Nome said:
My game plan for solo ranked is to jungle. Least dependent on your allies that way!
Jungling is to for most part, dependant on ganks. If you have a shitty mid and solo top then you will just fall behind. Usually in this situation you'd want to TRY to help them with focusing on getting bot to work being the backup plan but any team with a half a brain can just defend bot with their mid or something. Then the game drags into a situation where you're getting no real EXP because you've killed the laning phase early.
I've found relative success with playing offbeat mids/strong solo tops/Galio and Malphite to stomp those AP/AD heavy teams.
For me, getting out of ELO Hell is playing Swain Mid, Renekton/Galio Solo Top, Malphite/Leona/Nunu bot.
Swain tends to be a low ELO master because most mids will get caught in your roots at that level so you'd most likely eat them. Renekton/Galio work well solo top because some games the enemy team doesn't have a jungler and they both do a good 1v2 lane. (Galio's Shield, Renekton's Lifesteal/Ult Tankiness/Kicking Ass)
With Bot Malphite, Leona and Nunu all help your partner win the lane. Nunu can just iceball bully, consume for infinate sustain and generally keep shit off your carry. Malphite can just poke them to death and Leona will keep them in one place so your partner can theoritically kill them.
Or you can just instalock Gangplank.