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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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so proud of this one. yi raged out two minutes from the end xd


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mister Wilhelm said:
Lazy, classic, whatever. I would like to see Twitch or some more obscure champs go on. He's the only guy I haven't touched yet.
I don't think Riot will make any of the stealth based champions free to play until the rework.
Dance In My Blood said:
I dunno what to tell you. Build up riftwalk stacks while you're waiting and jump in on them for extra damage. Doing that also brings you closer to having force pulse up again. It's not that hard to make force pulse available to use. He's an anti-caster mage, of course there are some champion types like lifesteal melee that won't be easy targets for him. You don't have to kill everyone to win though.
i think building kass AD solves everything. just finished this match, i wass entitled as "one man army." i could go 1v1 anyone


Ladyboy101 said:
i think building kass AD solves everything. just finished this match, i wass entitled as "one man army." i could go 1v1 anyone
http://i53.tinypic.com/200bgj4.png[/I MG][/QUOTE]

is there any reason u are hiding ur in game name?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Did you just break up with someone over facebook and then tried to drown your sorrows in league?


I think she broke up with him and he's using the front of LoL to make it seem as if he doesn't care or isn't hurt when deep inside he's shattered.

Halycon said:
Did you just break up with someone over facebook and then played LOL because she was lame and you didn't care anyways?


Also, I cut out the fifteen minutes of dialog prior to this. She initiated the conversation, I finished it.


I felt awkward, then bad, then read "this is a tense moment for me" and cracked up. Hope it works out well for both of you I guess? :X

Also, I know it's just intermediate bots, but I had an akali on my team build snowball items and go 59/2/10. That might be the first time I've seen someone go over 50 bot kills (30-35 minutes?) though I imagine you can farm 100+ if you're incredibly bored or something. We were just slow to push. I tried jungle Riven instead of lane for the first time, and was 11/0/30. Again, it was just the bot game, but it seemed to work okay. I probably should have bought boots earlier. I like Riven even though there are probably better options...kinda like Teemo I suppose. :/ Why must I use underpowered champions! I'm undecided what to take with smite though. I used flash because that's standard for junglers, but a solomid guide suggested ghost, and someone else mentioned exhaust (which could be good for ganking).

Speaking of Taric + Caitlyn, I tried that combination myself a day or two ago and it definitely seems like a good one. Is there something wrong with it, or just overused?


Mister Wilhelm said:

Also, I cut out the fifteen minutes of dialog prior to this. She initiated the conversation, I finished it.

not very wisely... The whole shpeel about the banker and cats was kind of lame man. i understand the emotional situation but man you need to be aware of what you put out in public. you really didnt flatter yourself with what you posted.

if i am missing some joke there then oh well.


Just tried Skarner vs. bots to have fun. Ended up having to carry our team. He was incredibly fun surprisingly, very mobile. Now I'm excited for the buff he's getting.


Dance In My Blood said:
Run this for Kayle: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=806

If you want to junlge you should really have runes geared for that. If you're just starting I consider Amumu, Yi, Warwick, Nunu, and Fiddlesticks to be cheap characters that can jungle well. If you want to spend more and play easy mode buy Nocturne.

Here is a very basic jungling guide: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=4307

Hi, thanks for the tips. Is it best to practice with various heroes while or blow all your IP on runes? The guide's logic is nice but I'm no where near that level for masteries, nor have enough IP for those crazy runes. In fact, I don't even have my first rune. >_>
This runing business is starting to look a lot like a long term investment and I'm not sure I should be investing it onto someone like Kayle.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The client if ditzy as heck tonight. Hate this game because of it sometimes. Had two ranked games in a row where someone on my team could not see or pick their champion. Had it happen to me during a ban where none of them showed up. Had someone completely D/C for the whole game and of course the other team would brag the whole time about how we didn't take any towers in a 4v5. I don't understand why the game still counts the loss in the event of a teammate D/Cing like that, or why it boots up even though they clearly aren't there.
Mephala said:
Hi, thanks for the tips. Is it best to practice with various heroes while or blow all your IP on runes? The guide's logic is nice but I'm no where near that level for masteries, nor have enough IP for those crazy runes. In fact, I don't even have my first rune. >_>
This runing business is starting to look a lot like a long term investment and I'm not sure I should be investing it onto someone like Kayle.
Just keep playing free week heroes and save your IP for the most part. Cheap champions are always good purchases though if you know you like them. Jungling without runes is really kind of a tough task, and I would recommend just putting it off until you have some. Just save a decent amount of IP for when you hit 20 and buy tier three runes, buying runes before then is kind of a waste. Even without the runes you can still follow the item build and leveling path on the guide.


Mister Wilhelm said:
Lazy, classic, whatever. I would like to see Twitch or some more obscure champs go on. He's the only guy I haven't touched yet.
Twitch is actually quite fun to jungle with. He was my first 6300 champion and after the nerfs I didn't touch him for a very long time. Just recently I found a viable jungle guide for him and now I'm starting to come around again.

And yes, this week is pretty dull. Only looking forward to try out Jarvan.


i want the damn patch notes riot!

i'm fine with the 1-day delay, but I wanna see what the patch will actually change!

i'm assuming riot doesn't release until right up till patch day for last-minute tweaks?

Rawk Hawk

Been skimming through a lot of this thread, think I'm going to give this game a go. Suggestions for champions for beginners? I think I'd like asupport, always enjoyed healing/buffing in MMO's I've played, not sure how close this would be to that though.


Rawk Hawk said:
Been skimming through a lot of this thread, think I'm going to give this game a go. Suggestions for champions for beginners? I think I'd like asupport, always enjoyed healing/buffing in MMO's I've played, not sure how close this would be to that though.
Soraka is free this week. Very straight forward support champion that can also do some damage. Otherwise you can get Alistar for free by subscribing to their Youtube channel. He's a tankier support with some good crowd control.


Second-rate Anihawk
Rawk Hawk said:
Been skimming through a lot of this thread, think I'm going to give this game a go. Suggestions for champions for beginners? I think I'd like asupport, always enjoyed healing/buffing in MMO's I've played, not sure how close this would be to that though.

Soraka, Sona, Janna, Taric, Karma

Rawk Hawk

bjaelke said:
Soraka is free this week. Very straight forward support champion that can also do some damage. Otherwise you can get Alistar for free by subscribing to their Youtube channel. He's a tankier support with some good crowd control.
Perfect, I'll read up on Soraka at work today so I'll be prepared for tonight, haha.

That's good to know about Alistar, I'll have to create an account on youtube and pick him up as well, thanks for the help.


Second-rate Anihawk
She is the worst character in the game who contributes absolutely nothing to a team outside of some mediocre sustain in the laning phase.


Her mechanics are broken, underwhelming (in power) and difficult to master + there are far better alternatives. She's interesting on paper, but the execution is poor and unsatisfying. Might be one of the least played champions in the game next to Eve, Skarner and Sivir.


I think I had every single tower kill last game as Nasus. Goddamn team refused to push because they'd be too busy trying to gank in the jungle or straight up farming. I can't wait until I don't have to play with these people anymore.
Archie said:
She is the worst character in the game who contributes absolutely nothing to a team outside of some mediocre sustain in the laning phase.

She is terrible but I actually had an amazing Karma player on a 3v3 TT game that went 13-0.

I felt like I was tripping or something.


Ferrio said:
Woo got 20 stacks on sword of occult with Riven.

Ended 18/3/10
I'm guessing you didn't jungle, so who did you lane with, and what was your final build? Did you have any problems avoiding getting focused by the enemy team who presumably should realize that you're building stacks and do everything possible to kill you? (Did you have any other lifesteal/spellvamp/health regen items?)

I never use stack items besides bloodthirster, and losing the 40 AD every death is painful enough, especially late game when you can't find minions to farm without going alone 2/3 across the map. I need to look up the sword of occult price...it would have to be really cheap to feel better than bloodthirster to me, considering that even if you die, bloodthirster gives you the 60AD plus lifesteal, right?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Went 6/1/3 as Xerath on my first game. Like his playstyle a lot, although the other team didn't have a good jungler so maybe I'll get shut down hard in another game. Hopefully I can play as him again, everyone on earth seems to want to dodge Xeraths.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
CrazedProfessional said:
Xerath doesn't really do that good of a job at much, his range is a mere novelity. a poor mans kogmaw with a shitty autoattack.
Funny, I was actually pretty impressed with his auto-attack compared to other mages. Good response time for farming.

He can put out a lot of damage, and his Q and ult can both hit multiple targets, often from a good distance away. He's a good bully in the lane, a pretty decent farmer, and he can push hard if he needs to. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in competitive play eventually.


So I watched videos, read guides, and Master Yi looked really appealing so I bought him. Y'all suggested to avoid tier 2 runes anyways so I had money. Any tips for him for someone who still makes stupid mistakes?


I still have yet to see a Xerath since he launched. It is completely baffling. When Wukong/Talon/Skarner/Riven launched, I couldn't avoid a game without 1 of them on each side. It's been 2 weeks and I haven't even seen Xerath pop up on either side.

I wonder if it's related to most people buying champs for Dominion and him being squishy as fuck.


XeroSauce said:
So I watched videos, read guides, and Master Yi looked really appealing so I bought him. Y'all suggested to avoid tier 2 runes anyways so I had money. Any tips for him for someone who still makes stupid mistakes?



I'm guessing you didn't jungle, so who did you lane with, and what was your final build? Did you have any problems avoiding getting focused by the enemy team who presumably should realize that you're building stacks and do everything possible to kill you? (Did you have any other lifesteal/spellvamp/health regen items?)

I never use stack items besides bloodthirster, and losing the 40 AD every death is painful enough, especially late game when you can't find minions to farm without going alone 2/3 across the map. I need to look up the sword of occult price...it would have to be really cheap to feel better than bloodthirster to me, considering that even if you die, bloodthirster gives you the 60AD plus lifesteal, right?

I laned with Tristana. Laned Against Ezreal and Yorick. Their Ezreal turned out to be their carry, and was the only one getting kills at end game. Tristana didn't do much bullying, usually I was the one initiating. Hell, the first 3 kills I got was when she was back at base and they thought they were safe to push me.

Other than Dorans I had no lifesteal untilt he end of the game (started to work on a gunblade). Yes the Ezreal realized I was building stacks ("20 stacks... we lose" or something), and they tried tried their hardest to get me but I played pretty safe. Final build was Merc Treads/Brutalizer/Frozen Mallet/Sword of Occult/Bilgewater Cutless (was going for gunblade)/Atma's Impaler.

Sword of occult is cheap cheap cheap. ~1.4k. Tops out at 110 AD and +15% movement speed. At that point no one is getting away from you. I never used it until a couple days ago, but like I've been saying Riven starts out really strong so it's a great item. I'm starting to work in that if I'm scoring kills early game, I'll grab one before the phage after my brutalizer. After the shoes (treads or not), you can buy a longsword then decide to go phage or sword since they both use it.
I like Master Yi a lot. I'm not a good player, so my only advice is to target a squishy and enter the fight a little late. Jump in a second after a team fight starts and you may be able to use your ult multiple times if you target well.


Wrekt said:
I still have yet to see a Xerath since he launched. It is completely baffling. When Wukong/Talon/Skarner/Riven launched, I couldn't avoid a game without 1 of them on each side. It's been 2 weeks and I haven't even seen Xerath pop up on either side.

I wonder if it's related to most people buying champs for Dominion and him being squishy as fuck.
Have you been online today? It's instant lock Xerath or first ban Xerath -> "Summoner X has left the game and you have been placed back in the queue"

Rawk Hawk

I assume people can group up for practice games as well as ranked games? Anyone interesting in some practice rounds around 5 PM EST today? Need to get the basics down.


XeroSauce said:
I immidiatly regret this decision.

But he has cool googles! I tend to play underpowered people (Teemo, Riven, AD Sona)

Yi is just...bad. He'll be decent for one kill in a team fight until passive AoE kills him :p


played xerath for the first time

with no jungler or support


they all started raging at me for getting ganked at mid

xin would just tower dive while usually one of them stood at wolves or something

lol this game sometimes
XeroSauce said:
So I watched videos, read guides, and Master Yi looked really appealing so I bought him. Y'all suggested to avoid tier 2 runes anyways so I had money. Any tips for him for someone who still makes stupid mistakes?

Yi is only at his potential when he jungles.

You won't be able to jungle well without runes.

Good luck.
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