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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Don't know much else I could have done :/


FutureZombie said:
So how do you decide when to stack Dorans, and when not to?
a) you're farming poorly
b) you're in lane against high damage nukers, or having trouble surviving early ganks


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If you find yourself back at base fairly often just spend your available funds on Doran's items instead of saving up for something big.

Usually kind of weird to have more than three of them though.


I have come to the conclusion that no matter how WELL I do as talon...it just won't happen for me. I will not get a W with him.

Ok, I have now officially resigned Madred's Bloodrazors forever in favor of Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer. They outclass Madred's combined with whatever 90% of games.

Tonight I had a dominion game that went really long and built Berserker's Greavers, IE, PD, Malady, Nashor's Tooth, and Stark's. I was literally unkillable I was going so much damage so fast.

I could 3-shot Ashe on autoattack and melt a fully built Ali using his ult in a second and a half.

Shit is insane.


the next ashe that i support taric with that whines to me about getting ganked by a jungler because she keeps overextending by constantly using volley on minions is going to get a visit from me and my fist irl


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
cdyhybrid said:
Any tips for playing Jax? Just unlocked him, he seems interesting.
Hit and run early game.

Don't be afraid to man up when you're fighting an auto attacker.

Avoid AP because they melt you.


Gunblade is unfair on him, Rageblade is also good.
Ferny said:
I have come to the conclusion that no matter how WELL I do as talon...it just won't happen for me. I will not get a W with him.


I hear you. Talon is the champ I have the most fun with, but no matter how well you do, you cannot carry a team as Talon.

My match history is riddled 2/3:1 ratio losses, but so it goes.
Mister Wilhelm said:
Ok, I have now officially resigned Madred's Bloodrazors forever in favor of Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer. They outclass Madred's combined with whatever 90% of games.

Tonight I had a dominion game that went really long and built Berserker's Greavers, IE, PD, Malady, Nashor's Tooth, and Stark's. I was literally unkillable I was going so much damage so fast.

I could 3-shot Ashe on autoattack and melt a fully built Ali using his ult in a second and a half.

Shit is insane.
madred's bloodrazor is a shit item.
30 damage 25 armor 40 attack speed plus 4% enemy HP as bonus magic damage not worth 3800 gold. with 270 more gold, you can get trinity force which gives you insane amount bonuses.
madreds is only worth buyin if its 3000 or it does 4% true damage instead of magic damage.

for 3800 gold, infinity edege is definitely a better choice. that's why everyone buys infinity edge and nobody buy madreds in the conpetitive scene


Madred's is only good if the enemy is stacking Thornmails or armor/hp. I like to get it on Kog'maw because he can attack from far away and tear tanks apart before they get to initiate.


cdyhybrid said:
Any tips for playing Jax? Just unlocked him, he seems interesting.
When you buy a Gunblade, you finally become a man.
FutureZombie said:
So how do you decide when to stack Dorans, and when not to?
You develop a massive gold advantage really, really quickly (say, get 3 kills in 5 minutes) as an AD carry. Your mid matchup has strong burst (Most caster matchups). The enemy jungler has a strong burst gank that you can't protect yourself from.


formerly sane
Ladyboy101 said:
madred's bloodrazor is a shit item.
30 damage 25 armor 40 attack speed plus 4% enemy HP as bonus magic damage not worth 3800 gold. with 270 more gold, you can get trinity force which gives you insane amount bonuses.
madreds is only worth buyin if its 3000 or it does 4% true damage instead of magic damage.

for 3800 gold, infinity edege is definitely a better choice. that's why everyone buys infinity edge and nobody buy madreds in the conpetitive scene

Someone just mentioned the big reason why you get bloodrazor. Also bloodrazor is usually being stacked with other decent ap items ie malady and the like it's supplemental one that when used right makes anyone with health disappear.

The game in general is about itemization based on the enemy you fight if you don't see the value in bloodrazor watch one day as teemo, warwick, or udyr leave no doubts as to its usefulness. Same for any team with heimer and soraka lowering all the mr you will basically get near or negative ap damage.

Steaks said:
When you buy a Gunblade, you finally become a man.

Not in the next patch that broke item gets what it gets finally.
bjaelke said:
Madred's is only good if the enemy is stacking Thornmails or armor/hp. I like to get it on Kog'maw because he can attack from far away and tear tanks apart before they get to initiate.
magic damage can be reduced by magic resis, so essentially you are dealin like 1-2% max hp of a tank as bonus each hit. that is nothing, absofuckinlutely nothing.


Ladyboy101 said:
magic damage can be reduced by magic resis, so essentially you are dealin like 1-2% max hp of a tank as bonus each hit. that is nothing, absofuckinlutely nothing.
In reality, you're getting closer to 50-60 bonus damage vs both squishies and tanks alike. The larger problem isn't that though, the larger problem is Madreds means you cannot itemize for penetration to make it do more damage. So even if Inf Edge and Madred's were equally damaging, a Last Whisper means you are doing more damage with the Infinity Edge than the Madred's, and most of your damage besides the Madred's is from a physical source, so that will be your primary penetration item.


Ladyboy101 said:
magic damage can be reduced by magic resis, so essentially you are dealin like 1-2% max hp of a tank as bonus each hit. that is nothing, absofuckinlutely nothing.
I'm saying against those that don't stack MR. If a tank is stacking a lot of armor, you're forcing him to also get MR if he wants to survive and tanks are often slow at farming compared to that AD carry with MBR. It often depends on the other team and how they're doing/building. It's great against Cho'Gath for instance whereas you might pick another item against Galio.

Warwick is another champion that benefits a lot from it since he deals both physical and magical damage and it builds from the cloth armor.

MBR also means easy dragon, baron and lizard (especially if you're at 2.5 AS).



Wow, after a losing streak of about 5-6 games today I finally won a game, and what a game it was.

Game started off with us trying to protect our jungler & his blue golem, I was chilling up in top lane just waiting for the minions when akali gets caught out of position and dies to a 5-man level 1 gank, we kill one of theirs but they kill another one of ours, not the best start to a game.

I'd decided to try out a new Irelia build this game and it actually worked really well. I was against Jax & Rumble solo-top lane and I could easily beat Jax but Rumble was just breaking my balls the entire time. Died like four times in the early game because of Rumble :(

We were getting raped pretty damned hard i the early game, they took out our three outer turrets fairly quickly but we started to get all the dragon's, playing aggressive as a team and winning the team fights (my last minute decision to swap out ignite for exhaust was the best decision I made all game long). I actually pulled up a surrender vote at 20 because I'd lost all hope, but then we went four for zero in a team fight and took a turret & baron/dragon (can't remember).

Awesome game <3

Oh, and FYI Soraka was a level seven with nine wins. I don't know if she was a smurf or something because the other four guys on their team were all level 27+ with two 30's that had like 500+ wins each.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
bjaelke said:
3rd place game starting now

I know it has a limit. Someone on the NA forum did the calculations and proved it was worthwhile getting over IE in certain situations. One of them was on Baron.
Kennen, Amumu, Leona, Ashe. Look how much better the picks get when people aren't all using the same strats.


One of the Chinese teams in the qualification for WCG2011 were running Twitch & Karma (top), Heimer (mid) and Eve & Skarner (bot). I stopped watching after the other team went up by 10-0 in kills!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sypher might have won with a real Support and not Leona. Don't know why they wouldn't take Taric or something instead of her.


LOL Hotshot carried so hard, Chauster sucked bad, Jiji did too.
Awesome game but CLG didn't deserve the win, real sloppy play.

And LOL EU banned Nidalee game 2 :D

EDIT: also Elementz's 32 assists out of 38 kills was LOL.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Top lane wins games. CLG team comp was super low damage. Double assassins comp is dominating by the way.


CLG should have kept initiating on trist or someone else, that nasus was too beefy. Brand and Cait kept getting owned before they could get nasus to 50%

Part of it was rammus initiating before anyone else was in range though.
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