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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Halycon said:
Actually all the snowball items gain cost efficiency at 4-8 stacks.

Case in point the highest I've stacked a snowball item is 17 on my smurf.

Question, how I duo queue? I have a friend who watched me play LoL a lot and recently started getting into it. She's okay but obviously new so smurfs just feed off her. We played one game in arranged where everyone except her was a smurf. So, how do I get into solo ladder with a friend? I know it's possible but I can't find how to do it. Did Riot remove it>

Do you mean ranked? If so, only level 30 players may queue for ranked games.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I mean normal. Are there duo normal games?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
joethefoo said:
You can create an arrange team and join the queue with only 2 people.
Probably with arranged matches are everyone is a smurf and so are their smurf friends.


joethefoo said:
That's the only way to do it.

Is the smurfing in this game that bad? I have never bothered making one.
I have a smurf I made to tutor a friend, and of ten or so that we played, I think 2 players that were obviously smurf.

So I guess is not that bad.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

I can't believe we lost this one I was tanking 3 lanes of supercreeps with hextech + sunfire + creeping death and they just went for the fucking nexus. The opposing team failed TWO 5 man baron buffed pushes and we still lost because Yi decided to BD the side lanes while we were counterpushing. I should've ditched Ninja Tabi for Triforce or Divine or even Rylai's. Stupid.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I fucking hate auto attack heroes fuck all of them.

In other news I finally discovered what Hextech is good for so that's a plus.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He's considered one of the lower tier tanks actually, but he's really good against people who don't understand him.

Which is most people.
I REALLY want to play this game again but I can't since I don't have a PC that can run it anymore.
So painful.. :(
Season 1 looks sweeet.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
YianGaruga said:
I REALLY want to play this game again but I can't since I don't have a PC that can run it anymore.
So painful.. :(
Season 1 looks sweeet.
Are you on a laptop or something? It's pretty low end, even my friend's machine which is a piece of crap can run it.
Halycon said:
Are you on a laptop or something? It's pretty low end, even my friend's machine which is a piece of crap can run it.
Yeah, a pretty bad one.
I know the game isn't taxing but it runs on a very unstable framerate, even at lowest setting.
And I'm poor.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
YianGaruga said:
Yeah, a pretty bad one.
I know the game isn't taxing but it runs on a very unstable framerate, even at lowest setting.
And I'm poor.
Awww :(
PSA: Next time you have to go back to base early and only have 1000g and can't quite pick up that B.F. Sword...buy 270g worth of wards instead of just saving up. I am a believer. Completely turned around an AWFUL game where our mid annie never called mid xin miss and he got super fed (like 7-0). I take initiative and buy some wards (mostly to save my own ass) and sure enough we catch xin trying to come down by me and stop his killing spree. I continue warding everything (and some pubbers and Wes join in on the ward fun) and the constant use of wards saved us from many ganks and setup many of our own to turn it around completely.



Archie said:
Is Mordekaiser considered OP? I've had nothing but great success with him so far.

OP? No, but pretty close. His damage shield makes him a great tank, especially when tower diving, and his damage output is scary. With the cleanse nerf his ultimate is pretty effin good too.

Teknopathetic said:


To add to the advice, it really really helps if you keep a ward at Baron so you can be aware of the other team fighting him.


Any recommendations for a 3150 character? Almost getting there.

The only character I can win with is Kat. My Yi build is totally garbage now that crit damage runes is garbage vs arp.

Garen's pretty easy to use the last time I tried him. I saw a guy destroy my team with 3 sunfire capes on Garen. I want to try out an awesome tank.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wards are for pros and tryhards.

And to keep an eye on Baron and jungling. Wriggler's Lantern is an awesome if underused item.


JWong said:
Any recommendations for a 3150 character? Almost getting there.

The only character I can win with is Kat. My Yi build is totally garbage now that crit damage runes is garbage vs arp.

Garen's pretty easy to use the last time I tried him. I saw a guy destroy my team with 3 sunfire capes on Garen. I want to try out an awesome tank.

Just putting my 2 cents in about the sunfire cape builds. It's generally pretty weak and in higher ELO games you'll get countered hard.

At the moment, Garen is considered a little under powered since I believe that most of his attacks do physical damage and there is so much armor in the game that negates him. I'm not sure what the price is for these champs, but if you want to try a tank, go for either Amumu or Rammus.

Currently, I'm on a 6 game win streak with Amumu in normal matches. I just love that little guy :)
JWong said:
Any recommendations for a 3150 character? Almost getting there.

The only character I can win with is Kat. My Yi build is totally garbage now that crit damage runes is garbage vs arp.

Garen's pretty easy to use the last time I tried him. I saw a guy destroy my team with 3 sunfire capes on Garen. I want to try out an awesome tank.
Nidalee is fucking awesome and underrated. She can do everything.


aka surume
Teknopathetic said:
Agreed. We need to start showing ward purchases in post game stats so ppl can see that there's a direct correlation between map vision and winning.

Also, if you're offtanking and can spare the Spell slot, you can take clairvoyance to really help your team out. Obviously not as effective as wards, but good for checking brush before a push, golem/lizard, dragon, and nashor.


I still need to be convinced as to why a flat health quint would be better than AP, Mpen or whatever.

HeartAttackJones said:
Agreed. We need to start showing ward purchases in post game stats so ppl can see that there's a direct correlation between map vision and winning.

Also, if you're offtanking and can spare the Spell slot, you can take clairvoyance to really help your team out. Obviously not as effective as wards, but good for checking brush before a push, golem/lizard, dragon, and nashor.

Clairvoyance, lol.


Are Poppy's abilities really catered for tanking? She seems more like a tough fighter. And the same somewhat applies to Kassadin.

I haven't played much of Amumu, but I remember my friend being really shitty with him. :lol
His abilities seem pretty solid for a tank that gives crowd control support.

Edit: I guess Poppy and Kass make good tanks if itemized properly. They are dangerous and would be the focus target most of the time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
JWong said:
Are Poppy's abilities really catered for tanking? She seems more like a tough fighter. And the same somewhat applies to Kassadin.

I haven't played much of Amumu, but I remember my friend being really shitty with him. :lol
His abilities seem pretty solid for a tank that gives crowd control support.

Edit: I guess Poppy and Kass make good tanks if itemized properly. They are dangerous and would be the focus target most of the time.
She's a soft carry/tank like Xin and Jax.


JWong said:
Are Poppy's abilities really catered for tanking? She seems more like a tough fighter. And the same somewhat applies to Kassadin.

I haven't played much of Amumu, but I remember my friend being really shitty with him. :lol
His abilities seem pretty solid for a tank that gives crowd control support.

Edit: I guess Poppy and Kass make good tanks if itemized properly. They are dangerous and would be the focus target most of the time.

Amumu is the best tank not named Shen. You will almost never go wrong playing as Amumu.


JWong said:
Are Poppy's abilities really catered for tanking? She seems more like a tough fighter. And the same somewhat applies to Kassadin.

I haven't played much of Amumu, but I remember my friend being really shitty with him. :lol
His abilities seem pretty solid for a tank that gives crowd control support.

Edit: I guess Poppy and Kass make good tanks if itemized properly. They are dangerous and would be the focus target most of the time.
They aren't, poppy is a horrible tank, the more hp and resist you buy, her damage reduction gets worse. Poppy is an anti-carry, you do a lot of burst damage to them while protected for the rest of the team.

Personally I like AP poppy a lot, and it's really hard to be good at her, it's all about positioning and know when to attack to kill your target and be able to run away.


bluemax said:
Amumu is the best tank not named Shen. You will almost never go wrong playing as Amumu.
I'm using Amumu now. I could never do a lot of damage with Shen. He has a lot of disables and support.


poppy's a shit tank, but that won't stop people from complaining that you're not tanking

also my LOL ID is: Maulenstein

I'm on a bit and I would love to play with some people I don't absolutely loath!


sparkle this bitch
Well, I just played my first two games. I quite enjoyed it a lot.

Lost the first one, but it was obvious going in. I did pretty good(like 17 to 3, with 16-17 assists). We were one down, and once they sent 3 up on the middle, I couldn't hold them back anymore.

2nd game we won. Again, our team was down one and they had the one guy get super charged right off the bat. No one else on their team was much of a major threat though. Basically that one guy would kill 3 members of our team in 5 seconds flat, and could parry our two melee at the same time. But we caught up later on, and once my team figured out to attack with me instead of falling back(My character had 3 aura banners going for it, particularly the life steal and attack speed, with some bonus defense). Three of us ended up stomping their entire base together, while getting 7 or 8 kills during it. They had no synergy going between them.

Anyways, basic tips would be lovely ^_^


Kyoufu said:
I still need to be convinced as to why a flat health quint would be better than AP, Mpen or whatever.

Because 3 health quints give you nearly 100 HP, starting at level 1 where an average champ will have 400-600 HP: it's a massive boost to survivability during a period of the game where an early death can potentially set you back beyond recovery. HP quints eventually get overshadowed late game, but so do the more "offensive" quints and during the first few levels most champs don't have the ability/items to exploit that extra offensive power anyway.

HP quints aren't always the "optimal" way to go, but they're almost always a safe bet on nearly every champion.
Tetsuo9 said:
They aren't, poppy is a horrible tank, the more hp and resist you buy, her damage reduction gets worse. Poppy is an anti-carry, you do a lot of burst damage to them while protected for the rest of the team.

Personally I like AP poppy a lot, and it's really hard to be good at her, it's all about positioning and know when to attack to kill your target and be able to run away.
It's also about abusing the fuck out of her passive. I don't think *anyone* actually bothers to remember what it is when fighting her. Between that and her W, she's an excellent kiter and low-hp bait.


bought Ezreal. Fun champ but man he feels really micro-managey with the having to aim and what not. Only played one match with him, on a really bad team, but held my own. I can already tell I will get a ton of kills with this guy once I get him down. Any good builds/tips?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Bloodthirsters, maybe a Chalice, boots according to situation and other damage items as you see fit. I like Sheen -> triforce because it turns your arrows into slow on a stick. Ditto for Frozen Mallet.

Sunfire, randuins, play safe early. Always keep sweeping back and forth to scare the other team. Use your Q to harass and heal. One level of feint early on to dodge harassment. Use taunt against channeelers/casters. Monitor people's healthbars to ult and save them. You can also ult to run away.

You can taunt someone attacking your tower so they'll attack you and tower will switch to them. Later on you must remember you're tank and shouldn't be afraid to die if it'll do something good. You can also use his dash to run away.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Archie said:
I bought Shen and got stomped my first game with him. Any tips?

He's a pure tank, nothing extraneous, so you want to play him as such. Maintain map awareness and use your ult to counter ganks or to save the person being focused in team fights. Shut down dangerous characters with your taunt. Use your plink on the enemy being focused.


Archie said:
I bought Shen and got stomped my first game with him. Any tips?

Don't even bother playing Shen until you have a high level of map awareness. Nothing makes me happier than being saved by Shen's ult when I'm certain to die with just 100hp remaining. Sadly, most players can't do that because they lack awareness.
Oh, that guy wanted a tank? Get Poppy instead! Really fun to hit people with your Q for the first time after you get Sheen. Knock a clean 20-25% off people who aren't stacking Magic Resist/HP. Using your ult to take out a heimer in his shitty turret nest or win a 2v1 is super fun.

"bought Ezreal. Fun champ but man he feels really micro-managey with the having to aim and what not. Only played one match with him, on a really bad team, but held my own. I can already tell I will get a ton of kills with this guy once I get him down. Any good builds/tips?"

I got him with IP saved up during this double weekend. Apparently, AD is the preferred build. There's a build on leaguecraft that gets a Ghostblade and a Brutalizer as the core build and then after that it's luxury items. Working well for me.


yeah, I bought him with IP as well. I was going to get Vlad but I want to see how he fares in the next patch. I think I was referencing that same build in my one game today but my team collapsed before I had a chance to get more than the single ghost blade.
eznark - I play a pretty decent ezreal and I roll with the AD build because his AP build doesnt seem worth it now that flux lost its healing.

dorans ring
-GA or survive item

I roll ghost/ignite. D ring will let you spam mystic shot for last hitting and harass. You will do a LOT of dmg as long as you don't miss. Ignite will help you grab early kills. Get lizard alot. Use your ult at the beginning of teamfights, dont save it for after.

(lets play again soon, I promise I won't surrender no matter how undermanned we are!)

Shen- What problems are you having with shen? he is the best tank in the game but no tank can offset a team of 4 baddies.


What's the ideal item to build when going up against a team mostly...

I normally rush to warmogs and either boots of swiftness or mecury, but I'm not sure what's best vs the champion types.

*Edit, btw I'm playing Cho.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Once I saw Flash on Ezreal.

It was very annoying and got to the point where I had to move ahead of everyone else to intercept his flashes.

What's the ideal item to build when going up against a team mostly...

I normally rush to warmogs and either boots of swiftness or mecury, but I'm not sure what's best vs the champion types.

*Edit, btw I'm playing Cho.
Only rush Warmog's if you're doing exceptionally well. It doesn't provide farming capabilities, and is inferior in survival until you get a lot of charges. For a hero like Cho you don't have any problem getting charges with stun + silence + your passive so there's no harm in getting it later on.

AP - Spirit Visage (early game), Banshees (very cost effective), Force of Nature (better late)
DPS - Sunfire (the sooner you get it the sooner you can mow down creepwaves), Thornmail (the one hard counter to every single dps hero), Randuins (one of the best all around tanking items with a slow to boot)
Tank - No advice here, either you outtank them or outdps then. If you have an auto-attacking hero, yell at them to get Madred's. If there's a caster carry, Deathfire Grasp. Beyond that Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration as appropriate to your carry hero is important depending on what items they get. Generally it's not your job as a tank to deal with tanks beyond getting in their way with your huge bug ass.

Items good for nearly all situations: Aegis (awesome underused (in normal) item), Guardian's Angel (For teams with mix damage and to save your charges, also to make chasers rage)

Tip for tanking as Cho: Cho is the only tank in the game that can draw damage by virtue of being huge. Get your charges, then stand over your carry. The enemy will have a bitch of a time clicking them and you might wind up eating stuns meant for them. That or delay them from using their spells right away.


y2dvd said:
What's the ideal item to build when going up against a team mostly...

I normally rush to warmogs and either boots of swiftness or mecury, but I'm not sure what's best vs the champion types.

*Edit, btw I'm playing Cho.
Warmogs is an awful item for basically every champ... Get a Rod of Ages instead on Cho


Wow, the switch to Amumu is awesome.

I got a lot of wins under him, and I just had a five kill at once. 5x sunfire cape is sure fun.


sparkle this bitch
Another 3 games, turned out to be 2 and 1. I've been 4 to 1 with T.Fate. I think I got the feel of the character. I've been stacking Attack Speed with Life steal(I normally get the weaker versions, but ones that also support my team). Where once the game gets really started 20-25 minutes in. We can plow right through most of them.

I still feel like I'm doing something wrong through. 2nd who else is a really good hero for me to try out?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Get some damage, no point stacking attack speed if your hits are like bb-guns.

Bloodthirsters is nice.
Madred's against tanks.
Infinite edge if you can farm it, or just buy one or two BFS and then stack ASPD.

Guinsoo's Rageblade is one of the best items period and awesome on TF.

Ashe is pretty easy to play, just auto attack. Annie too, a very good introductory caster. Both are free at the moment. Zilean is awesome support but takes a lot of clicking to play, like alot. If the game lasts long enough there will be a point where you're casting nonstop.
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