can take some effort and you aren't going to be guaranteed a kill like you would with some other champions.

This is a decent guide for it: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=2762
You might also want to watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eteuU7pKCMg

Cho doesn't need runes to jungle, so just try him out and see if you like him before you go and buy all the jungle runes for him.

Edit: It also looks like Riven is available on the free champion list this week, but Yorick isn't. His obscurity continues on.

TY. Where is the rotation available before the front page?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
TY. Where is the rotation available before the front page?
I saw it on Reddit. I think it goes up early on the EU servers.


Second-rate Anihawk

Best game ever. It had everything including:

*Failed level 1 gank by the enemy team.
*Roaming Twitch, Shaco and Akali
*Getting bottom tower at 4 minutes


kiunchbb said:
So you have time to gang top or bot, steal enemy wraith for extra gold/xp, go back to shop?

All those give you an advantage against other side without losing much farm or your tower.

Hate it when good morganas do this

Push to the tower, put down a puddle at the caster minion then go gank top or bot. So hard to call her mia just because her pool of sludge is still there. When you do call mia, its pretty much a second or two before she appears out of the brush to gank.
Free Vayne and Kog'Maw in the same week. I'm excited to try both of them. I'm also looking forward to killing even more terrible Rivens than usual.
If all you have to contribute to a team is trying to solo a tower while your team gets dumped on in a team fight, you're not playing a viable character.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I am ready for Lee Sin to be nerfed so people who play him stop thinking they're actually good at this game.
Teknopathetic said:
If all you have to contribute to a team is trying to solo a tower while your team gets dumped on in a team fight, you're not playing a viable character.

Backdooring is a viable strat as long as you are all on the same page and defend correctly.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
Backdooring is a viable strat as long as you are all on the same page and defend correctly.
In 99.9% of games it isn't a viable strategy, so having a character who can only do that is pretty worthless. Backdooring is easy to spot with proper warding, and offers no real counter unless you are able to deliver a finishing blow. Otherwise the team with five people in the team fight crush the team with one person MIA and go destroy the nexus before your backdoor gets anywhere, and maybe even send one or two guys back to destroy you while you think you're getting fancy with the spices on some turret.

Sivir and Eve aren't even worthwhile backdoor tier. Go Yi or Trynd if you want to do that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well I complain about balance issues on champions I play too, like Morgana and Gangplank. But in those kind of situations I'm also the one laughing the whole game too.

Lee Sin is a different kind of imbalanced though. He's just like...this character that can build tank and still do great damage because of these obscene ratios. Dude is listed as an assassin, is somehow still one of the better tanks in the game, has great ganks, good ranged attacks/gap closers, jungling that does itself, isn't mana reliant so he can give up Blue easily, and even has utility with a shield. He is getting kicked down a little in a patch that is supposed to not change much for tournaments, and I would be amazed if he doesn't come down further in the future.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dance In My Blood said:
In 99.9% of games it isn't a viable strategy, so having a character who can only do that is pretty worthless. Backdooring is easy to spot with proper warding, and offers no real counter unless you are able to deliver a finishing blow. Otherwise the team with five people in the team fight crush the team with one person MIA and go destroy the nexus before your backdoor gets anywhere, and maybe even send one or two guys back to destroy you while you think you're getting fancy with the spices on some turret.

Sivir and Eve aren't even worthwhile backdoor tier. Go Yi or Trynd if you want to do that.
Eve is better than Yi in my experience. But worse than Trynd, if Trynd gets farmed up and the game drags to late game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I do it all the time, especially if my team can't punch through top. Why waste time dying over and over again when you can force them to abandon it to respond to you?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought we were talking about Dominion?

Or did I misread somewhere.
I've been playing AP Sion lately and he just seems like a really fucking good anticarry and backdoorer. Go double Dorans Rings into Needlessly Large Rod + Boots 1 and watch as you kill all the squishies with your shield.

You can wipe out entire minion waves by mid-game so he can REALLY push lanes fast. He seems like Yorick, Awesome as fuck but underplayed. By end game you shield and Stun do about 900 magic damage each and since the shield procs enrage you will have around about 3k HP if you farm well enough with your shield. It's just crazy fun.


came first in all my yorick dominion games. beat second place by at least 300 points every time too

The guy is a beast. Took down a full health renekton with his ult when i was 300 health after soloing a brand and ezreal. Spirit visage +his E just brings your health back to full after 3 spams.

its ridiculous
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