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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Don't harass as Gang unless you have too. If they are picking at you too much to the point of denying, then spend the mana to harass. But its best to just become a farming machine.


Okiedoke, I will need to work on my farming and consider warmogs.

I tried another bot game with Nidalee for the win of the day. I need to try intermediate bots and then an actual PVP game, but she's fun to play! I'm still getting the hang of remembering which cougar attack does which ability though. =P Does anyone have general tips about when you should use cougar attacks and when to use human attacks?


Blizzard said:
Okiedoke, I will need to work on my farming and consider warmogs.

I tried another bot game with Nidalee for the win of the day. I need to try intermediate bots and then an actual PVP game, but she's fun to play! I'm still getting the hang of remembering which cougar attack does which ability though. =P Does anyone have general tips about when you should use cougar attacks and when to use human attacks?

Nidalee - Max out your heal if your solo top. Auto attack enemies whenever you can. when you get to 6 its usually a certain kill but i usually get a kill before that.

Use cougar form whenever you're fighting. Focus down squishies unless they flash away. If they reappear, pounce to them and get a kill. When you get low, pounce away twice, use heal, throw a spear back, cougar, pounce away some more. If your spear completely demolishes their health then chase back with cougar form.

Its always good to have the brush filled with your traps so if they try flashing and running away, you have sight of them. Just keep chasing if they're low and running away from your brush cause you are going to catch them even if they ghost/flash. If you can't catch them for some reason then chase until your almost in turret range, change to human and throw a spear to predict their movements. As you play nidalee more, you'll get use to where they run after you chase them.

I usually start with dorans ring unless top is against two or against a strong caster like ryze or swain. I get boots and pots if that happens. After the first b, I get boots of lucidity and a ward with some pots.

Second b i usually have enough for a large rod. Get a rabadons. Get lichbane. (get some armour/mr if you're getting raped though)

I get GA after this so i pretty much never die.

The key to nidalee is stay in cougar form all game after level 6 unless you're putting traps for some sight,healing or trying to spear people as they b at their turrets.

I know there are stronger nidalee builds but this one works for me so well


sparkle this bitch
Tank plank is the only plank. Don't let others tell you otherwise. Most melee characters have to build up tanky regardless. Strongest ones always seem to be ones that can keep up damage while doing so. Xin, Jax(Though it comes nature with normal items), Noc, Sin, and Gang.

2nd, Farm is far more important than initially let on to be. Kills grant around 300g, minions are 20 a piece on average. 3 waves cleared > than a kill. I think once you start viewing kills as more opportunities for dragon control, denying their farm, clearing towers, collapsing lanes. Rather than just a gold boost, you'll start to understand it more.


Cheeto said:
Rush triforce
This is yet another of those mixed advice cases. I used a really high-rated guide and tried to rush Sheen -> Triforce in most games, only to have (so I seem to recall) people repeatedly tell me that sheen/triforce is meh, to get other items first, to build tanky instead of normal, to jungle instead of laning, etc.

So I don't really know who to trust. =p


Blizzard said:
This is yet another of those mixed advice cases. I used a really high-rated guide and tried to rush Sheen -> Triforce in most games, only to have (so I seem to recall) people repeatedly tell me that sheen/triforce is meh, to get other items first, to build tanky instead of normal, to jungle instead of laning, etc.

So I don't really know who to trust. =p
It depends a lot on your team composition and who's in top lane. If you have a team that scales really well into late game, then you should have the time to farm for Warmog's. I sometimes find my self going critplank even though that build is a bit outdated.


Blizzard said:
This is yet another of those mixed advice cases. I used a really high-rated guide and tried to rush Sheen -> Triforce in most games, only to have (so I seem to recall) people repeatedly tell me that sheen/triforce is meh, to get other items first, to build tanky instead of normal, to jungle instead of laning, etc.

So I don't really know who to trust. =p

I'm not sure it is a matter of trust, but more so which items match your play style better. Then once you figure that out you start going with items that match up against the other team or with your team better.

Item selection won't make or break you, but it can really affect your margin for error.


Blizzard said:
This is yet another of those mixed advice cases. I used a really high-rated guide and tried to rush Sheen -> Triforce in most games, only to have (so I seem to recall) people repeatedly tell me that sheen/triforce is meh, to get other items first, to build tanky instead of normal, to jungle instead of laning, etc.

So I don't really know who to trust. =p
I like my GP to control the lane and the best way I find to do that is great poke damage. Some people think getting crit % allows that, but I don't agree. Sheen/Triforce gives higher consistent damage on your parlays. If you consider the amount of damage you'll do over multiple parlays as you try to harass your lane opponent away from CS, the damage is higher than the occasional crit you get if you rush the critplank build. Once you build triforce you're getting ridiculous stats in other areas too, don't forget that. Its the most expensive item for a reason. There is a case for tankplank and jungleplank, but if you're playing damage I don't think there is a solid case other items before triforce.

My solo top gangplank build generally starts with boots and 3 pots. I focus only on CS, only parlaying champs if they try to bully me. If they push or hold back, you can still use parlay to last hit. I generally stay in lane a long time, maybe too long...but who knows. When I go back for the first time I like to have over 2k gold and I get a sheen and a philo stone... and now I can be the bully with my level advantage and the damage from sheen. Even then, I still focus on farm saving my ult to support other lanes when I can and I keep their top tower alive as long as possible while holding ours. After triforce I might get IE, BT, Atmas, its all situational... but I find that once I get that triforce things start to snowball real fast as you can farm and escape, bully, push etc all you want.

Maybe you should be benchmarking how much CS you can rack up at certain points in the game, watch some pro replays and compare if you have to. It might be a fault of the game, and it boring as fuck to watch as a spectator, but CS is usually the most important stat of the game. So that might be holding you back from succeeding


unifin said:
They said the same thing about Orianna, tbh.
lol I still remember the death threats and queue dodges I'd get in pre-game chat when I played Orianna 24/7 when she first came out. Gragas too, and I have a special place in my memories for one guy that was really pissed when I picked gragas. I had a really 'ON' game and I just couldn't be stopped. It was just one of those great games you have every 1 in 10 games... the same guy was like, well I'll never look at gragas the same way again.


His range is just ridiculous - you can nuke people from so far away that you're basically never at risk in teamfights.

He has problems against initiation-heavy teams when your own doesn't have much hard CC, but that's pretty much the case for any mage.


I thought his voice sounded really grating. And of course everyone will be playing him...but still, I really want to farm like 3000 more IP now. :/ It's gonna take a long time.


unifin said:
His range is just ridiculous - you can nuke people from so far away that you're basically never at risk in teamfights.

Just played a custom match with Xerath and the range is hilarious.

Open up with the mage chains, cast the stun spell, activate stun with lighting bolt beam then nuke with ulti = win.


Neo Member
The problem i have with xerath is basically he has 2 damage spells. And after that your a sitting duck. Your siege mode makes you even more like a sitting duck. And then the like electric line shot (dont know name) takes like 2 seconds to cast.


Diglet said:
The problem i have with xerath is basically he has 2 damage spells. And after that your a sitting duck. Your siege mode makes you even more like a sitting duck. And then the like electric line shot (dont know name) takes like 2 seconds to cast.

I think Xerath is very much a 'one combo burst' champion. You pop everything, kill however many people, and get out until your CD's are up.


Ark said:
I think Xerath is very much a 'one combo burst' champion. You pop everything, kill however many people, and get out until your CD's are up.
Annie is presumably that way, and possibly Ryze and Veigar as well, right? They don't have escape/speedup spells (besides veigar's stun wall). They have 2-3 damaging spells, and if you're near someone you dump them all on them, hopefully stun and obliterate at least one person, and then run away while your teammates help until your spells are up again.

It sounds like Xerath can do that burst from a longer distance than the other champions, though.


Blizzard said:
Annie is presumably that way, and possibly Ryze and Veigar as well, right? They don't have escape/speedup spells (besides veigar's stun wall). They have 2-3 damaging spells, and if you're near someone you dump them all on them, hopefully stun and obliterate at least one person, and then run away while your teammates help until your spells are up again.

It sounds like Xerath can do that burst from a longer distance than the other champions, though.

I think you're right, but as you say, Xerath has the range. Which was super fun when I was playing in custom :)


Anyone else experiencing a First Win of the Day not showing up? I've been eligible for hours, the icon shows up after I win but the 150ip does not. I've played 5 matches in Dominion and 2 of classic today the icon is always there in yellow but the ip bonus doesn't apply.


Second-rate Anihawk

Gems. Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous.


sparkle this bitch
Most of the AP carries are that way, some more than others.

New guy has annoying range, but he is really nothing pass that.


Cheeto said:
lol I still remember the death threats and queue dodges I'd get in pre-game chat when I played Orianna 24/7 when she first came out. Gragas too, and I have a special place in my memories for one guy that was really pissed when I picked gragas. I had a really 'ON' game and I just couldn't be stopped. It was just one of those great games you have every 1 in 10 games... the same guy was like, well I'll never look at gragas the same way again.

Yeah some premade guys started to talk shit to me in the queue when i played riven on the first week. I then proceeded to go 9/0/15. The entire team didn't talk for the whole game. Felt good.


EGM92 said:
Anyone else experiencing a First Win of the Day not showing up? I've been eligible for hours, the icon shows up after I win but the 150ip does not. I've played 5 matches in Dominion and 2 of classic today the icon is always there in yellow but the ip bonus doesn't apply.
Ive been having the same issue as you since yesterday. I am not positive in that I am really getting it or not but its not bringing up the counter.


Achtius said:
Summons, i'll let you in a little secret in how to get better. Save whatever IP you have and buy some runes.

My friends told me to write off all runes until level 20 (I'm only 11 atm).

Yay or nay?


sparkle this bitch
XeroSauce said:
My friends told me to write off all runes until level 20 (I'm only 11 atm).

Yay or nay?
L3 are what you want, but L1 runes are fine too. About 60-70% of L3, but a 10th of the cost.

Just don't buy L2


XeroSauce said:
My friends told me to write off all runes until level 20 (I'm only 11 atm).

Yay or nay?

Summons is level 30 with a lot of empty slots :p

Between level 1 to 19, tier 1 runes can help a lot (it is the most cost effective).
Once you hit 20, get tier 3 runes as they give the best stats.

like other people say tier 2 is a waste of ip.


XeroSauce said:
My friends told me to write off all runes until level 20 (I'm only 11 atm).

Yay or nay?

I'd pick up a set of T1 armor pen/magic pen runes before dropping several thousand IP on the T3 ones. They'll be about half as effective as a full set of T3's, but definitely worth it in the meanwhile.

Certain champs benefit a LOT from runes, and you'll have a pretty nice advantage over other players.


Corporate Apologist
Archie said:

Gems. Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous.
0 CS? Surrendered right at 20? Damn, that is clean. I don't think I could get 0 CS while playing, it is so easy to kill a few creeps if you shatter on the enemy, but maybe I am too aggressive.


Achtius said:
Summons, i'll let you in a little secret in how to get better. Save whatever IP you have and buy some runes.
As I told you before, I have like 1/2 - 2/3 of my rune page filled with quints or level 3's, no? I just bought more.

Also I'm losing like my 5th intermediate bot game ever thanks to a disconnecting malphite and a xerath with 1 kill. AUGH.


Achtius said:
Summons is level 30 with a lot of empty slots :p

Between level 1 to 19, tier 1 runes can help a lot (it is the most cost effective).
Once you hit 20, get tier 3 runes as they give the best stats.

like other people say tier 2 is a waste of ip.
shintoki said:
That would explain so much about him. Lol
FlightOfHeaven said:
I find that Cait lives or dies on her flat ArmPen and ManaRegen runes.
"a lot of empty slots" = I have 18/30 filled. I just bought maybe 3 new ones in the last few days.

I have 4 tier 1 yellows, 1 tier 1 quint, and 13 tier 3 runes. So 13/18 are tier 3. In addition, I have +8.3 armor pen.

Now, people would surely tell me I should be buying different runes, but considering people can't agree on even basic item/role stuff, I figure I'd go insane trying to listen to different people's advice about runes.


Corporate Apologist
I am guessing somehow the server mixed up your game with anther that finished up? It reminds me of Futurama though.


Riven joins the ranks of Nidalee as "champions that are fun to play". Riven seems harder to do well with than Nidalee though. Also, Nidalee seems to be good most of the game, but weak endgame after her build is finished. I think I had 600 AP or so and wasn't doing much damage aside from spears.
unifin said:
His range is just ridiculous - you can nuke people from so far away that you're basically never at risk in teamfights.

He has problems against initiation-heavy teams when your own doesn't have much hard CC, but that's pretty much the case for any mage.

Played a game against him yesterday... a very cheap hero IMHO. This guy was just sitting hidden in the jungle all teh time firing long range shots at our turret while his teammates where swarming our turret (so we were a bit stuck around the tower most of the time). The slowly burned down our towers like this but lost the fight once our Yi got his farming quota and started to slaughter everybody ;)

Still I thought the new guy was pretty cheap and a bit boring. A rather cowardly hero IMHO.


I find that he is easy to counter by the likes of Cho'gath and Kassadin. Also high mobility champions seems to be a good pick from my experience. He doesn't have the high burst of Annie or Brand, so anyone that can get close to him should be able to secure a kill. I even saw a Rammus take on Xerath earlier today with great success.


I reckon the biggest counter to xerath is nidalee. Easiest spear shots.

Build up to 150ap and one hit ko some xeraths who dont build health/mr and are rooted


Ferga said:
I reckon the biggest counter to xerath is nidalee. Easiest spear shots.

Build up to 150ap and one hit ko some xeraths who dont build health/mr and are rooted

I think his counter is just getting in his face.

From what I've played against him, I don't think he's that great. Sure he does really good in laning, but once laning breaks he's kinda shitty. Any AD with good mobility can just pounce and run circles on him. Doesn't seem like he can do much then since his skills are so narrow and he's squishy.
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