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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Dmorr07 said:
On the LoL forums there was a link posted showing off what may be the Halloween skins and Graves' two extra skins. The characters they picked is a little disappointing but at least some look good. Halloween skins are in the first post and the Graves skins are on page 5. Is the Halloween stuff going to be annouced/available tomorrow?


Not seeing the graves skins but they finally made surprise party fiddle. that idea was fucking amazing when some forum member over on the pvp.net boards came up with it.


How is Riven? I don't see her often.. Is she fun? Not UP?

Trying to decide which champ to get next and I'm running out of options. Getting the point where I don't REALLY want any of them. At least not that badly.


Kod1ak said:
How is Riven? I don't see her often.. Is she fun? Not UP?

Trying to decide which champ to get next and I'm running out of options. Getting the point where I don't REALLY want any of them. At least not that badly.
I think she, Teemo, and maybe Nidalee are some of the champions that I have the most fun with, or at least as much fun as is possible in this terrible game where I'm raging all the time. ;p

Seriously though, I guess I don't think of LoL champion mechanics as "fun" per se, but Riven has pretty low cooldowns so you can be mashing buttons most of the time. Since they buffed her shortly after she came out, she's okay. I get the impression that you really want to coordinate with your team BEFORE picking her, however, since I think she's best with a ranged partner or a good ranged support in lane, or MAYBE in jungle. I really don't think she's viable as solo or mid.

You also need to be around your teammates most of the time, since the stun is so short. You might be able to ult and take down one squishy enemy if they're off by themselves, but that's about it unless you're super fed.

Long story short, I think she's probably not as good as most ADs, but I think she's fun.


Kod1ak said:
How is Riven? I don't see her often.. Is she fun? Not UP?

Trying to decide which champ to get next and I'm running out of options. Getting the point where I don't REALLY want any of them. At least not that badly.

My favorite hero currently. I'd say she's average as far as tiers go. She comes out really strong out of the gates (with a dorans), the only trouble is she has to put herself in danger to use it. Like Blizzard said, if you have a good lane partner you can potentially bully your opponents and farm really well (least at lvl 3). They key is to be very hit and run. Using your E and Q's for mobility. Rush in with E to give yourself shield, W to stun an enemy, Q ->AA then use your remaining Q's to escape. If you score an early kill and get a brutalizer asap you're golden.

If you're not able to play aggressively, either cause your lane partner sucks or your opponents have way better harrass then you'll be hurting good.


Ugh.. just had a first pick Sion on my team that proceeded to go AP in Dominion. I died a little inside when his first item was a blasting wand. He told me he knew what he was doing, and did nothing but feed.


Blizzard said:
In terms of being support, or in terms of not having to aim (besides the ult)? Soraka is a support champion who gives health and mana, and she has an auto-target area attack. Janna is a support champion who can shield and buff an ally, but you have to aim one of her attacks.

With both of them, you still have to click on people to do stuff.
Both? Not having to aim really helps during hectic battles. I'm not exactly used to that yet. I'll definitely try those heroes you mentioned if ever they come on the free rotation. Thanks!


man i was hoping to get a graves skin but those look iffy...i need to see in game models

or i'll just spend another 5 bux and grab the blitz skin


Deadly said:
Both? Not having to aim really helps during hectic battles. I'm not exactly used to that yet. I'll definitely try those heroes you mentioned if ever they come on the free rotation. Thanks!
Taric is another support person (and he doesn't have skillshots), but he's a bit of a tank which may or may not be your thing. The main thing is, Sona is like the only champion that has nearly everything auto-target. With everyone else, you have to at least move the mouse to the target, which just takes practice.

I've played like a billion games, and I -still- lose the yellow hand mouse cursor when there are 200 minions and 10 champions near the nexus area. :( I have to move it all around until I find it again.

Also, I just now noticed that surprise party Fiddle's big hand says "Es #1". XD



Jesus christ...Sometimes no matter how well you pay, the rest of the team will just fuck it all up.

I thought the game started off really well with me & Sona bottom lane, Ryze solo mid and Kat & Jax up top. I was against their Kat and Wukong who wouldn't poke me at all so I just kept harassing, then they turret dived Sona twice (they got the kill) but I killed them both, ending up like 4-0 by 12 minutes.

And then Ryze died to Annie, Jax was getting outplayed by Skarner and Irelia was just wiping the floor with Katarina. To be fair though, Sona was actually playing really well (except that she placed almost zero wards, otherwise she was doing well keeping us alive & using her ult).

If Kat is free again this week, I'm going to murder someone.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Also, I just now noticed that surprise party Fiddle's big hand says "Es #1". XD
It's not real concept art. It's the original fan piece.


I don't mean to be rude, but if you look at the enemy team ratios, they were pretty good across the board except for Kat (which was similar to your Kat but with a bunch more assists). Just seems like a decent team. Their team as a whole had like 20k more gold, presumably due to the 20 more kills. And 7 deaths is a whole lot for Caitlyn, though they might not be your fault of course. I went like 11/4/whatever with Caitlyn and still lost in a GAF vs. pub game, and of course I'm not by any means a great Caitlyn player.

Rayven, I wish the end of game scoreboards still showed tower kills, since towers win games and all that.

It's not real concept art. It's the original fan piece.
Awww. ;(


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
All deaths are your own fault.

You also should've built a Black Cleaver instead of a Last Whisper.


Dance In My Blood said:
All deaths are your own fault.

You also should've built a Black Cleaver instead of a Last Whisper.

Game was over and I just wanted to build random stuff. I was going for Warmogs next.

Blizzard said:
I don't mean to be rude, but if you look at the enemy team ratios, they were pretty good across the board except for Kat (which was similar to your Kat but with a bunch more assists). Just seems like a decent team. Their team as a whole had like 20k more gold, presumably due to the 20 more kills. And 7 deaths is a whole lot for Caitlyn, though they might not be your fault of course. I went like 11/4/whatever with Caitlyn and still lost in a GAF vs. pub game, and of course I'm not by any means a great Caitlyn player.

About three of my deaths were my fault. The rest of my deaths came at the end when I just started running into the group them whilst they were killing our base turrets & inhibs seeing if I could snipe some.


I'm loving Gragas!

Such a high magic damage maxed and quite easy to farm.
Love my barrel rolls. :)

Although i did have a losing streak all evening since i was playing with my lvl 4-6 friends and they keep feeding and not doing well enough against other lvl 12+


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I've come to the conclusion I can pretty much do whatever the heck I want on Gangplank and win. I can go top and bruiser. I can go bot and AD carry or support. I can go mid and do either. I can jungle and go bruiser/tank/crit. Such an overpowered champion.


Dance In My Blood said:
I've come to the conclusion I can pretty much do whatever the heck I want on Gangplank and win. I can go top and bruiser. I can go bot and AD carry or support. I can go mid and do either. I can jungle and go bruiser/tank/crit. Such an overpowered champion.
Teach me! I don't remember what happened when I would try Gangplank, but I tried like, jungling and laning and a bunch of different builds, and got told two or three different contradictory things in this thread, and none of it worked very well. Mostly I don't know what to do when my autoattacks don't do much damage, and I'm alone or nearly alone in a lane versus two laned champions who outrange me and will hit me with stuns and damage any time I try to last hit minions. If I get pushed back to the tower then the tower will steal most of the last hits I think. :|


FutureZombie said:
Using Kayle's ultimate is incredibly fun. So good on assassins.

I've only used her a couple times, but everytime I have I've done really well. One the few characters where the recommended builds seem really good.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Teach me! I don't remember what happened when I would try Gangplank, but I tried like, jungling and laning and a bunch of different builds, and got told two or three different contradictory things in this thread, and none of it worked very well. Mostly I don't know what to do when my autoattacks don't do much damage, and I'm alone or nearly alone in a lane versus two laned champions who outrange me and will hit me with stuns and damage any time I try to last hit minions. If I get pushed back to the tower then the tower will steal most of the last hits I think. :|
I don't really understand. If you're 1v2 just sit under the tower and don't expect to do anything fancy. You should really learn to pick up as many kills as you can while under your tower. Just watch how much damage it does and determine if you should hit before and after it goes off on a minion, or just after. This is important for any solo top champ.

1v2 situations are pretty rare though. In a normal situation you should be able to push out more. It's all about controlling as much of the minion wave as possible. Q is great for farm, but it works better after you put a few points into it so you can get some gold back. Before that it's usually better to try and bully people out of the lane with Q. Gangplank can win loads of 1v1 scenarios, but the key is to avoid being in melee combat until you're closing in for a kill or know you can't run away. GP is one of the fastest champions in the game so you can just hang around the edge of the range on your Q and pop in to hit them whenever it's up if you have the mana for it and they're not a regen champ. It is almost impossible to die or get ganked as GP if you're playing like this, because with Raise Morale and your W you can pretty consistently escape certain death.

If they are a regen heavy champ just outfarm them in lane. You will always have more gold than your opponent because of Parrley.

If you're going this playstyle understand that Sheen is kind of garbage. Lots of people build Sheen and then play GP with a Parrley focus, which is wrong. Crit is huge. Armor penetration is huge. Attack damage is huge. Life steal is great on GP as well early game, especially because it procs off his Q. Don't be afraid to grab a Vampiric Scepter on your first back for lane sustain if you're having a tough lane. Builds always vary. Brutalizer is good if you're bullying enemy champions early game, but if you're farming it's less effective than going for straight attack damage and crit. Be aware of what's going on around the map and land your ult to help out teammates and for free assists and kills, or as a means of getting away from ganks if the rest of your kit isn't enough. His ult can also be a great way of going back to base without worrying that your turret will get killed, so you shouldn't really even need to run teleport with him at top.

Infinity Edge can be really strong on him if you're going crit heavy. Just keep building damage until you start to feel like your life is in danger, or you're dying. Then build tanky if necessary. I run ARP reds, CDR blues and armor yellows usually, with one health quint and two movespeed quints.


But isn't an assassin with huge burst damage based on AD, meaning he also gets high autoattack damage, a great concept?
A gap closer with a short silence attached and stealth for escapes are merely side topics.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
red_13th said:
But isn't an assassin with huge burst damage based on AD, meaning he also gets high autoattack damage, a great concept?
A gap closer with a short silence attached and stealth for escapes are merely side topics.
His ultimate is the reason he's viable. Other high burst champions based on AD like Riven don't get run, but his ability to jump in and out of combat and to have that great escapability can really help keep him alive. I was unsure about how he'd fit into top, but he has great farm in mid/late game.
why kassadin on top of the list? he's not that great. I used to main him and played him over at least 300 matches in solo que, my conclusion, he's not able to carry entire team to victory eventhough got fed like a mofo in early stage. infact, i felt all ap casters can't do it, only tanky DPS can (the onese can constantly output damage without cold down restriction and has tons of sustain to withstand enemy damage. ie: gangplank, garen, tryndamere). that's why I dont play him or anyother ap casters anymore.


Ladyboy101 said:
why kassadin on top of the list? he's not that great. I used to main him and played him over at least 300 matches in solo que, my conclusion, he's not able to carry entire team to victory

A champion being a super carry or not doesn't have much to do with whether that champion is viable in a team-based competition. I don't really see what your point is. "Kass isn't a guaranteed win in solo queue so he must be unpopular in team competitions"? Cass and Kog'maw aren't great in solo queue either, yet they were the two most popular champions in this competition.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ladyboy101 said:
why kassadin on top of the list? he's not that great. I used to main him and played him over at least 300 matches in solo que, my conclusion, he's not able to carry entire team to victory eventhough got fed like a mofo in early stage. infact, i felt all ap casters can't do it, only tanky DPS can (the onese can constantly output damage without cold down restriction and has tons of sustain to withstand enemy damage. ie: gangplank, garen, tryndamere). that's why I dont play him or anyother ap casters anymore.
I'm not really sure who can carry harder than Kass. Warp in to team fights and sweep up. Garen can't carry lategame, and Trynd can't carry against anyone in solo queue who knows to take exhaust.

Drrminion still kind of seems dumb, but I'm posting this because it's always funny to me when I tear apart CC heavy teams with Kat.
i just dont see the value of ap casters during CD. like for kass, wtf am i gonna do when my Q is cd and E is not available(need 4,5 spells of charge) and enemy DPS is running away wonded, am I supposed to rifwalk in and auto attack? guess what, they just turn around and autoattack me back and kill me while they get their life back through lifesteal.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
markot said:
No Teemo?!
He's on the list. He's just invisible.

The free champion rotation this week is really underwhelming. Amumu, Ashe, Annie, Cho, Soraka, Yi, and Nasus all on the same week is kind of...lazy or something.
Ladyboy101 said:
i just dont see the value of ap casters during CD. like for kass, wtf am i gonna do when my Q is cd and E is not available(need 4,5 spells of charge) and enemy DPS is running away wonded, am I supposed to rifwalk in and auto attack? guess what, they just turn around and autoattack me back and kill me while they get their life back through lifesteal.
Uh, what. Kass has alright auto-attack if you apply your W. That's all it should take if your enemy is wounded. Gear/rune for CDR if it's that much of an issue also. It's not like everyone in the high ELO bracket is playing bruisers. They got there playing a variety of roles. Double AP was the name of the game at IEM. There are a lot of strong AP champions.
Dance In My Blood said:
He's on the list. He's just invisible.

The free champion rotation this week is really underwhelming. Amumu, Ashe, Annie, Cho, Soraka, Yi, and Nasus all on the same week is kind of...lazy or something.

Uh, what. Kass has alright auto-attack if you apply your W. That's all it should take if your enemy is wounded. Gear/rune for CDR if it's that much of an issue also. It's not like everyone in the high ELO bracket is playing bruisers. They got there playing a variety of roles. Double AP was the name of the game at IEM. There are a lot of strong AP champions.
during late game, W is not enough if they have any lifesteal item besides doran's. they dont lose HP, they gain HP back from you. you know how embarrassing how humiliating how frustrating that is to see a DPS who has 1/5 of their HP, you go in, then not only they dont die, but they get more HP and possibly killin you, the hunter become the hunted. I had this kind of experience too many times.
Ladyboy101 said:
during late game, W is not enough if they have any lifesteal item besides doran's. they dont lose HP, they gain HP back from you. you know how embarrassing how humiliating how frustrating that is to see a DPS who has 1/5 of their HP, you go in, then not only they dont die, but they get more HP and possibly killin you, the hunter become the hunted. I had this kind of experience too many times.

Poor decision making then. You should be able to know when to go in. If they have a Trynd at low health, no ulti, but a shit ton of Lifesteal/Crit, and you have no way to burst him down, plan on running the fuck away, don't engage.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ladyboy101 said:
during late game, W is not enough if they have any lifesteal item besides doran's. they dont lose HP, they gain HP back from you. you know how embarrassing how humiliating how frustrating that is to see a DPS who has 1/5 of their HP, you go in, then not only they dont die, but they get more HP and possibly killin you, the hunter become the hunted. I had this kind of experience too many times.
I dunno what to tell you. Build up riftwalk stacks while you're waiting and jump in on them for extra damage. Doing that also brings you closer to having force pulse up again. It's not that hard to make force pulse available to use. He's an anti-caster mage, of course there are some champion types like lifesteal melee that won't be easy targets for him. You don't have to kill everyone to win though.


sparkle this bitch
Played a few games since I ended up getting sick...again. Lol.

What are with all these try hard Cait/Taric dual bottoms? Three games in a row. Its like people playing Soraka in normal!
FutureZombie said:
Xerath free this week! Really excited to try him.


Wish I bought my AP caster runes before my jungle set.

Rokal said:
Cass and Kog'maw aren't great in solo queue either, yet they were the two most popular champions in this competition.

I lose 1/3 games solo ranked with Kog. Much less when not ranked.

markot said:
No Teemo?!

He is not viable.

Dance In My Blood said:
The free champion rotation this week is really underwhelming. Amumu, Ashe, Annie, Cho, Soraka, Yi, and Nasus all on the same week is kind of...lazy or something.

Lazy, classic, whatever. I would like to see Twitch or some more obscure champs go on. He's the only guy I haven't touched yet.
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