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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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bjaelke said:
I find that he is easy to counter by the likes of Cho'gath and Kassadin. Also high mobility champions seems to be a good pick from my experience. He doesn't have the high burst of Annie or Brand, so anyone that can get close to him should be able to secure a kill. I even saw a Rammus take on Xerath earlier today with great success.

Yes true...

In my team we had a Morgana... I was expecting her to slaughter him, but I guess she was not very good because she didn't get a lot of kills on him mid. I had support (Soraka) but getting in range for a silence was nasty.

That being said... Rammus can take on almost everybody ;) Garen might be good against him as well... will try that a few times I think.


Is Super Teemo going to be a Halloween skin? Haven't played LoL during a holiday yet so I don't know how they announce them but that skin could definetly be a costume. When do they normally announce/reveal all the skins for a holiday and how long do we have to buy them?
Blizzard said:
"a lot of empty slots" = I have 18/30 filled. I just bought maybe 3 new ones in the last few days.
I have 4 tier 1 yellows, 1 tier 1 quint, and 13 tier 3 runes. So 13/18 are tier 3. In addition, I have +8.3 armor pen.
Now, people would surely tell me I should be buying different runes, but considering people can't agree on even basic item/role stuff, I figure I'd go insane trying to listen to different people's advice about runes.

Find a favorite champion or 3 and figure out what they really need.

For the longest time I was running Manamune on Caitlyn. I found her to be really, really thirsty for mana regen early on, so I'd always get at least Meki pendant, but this would set me back. Also, people would start getting armor against my ultimate, making it far weaker.

Solution? Mana Regeneration and Armor Penetration.

And so on.


If you don't know, just get flat armor seals (yellow runes). Always nice to have more armor and take less damage in the early game.

but since you play a lot of cait and gp, get armor pen mark.


Achtius said:
If you don't know, just get flat armor seals (yellow runes). Always nice to have more armor and take less damage in the early game.

but since you play a lot of cait and gp, get armor pen mark.
As mentioned, I have 8.3 armor pen and I might buy more. :)


Keep in mind that there are different 'types' of runes (primary vs secondary). I.e. Armor pen mark (primary) is better than armor pen seal or glyph (both are secondary). So instead of wasting the glyph and seal slots on armor pen, you might be better off getting armor seal and magic resist glyph.

More information here:


Primary/Secondary, what does it mean?

So what are primary and secondary runes? They are categories that specify whether a bonus will be big or small. Primary runes mean big bonuses, secondary means small.

Let's use an example: Greater Glyph of Focus(primary) > Greater Seal of Focus(secondary) > Greater Mark of Focus(secondary)

They give: -0,65%, -0,29% and -0,16%. As you can see the secondary runes are not even half as good. So even if you have all CDR seals and marks you'll still get less than from just the glyphs.

So instead of getting Greater Glyph of Strength and Greater Mark of Focus you should get Greater Glyph of Focus and Greater Mark of Strength, for much bigger bonuses.

Since the bonuses often are more than twice as big, using only primary runes is almost always the best choice.

Primary runes

Now that you know what they are let's take a look at which bonuses are primary where.

Marks: Penetration, attack speed, AD and critical strike damage/chance.

Seals: HP, dodge, armor and regeneration (mana-reg too!).

Glyphs: CDR, AP, MR and mana.

Quintessences don't have any secondary runes. They are all primary.
Though there are utility runes only available in quints. Those are +1.5%movespeed, +2%exp gain, +1gold/10sec and -5%time spent dead. They work with most champs but are rarely needed. The MS quints are the only ones I'd recommend getting.


sparkle this bitch
Going to be giving HoN another try. Also I started to play a bunch of my indie titles from Steam, specifically Shatter and Atom Zombie Smasher
So I wanna try Shaco in the Jungle. This is how I'm gonna try to play him if anyone with more exp with him let me know if there is anything I can improve.

4-5 boxes at red
smite wraith
kill red
kill double golem

16-3-11 masteries

2 health quints 1 armor pen quint
9 armor pen quints
9 armor quints
9 magic resist quints or 5 magic resist quints/4 cdr quints


Rayven, if you're around, this is the second time today I've seen this client/lobby problem, and it happened yesterday too. I get invited to a lobby, sit in it, then the game starts and I'm left in the lobby with only my name. Meanwhile, apparently it puts a random internet guy in my spot in the champion select screen with my team. The only way I know to fix it is to restart the client, and of course my team would have to dodge and take the 5-minute penalty if they want to give it another chance.


Achtius said:
since I am bored and shen is on rotation, how what do u get for jungle shen, other than wiggle?

I just grab normal tanks items after wriggles. Aegis sometimes instead of wriggles as well


Corporate Apologist
Greetings Drkirby,

Recently, we announced that we were giving the Kayle champion along with a promotional skin to certain qualified players.

Well, we also noticed that you purchased the Kayle champion for 450IP within two weeks prior to the announcement or sometime shortly afterwards, even though your account already qualified for this reward!

Since you were already slated to receive Kayle for free so soon after completing your purchase, we decided to issue you a proactive refund for the purchase price.

This refund has already have been credited to your account, and is yours to spend however you'd like. Please consider Kayle our gift to you!

Thanks again for your continued support, and we hope to see you out there on the Fields of Justice!
I don't want Vayne to be free for another 6 months at least. I've never seen so many 0-11 games in my life. The only time a team with Vayne wins is when the other team also has Vayne.

Free Vayne Week... never forget.


FutureZombie said:
I don't want Vayne to be free for another 6 months at least. I've never seen so many 0-11 games in my life. The only time a team with Vayne wins is when the other team also has Vayne.

Free Vayne Week... never forget.
Yeah, whence ever I see vayne on a team I think 'nice, easy game ^_^'

So far thats been the case.


Ferrio said:
I think his counter is just getting in his face.

From what I've played against him, I don't think he's that great. Sure he does really good in laning, but once laning breaks he's kinda shitty. Any AD with good mobility can just pounce and run circles on him. Doesn't seem like he can do much then since his skills are so narrow and he's squishy.

nahh i have a counter for ad champs running to me when i'm xerath. I've learnt to always have your ult up and never use it to initiate unless its 1v1.

If they run up to you, E, R. stun

run while chucking back 1 Rs. They should be half health now and your E should be available again. E, R stun again. W,Q,ignite, they are now dead.

Unless its garen. You can't kill garen :|

and i disagree that he's squishy. I get rabadons,giants belt, zhonyas then rylai. By the time i get zhonya's i have about 300 armour. After rylai, i tank turrets for the team.


I tried running up to a xerath as riven, and promptly got stunned and triple-ulted, so it can be tricky.

Regarding Vayne, I think she's one of the champions that can be really good but is hard to play well. Take Shaco. Bad/new Shaco is hardly any threat to anyone, but a really good Shaco is a nightmare. Vayne can snowball so hard she starts 3-shotting people, but if she does poorly then she seems nearly as squishy as Ashe.



Let see what happens. Top and mid was losing like hell in the beginning, while bot was holding. We were like 10+ kills behind until mid-game where we were able to win all of our team battle. We got baron twice, each time wiping them out and was able to push, allowing us to reverse our fortune. I was able to get quadra-kill as kayle and a largest killing spree of 10 (our team totally tank those guys while i just splash them all to death). They surrender when we were at inhibitor tower where I had 3k gold to use.

Oh also we (as in soraka and I) raped their magic resist in team battle XD

I have no idea how we won this game. Ad Sona? Ap Shaco? Galio leading the team in kills? They were all level 30 too with at least 300 wins each. Ridiculous.

Edit: Holy crap that photo got blurry along the way to Photobucket. Whatevs.


Corporate Apologist
FlightOfHeaven said:
Aura Taric is so hilarious.
I don't see what makes him funny. It does make it easy for the enemy to over look him though, since just standing in the right spot can really up the damage output and survivability of some people (Though is a bit boring to play)


fought against a phoenix udyr

all he did was farm and backdoor

fucking cunt, it was more or less a tanky yi

i hope he dies in a fire


Hybrid Taric is best. A mix of support items, tank items, and damage items. Lately I've been buying Nashor's Tooth on him and it's really the perfect item for him. People will vastly under-estimate how much damage you can put out, you are tough to kill, and your team will love you for your auras, heals, and stun.


Dmorr07 said:
Is Super Teemo going to be a Halloween skin? Haven't played LoL during a holiday yet so I don't know how they announce them but that skin could definetly be a costume. When do they normally announce/reveal all the skins for a holiday and how long do we have to buy them?
No, the Halloween skins are quite distinguished. The Teemo skin is going on sale this Monday.


been playing AD Sion lately Dominion with my full crit chance rune page. When I hit roughly 70% crit chance its pretty much over. His ult is so hilarious for sustain.
Anyone here play Nasus regularly? I'm finally branching out from Morgana into other heroes.

I usually start with philosopher's stone and shoes. Then after that spirit visage, shuryla's reverie (from philosopher), and the later triforce (depending on how soon I want damage dealing as opposed to tank). Any tips on how to build Nasus?


I usually go Philosopher's Stone and level 1 boots. Then I get Sheen (upgrade later to Trinity Force), Shurelia, level 2 boots (Mercury's Treads) and finish off Trinity Force. I find that an early Sheen helps a lot in solo lane and makes you more scary early on. I'd probably skip Spirited Visage and save up for Force of Nature.


I don't get philo on nasus...

I only play him if i can get solo top. When i do get solo top, i start with doran's shield. For the entire laning phase i let the minions push to my turret so i can farm my Q. I usually outfarm my opponents by at least 20 since they always try to harass me and not farm. After level 6, i get low and try to bait them into tower diving. When they do i ult and get a kill.

My build is doran's shield, first b i get boots and a mana crystal and as many pots as i can (or a sheen if i can rush it.

After that i get merc treads, sheen, phage.

If i'm fed i rush trinity, if not i go for sunfire/banshee then trinity. Get GA after that.


It's retarded how well Tryndamere scales into late game. Just played against a 3/15/2 Tryndamere that did a 180 when we reached the 40 minute mark. Then he suddenly started a killing streak of 10 whereas our 4/0/0 Leblanc became useless and kept on feeding him. We were completely dominating the game until then, but our carries were unable to capitalize on the advantage and end the game. As support Soraka I could only stand by and watch my team get slaughtered - they counterpicked Malzahar instead of a support :/


bjaelke said:
It's retarded how well Tryndamere scales into late game. Just played against a 3/15/2 Tryndamere that did a 180 when we reached the 40 minute mark. Then he suddenly started a killing streak of 10 whereas our 4/0/0 Leblanc became useless and kept on feeding him. We were completely dominating the game until then, but our carries were unable to capitalize on the advantage and end the game. As support Soraka I could only stand by and watch my team get slaughtered - they counterpicked Malzahar instead of a support :/

you cant really stop trynd's scaling into late game unless riot puts a limit to much ad he can get.

I think trynd is balanced the way he is right now since he can be countered so easily


Ferga said:
you cant really stop trynd's scaling into late game unless riot puts a limit to much ad he can get.

I think trynd is balanced the way he is right now since he can be countered so easily
Yes he is easily countered and it was our own fault that he even got back into the game. I was just very frustrated afterwards, because we had the chance to finish the game within the first 30 minutes.
bjaelke said:
Yes he is easily countered and it was our own fault that he even got back into the game. I was just very frustrated afterwards, because we had the chance to finish the game within the first 30 minutes.

yay balance! (for serious)
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